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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 718 KB, 1306x790, ishygddt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10537534 No.10537534 [Reply] [Original]

You DO schedule your time to maximize your reading, don't you /lit/?

>> No.10537888

No, but I do get into Oxford.

>> No.10537890

Please don’t post this girl here, she’s innocent.

>> No.10537989

You do get into Oxford? What does that sentence even mean?
This is a recurring thing for you? As in, you get into Oxford frequently? Despite your terrible grasp of the English language?
You DID get into Oxford. Or, to be more accurate, you DIDN'T.

>> No.10538003

the purpose of this thread was to talk about the girl on the pic, just like all the threads with girls on it
Anyway, I fell for the trap and decided to watch a few of her videos,
Quite surprised, she is by no means a pleb, she studies philosophy for 14 hours/day and record that as a proof.
Whatch her videos

>> No.10538024


>> No.10538031

link please she sounds lovely
Oh I loved her flushed countenance from the outset, but that is a whole other attraction

>> No.10538168


10 bucks she will kill herself before she hits 30

>> No.10540051
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>> No.10540061


>> No.10540178
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>those thumbs

>> No.10540192
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Monika waifu

>> No.10540196
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what the fuck is she an ogre or what

>> No.10540197
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da kween

>> No.10540199

She's a literal Hermione rip-off if you couldn't tell by the hanging picture btw

>> No.10540207
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>> No.10540628

Threads like these remind me that /lit/ is the worst board.

>> No.10540831

I only read while on the bus

>> No.10540856

Potter's thumb, bohemian thumb, royal thumb, trolls thumb, murderer's thumb, hitchhiker's thumb, dinosaur thumb, toe thumb, “Down syndrome thumb”, hammer thumb, or money-counter's thumb, are historically colloquial names likely associated with the genetic trait known as brachydactyly type D or BDD. BDD is the classification of a skeletal formation found in one or both hands marked by an abnormally short and round thumb with an accompanying short and wide nail bed. BDD exhibits autosomal dominance and is commonly developed or inherited independently of other hereditary traits.

It's inbreeding

>> No.10540860

>It's inbreeding
I take that back, seems like a rude thing to say in retrospect.

I'm sorry.

>> No.10540901

Stop distracting Ruby. She's studying.

>> No.10540950

how does someone who studies 14 hours a day not get into a school with a 17% acceptance rate? I mean i studied for 1/14 of that a day and got into schools with 33% rates

>> No.10541797

Wait, she didn't?

>> No.10541803

Is this the new Katiesclassicbooks?

>> No.10541815

She doesn’t study 14 hours everyda
She did it once or twice and recorded it

>> No.10541826

I read 12+ hours in a day. Im a fucking 30 year old neet on a bribk of kyssing meself so theres tbat

>> No.10541840

I have type D brachydactyly, and I'm half Japanese and half Scottish. It's not necessarily a result of inbreeding

>> No.10541845

I do.

>> No.10541885

102 books and her vocabulary is that limited? Fucking christ.

>> No.10541947

These girls only read young adult fiction.

>> No.10541979

So much of reading is actually not reading. Scheduling, or awareness at least, is required to really develop as a reader.

>> No.10541989

inb4 she's actually a regular 4chan poster

>> No.10542000

this maximization-lifestyle she is living seems unhealthy

>> No.10542014

Such bullshit. Massive bullshit. Anyone can read 102 books... All one needs to do is scan their eyes over some pages. It literally doesn't mean anything unless you're reading GOOD books and actually analysing the book... Does this little girl think that reading 102 books makes her smart? She's probably reading the Hunger Games...

>> No.10542068

4chan posts don't count as reading

>> No.10542171

She might kill herself now that she didn't get into Oxford. All that wasted childhood on studying.

>> No.10542257

Nigger i have more than 2000 physical books and ive read 90% of them and just want to die

>> No.10542263

>pic of popular kid tv film
fucking pedos

>> No.10542288

Nah dude I already told you that I don't read. I just shitpost here

>> No.10542356

how do you people constantly find these booktubers to make threads about, do you unironically watch these

>> No.10542418

you guys think her unhealthy ambitious behavior is just a compensation for that fucking thumb ?

>> No.10542424

I read about 5000 books a year on average.
They're mostly children's picture books but hey.

>> No.10542429

That's for wageslaves who suffer from time scarcity.

I wake up every morning and do what the fuck I want.

>> No.10542435

>spend 5 hours on civ V
Ahh, guess I should read now
>read a chapter and, regardless of whether it took 4 or 40 minutes, I put it down because I feel it's a good place to stop

>> No.10542464

In other words, you are a sheltered asswipe. Cool.

>> No.10542654

>i have more than 2000 physical books and ive read 90% of them and just want to die
U just did not find that one bokk yet, anon

>> No.10542780

>doing what you want is sheltered but spending 40 hours a week in a cubicle is worldly

>> No.10542792
File: 50 KB, 613x771, maxima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like you want to die over some spooks related to your age and social status.

i recommend making the ego and its own book 2001 in your collection.

>> No.10542843

this girl is SO fucking cute i am very much in love

>> No.10543276

Poor girl, imagine being real life Hermione and not getting into Oxford. Is she going to join Voldemort now?

>> No.10543323

i have nothing but free time and i still find ways to avoid reading. usually drinking.

>> No.10543355

She will become bitter and take revenge on society somehow, yes.

>> No.10543365

sorry ma'am, I'm a Dionysian™

>> No.10543646

> it is another /lit/ being pretentious around cute girl episode

>> No.10543715

I read Infinite Jest 102 times this year.

>> No.10543717


I read harry potter when I was a kid it was fun

>> No.10544026
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>idolizing some one-dimensional character created by a talentless writer

Kids these days

>> No.10544211

You know what, I actually went ahead and watched some of her videos. She legitimately sounds like a nice person. I assume she wanted to get into Oxford ever since she started obsessing about Hermione and you can see the dissappointment in her eyes in that video where she tells that she was rejected. I even felt a bit sad for her. But she tries to approach it in a healthy way and it looks like she can handle it. She probably will leave all that Harry Potter stuff behind now and grow to be functioning individual. I already sort of respect her more than I respect you faggots.

>> No.10544290
File: 411 KB, 878x728, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay which one of you fuckers did this lel


>> No.10544474


>> No.10544479


>> No.10544870


>> No.10544886

By spending 8 hours a day on 4chan.

>> No.10544938

wew led

>> No.10545702


>> No.10545709

i bet her mother and grandmother are her best friends and that she has a strong milking grip

>> No.10545747

She objectifies herself into a function: Producing. Being productive. This can make you extremely unhappy and she might break from stress and have a nervous breakdown.

Of course it's just an impression I get from her videos, not her true self.

>> No.10545813

>She objectifies herself into a function: Producing. Being productive. This can make you extremely unhappy and she might break from stress and have a nervous breakdown.

fuck this is me. turned into apathic depression and withdrawal from every even slightly competitive scenario rather than a nervous breakdown though.

>> No.10545839

look at her goodreads. 90% of the books she reads are pleb-tier books that are 200-300 pages long. anyone could do 100 of those every year tbqh

>> No.10545849

forgot link

>> No.10545873
File: 18 KB, 460x295, 6397451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>regularly studies 12+hour days
>does not get accepted to oxford

seriously how much of a brainlet do you have to be in order to achieve this

>> No.10545886

no f*male is innocent.

>> No.10545897

To be fair it isn't THAT hard to get into places like oxford uni in the UK.

>> No.10545903

>Where did you get the idea for your most recent book?
>Ruby Granger Erimentha Parker was, as many people have probably already gathered, personally inspired. Erimentha is an exaggerated version of myself (more dedicated, more intelligent and more socially challenged) and this meant that my own voice could be distilled through my narrator's. I have always been passionate about anti-bullying, spreading awareness wherever possible, and I always wanted my first book to focus on this issue. Erimentha, like many children who love to learn, is a prime candidate for bullying and her incessant optimism means that she is unable to properly read a situation which often leads to her getting hurt.

She's the female 'tfw too intelligent' fedora, basically creating her entire (self-)imagine based on some flat Hollywood 'quirky awkward nerdy underappreciated smart bookish girl ' stereotype. She even deliberately dresses like a caricature.

I'm so glad there wasn't any social media to embarrass myself on permanently when I was a kid with dumb phases and LARPing. Poor cunts.

>> No.10545909

Wait how old is this chick? I thought she was like 14 but she applied to Oxford?

>> No.10545921

I've read like 5 books in English and I got into Oxfrod English Lang and Lit. She's doing something wrong. I assume it's mindlessly studying and not learning to think or to create anything.

>> No.10545925
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>> No.10545927
File: 106 KB, 645x968, 1508972775961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw haven't read even one page of literally anything since January 3rd.

>> No.10546510


>> No.10547236


>> No.10547423

such a smartass reddit response