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File: 1.99 MB, 1080x1565, shithole countries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10531885 No.10531885[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can I get some recommendations on good books from/about shithole countries?

>> No.10531893

There aren't.

>> No.10531902

I think there’s a chart for american literature in the sticky

>> No.10531903
File: 1.84 MB, 266x199, laughing negro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10531910

lotta shit books on display

t. 3rd worlder

>> No.10531912

>It's shitty clones of Rupi type poems

God, if you're listening, I would like to trade women for my rib back please—This was a mistake

>> No.10531913

>he hasn't read Dostoyevsky

Embarrassing desu.

>> No.10531924
File: 19 KB, 500x322, eric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>laughing negro.gif

>> No.10531927

>filename describes image accurately
>this is a bad thing
Dumb frogposter.

>> No.10531934

Do we have to go over how foreign literature gains international exposure and critical acclaim in market economies?

You're not a 3rd worlder.
t. not a 3rd worlder either

>> No.10531938

>lotta shit books on display
That's most bookshops in a nutshell desu

>> No.10531941


Do people really care this much about politics that offhand comments shape their day to day lives?

>> No.10531944

>Kite Runner
>not shit
This is how you can tell if someone is a brainlet.

>> No.10531950
File: 85 KB, 754x595, 1483877154924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chigozie Obioma
>Uzodinma Iweala

>> No.10531951

Seven Killings is the only decent thing on that display.

>> No.10531953

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy saint. Augustine

>> No.10531957

Start with the Greeks

>> No.10531959

>helen oyveyemi

>> No.10531969

A Brief History of Seven Killings is actually good desu

>> No.10531974

I flipped through it in a bookstore and there was a chapter in form of a rap song

>> No.10531981

I had sopa de macaco for lunch desu

>> No.10531984

i'm not a huge fan of attempting to read in dialect desu (to be honest)

>> No.10532003

Almost everything on that table is awful. Neo-liberals have the worst taste.

>> No.10532006

The unholy alliance between the new left and the corporate world is truly incredible.
I mean, shit like this (corporate virtue signalling as marketing) is just the icing on the cake, the real scandal is how they cooperated to draft god knows how many women into wageslavery and call it "liberation".

It's also very cheap of them to include St. Augustine's Confessions (i.e. probably the only worthwhile book there). Augustine's roman north Africa was an entirely different beast, inhabited by entirely different people, than present-day north Africa.

>> No.10532020


The president is America’s representative to the world. Having the president say something which leads to 54 African countries (which is all of them except the semi-autonomous region of Western Sahara) demand an apology, can’t be chuckled off.

Also it’s a store, and it’s job is to sell books, if it can play into whatever is in the air, then it will probably sell more books. Don’t shit on a firm for doing exactly what firms do.

>> No.10532022
File: 763 KB, 450x255, !.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait until you work out that 99% of front page reddit posts are made by accounts owned by multinational corporations posted on subreddits owned by multinational corporations and a good deal of the comments underneath are bots, owned by people building karma on accounts in order to sell them to multinational corporations.

>> No.10532035

>building karma on accounts
What does this do? Does higher Karma favour your posts?

>> No.10532039

Look, I’m not a trump supporter, and I agree he’s largely denigrated the prestige of the office. However if one of your major influences on your life is what some dude tweets or says in a meeting, you’re a literal child.

The normal person’s reaction should be “oh that’s dumb”, not racing on twitter to be the first person to respond to his tweet, or marching around chanting. It’s so utterly inane I can’t begin to understand it. Just vote out his supporters in the mid terms.

>> No.10532041

I can give u my top 20 Brazilian lit

>> No.10532055
File: 37 KB, 557x495, Rise, if you would... For that is our curse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does a couple things depending on the subrettit settings.

Basically, you can set it so only users who fall into certain categories can post, or have users with low karma suffer diminished upvoting or downvoting power. It's a way for the people who own the subreddits to ensure that only the top paying businesses can get the maximum exposure.

If you go to a random subreddit on the front page of reddit from a front page post with 20 thousand upvotes, 99.9% of the posts on that board will have under 70 upvotes total. With most being in the 5 to 15 range.

It's all an advertising scheme at this point.

Disney, for example, owns the star wars subreddit.

>> No.10532060

>post advertisement on Reddit
>people check my account to see if i'm a shill or bot
>see that i have 10k karma, have posted for years
>everyone assumes this is natural content

Reddit is the 5th most visited site in the US, it's just naive to think that everything on /r/all (comments included) are manipulated by major corporations. Part of how they do that is buying genuine accounts.

>> No.10532065

naive to think that /r/all isn't manipulated**

>> No.10532094

Reddit overall is just and absolutely embarrassing mentality.

The whole design is flawed and the people are embarrassing with how they act COLLECTIVELY. I’ve been on both sides of the coin. I’ve gotten a lot of upvotes because I made good points before and I’ve gotten a lot of downvotes becaus I’ve trolled people. I know how reddit operates.

Just a couple days ago I was in a thread on Reddit where the guy got downvotes because he made a simple error in posting something. But then EVERY SINGLE comment he made afterwards got downvotes because of it all. I can just see the smug redditor now, with that shiteating grin on his face, downvoting the fuck out of a cmoment because someone else publicly shamed him.

I enjoy trolling the retards but I don’t like downvotes. Every now and then I find a perfect opportunity though, like taking something seriously that everyone is being sarcastic about just to fucking see how bad it gets. They’re fucking idiots

>> No.10532095
File: 54 KB, 600x600, 6e7vhi4rhr901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 4th most popular post on Reddit in the last 24 hours.

"My dog wandered into the local Home Depot...this is what I arrived to."

82,000 upvotes. A blatant advertisement and people praising Home Depot in the comments.

The post after that is advertising Stranger Things, and the one above that is hyping up Dark Souls being remastered.

Reddit is bought and paid for, senpai.

>> No.10532111
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>>buying genuine accounts
>tfw if I had decided to waste years of my free time on reddit instead of 4chan I could have at least cashed out

>> No.10532122

It's for normie bugmen.

>> No.10532132

god says pets are homo

>> No.10532170

Have you ever seen Reddit go from having a staunch circlejerk on something, only for some Reddit darling (videogamedunkey, Fantano, h3h3 or someone similar) to come out and say the exact opposite, and the entire subreddit changes its opinion?

>> No.10532188
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In all fairness, replace downvoting with ironic shitposting and it's basically the same thing here.

I know of discords and skype groups where members spend literally all their free time, and have done so for years, targeting people on 4chan with specific views and opinions.

4chan is basically reddit for schizophrenics and high IQ teenagers with anger issues.

>> No.10532211

>Shithole country
Nigga what? I'm not a commie but you can't compare St.Petersburg to Uganda

>> No.10532232

A hell hole is different from a shit hole

>> No.10532233

>high IQ
good one

>> No.10532246

beasts of no nations is basically about how niggers are sub-human savages that use child soldiers, rape, and kill everything. perfect book to have front in center if you were trying to be crypto racist tbqh

>> No.10532247

Are you trying to imply that reddit is intelligent?

>> No.10532248
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>high iq

>> No.10532249

Case in point

>> No.10532261

it feels like scraping the barrel when there's two different nelson mandela books

>> No.10532262

Are you implying that other mainstream websites have better discourse than 4chan?

>> No.10532266

its almost as if its intentionally bad

>> No.10532284
File: 33 KB, 640x480, 1508195791289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High IQ refers, clinically, to anyone with an IQ over 110.

It's not difficult to mentally crunch the actuarial analytics of the demographics, which anyone of any small semblance of recollective capability would be capable of remembering, of both websites to arrive at the conclusion there is at least a 20 point difference, at the average, between those who use either website exclusively.

>> No.10532305

None of those 54 leaders care about their own people, They are using this to stir support or jockey for something that benefits them.

Don't be so naive about political motives.

>> No.10532320

In terms of people HIV per population you can

>> No.10532330

>.02 Rubles have been deposited into your account

>> No.10532341

>polonium has been deposited in your food

>> No.10532384

>19 century country in Europe had the same HIV as modern day Africa therefore modern day Russia is and was a shithole country

>> No.10532386

Yeah it's not like the right is beholden to corporate interest.

>> No.10532408

Oh, certainly. But that branch of the right is known for and open about that.

>> No.10532413

>refuses to look up modern day russia HIV statistic
Stay deluded, yoynretarded russianoo

>> No.10532416

The HIV epidemic wasn't really a thing in the 19th century.

>> No.10532429

>19 century country in Europe had the same HIV as modern day Africa
>19th century HIV
No more opinions for you!

>> No.10532432
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>points out a flawed comparison
>dude stop defending your country
What if I told you I'm not from Russia?

>> No.10532438

Well stop defending shit countries, loser

>> No.10532447

>defends Africa
Sounds about right.

>> No.10532448

Then I would have nothing to defend

>> No.10532497

Nigga I learned my lesson about namefagging from Something Awful. That was fifteen years ago...fuck.

>> No.10532500


>> No.10532524

Anyway if you want an actual recommendation:

Ancient and Modern Imperialism (Cromer)
Modern Egypt (Cromer)
The Bow Of Ulysses (Froude)
A Bend in the River (Naipaul)
Black Mischief (Waugh)
Kim (Kipling)
Typee (Melville)

>> No.10532967

I live around Kingston. That place is a Bar fused to a book shop
they keep the shelves low so no niggers steal anything, not that the nu-males at the bar could stop them if they tried, and it's also too dark to read.
It'll die out in a few months. Hipster trash like that always does around here.

>> No.10533003

Things Fall Apart.
>inb4 high school

>> No.10533014

This was true maybe 10 years ago.
A good 50% of people on this website are redditors.

>> No.10533018

Go figure, I don't see a single good book on that table.

>> No.10533028

>between those who use either website exclusively.

People who use both aren't counted. Just because someone is of high intelligence doesn't mean they aren't completely retarded asperger riddled lunatics, m8.

>> No.10533042

top left is augustine's confessions, pleb

>> No.10533045

True, true.

>> No.10533060
File: 42 KB, 669x366, 1508125882528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya gotta remember that the 100 IQ average estimation is based on those who've taken the test, and had the test scaled after the fact in order to reflect the new data.

Most people you meet in the street, about 85%, fall below 100. At a conservative estimate.

Someone with an IQ of 115 or 120, no matter how insane, is going to run circles around them. Even if to you they appear quite lacking.

>> No.10533140

I like that they admit they're shitholes

>> No.10533147


fuck off

>> No.10533167

long walk to freedom's a pretty interesting book

>> No.10533419
File: 582 KB, 858x665, memri_jps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haiti is NOT a shithole!
>We need to send millions of dollars of aid to Haiti!

What did they mean by this?

>> No.10533425

I honestly cannot believe I'm reading this. Just shut up you try hard, don't even consider IQ when walking about. That makes no sense.

>> No.10533486
File: 171 KB, 815x1256, 71J96EG2UCL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

India counts as a shithole right?

>> No.10533490

Any books that detail the 21st-century Native American experience? Even if it's just blame-whitey gibsmedat in tone.

>> No.10533502

>shit I can't think of any more books from shitholes
>oh well I'll just include two about Mandela

>> No.10533516

There is a lot to be upset about regarding Trump's presidency, but I honestly don't understand the outrage over him saying "shithole countries" in a meeting. Are people mad that he thinks this, said it, or what? The countries are shitholes by most metrics, notably progressive ones (gender equality, homosexual rights, etc.).

The faux-outrage has got to be toned down, it isn't helping the fight against Trump.

>> No.10533546

They shit on the street, india is THE shithole

>> No.10533552

People are angrier about Trump thinking the US shouldn't accept immigration from those countries, not just the "shithole" term.

>> No.10533568

I'm Canadian, and I wished Turdeau didn't tell the shithole countries we will embrace them. Of course the tune is changing now that all those shithole Haitians are crossing into Canada from the U.S.

I disagree with Trump and Republicans on a lot of things, but not the fundamental necessity of borders. The Haitians coming into Canada are entitled to health care, legal aid, housing assistance etc while they are being processed. This basically tosses the social contract out the window and is an injustice to those who actual pay taxes and have to wait behind these shitheads in hospitals.

>> No.10533579
File: 30 KB, 321x500, marxistshitholes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the right guy for you, OP.

The Wilder Shores of Marx: Journeys in a Vanishing World
by Theodore Dalrymple

English physician goes to worst places on earth.

In other books back home, he deals with the woes of the British underclass.

Life at the Bottom: The Worldview That Makes the Underclass

Our Culture, What's Left of It: The Mandarins and the Masses

>> No.10533752

>borders stop people from getting into other countries

It might stop illegals, yes, but there are plenty of legal immigrants still coming in from those "shithole" countries. If you want to shut down immigration as a whole, just say so.

>> No.10533762

2666 is pretty good

>> No.10533799

>Killers of the Flower Moon
David Grann is from America. What the fuck?

>> No.10533806

I fucking love Theodore Dalrymple.

>> No.10533975

Hardmode: No books centered around being part of a marginalized/oppressed group.

>> No.10534129

>booker prize winner
>girl who got famous for being shot
>two books by one of the most famous people of the past 100 years
>two books (including one that was made into a massive film) written by a man who emigrated to america
>another guy who emigrated to america before getting famous
wow they really struggled to find some of those huh

>> No.10534221


Marketing like this (utilizing profanity and bluntness) is clearly an appeal to sameness, a way of tacitly attempting to communicate "we get it!".
Which is what makes it all the more telling that the self-censorship was deemed necessary.
Truly these must be signs that we live in decadent and confused times.

>> No.10534250

Yeah but the neocon right that is beholden to corporations are open that they are pro corporation. The far right is on the hit list of corporations while the far left gets help from billionaires and corporations. Like how Google cencors NS vids while allowing commie vids to reign free.

>> No.10534311

Why the fuck is confessions by st augustine there

>> No.10534329
File: 27 KB, 480x360, eric trump in too deep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not something a President should do. Theres level of decorum which the office has held, especially in regards to Diplomatic efforts. Calling a place where there is a some sort of trade or business deal, place of business, is not good business. There's playful banter between friendly nations but never outright a derogatory remark about the country itself.
As well it completely cuts into the idea of the American Dream being something to inhabit everyone, not just those from EU etc. And Trump being President should reflect the ideals of America, but he didn't because hes senile and is surrounded by Yes-men.

>> No.10534341

Augustine lived and was from Africa

>> No.10534352

>Oscar Wao
Pure trash indeed.

>> No.10534359

But i thought the "country" non existent anymore.

>> No.10534368


>> No.10534376

>no americans

>> No.10534399

There are good books from those countries. Those are not them.
Gotta love how you can just tell how shitty a book is by the cover design these days, SJWs sure love their shrill warm colors and faux-handwritten typography.

Shut up with your "facts", ok? Can't you see these brave booksellers are trying to #resist? Augustine was a malian kang for all they care.

>> No.10535303

How about just a general for non uk/us books?
Personally looking for anything worth reading from New Zealand, Poland, Malaysia, and Iran

>> No.10535626

>new left
Surely you mean liberal? Democrats and Americans are never left.

>> No.10535629

Technically Kite Runner shouldn't be up there as the shithole comment was specifically about Africa, Haiti and El Salvador.

>> No.10535630

>Democrats and Americans are never left
>they're not communists so they're not left

>> No.10535636

>this comment
I don't even know where to begin. That you think Russia is communist or that you think it doesn't have the highest crime rate in Europe.

>> No.10535685

Russia is the frozen Uganda. I'm suprised how some good writers and great ballet companies came out from there.

>> No.10535701

Liberal is fucking centrist you retard, it’s basic politics. America is literally a liberal country. New Labour turned Labour to the right of center, and it is still comparatively centrist. Socialism is far from communism, but the words been stained by Americans and the Red Scare so that people think it’s the same thing in their heads.

>> No.10535722

Wait a second, are they themselves presuming these countries to be shitholes? I don't recall Trump naming any specific places

>> No.10535796

I actually know this guy irl. It's really weird seeing him mentioned here.

>> No.10535818

wrong, read a fucking book child

>> No.10535833

>Shit writers*

More accurate

>> No.10535853

Learn about why they are shitholes:

Killing Hope by William Blum
Politics of Heroin by Alfred W. McCoy
The Phoenix Program by Douglas Valentine
Bitter Fruit by Stephen Schlesinger
Washingtons War on Nicaragua by Holly Sklar
Weakness and Deceit by Raymond Bonner
Lost History by Bob Parry
Dirty Wars by Jeremy Scahill

>> No.10535856

>can’t be chuckled off.
Yes it can.

What the fuck are they gonna do about it? Not take the free money we give them to keep them from starving? I fucking wish.

We run the world. It's time we acted like it. Less coddling of shitholes, more colonising of shitholes.

>> No.10535863


Why do you think the Liberal Democrats are called the LIBERAL Democrats. It’s your stupid Amarican thinking, economic liberalism is VERY right-wing.

>> No.10535864

Don't forget The Bell Curve.

>> No.10536162

Yeah, but they're shithole countries, who the hell cares if they get offended when someone tells it like it is?

>> No.10536324

That's way too much money to shill

>> No.10536367

>hurr durr but the ideology favouring the preservation of institutions and champion of the aristocratic class is beholden to corporate interests too!
Are you a fucking retard?

>> No.10536384 [DELETED] 

Modern Democrats are basically post-structuralists socially and social democrats fiscally, "liberal" is just a substitute for "left"

>> No.10536386


The 4 Chinese Classics are fucking GOAT. It's a shame to see China in the state it's in now, they have a great culture and rich history. Now the country is a massive commie shithole.

>> No.10536436

Reddit spacing.
Is this a raid or actually intentionally done by you two?

>> No.10536510

""""reddit spacing"""" is just an attempt to have aesthetically pleasing formatting when writing lengthy, multi-paragraph posts on a computer. If you don't like """"reddit spacing""", you're probably a filthy phone poster mad you have to do extra scrolling.

>> No.10536567

Pol is shit but at least they keep legit leftists away from us, everyone who is level headed and not dumb enough to fall for the Pol Jew will know what's what and tell the pol x posters off or just ignore them

>> No.10536575

>Liberal is fucking centrist you retard, it’s basic politics. America is literally a liberal country. New Labour turned Labour to the right of center, and it is still comparatively centrist. Socialism is far from communism, but the words been stained by Americans and the Red Scare so that people think it’s the same thing in their heads.
Yo my man sounds like you just signed up for the DSA. This is mostly correct but I wanna correct some shit

So the DNC and Labour are whatcha call neo liberals, meaning in practice they believe in market solutions to every problem (e.g. failing schools should become privately owned charter schools.) But keep in mind that lots of supporters of neoliberalism actually don't give a shit about the ideology, and just like the idea of owning more shit.

Socialism in America usually means social democracy, i.e. capitalism with lots of public spending on shit like welfare and single payer (all that northern europe shit.) Elsewhere, socialism refers to a stage of economic development with a dictatorship of the proletariat, basically meaning that the buying and selling of labor is impossible. Socialism theoretically will lead to communism, a hypothetical moneyless and classless society which by all imaginations will be very fucking dope for all involved.

Again, in the American context, communism means something different, referring to Soviet-style one-party socialist countries like the USSR, Cuba, and maybe like Vietnam or something. (Dickheads will extend this definition to include literal CIA backed operations like the Khmer Rouge with Pol Pot in Cambodia, and so on.) While incredibly bad shit happened during the Stalinist era, it should be noted that quality of life in Russia took a huge fucking dive once the USSR collapsed, and it's still bad. If you're not a big baby you can check out the Michael Parenti video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYVes44hcJg

Good luck in the DSA, my man. They have some liberal tendencies because they're so Very Online and thus attract lots of yt people with office jobs, but there's hope they're the vehicle to get shit done

>> No.10536604

I think anyone from those countries would prefer not to have to live there so I think it's hypocrisy.

>> No.10537001

>shithole countries
>shitty books
Based Trump tells it like it is.

>> No.10537046
File: 31 KB, 259x383, HouseForMrBiswas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually pretty funny. Nigger builds a piece of crap house and swindles a spice monkey by selling it to him.


Spice monkey marries into the Tulsi family and finds himself totally dominated by it.

You can see he constructs his comedy on the same foundations as Evelyn Waugh's early novels like Vile Bodies.

>> No.10537054

No it’s shit.

It’s shit. I’m not sure why we have a handful of people who shill for it on here.

>> No.10537069

Shitskins by nature cannot produce anything of value.
Keep reading the civilized (ie white man's) books.

>> No.10537074
File: 255 KB, 755x1259, A66DC30D-23AA-479C-A14C-B6E395090719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reeeee Trump said something racist
It's laughable that Trump is a retard yet the pic clearly shows the modern left lack any self awareness. Left, right, it doesn't matter both sides are clearly fucking retarded

>> No.10537142

He’s clearly a genius; an autistic genius but one nonetheless. You think the libs actually give a shit about any of those countries?

>> No.10537257
File: 345 KB, 962x1308, 3BB6B4F200000578-0-image-a-22_1483101155805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hypothetical moneyless and classless society which by all imaginations will be very fucking dope for all involved

More like dope for the elite few and extremely shitty for everybody else. There will always be classes in every society. Even communist nations have a "1%".

>it should be noted that quality of life in Russia took a huge fucking dive once the USSR collapsed


>> No.10537283

What does pissing everyone off accomplish?

>> No.10537288

No intelligent or self-respecting person would read any of those shit books.

>> No.10537294

If we can't call El Salvador a shithole than what is?

>> No.10537296
File: 84 KB, 333x485, 6137074+_3fca518ba68b4acff1fd3e8891b83afc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't all of those books highlight why the countries are shitholes ,tho?

>> No.10537302

>haven't read The Mersault Investigations
Anon, I...

>> No.10537307

it's nice they sorted all the books to avoid into one display stand, very considerate.

>> No.10537315

>let's use a tragedy to prove why tragedies only happen because of other ideologies
>no one can die in capitalism, because it's not an ideology

>> No.10537316
File: 471 KB, 783x573, 1514428747130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it should be noted that quality of life in Russia took a huge fucking dive once the USSR collapsed
>completely destroy all systems of society before you and enslave everyone to your political scheme of forced distribution
>kill and condition everyone so this is all anyone really knows
>that system collapses
>holy shit people don't know what to do, it must have been a good system now since people are worse off without it

>> No.10537330

He's able to masquerade as a "racist" and a "bigot' distracting the mainstream media while doing good for the middle class and fighting (them).

He's smarter than we can imagine.

>> No.10537342

Nice strawman. I'm disputing the claim that quality of life was better in the USSR than modern day capitalist Russia. Do you really want to try to refute that? Apparently not.

>> No.10537358

It’s his frankness that pisses people off, and the reason for that is because we have lots of thin skinned people who work in the outrage business. He’s not an idiot, people just like to paint him that way since he doesn’t participate in or use the bullshit nomenclature that people are taught in universities these days.

He’s willing to call a spade a spade, which is refreshing since we live in this society now that could almost entirely be summed up by that old story about the Emperor’s invisible clothing. What it accomplishes is that we’re now able to have real discussions about how things are and how to fix them (an example for this week and the President: Why the hell are we giving aid to Pakistan?). His opponents’ claims seem to be predicated on lies; ex. That these countries aren’t actually shitholes when everyone knows they are, and when we know that no person who’s butthurt about what he said would ever move to a place like Haiti, or even send donations to help such a place. Not to mention that in most of those “shitholes” the left’s precious pets, gays, trannies, etc., would probably be hacked to death by mobs with machetes or thrown off buildings.

>> No.10537361

>What does pissing everyone off accomplish?
It keeps his opponents busy, the outrage from his remarks is huge but totally impotent because it doesn't actually address any policy in place, instead it's everyone posturing to show they disagree with him as a person.

It's pretty hilarious, the left are so satisfied to call Trump stupid over and over they never manage to organize anything meaningful.

>> No.10537374

>an example for this week and the President: Why the hell are we giving aid to Pakistan
Because they have nuclear weapons moron, even if parts of the regime fund terrorism it doesn't matter, the bribe is still worth it.

>> No.10537386

>literally a fucking fanfiction sequel of a book by another better author
it hurts me to know there's people like you here who take this dross seriously

>> No.10537395

The Mezzanine

>> No.10537424

I dont get it, is this an Alt Right bookshop? lmao

>> No.10537438

I know you haven't read it so I'll just pretend this is bait

>> No.10537443

what are you doing on /lit/ if you can't figure blatant sarcasm

>> No.10537480

My post was sarcasm. Everybody know that Alt Left have shit taste, specially from nigger sexists countries.

>> No.10537518

They're being sarcastic but the thing is, the label is accurate.

>> No.10537608

I think you mean neoliberal, and their unwitting Soc-Jus stooges.

>> No.10537633

Cat's Cradle

>> No.10537739

Not really sure the ‘bribe’ is working considering they were harboring Bin Laden.

>> No.10537814

fucking whiny virtue signalling seppos

i can't wait for the chinese century to kick in properly

>> No.10537841

At the very least it shows the insane hypocrisy of leftists. Republicans are pretty dumb but as a black guy the insane double think of the left somehow finds new and interesting ways to shock me daily

>> No.10537844

>We give them funds so they won't use their nukes
That's not how any of this works and you might be retarded

>> No.10537871

Ugh. Imagine being this stupid...

We give them money to prop up the current regime which despite being corrupt maintains the status quo, which involves not using or selling their nukes.
Bin Laden is nobody.

>> No.10537934
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>> No.10538142

wow no one has even tried to answer OP? I guess to start, what are the countries Trump is talking about? Haiti, El Salvador, Honduras, Nepal, Nicaragua, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen are the TPS countries, so I'm just gonna go with the few I know from those.

Haiti is definitely the easiest with at least Edwidge Danticat (Breath, Eyes, Memory), Marie Vieux-Chauvet (Dance On The Volcano), and Franketienne (Ready To Burst)

Nuruddin Farah is Somali but I don't really know much about his work.

>> No.10538341

obioma is good

>> No.10538372

Nepal is the only one which isn't a shit hole, but it's infrastructure is fucked

>> No.10538640

I've been wondering how this was; really enjoyed a Bend in the River.

>> No.10539452

>confessions of St Augustine

>> No.10539454

I thought we liked Marlon James though.

>> No.10539466

>that filename

>> No.10539505

Where did this dignified president shit come from? It's a con, most presidents have said and done crazy shit while in office. Trump doesn't need to apologize for not wanting McDonald's employees from African or Caribbean shitholes when we already have enough McDonald's workers from Central American shitholes.

>> No.10539526

>Thinking you can just sell nukes
Does it hurt being this much of an idiot? Go back to /pol/ with your retarded bullshit

>> No.10539534

Anyone with a small semblance of recollective capability would be capable of noting that some people are insufferable.

This is /lit/, not a fucking high school essay.

>> No.10539572

>Having the president say something which leads to 54 African countries (which is all of them except the semi-autonomous region of Western Sahara) demand an apology, can’t be chuckled off.

Lol yes, yes it absolutely can you dumb fuck. They literally can't do shit. Why on earth should I, or any other American, give a flying fuck if some aids-riddled cannibal rapists had their feelings hurt? Every single country in Africa could be glassed tomorrow and it would not effect America at all in any way, negative or positive, except we'd have fewer shitholes mooching our foreign aid and peacekeeping budgets.

>> No.10539583

>They're communists, but they aren't communist *enough* for my taste, so they are far-right conservatives

Average yuropoor leftist desu

>> No.10539607

> Beast of No Nation

Read this and tell me there should be open borders

>> No.10539615

> Because they have nuclear weapons moron
On paper

>> No.10539622

>In Europe and North America, the establishment of social liberalism (often called simply "liberalism" in the United States) became a key component in the expansion of the welfare state.

>Social liberalism (also known as modern liberalism in the U.S.) is a political ideology that believes the individual requires a level of social justice. Social liberalism endorses a market economy and the expansion of civil and political rights, and also believes the legitimate role of the government includes addressing economic and social issues such as poverty, health care and education. Under social liberalism, the good of the community is viewed as harmonious with the freedom of the individual. Social liberal policies have been widely adopted in much of the capitalist world, particularly following World War II. Social liberal ideas and parties tend to be considered centrist or centre-left. Social liberals are seen as the middle ground between social democrats and classical liberals.

>Social justice is a concept of fair and just relations between the individual and society. This is measured by the explicit and tacit terms for the distribution of wealth, opportunities for personal activity and social privileges. In Western as well as in older Asian cultures, the concept of social justice has often referred to the process of ensuring that individuals fulfill their societal roles and receive what was their due from society. In the current global grassroots movements for social justice, the emphasis has been on the breaking of barriers for social mobility, the creation of safety nets and economic justice.

>Social justice assigns rights and duties in the institutions of society, which enables people to receive the basic benefits and burdens of cooperation. The relevant institutions often include taxation, social insurance, public health, public school, public services, labour law and regulation of markets, to ensure fair distribution of wealth, and equal opportunity.

Fucking Yuropoor education, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.10539643

>the keep calling them shitholes and think it won't confirm that they are shitholes in people's minds
they don't know the first thing about memetics.
If you don't want people to think something, stop repeating it.

>> No.10539650

>every refugee is secretly an african warlord
Wew that fearmongering shit is really doing its work eh? While I agree with the concept people should either assimilate (within reason, not walking out within a week in Texas saying 'howdy y'all') or return to their home countries (emphasis on this), we have a fundamental human right to flee conflict. Plus our refugee numbers are negligible especially compared to some third-world countries like Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Iran, etc.

>> No.10539709

>fight against Trump
Do you fuckwits even know how fucking cringy you sound? Holy shit.

>> No.10539712

>trade or business deal
You have no clue what Haiti even is right? They literally eat fucking dirt from the ground. Theyre trading nothing with nobody.

>> No.10539729

>South Africa
>Shithole country

It's a second world country at it's worst.

Otherwise yeah, no good books on this stand.

>> No.10539735

found it unnecessarily hard to read due to the dialect/slang

>> No.10540374
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South Africa has been a shithole country since apartheid ended

>> No.10540385

Roughly 1% of the population vs Sub-saharan Africa with many countries having 15+%?

>> No.10540399

>Things Fall Apart

>> No.10540431

Fishermen and BHOSK are good books.

>> No.10540439
File: 63 KB, 585x750, JoyceUlysses2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the greatest modern works have come from a particular shithole

>> No.10540442

Why Nations Fail

>> No.10540450

t. nu-/it/, who are all 20 year old cowards who read what their professor tells them, and wont read contemporary literature, and are engage in groupthink because they just started reading the canon

He's great, they havent read him.

>> No.10540451

Are we supposed to think they aren't shitholes cause they had some good writers?

>> No.10540494

I WONDER LE (((WHO))) etc.

>> No.10540507

>what their professor tells them
this has to be bait, english institutons aren't some dusty ivory towers today, they're at the forefront of postcolonial and queer theory

>> No.10540514
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Trump - The Art of the Deal.

>> No.10540541

chapo homos get off my board

>> No.10540548

gets me every fucking time, goddamn you

>> No.10540555


mr farooq i'd like to order one nuke please

>> No.10540588
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>> No.10540623

I visited this bookstore. It did have a good beer selection and decent shepherds pie. just too bad about the liberal nonsense theme they have going on

>> No.10540640

I can't remember the last time Americans had to resort to cannibalism due to extreme famine and poverty.

>> No.10540746


No it's not. Salaries are of course low but so is the cost of living which mostly balances it out. It has a large educated middle class similar to most western countries. Moscow and SPB are vastly safer than any of capitol cities of any of the countries on the table in OPs pic and are indeed safer than many major cities in the US.

>> No.10540756

>you know according to YOUR science
Did she know that Islamic science has laid the foundation for western-science? Pretty hard to play the exotic “other perspective” card.

>> No.10540772

>some dude

President of the United States is not "some dude." If you pretend his retarded comments didn't happen you're legitimizing what he says. And that makes it normal. And that degenerates and slow makes any meaningful dialogue meaningless when the other party just acts retarded on purpose.

>> No.10540788

It's the context around the shithole comment, which happens to be racist. He was talking about Hatians, el Salvarodeans and African immigrants and refugees and calling their countries shitholes, while adding that they should instead import more Norwegians.

>> No.10540849
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chill bro issa meme

>> No.10540940

You know its more than just poor people coming in right?

theyve been dealing with scores of natural disasters. Dirt eating isn't a fucking national dish you reactionary. To back Haiti, is to have a substantial influence in the Carribean, how can you not see that?

>> No.10541192

t. 20 year old bisexual Marxist who cares more about African trash than classic literature