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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 145 KB, 750x750, Dont_flirt_with_me_silly_boys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1052986 No.1052986 [Reply] [Original]

Read the filename.

>> No.1052992

That shit always pisses me off.

>> No.1052996


>> No.1053004

Chill the fuck out.

>> No.1053005

Sorry Nerds, I know you love me.

>> No.1053007


>> No.1053019

This is why girls shouldn't be allowed to read.

>> No.1053022

How old are all of you, 16? At least the thread which you're mocking had some /lit/ discussion. Grow up.

>> No.1053036

Mad that some of us can see past attention whores like you and not drool over your ugly ass? The only 16 year olds here are >>1053019, you, and all the white knights who want the attention whore to pay attention to them.

>> No.1053039

you you're expecting level-minded people on 4chan, you've come to the wrong place.

Funny thing is that I seem to recall the stats polls actually having a fairly significant number of 20+ anons. But hell, we have our fair share of underage b&

>> No.1053041
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>At least the thread which you're mocking had some /lit/ discussion.

>> No.1053045

some guy should post a naked pic of himself covering up his dick with a book

>> No.1053046

So you're okay with /lit/ being another myspace for ugly bitches fishing for compliments under the guise of "/lit/ discussion"? I doubt many of these whores even read the books they're holding.

>> No.1053047

Does my face have to be in it?

>> No.1053052

Not if you don't want to.

>> No.1053054
File: 50 KB, 750x750, 1282152218308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fixed that for you OP.

>> No.1053055
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>> No.1053057

No. Just do it

>> No.1053059
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>> No.1053062

She even got a headache reading it because she's so fucking stupid.

>> No.1053066

There was a pretty ugly one a few days ago holding up some book about capitalism, can't quite remember. What was funny was that some white night tried to defend her as "A lady without her makeup on in the late hours." Fucking pathetic.

>> No.1053068

I remember that shit, she was a coke whore.

>> No.1053069

ugly girls really do make themselfs look good with makeup though (I have observed this phenomenon) o_o

>> No.1053075
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>> No.1053077
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>> No.1053080

Awesome. You win /lit/.

>> No.1053083


>> No.1053085

Smart AND wooly

>> No.1053086

Dude, I love The Trial.

Good choice.

>> No.1053088

and fat

>> No.1053093

He's not fat, he's actually pretty sexy.

>> No.1053094

You just all hate women. That's it. Doesn't matter what they're doing.

>> No.1053096
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>> No.1053097

lol you're a little late sasquatch, and I thought the first guy was hairy

>> No.1053100

woops I said the wrong penis.
I meant >>1053096

>> No.1053108


Thank you. :3

>> No.1053110


I'm a woman, and I still hate you because you're a stupid camera whore.

>> No.1053113

You prolly just mad cause you ugly

>> No.1053118
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>> No.1053121
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u mad?

>> No.1053128

Sorry that some people here can see through your shit you dumb attention whore.

>> No.1053141
File: 14 KB, 252x345, elfinglaughman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Camwhore in denial

>> No.1053153
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>> No.1053154

I saved the pics the guys made so I can make a thread mocking camwhores later, I recommend others do the same.

>> No.1053156

Repost them constantly. Make it a meme.

>> No.1053164
File: 37 KB, 279x347, sp1264428098hrabal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Make it a meme.
>Forcing a meme.

Sure is newfag in here. :(

>> No.1053165

I get the whole naked "girl" with book hate. But what`s this shit about gamer girls?

>> No.1053170

Go on /v/, ask for the picture of all the girls on Steam with this sentence in their profile: "YES I'm a girl and I play games.

>> No.1053175

I like my women lying on the bed, legs spread and pussy wet...YEE-HAW I'M A VIRGIN!

>> No.1053176
File: 60 KB, 484x500, Wagaoner-hand-shake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Welcome to 4chan. You must be new here.

>> No.1053179

Women who style themselves as intellectuals and have very high opinions of themselves/refer to themselves in everyday situations as "a writer" or "a deep thinker" or any variation are the worst. But also the best because they usually have a massive inferiority complex and if you write well you can fuck them and they'll write poetry about it later.

>> No.1053181

>I'm such a special snowflake because I play video games and NOT MANY OTHER GIRLS DO
>I'll make it the foremost aspect of my personality and broadcast this everywhere. I PLAY VIDEO GAMES, LOL AWESOME RIGHT?
>But, silly boys, don't flirt with me!

There was a girl like this in my memoir class who wrote about how hard it was to be a respected female COD player. It made me realize I don't respect anyone who expects any sort of respect from video games.

>> No.1053207


I still find it funny, because every raiding guild on my WoW server is full of women.

>Gamer girls: You aren't special anymore. Get over it.

>> No.1053208

>how hard it was to be a respected female COD player.
>how hard it was to be a respected COD player.


>> No.1053211 [DELETED] 


/v/irgin here, just helping you guys out.

I don't have anything else to do.

>> No.1053212

Oh, okay... Shit.

>> No.1053223
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>> No.1053226


>> No.1053264


>> No.1053273

Yeah we got it, it's a stupid post. Stop keeping this thread alive.

>> No.1053277


>> No.1053282

We need for gayfags to hold up smart books, please?

>> No.1053285


No. I don't need to prove anything to you niggerz >=(

>> No.1053288

aww, dont use such naughty language.

>> No.1053298

I honestly don't know how you can do this without feeling like a total idiot.

>> No.1053306
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>> No.1053311
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but but if ah tuch bewk, i maek smarts!

>> No.1053314

Aw poor guy just feel from the sky and hurt his self and all those assholes are lookin at him like he's some kind of jerk (at least they called for an ambulance)

>> No.1053322



>> No.1053327

>go to /lit/
>anon throwing a temper tantrum, no interesting threads
>come back
>OP still bumping the same stupid thread, nothing interesting otherwise.

Oh, fuck this. Die monster, you don't belong in this world

>> No.1053356


I agree. If you want girls to be respected as equals on this board (why the fuck it's deserved with all the ridiculous threads of girls holding up "smart" books, I don't know,) don't reveal your gender on an anonymous forum to begin with because it has nothing to do with books, have a nice discussion about _____ and have a nice day.

>> No.1053369
File: 45 KB, 329x400, ex_jess_pout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But how will i get attention for being a girl then?

>> No.1053372

This entire thread is just pathetic.

>> No.1053374

>reveal gender
it's not prudent, but not really wrong. blame is on people who make a big deal out of it.

still, given the amount of silly threads already, this sort of stuff doesn't add all that much to the flow. meh

>> No.1053417
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>> No.1053422

ITT: faggots

>> No.1053448
File: 203 KB, 3508x2480, garybusey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1053474

Women are NOTHING but image.

THAT'S why they're camwhores, attention whores, histrionic messes, narcissists and drama freaks.

WHY aren't women good comedians?

Because comedy is about the truth and women live and breathe LIES.

WHY do women pretend to like books?

To sucker in poor fools like /lit/.
To widen the range of potential sources of narcissistic relief.


NEVER forget that piece of ancient wisdom, /lit/.

>> No.1053491

u mad

>> No.1053503

OP speaks the truth. Thats why we need to stop making hookup threads in lit

>> No.1053508

Why? None of the girls in them post pictures.

>> No.1053509

I lol'd.

>> No.1053514

First they laugh etc.

>> No.1053520

They usually do. And its still the same bullshit, attention whoring crap for idiots who think they can hookup on a 4chan board.

I want a place where we can read/share/discuss books, not try to get into each other's pants on the think disguise of it being about literature.

If you need to hook up go to:

>> No.1053526

People who care are even more retarded.

>> No.1053533

I have never seen a girl post her picture outright in those threads. I've seen a few guys do it, however.

>> No.1053535

Some of us just wants to talk to like minded people. Hookup doesn`t have to mean meeting for sex. To me it means making a new aquitence.

>> No.1053541


take it to r9k, or chatroulette. this place is for lit, not hookups.

plus everytime there's a hookup thread it turns into a bunch of faggots talking about being trannies

>> No.1053543

This. I wanted to arrange a group meeting, since there were so many /lit/ people around my area.

>> No.1053545


Must...not...agree. I am becoming bitter :C

>> No.1053546

I can't imagine many people on chatroulette are into literature.

>> No.1053547

> everytime there's a hookup thread it turns into a bunch of faggots talking about being trannies


>> No.1053549

C'mon, don't be that guy.

>> No.1053553

You poor, deluded, ronery man.

>> No.1053555

it was a good thread, faggots

>> No.1053556

It's not that hard to ignore one thread. And it usually is just one thread, every couple of days.

I mean, stagolee makes at least 5 troll threads a day. I would think a hookup thread would be simple to ignore.

>> No.1053558

more like several in one day. everyone wants to be the OP of their own large thread for the personal ego boost.

>> No.1053561

I can't find more than one on all 15 pages of /lit/ right now. I don't think I've ever seen more than one a day, unless the other was deleted (for the tranny shit).

>> No.1053567

C'mon, let it in.
You know it's the truth.

You see it all around, don't you?
You see evidence of women's inferiority every day.

Why deny it?
Social acceptance? The joy of ignorance?

Once you've even glanced at the truth, you can never forget it.
You'll only ever pretend to have not seen it.

>> No.1053571

I feel so bad for you.

>> No.1053579

Because you make assumptions about my lifestyle?

Go ahead.
Tell me who you think I am, who is so pitiable.

>> No.1053581

you're preaching misogyny on an image board about books that is supposed to be fun like you are revealing some great truth to willing disciples. if anything, you're just pitiable. beyond that I can make no assumptions regarding your character.

>> No.1053588

Most of the people here are no happier with the way women are than I am.

Often, they're a willing audience.
I've had people on various boards tell me that I have destroyed irreparably their perception of women.

I am proud of that, because I may have helped them.

>> No.1053601

if it works for you and the others then perhaps it is best you do help each other along in this world, for it is difficult enough. carry on I suppose, but your words are not for me.

>> No.1053605



>> No.1053611


Hey misogybro. Did you post a thread a few weeks ago on /adv/ about how you made some scary stalker chick cry after telling her that you think all women are evil?

If you are, once again, I'm sorry about your mother. But you are missing out on many rewarding friendships and experiences by holding the views that you do. It makes me sad that you're limiting yourself to such an intense degree, because you otherwise seem like a very smart, thoughtful, and interesting person.

>> No.1053643

I don't believe I am missing out on rewarding friendships, because I don't believe women can offer real friendship.

And, I'm sorry, but the sweet talk does nothing for me. Women are the way they are. It has little to do with me. I am just acknowledging it. Even if I developed a very positive attitude toward women, it wouldn't change the fact that they can and do fuck men over at any opportunity.

>> No.1053673

Although I like George Carlin, he fails to acknowledge female support of the kind of machismo he despises.

Take for example the Chewa people of Zambia. Traditionally males are encouraged to fight each other using sharpened sticks. These matches are often bloody and can often cause death, among boys as young as 13.

In Carlin's theory of female empathy, women should be rushing between the men and demanding they cease the needless bloodshed. They don't.

Women, even more than the men, support and enjoy the male fighting. The men fight primarily for the attention of women. Women have said of the fights that "they're very enjoyable to watch" and that "a woman should always expect a man who is a good fighter for a husband".

Women not only support but may even be the source of the male attitudes that Carlin talks of. Why? Because they reward the men who act this way with the opportunity to have sex and to reproduce.

>> No.1053709


People are accountable for their own actions. You can't rationalize the men's actions with the women's egging on. The women are wrong in their encouraging, but it's not as though the men are incapable of thinking for themselves.

>> No.1053716

requesting more coyly concealed cocks

>> No.1054023


>> No.1054036
File: 349 KB, 250x183, beckderp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes please.

>> No.1054041
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>> No.1054048

Paddington? HOT.

>> No.1054053


Why are you posting pictures from Jerks's Facebook?

>> No.1054080
File: 222 KB, 1024x768, 1273772221429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone has it would they post a picture of that girl who was holding up books on cam in the first few months that elicited the "So cute. She's cute. You're a cutie" thread? Kind of a long shot, but you know.

>> No.1054086

oh god what the fuck

>> No.1054097


I'll go out on a limb and assume that's a guy.

>> No.1054100

What sort of books?

Also, I feel violated that a copy of The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays is sitting on the table next to me now...

>> No.1054103
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>> No.1054117


Shit, baby, I'm down for that.

What Scott McCloud book is that in the left corner?

>> No.1054124
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>> No.1054141
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>> No.1054150

woman-hater, you should get therapy to work through that. that's the only thing i can say to you. i'm a girl and i know that girls can be bitches, yeah, but guys can be total assholes too. believe me, i've known both... the world is divided into assholes and good people, and the large majority of them are assholes, male or female. it sucks that you may have had bad experiences with women in the past but seriously, get help. because what you're saying is completely delusional. i won't even bother repying to the whole "women can't have real friendship ect. ect.", but just know that you sound deeply disturbed.

>> No.1054160

We need a thread full of this. Everyone has to use a different book though.

We could construct a recommendations chart with the images.

>> No.1054164

The /lit/ Gentlemen Society

>> No.1054168



Ha ha ha

>> No.1054172

more girls, no boys. chop chop

>> No.1054179

Girls can't actually read. They just come here to pretend like they do.

>> No.1054182

Less this, more dicks concealed by books.

>> No.1055745

The whole point of having an anonymous message board, which is pretty obvious, is so that every person can assume the role of "anon" keeping their identity secret. Anon technically should be a genderless, raceless person. Still, usually this image is filled in as a white male by all the readers.

Generally most non-white, non-male people in the world look to their minority status as a form of identity, as something to relate to. While most of the non-white men just associate with the male part of the assumed anon and leave it at that, the females often decide that it is necessary to declare their gender unnecessarily because it is the identity that they hold onto. They also probably feel there is a need to express that when surrounded by so many supposed "male" anons. I personally like to consider these chicks attention whores. Unfortunately (or probably fortunately) all the smarter, non-camwhores get fallen by the wasteside because they don't have the need to identify their gender and are just assumed to be males, but that's really the way it should be.

Seriously though, who gives a fuck about your gender. We're here to discuss books. And if some chick wants to show her boobs with the books, go ahead. I'll enjoy the view and still think you're a camwhore at the same time.

>> No.1055778

I would like to point something out to you /lit/

We all want and enjoy attention. When you post something on here, you're hoping for a response. If it falls into the oblivion of 404, it's disappointing. We ALL want to feel validated and accepted. As a woman, in this society, revealling flesh is a sure fire way to gain attention. Because the physical form is what is valued from women. Can you really be so judgemental over someone for gaining attention through utilising their physicality, when you yourself also seek acceptance. We all want to be liked,and when you're a girl, your appearance is what matters more than anything.

>> No.1055780
File: 13 KB, 300x400, sip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a sensible person and I respect your viewpoint.

>> No.1055787
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>> No.1056101

The poems will also include references to specialty teas.
This is all women who've decided they are very serious writers ever write about. Preparing luxury teas and how impossible the men who can never understand them are.

>> No.1056430

Appearance is what matters more than anything if you're a shallow camwhore.