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10527202 No.10527202 [Reply] [Original]

Is this series dead or something?

Its been 4 years since the last book, and there used to be like 2 a year.

>> No.10527211
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Is THAT what he looks like? I always imagined him as the main character from Pushing Daisies for some reason.

>> No.10527216

The descriptions are always a little confused.

He's meant to be this scarred abomination, but he's hot
Wizards are meant to age very slowly, but he's always complaining about his knees and shit in the later books

>> No.10527223

yeah, because butcher is a hack.
You know 90% of his problems would have been solved way earlier if he'd just agreed to work with Marcone. Fucking Dresden.
I couldn't stand it after... pinkblue apprentice was added to the cast.

>> No.10527249

yeah, he had a very strong run from like book 3 to book 12 though.

Ghost Story was the first one that was a bit shit

>> No.10527256

Like, honestly, Butcher goes out of his way to put in no uncertain terms that Marcone is competent, ruthless, powerful AND, despite being a criminal, has a strong moral compass and he offers to basically pay Dresden ungodly amounts of money to "be available for consultation" and then Dresden is just like "too good" for that? FUCK. Butcher you dumb asshole! Why is your main character still 15?

Huh. Well, I read 1-12, and on occasion I did get the hankering to go back and keep reading, but then when I couldn't find the file I didn't give a shit either. I guess it's fine. I'd rather start in on other urban fantasies than go back so that's fine too.

Also, yeah, I think so. I've been seeing fantasy books from him lately, so I'm pretty sure he's focusing on those.

>> No.10527272

>Like, honestly, Butcher goes out of his way to put in no uncertain terms that Marcone is competent, ruthless, powerful AND, despite being a criminal, has a strong moral compass and he offers to basically pay Dresden ungodly amounts of money to "be available for consultation" and then Dresden is just like "too good" for that? FUCK. Butcher you dumb asshole! Why is your main character still 15?
I think its more of athat author/character blurring

Butcher is a bit of a fedora christfag as I understand it. It blurrs in from time to time.

>> No.10527284

>I think its more of athat author/character blurring
Oh, yeah. That's painfully obvious that's what it is, but most authors stop doing that when they leave highschool, and there's only so much of that I can take. If I'm going to read schlock, then I'll read fanfiction.