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/lit/ - Literature

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10537028 No.10537028 [Reply] [Original]

How's that book you were working on? Care to tell me about it, anon?

>> No.10537035

Fxs tdoftoditsirsskrdlycyby. Ggislexot ofuet goidzicyctpsoaI'm of or from an it old rxrcri woman red ivyfyctf

>> No.10537093

Been working on the first draft for 4 days, 9 pages done so far

>> No.10537449
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What's it about?

>> No.10537544

No, you'll steal my totally original manic pixie girl romance-fantasy featuring my blatant self-insert.

>> No.10538421


Imagine Atlas Shrugged, but Communism.

>> No.10538451

I gave up. Then years later I learned depression can be triggered by giving up something you really wanted, something you - perhaps subconsciously - regarded as a purpose in life and an overarching long term goal.

Now I don´t do anything.

>> No.10540286

I try to connect different themes and make it a whole, which is a challenge. It is also difficult to make it linear, but maybe that's not the point.

The goal of the writing has changed. I don't care if it ever makes it into a book, I just like the journey.

>> No.10540295

Written ~100 pages (out of planned 300, i guess), now translating first chapter to english to try find some kind of audience. Written first chapter so fucking long ago that writing looks alien to me, lol, i didn't know i could write this good.
How much do you write everyday? It seems like 1 page (ms word sized) is my limit, it starts turning into shit if i try to push 2 page. Some day long time ago i managed to write 3 pages a day, but it all was fanfics and shit.
I have a strong independent woman as a dark overlady who tries to eradicate all kings and gods. Cheers

>> No.10540430

Keeping to timetables is hard.

>> No.10541601
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I must feed off your good ideas. I want to be famous.

>> No.10541667

Just started a little short story about shit in the Midwest. I've half written a short story about a guy who jumps off a bridge into the Mississippi and ends on an island thinking he's in purgatory on the river Styx.

I'm thinking maybe I can write a few more stories and have a little bit of a Midwest Mississippi short story collection. One of my short travelogues made my cousin laugh a whole lot, but that type of humor probably wouldn't go far.