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/lit/ - Literature

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10536241 No.10536241 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ I want to start reading books but i read and dont understand shit
>inb4 brainlet

>> No.10536255

Well I mean depending on what book you’re having trouble with you might just be one.

>> No.10536267

You should know that it’s poor form to inb4 as OP.

>> No.10536281

Don't blame OP, he's just a brainlet

>> No.10536295

do you want shitposting or do you really want some helpful advices? be more specific with your reading problem

>> No.10536308

I can't bring myself to write notes for maximum retention. This is not helped by the fact that I use a kindle to read.
I find it hard to make time to read.
I find it hard to find books about topics I am interested in, on a similar note I spend a lot of time learning about what to learn.
I have a hard time being honest with myself about whether I should drop what I am reading.

>> No.10536317

r u me?

>> No.10536327

we have this thread every week

continue reading for 6 months and your feelings will go away

>> No.10536328

>hey, I'm interested in ____
>beginner level
>please suggest something
>get suggestion
>adhd diagnosis
>get off the drugs
>drink tea
>eat good food
>go for walks
>learn to calm yourself and work through things, increase the time you can do this
>might take ambient/meditative music if you're really neurotic/anxious
>just read what you enjoy and try to do it without distractions
>again, increase the time you can do this while focusing on what you read

>> No.10536336

I actually just ordered a couple books about learning to read op.

I also ordered a nice journal to take notes in and to write down definitions of words I had to look up.

>> No.10536359

Post reading problems ITT.

> tfw find rec on reddit
> tfw afraid of reading book because /lit/ might not approve

>> No.10536364

Don't worry about getting everything at one time. You are not an encyclodaedia. You can always revisit a book and often gain some greater insight of the ideas presented. I never take notes the first read through. If I want more out of the book, I will read it again. Otherwise, I find something else to read

>> No.10536366

I really hope this is bait, that’s pathetic.

>> No.10536379

Partial bait. I am also afraid of spending time on pleb shit. Instead of spending time on books that are good.
Would you rather read guns, germs and Steel or something less narrative driven?

>> No.10536457

Read brief books or tales. Start:

>> No.10536484

You are trying to read for the wrong reasons. Maybe you shouldn't even read. Go play videogames worker-slave.

>> No.10537727
File: 83 KB, 800x800, 143538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maximum retention
use this for maximum retention OP, it gives you a 45% retention boost.

>> No.10537738

I wouldnt be caught dead with that. Do you also move your lips when you read?

>> No.10537810

I hope this meme catches on
I applaud your efforts this past week sir