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10537631 No.10537631 [Reply] [Original]

This is going to sound odd, but are there any books about reconciling lost time/oppurtinity, or atleast lamenting over it? Maybe something bordering on psychoanalysis?
I had the chance to interact with a 14 year old in depth over the holidays, and realized that I can trace every one of my problems, no matter how vague, to that age. Honestly, I've had a week to reflect on it. I feel like I'm carrying around a malignant weight, that time and subsequent experience has permanently suffused into the web of my identity, and I'll never be able to pull it out for repair, because it's all there is.
Books, essays or advice for this concern?

>> No.10537768 [DELETED] 

Time is the dearest friend, and absolute nemesis, of those who accompany it's passage. The ever present limit, and incorporeal enabler, time bodes fearful consequence to those who dread it's finite nature, and graces those understand it's limitless truth.

>> No.10537795


Authors who've had near death experiences might be what you'r looking for.

I liked Roald Dahl when I was younger, and Dostoyevsky now.

>> No.10537804

Time is the dearest friend, and absolute nemesis, of those who accompany its passage. The ever present limit, and incorporeal enabler, time bodes fearful consequence to those who dread its finite nature, and graces those who understand its limitless truth.

>> No.10539195

>and graces those who understand its limitless truth.
Did that atleast feel nice to say?

>> No.10539204

Just read being and time

>> No.10539218

The only thing that ever helped me with that problem was embracing amor fati. If you want relief from regret you have to believe that everything that occurs in your life has an inherent purpose.

>> No.10539223

try thinking of the best thing that happened to you in the last year or so and realize that it wouldn't have happened if your life took another course. You can obviously say that other good things would have happened in another life path but that's neither here nor there b/c that path would never have occurred anyway and is only a figment of your imagination.

>> No.10539247
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>try thinking of the best thing that happened to you in the last year or so

>> No.10539250

well you're still alive at least?

>> No.10539255

How has no one mentioned In Search Of Lost Time holy shit

>> No.10539263

> I feel like I'm carrying around a malignant weight, that time and subsequent experience has permanently suffused into the web of my identity, and

Those are just concepts. Concepts can easily change through meditation and seeing things for what they are.

I doubt you are clearly seeing your problem.

>> No.10539274
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>those are just concepts

>> No.10539283

> I feel like I'm carrying around a malignant weight,

A concept created by the mind. The weight does not exist.

> that time and subsequent experience has permanently suffused into the web of my identity,

time is a concept.
experience is all there is

>web of identity

highly conceptualized formulation. usually faulty and leads to suffering.

>> No.10539289

Identity leads to suffering?

>> No.10539296

Came here to post this.

>> No.10539302

So what you want is a book featuring a search...for lost time...
No, I got nothing

>> No.10539305

We're not all stupid enough to believe that bullshit. It's times like these I'm reminded of those age threads, and how many anons are '''18'''. I remember think along similar lines at that age, it's easier I guess

>> No.10539310

Of course, you can find many examples.

By identifying with anything, you wear that concept and think that that's you. This leads you open to vulnerabilities of undertaking that identitiy.

For example: identifying as a straight white male can potentially lead to suffering in some scenarios.

>> No.10539321


>a formulation, fabrication, or an abstract, usually man-made idea

> feel like I'm carrying around a malignant weight,

How can you not say that this is not utterly created by his conceptions? He likely created that weight from the way he views his problems

How can you not say that time is a concept?

>web of identity

What you think you are is merely a damn concept.

Experience is all there is.