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/lit/ - Literature

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10527013 No.10527013 [Reply] [Original]

/lit has become a shitpost,newfags everywhere and yet there are better than most the abominations pseuds that creep here.All we do is shitpost to dead meme authors or the millenial bullshit that is right now out,peterperson,tao lin,john green which are the low point of the shit publishers are making of literature but its just circumstancial.
All the actual true dialect thats happening here is at best at the last hopeless good authors we had(gaddis,gass etc) which were just the 80s postmodernism and ofc DFW with all the memes and everything we all know he was the greatest we had but his literature (which is the peak and limit as what i think most of us think as literature)is just what he and we his reader are which is just close to as dead as it gets<i mean it as its stong point>).The point is where do we go from here.(which in actual time its about the early 00s,the other 20y was just irony,a few good stories and at its best memes)
So for however cant find anything to read and reads only things for sentimental purpose(celine,henry james,lotr,gass whatever it is)I think the only writer who I is writing still and all of his books are masterpieces is William T Vollmann
The whole point of my post is to get you to try him he is i think the hardest to get in (because he is the most postmodern or rather the greatest writer in postmodernism)(you know as derrida whined about that you dont understand him,I think all text that doesnt try to be self-explanatory has that postmodern feature as understanding it as understanding the one who writes it(here is the place peter-jungfags gtfo)and espacially more than the text the author
He was contemporary of wallace and called him thin but also when speaking about his death "he was so gentle and sincere'
Wallace even thought him as the idea of postmodern good fiction
And thought i have seen some people her reading him there read either Europe Central or The Dying Grass which also great but the most accessible too
All his interviews are great to but I think the ones with bookworms are in a sense historical
and they get you ready for the book and author
Pick anyone and you will want to read him

>> No.10527026

I really like Vollmann but your post is so bad I'm not even going to bother reading it.

>> No.10527036

I think I agree with you but this post is written so horribly I just can't keep reading it.

TL,DR We need a /phi/ board to lock up all the pseuds and keep /lit/ for LITERATURE discussion about books or authors, not pol-bait

>> No.10527052

TLDR Read him and /lit/ sucks

>> No.10527766

>Wants to improve /lit/
>Makes awful thread
Please stop.

>> No.10527774

>TL,DR We need a /phi/ board to lock up all the pseuds and keep /lit/ for LITERATURE discussion about books or authors, not pol-bait

>> No.10527777
File: 1.06 MB, 1280x701, Pierre_Chalfont-Tremond.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lit needs to rise
I see what you mean

>> No.10528004

Is this pasta? You don't seem the literary type.