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File: 738 KB, 1728x2367, tfw no hope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10529354 No.10529354[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Guess who binged on junk food today after coming home from his boring job and was depressed at being a 27 year old ugly beta male with no friends or social experiences since school and even through university, no female attention ever, no passions in life, and who became the ugly loner within one day of all his jobs?

Guess who was hit by the visceral feeling of boredom with his job and worry that he was a Microsoft Office jockey hunched over his computer screen at work, who has a probably goofy haircut, badly fitting shirt, glasses, is overweight due to frequent binging, and is the type of guy kids and teenagers look at and can't really imagine growing up to be? Guess who lifts heavy weights but binges anyway and is too demoralised in general to put effort in to the gym? Guess who always enjoyed maths at school but picked a STEM subject he hated at university and had zero intellectual satisfaction from it?

Guess who can't enjoy reading books because he feels like he has to read lots of boring books? Guess who can't bear to learn new things because he feels like he has to go through SICP or learn a few other boring things?

Guess who is going to wander around London on the weekend feeling sad about life and demoralised as fuck after seeing lots of Staceys and Chads?

The contrast between office cucks like myself, who only aim for higher paid office cuckoldry, and the Chads in the media, is immense. Marky Mark assaults people for lolz, joins a boyband for the lulz, becomes a jailbait magnet pop star for lolz, becomes an actor for lolz, and now is in the relaxed post-young-Chad phase. And watching Jake Paul videos is like watching distilled Chad.

I find myself feeling prouder of my failures than any of my achievements as theyr'e like rebelling against being a cucked part of society, a beta to be fuelled by false hopes ("Just go outside" "Just work hard"), worked to death then discarded.

>> No.10529388

Oh, how I wish there was such a thing as diet ice cream.

>> No.10529404
File: 77 KB, 604x746, 1514571444515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least it's Friday Jake Paul bro. Enjoy your weekend and try not to get a tummy ache.

>> No.10529616

>worked to death then discarded
I thought your job was low effort. Why don't you take shrooms? Eat some and ask them if your life's worth living anymore.