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10528673 No.10528673 [Reply] [Original]

>dude like lol shit just somehow came up idkbro
>lmao we're just evolved apes floating on a random rock
>don't worry about all of this shit I can't explain, just buy into my materialist historical narrative silly goy

Holy fuck, fuck you faggots on here who recommending this retarded shit to me. This little Jewish weasel has no understand of basic metaphysics or philosophy. I could have just listened to your average redditor for all of the information contained within. I want to strangle this homosexual Jew after reading this nonsense. I can't believe this is one of the most popular books of our time. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.10528675



>> No.10528678

y u mad bro?

>> No.10528684


understanding* phoneposters deserve gas I know


Because I was tricked.

>> No.10528738


>> No.10528740

DESU you're the retarded one for expecting any of that to be in a book about human evolution and anthropology

>> No.10528754

>don't worry about all of this shit I can't explain

>> No.10530008

What's there to understand? I haven't read the book but you had at some point meteors hitting or supervolcanoes erupting making times tough, ergo lots of selection pressure, intelligence and cooperation ended up being our get our ticket out of extinction. Neanderthals got super smart before they died off too so it's not like we're all that unique.
Talk about dark energy or why the universe is flat if you need a "mystery" to shore up your belief in God.

>> No.10530013
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drop this zero and get with a real hero

>> No.10530022

Why are there so many easily butthurt christfags here

>> No.10530159

God, that book is one of the biggest cancers in our contemporary society.

>> No.10530170

>like, gender and sex
>they are completely independent things, you know
>like, why are you such a homophobe, bro?
>trust me, I'm gay!

wew what a book.

>> No.10531278

Its a book for 'normies', you should have some respect for youself and read something better

>> No.10531307

It's shit tier anthropology. Not even worth it. I've seen philosophy PhDs getting their mind blown by it and I just can't see how.
Just watch his Ted talk if you want to know what it's about. It's interesting, but so banal.

>> No.10531322

My wife bought this for "us". She said some of her colleagues said it was good.

What the fuck am I in for?

>> No.10531351

Nobody's recommending that, people said it's pretty good compared to the retarded sequel.

>> No.10531353

Just read the first book of Cambridge Ancient History.
Free on Archive.

>> No.10531415

Why not just say both are dogshit? Quit being a disingenuous little weasel.

>My wife bought this for "us".
Kill her.
Also kill yourself since it's clear you are no longer a separate entity from her.

>> No.10531423

>Yuval Noah Harari
>Because I was tricked.

With a name like that, I don't know what you expected.

>> No.10531429
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>dude like lol shit just somehow came up idkbro
>lmao we're just evolved apes floating on a random rock
>don't worry about all of this shit I can't explain, just buy into my materialist historical narrative silly goy

Holy fuck, fuck you faggots on here who recommending this retarded shit to me. This little Anglo weasel has no understand of basic metaphysics or philosophy. I could have just listened to your average redditor for all of the information contained within. I want to strangle this homosexual Anglo after reading this nonsense. I can't believe this is one of the most popular books of our time. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.10531439

Are you disappointed because it's an entry-tier anthropological essays or you're just a creationist? If the former, do you have recommendations for a better book?

>> No.10531440

>reading any book with "A brief" in the title

>> No.10531441

If it's so shit name some better big history books pls

>> No.10531447

Very cool that no one is answering this

>> No.10531477


>I can't believe this is one of the most popular books of our time
Fault is on you, fix your perspective.

>> No.10531504


For the few non-/pol/ users that are still here, this book has some interesting topics, but like the title mentions - it is very brief. Luckily it has numerous sources that you can research yourself if a certain topic interests you.
I personally found the (pre-)agricultural revolution, myths and capitalism to be the most interesting.

The book also contains some left-leaning opinions which can be annoying if you were expecting a 100% neutral and objective book (even for me as a lefty) - it handles evolutionary 'realism' and slavery surprisingly well though.

If you are somewhat new to the journey of humans like i am, its definitely a good starter and i do not regret reading it.

>> No.10531564
File: 515 KB, 680x639, end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using pop-history for study
the absolute state of "lefty"s

>> No.10531569

I agree bro all niggers must fucking hang.

>> No.10531574
File: 210 KB, 400x433, IMG_1693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Preposterous bullshit by low brow mediocre antisemites that not a single soul holds in any sort of esteem whatsoever.

>> No.10531586


I was pretty clear in the book being a starter book that should be branched out of. I wouldn't consider it to be academic, no.

>> No.10531647

I read Homo Deus after hearing about it as some mind blowing and incredible book. It was just a shallow overview of assorted philosophies attitudes in society over time and then a few blog posts worth of speculation on the future.

Jesus Christ normies are dumb as fuck.

>> No.10531657

Because after reading This bullshit we want our money and time back.

>> No.10531670
File: 23 KB, 439x290, jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


don't ever buy jew books, sometimes i just check them out of the library to brush up on their (((agenda))).

>> No.10531679

What you on about? This is hands down the best book on general science since The Selfish Gene. Just because it doesn't fit your narrative doesn't mean it's not fantastic.

>> No.10531712

That book is definitely cancerous, yes.

Darwin literally uses Genesis as proof of evolution the fucking satanist. He never stopped to consider that the Bible is true. Now we’re trying to do damage control. Society is fucked up because of the evolutionary worldview.

Social Darwinism is indeed because of Darwin and is responsible for being combined with Machiavellianism and other sorts of things to make social life absolutely shite for everyone

>> No.10531741

But the bible is indeed a lie

>> No.10531994

I've read 150 pages. The parts explaining how humanity climbed so far on the hierarchy by being able to agree on collective myths was interesting. Also how many things in our modern society that go under the definition of spawns from collective imagination: Money, human rights, corporations, traffic laws, and so on.
Don't swear, it makes you sound dumb.

>> No.10532174
File: 479 KB, 758x866, Lain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the only functioning part of the atheists brain
>he sees a critique and complaint about the state of society
>he can only muster a feeble childish "But the bible is indeed a lie"

Vanity of vanities

>> No.10532229

But you still believe that the bible is true

>> No.10532264
File: 77 KB, 230x400, 03985739263472119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>memes are parasitic ideas that colonize our brains to survive, we're just robots
pic related is for you

Social darwinism is because of Spencer though

>> No.10532271

Literally not true at all if you read the Origin you would understand.

It’s funny. Most conclusions from Darwinism were posited by Darwin himself. Like Eugenics, social Darwinism, anti-creationism

>> No.10532288

>genetic fallacy
huh.. wow.. its almost as if.. semites.. use.. the same.. tactics as.. antisemites.. i wonder.. why..

>> No.10532292

Mate i know you probably live in a fantasy world so asking this is most likely useless, but can you tell me how exactly did life get worse for everyone considering that material conditions (if that's what we're talking about) have improved immensely since Darwin published his book?

>> No.10532300
File: 20 KB, 360x339, 13279321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but my anthropology t-teacher said... aa-are you telling me he... h-he l-l-lied?

tbqh the origin of species is in my list of future readings so I can't say for sure, but your words come new to me

>> No.10532873

>Darwin literally uses Genesis as proof of evolution the fucking satanist.

pls post quotes

>> No.10532877

>I-I'm not an animal
>I'm God's own image
>He created me to worship hip
>My vision of how the universe must necessarily be isn't a capricious or narcissitic fairy tale at all

>> No.10532888

I don’t need to, you should have read the book. Basically he uses selective breeding as an evidence of natural evolution. There’s evidence of selective breeding in Genesis, so he quotes it to prove evolution. Very dumb.
M8, how has society IMPROVED from the theory of evolution? All it has done is reinforce aggressive, cold philosophies of the universe so people can go all Ragnar Redbeard and Bell Curve on everyone. It’s dumb and doesn’t make any sense.
Trust me you are better off not even bothering to read it. Anything that denies we were created by God is kind of blasphemy anyway. But it seems belief in God always comes with a paradigm. Well, now it comes with peace. No need to make war. If God is real, his works will be enacted in reality. Look at California. It’s only going to get worse. God is real, and an actual player in this fucking game.

>> No.10532904

>God is real, and an actual player in this fucking game.
God is the game bro

>> No.10532923

I am reading cities by John reader.
I see a lot of statistics in the book , things like ," two hundred thousand tons of grain" . I've also noticed that I am generally bad at estimation , and skip over these kinds of statistics entirely.

Are there any books which could help me in this regard.
Yeah, and this book is an askhistorians rec along similar lines as that of sapiens.

>> No.10532936

>M8, how has society IMPROVED from the theory of evolution? All it has done is reinforce aggressive, cold philosophies of the universe so people can go all Ragnar Redbeard and Bell Curve on everyone. It’s dumb and doesn’t make any sense.
It stopped religious fundamentalism, for starters.
And people were arguably much more violent before. People don't need a reason to be violently tribal, Darwinism is just an excuse.

>> No.10532994

Society passed through a warlike phase. God doesn’t just go away when the struggles become more mental. He can read your thoughts

>> No.10533000

Is /lit/ just hating this book because it's popular with normies who watch ted talks?

>> No.10533100

The spergs on reddit absolutely love it.
But the contrarians, what choice do they have ? They have to hate it however the book is! To examine the actual question, it is important to see what the person who is going to read this book wants out of it.
Given that /lit/ knows a bit of history and philosophy , and is generally repulsed by "woah! So cool" reaction inducing circumlocutory writing about a mish mash of subjects , which itself claims to be "a personal account of history"!
Frankly, I am not surprised /lit/ doesn't like this. I might read this book. If I do, it would serve the exact same purpose that motivational videos do for normies.

>> No.10533329

You're gonna be okay, Anon

>> No.10533526

because we actually don't know.

>> No.10533669

The theory of evolution wasn't developed to improve society. Darwin observed animals and came up with an explanation of why they ended up the way they are, and every new discovery in biology and paleontology has backed up his general idea ever since.
I've never seen an angry creationist ranting on /lit/ but it's pretty entertaining. Your post makes it sound like you're slipping into schizophrenia.

>> No.10534854

he also pretends to be an expert on jewish history whilst espousing khazar theory. i used to like his stuff but he's a fag.

>> No.10534893

Unfortunately, God is real. This isn't schizophrenia. He talks to you. If you're going to call communicating with God schizophrenic, you are by definition evil you fucking retard. People do it all the time at church, mosques what have you.

God will give you direction in your life if you listen. He actually fucking exists. That's what reality is currently proving. Just tonight I have seen another post confirmatory of the magnificence of God's creation in this last year. Obviously, the /r/atheism-tier retardation is finally starting to wear away.

>> No.10534947

God, or whatever name you want to give to your torture deity, is generated by auto-suggestion. It is just one terrible path and pact to pretend your values are significant.

>> No.10534977

If you observe reality around you, and you may even be with others, you can prove God exists. You ask, and God will allow. You wait, and God will show. His signs are manifest too! You can observe them anywhere. Look into Transcendentalism.

>> No.10534992

That is your self-hypnosis talking. I don't worship my non-critical faculties. Have you even seen the lights?

>> No.10535003

Don't be foolish. I have talked to others and experienced many moments of which I can be sure God exists. I know for a fact God exists because I am proven he exists day in and day out. I, and many others, have had experiences because of how faithful they have been to the lord.

>> No.10535016

I am sure you convinced yourself of all those things. Does your god speak to you?

>> No.10535082


>> No.10535095

Does *my* God? Our God.

>> No.10536053

>Trust me you are better off not even bothering to read it. Anything that denies we were created by God is kind of blasphemy anyway.

If you don't mind I'll read what I want. I'm a christian but that doesn't mean I can't tell a good or bad work of reason apart from its implication regarding the truth.

>It stopped religious fundamentalism
are you being serious?
>America is full of various sorts of so-called christian fundamentalists
>ideology IS religion

>> No.10536220

Ideas, Peter Watson

>> No.10536237
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>tfw will never be an "us" just a "me"

>> No.10536262

>khazar theory
Is this the theory that the jewish diaspora in (eastern) europe stem from the converted khazars? If so, I didn't know it was an actual theory, but it struck me as highly plausible when I read about the khazars.

>> No.10536268

It is basically a normie history of the world, thus it became popular

You're "shocked" that a pop-science book doesn't solve history and life for you

>> No.10536283

that's a fat cat

>> No.10536300

>being physically hanged drawn and quartered once is worse than being mentally hanged drawn and quartered every day of your life
keking @ people who actually think society has improved

>> No.10536319


>> No.10536329

Good post. Hit the nail on the head.

>> No.10536332

>a brief introduction to fluid mechanics

>> No.10536340

Read this if you just want an outline of human history, its decent for what it is. Idk whats got the trolls in this thread so triggered though, probably because it was writted by a gay jew

>> No.10536351

Oh no.
That includes "introduction".
At the end of any introduction, you should be able to pick up any other book within the topic.

>> No.10536358

Learn some of math and physics. Pre-calculus, calculus and mechanics. In the physics books you learn about estimations. Check out Sears and Zemansky Universitary physics first chapter. Also, don't skip that parts again

>> No.10536409


You are wrong, you have to believe in God BECAUSE the proofs of his existence doesn't manifestate in the real world. If so, you would only need reason but you need faith! Because he almost does nothing to change the most little things the world!

If you keep believing that you will forget and/ or distort the meaning of faith. Have you never heard of worship/belief without expecting anything in return?