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10534394 No.10534394 [Reply] [Original]

Editions Gallimard not to move forward with publication of three anti-Semitic Celine pamphlets.
>Its urge to re-issue the violently anti-Semitic prose that Céline himself did not want to reprint is questionable; its decision to do so quickly and carelessly was even more dubious.
The French PM sent people to Gallimard to get them to stop. What's happening to French literature that even Canada allowed publication of these but France won't?

>> No.10534404

Damn they must be real good, gotta make sure to read them

>> No.10534430

So I did a little digging and found the Quebec edition, which is unfortunately $60 Canadian, plus shipping and taxes, etc. I don't think they're available in English. Maybe we could have a translation project?

>> No.10534670

France's speech laws are terrifying. The country is so thoroughly kiked out that any public criticism of the Jews and their political interests is punishable by law. It's dangerous just to acknowledge the fact that they're in charge. How long will it continue? The Jews have had it pretty cushy for the past 80 years, but they've gotten cavalier. They can keep pushing the natives around, sure, but the Arabs and Africans they're importing aren't going to stand for some snotty kike telling them what to do and think.

>> No.10534742

Someone doesnt bother googling political situation of Jews in France. Massive shootings and temple burnings. If you were at all anything but an American fatass you would know Jews aren't safe there and you would be rejoicing. Shame.

>> No.10534959

I take it you didn't read the last sentence of my post?

True, France has been irrevocably damaged by Jewish presence, and even the kike is beginning to feel the consequences of the sullen third world masses he's let through the gates. I suppose the kikes thought they were too special and important to ever be subject to the same terror they've inflicted on everybody else. But regardless of their plot backfiring, the kikes still infest the upper echelons of French institutional power and are in absolutely no danger of losing their extravagant cultural and political and financial and legal privileges.

Whether the kike in the immediate future will choose to suck a bit more marrow out of France's skeleton, or whether he will flee to the United States or Israel remains to be seen. They are getting antsy, but France is apparently still considered by the kikes to be the most lucrative host in Europe and still supports the third largest population of kikes on the planet. And who can blame them? The French (the real French) are so well-trained! So servile and generous! Just look at French opinion polls on the Jews--among the highest in the world (but of course a kike would never let you know that).

I think for the next couple decades or so the Jews will stick around. Sure they'll whine about how anti-Semitic the French are in the usual kike organs, they know how to keep their dogs in line, and sure they'll gradually emigrate as it becomes apparent France has run out of resources to replace with third world trash, but a country this submissive and comfortable is hard to give up.

>> No.10535820

>After all, since the material was already available in French, why leave French readers to buy it from a Canadian publisher when Gallimard and Céline’s widow could benefit from the sales for another fifteen years?
I have a feeling his wife's decision had little to do with sales considering she's 105 years-old.

>> No.10535829

Jews are self destructive, fuck em

>> No.10535855
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t. brainlet deluded /pol/burger

>> No.10535862

>but France won't?
Do you not know how France works? The only publishing monopoly bigger than Gallimard's is the government/academy.

>> No.10535948

>Such an occurrence is extremely rare. But the nature of the book in question, and its author’s identity, explain the intense scrutiny.

Hahaha holy fuck how much of a cucked statist can you be that you think Big Brother's "scrutiny" of a publisher's right to publish is "explained" by ANYTHING, AT ALL, EVER?

Wasn't this a thing in France THREE HUNDRED FUCKING YEARS AGO? The right to publish? Weren't the hard-fought and hard-won ideals of that era important to pre-Islamic France? Are we returning to state censors reviewing shit to make sure it doesn't insult the Sovereign? Hmm, I wonder who the Sovereign of France is in this case..

>To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize

>> No.10536570

there is already a publication from canada (edition 8), you can get them for 60€ but all his pamplet are available on the net for free, no need to give (((them))) money

>> No.10536580

>Maybe we could have a translation project?

If we ever have a translation project let's not waste it on 1930s shitposting

>> No.10537049

I'll do it. Can someone help me find an online link?

>> No.10537553

I'm also willing to help in this landmark project if someone can find a free link

>> No.10537570

It's actually not necessary. A quick google search shows they're all available online in English, I just went looking for them. If you would like to do our own translated copy, though, I would be interested. I've been thinking for a while tha I want to work on translating a bunch of politically incorrect French lit into English (there are some other specific works I'm thinking of too) and I'd love a partner. joshbings@gmail if you want to talk about it

>> No.10537626

We could do a thread, maybe. Use the link at the bottom of this post as a master file, then split up the load so we can do this more quickly? Fortunately it has page numbers. I think splitting it up has a couple advantages, namely that we can each do our own part, then each review everyone else's part, making sure of it all, then just paste it all together, making sure there's a unity of style.
If the English text you're talking about is the one also hosted on archive.org, a quick read makes me think it's lacking.
Also, yeah, I'd be willing to help out with other texts too. Anything in particular come to mind?


>> No.10537643

Well, let's see if this works out before getting ambitious. I didn't actually read through, so I'll take your word for the lacking other translations.

I agree that splitting up the work is a good idea – being able to review each other's should be really helpful. It seems sectioned off pretty well every 10 pages, so we could alternate in sections like that, or larger chunks. Should we start with the first of the pamphlets, though? I know Mea Culpa was published before Bagatelles. How do you think we should go about working on it together?

>> No.10537688

I think maybe make a new thread where our ambitions are more visibly laid out, something like "/lit/ Translation Project General," where we can attract some more attention and potential collaborators. Perhaps we should start with the shorter pieces and see how those work out before graduating on to the lengthier ones?

>> No.10537703

that's probably a better idea. Do you have any ideas for very short pieces, or did you mean these type of pamphlets as short pieces?

>> No.10537726

I meant from among the pamphlets. I haven't had the chance to compare the lengths yet, so we'll have to see.

>> No.10537734

Different Anon but I speak French and would be happy to help. Will email

>> No.10537799

jews are already getting pogrom'd by fresh middle eastern 'refugees' in scandinavia and the netherlands.

israel will soon be the only place for them. and america of course, the real israel with more jews than israel itself.

>> No.10538423

So should I make a new thread about a general crimethink translation project?

>> No.10538450

Jews are trying to stop the goyim from knowing, but their efforts will be futile. France needs to start getting into full semite removal mode, both jews and their arab brothers whom they let in.

>> No.10538649

yes, and link

>> No.10539495

New translation thread:

>> No.10539501

I love this thread. Celine is rather difficult because he used lots of low class slang that may be rather obsolete now. I sure ain't a sermon by Bossuet.

>> No.10539503

how many pages are they?

>> No.10539924

>Arab brothers
Imagine being this sheltered. Off yourself, burger.

>> No.10539946

The complete edition of his anti-Semetic/controversial writings is 1000+ pages, but it includes a glossary, an index, a concordance, a chronology, notes, synopsis, and an introduction. Not sure how long the raw texts themselves are. I guess the $60 price tag makes sense for a book of that length.

One of the pieces, "Bagatelles pour un massacre" is 220 pages

>> No.10540358

The price isn't bad considering the amount of work Tettamanzi put in. I don't even like the pamphlets but the editor has done an amazing job and I'd rank it one of top 5 best annotated works I've ever encountered.

>> No.10540485

Where to start with Celine?

>> No.10540631

Journey to the End of the Night but if you like it, don't be a pleb and stop there.

>> No.10540635

I guess that sentence is ambiguous. I mean don't only read Journey. His other work is worth exploring and it's very interesting to see how his style develops even in translation.

>> No.10540643

Could one of you fine fellas link me to a site where I can buy the full Canadian collection? I don't speak Frenchie, but I'd like to have them in my collection. It's not like these will get another reprint ever.

>> No.10540647

Chronological order you helpless little retard

>> No.10540690


so, Death on the Installment Plan then Journey to the End of the Night...North and Rigadoon before Castle to Castle etc etc

>> No.10540706

>Could one of you fine fellas link me to a site where I can buy the full Canadian collection?

It appears to be fairly hard to get at the moment.


>> No.10540711


I think this is it.

Using the ISBN, you should be able to locate a merchant.


>> No.10540761

They literally are, both are semites.

>> No.10540771

>jew ain't safe in France
Wtf are you talking about? They're as safe as in New York, they're absolutely immune to everything anybody else would be put in jail for. People get in Jail, or get banned from everywhere as soon as they even mention jews.