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10534011 No.10534011 [Reply] [Original]

How's the writing career coming, /lit/?

>> No.10534027

Just started the writing of my first book, so its not quite kicked off yet
All im hoping for at the moment is that at least one person gets some enjoyment out of reading this once its finished

>> No.10534028

Not if the garlic bread is burnt you retarded newfag nigger

>> No.10534031

wrong thread guys sorry

>> No.10534036

Things are really getting heated over on /ck/ I see

>> No.10534061


I am getting writing work, surprisingly. It will be hard to write the amount I am expected to while homeless however.

>> No.10534065

trying to write daily in my spare time but working full time and daily life commitments takes over and exhausts me mentally, and my discipline fails sometimes for days on end

it honestly just hurts to not do creative work for a living though... so much of the value or contribution you give to a workplace is just absorbed and/or wasted

>> No.10534104

G...Gordon Ramsay?

>> No.10534289
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On the plus side, I recently got a poem published. It will be in print and they're going to pay me. I'm pretty excited, as this is the first time I will have been paid for something I've written creatively.

On the downside, I just lost out on a ghostwriting client who would have paid me five figures to write her book. This has been very disheartening.

>> No.10534301

Still trying to wrap my head around marketing in self publishing, if you actually want to make money you will have to do everything yourself

>> No.10534304

How is anyone supposed to stand out as a writer these days?
Sometimes it seems like the only way is to write "Ready Player One" level garbage.

>> No.10534308

I gave up.

>> No.10534328

You can make millions writing garbage you just have to make yourself and your garbage visible to the world

>> No.10534332


>> No.10534446

>wanting to be a writer

why would you do this to yourself

>> No.10534457
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>really want to write a book
>don't want anyone to ever read it

Is this autism? I think I would greatly enjoy the world-building and writing process but I don't want anyone to ever read any of it.

>> No.10534480
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>Just throw your work out into the world without a damn.
>You've made the story, fantastic.
>If people like it or don't, that's their problem, not yours.
>If they do, great, maybe you'll get some money and acclaim.
>If they don't, too bad. Hopefully you can get some constructive criticism out of it.

There's nothing to lose, but everything to gain.

>> No.10534496
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>I guess anon, I think it's just that I regard writing as being very personal, maybe I could do it if I didn't attach my real name to it.

>> No.10534504

I have nothing to look forward to

>> No.10534514

Doing the Amazon/CreateSpace self-publishing thing.

I'm writing a niche erotica novella to test the market for that. I was not successful with more serious work, but this was possibly because my marketing strategy was "forget about it" and not "proactively manage advertising towards target audience." You get what you put into it on Amazon I guess.

>> No.10534516
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I suppose that's one way of going about it.

I thought about doing that (I haven't published or even sent anything in yet, I haven't devoted myself to writing until recently), but I figured, "I don't know these people, these people don't know me, I'll likely never see them or hear from them, they will have no effect on my world or my life. Unless they like it, maybe." To each, their own.

pic related used many names and guises.

>> No.10534519

i have always wanted to be a writer

if i write something good enough it might last a long time and touch peoples' lives

>> No.10534526

Anymore advice for marketing? I've mostly been working on short stories and poems to submit so I can start out.
My serious stuff is nowhere near done, but it'd be nice to have some shred of friendly wisdom before I publish those and any compilations of my shorter work.

>> No.10534528

gave up on the career aspect and got a real job, now I just write for fun. Somehow I find it way easier to write now, like there's less pressure.

>> No.10534542


I've also always wanted to write since I was a kid.
What do I have to lose?

>> No.10534546

>tfw nine out of ten writes fail at the premise

>> No.10534568

Recently got promoted and moved to a better office with more privacy and less work to do, so things are looking up. So far, I've designed the website where I'll publish my work and am finally making progress with the series I want to write.

I'm having the usual problems right now: constantly re-writing the opening, trying to link together the scenes I want to write with the scenes that have to happen, trying to get characters to act how I want them to without it feeling forced or contrived.

>> No.10534569

use a pen name

>> No.10535072
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I feel the same way, if it's autism, we both have it.
Though, I always wrote simply to entertain myself. At times I've had the aspiration to go somewhere with it, but those thoughts quickly fizzle out.

>> No.10535173

Words, dude!

But fer real, pretty well. I've never tried to write in length before and I have three chapters written. I keep going back and reading what I've written then get disheartened. Multiple people have given me advice not to read or edit what you write until its all written.
My autism/ocd keeps me from doing that though. What I want to say keeps changing and I keep changing my work.

Also I've discovered my obvious flaws as a writer. So that's something I need to work on.

>> No.10535174

Well I have been submitted stories since 2014 and nothing accepted yet. I am getting better and more serious every day. It will happen.

>> No.10535212

>It will happen.
No, it won't. Get a real job instead of wasting your time.