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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 78 KB, 513x630, DA13B1C5-65D6-4CFA-97D7-2BE450896209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10526310 No.10526310 [Reply] [Original]

Write what’s on your mind

>> No.10526404

This place gets scummy at night. You start to lose your mind when you wake up in the dark.

Sadism and cereal at 4 in the morning has to kill a person on the inside.

>> No.10526405

I'll have what *he's* having

And pass one down to the lady in the glasses

>> No.10526408

The graffiti says "off da pigs" another says "scot".
Who is scot? Why does he wish to kill law enforcement?
Why did he use his own inadequate name for this?

>> No.10526411
File: 132 KB, 538x403, BD2B566C-063E-412E-B451-269B5B09FA8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems I actually do have something to live for.

>> No.10526412

I've realized that factually nothing can save me from all my problems. Therefore I'm committing suicide sometime in the next seven months or so. Like many I've wondered over the many different methods of going about it and was wondering which is the least painful and easiest method to achieve for an incel? This means no guns/hardcore drugs or anything that you fags can't easily obtain.

>> No.10526415


>> No.10526463

I am worthless and lazy and I'm wasting my life.

>> No.10526494

I am a KHV Unifag that grew up very isolated. My birthday is next week and my (3) friends (including my oneitis) found out somehow and told me that we have to do something.

Now the issue I am facing in this situation is that I never celebrated my birthday since my single mother never cared about me. I have absolutely no idea how to act or what to do. Am I supposed to invite them somewhere and pay? Are they supposed to invite me and pay for me? Where would I even go to celebrate a birthday? I was never even invited to one so I don't know what to expect or how all of it works.

I simply don't understand how birthdays work

>> No.10526626
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I NEED a qt Azn gf

>> No.10526631

cant stand myself or any of you. when does this shit start making sense?

>> No.10526633

Leave me alone

>> No.10526710

Maybe the shit won't come out of me fast enough for me to make it to work on time.

>> No.10526732

I have a paper to write about regional variation in English, another on crime and criminal justice in the UK domestic legal system pertaining to homicide charges, and revision to do... Please kill me

>> No.10526738

I really want to write my opening novel with my MC waking up, to convey the deprivation of her situation.

But I am told repeatedly that Waking up is a cliche and it would be disregarded by publishers?

Should I still write it or should I write something else?

>> No.10526739

You could drink some poisonous shit in between glasses of your favorite liquor

>> No.10526755

These threads are called "Write whats on your mind"

I come into them with goals to contribute, because I respect these threads for what they are.

I open the post window and try to think about what's on my mind to write.

I cant come up with anything. There's nothing on my mind.

>> No.10526765

How do I get attention from people (males) for my instagram? Let me just post a picture pretending to be into something I have little to no passion or understanding for!

>> No.10526770

I wore gloves today and now I have red sleeves from sunburn.

>> No.10526934

i don't find her attractive

>> No.10526992


>> No.10526998

But do you want hapa babies?

>> No.10527172

Fag detected

>> No.10527275

I'm going to ask a girl to see a play with me tonight not because I'm interested in the girl or even the play really but because I'm bored as fuck.

>> No.10527278

There was a thread up already, cunt. Learn to use the catalog.

>> No.10527421
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After I finished boosting boardgames [Ticket to Ride, Catan, Betrayal], I started to walk out with medium-sized, ruled Moleskines [the pastels blue, green, and pink; bright German red; unattractive grey; fabric-covered Navy chic].

These are my projects in mind:
>bright red: codify things that I don't yet know (how is steel made? how does refrigeration work?), research, and record findings
>fabric-covered: quotations that i pull from essays (e.g. Sam Johnson, Allen Tate), philosophy (Kierk), and literature for future reference
>pastel green or blue: poems that I'd like to memorize (mostly Brit Romantics)
>the other pastel: sentential logic problems, attempts at solving Meno's paradox, etc.
>grey: notes for the upcoming semester
>pastel pink: give to my wife

>> No.10527582

I probably shouldn't write about my photo shoots for my creative writing class. I gave a vivid description of my nude model and now everyone in class thinks I'm a sex fiend. Probably won't help if I write about the schoolgirl themed shoot I'm doing today. Granted, that I'm shooting that one for fap material, but they don't need to know that.

>> No.10528064

I'm pretty sure Weininger's idea of the henid is the only existing good description of how the average person's process of concept formation works, maybe only in modernity, or maybe it's just a perennial problem of people having semi-functional elk brains. It's a really succint phenomenology of pre-concept-formation "fuzziness," where the affective and hunch-driven aspects of thought are still swirling around with the "What is objectively true and real?" component of what a concept is supposed to be, or what the affective aspects are supposed to DEAL with.

You're supposed to set up an abstract meaning-intention of "There is a correct, objective, reality-referring solution to this problem I am addressing here. There is an Outcome I am supposed to reach, by thinkin' about stuff," and THEN you dialectically-hermeneutically address the field of possible meaning-fulfillment (your hunches, affective states, social instincts, observations, playfully guessing attempts at various abstractions, etc.), while being very careful to "find" the truth within that fuzzy field. You're supposed to wade into a field of potential meaning and meanings and impulsese and drives and preferences always already ready-at-hand, and stand against them like a monk being tempted in the wilderness by demons, and go "No! I gotta find the Solution to this Problem! Stop trying to tempt me to take the easy road of conveniently arriving at a solution that suits my preferences, or gratifies my base urges! Begone!" You're supposed to resist that constant tug in a thousand directions to be led astray into a convenient self-referential conception of the world and your relationship to it. By doing that, you set up an abstract concept, it clicks into place from being a henid into being an abstraction, a static universal, an imperishable principle, and only THEN you can you ask how your affects and preferences relate to it, as a newfound truth statement about reality.

But average people, proles, literally cannot do this in the modern world. They just fuzz everything, they best guess fucking every encounter they have with reality so that it always refers back to some easy low road for them to take. I think proles are one gigantic algorithm. Instead of seeking out new and creative concepts of reality, they go
>What have I seen some Cool Socially Successful Person do in this situation?

If the situation is a moral quandary, they don't go
>What IS morality, to me? What ARE my moral obligations? What MUST I do, in this situation? What IS this situation? What IS the universal underlying the empirical particularity of this scenario?
They just go
>DUHHHhhh uhhh I think I saw a guy do this before. Yeah, I saw that on TV! And my lizard mechanical best-guess hindbrain tells me I have at least 9 examples of well-dressed fits-in-the-world normalfaggots reacting similarly to similar situations, and not being punished for it! THEREFORE that's what it's "reasonable" to do in this situation!

>> No.10528076

How does this nude modeling thing work? How common is it for the photographer and the model to have sex? Is it mostly just treated as work, with nothing in the air?

>> No.10528083

That recent First Things article on the Mortara incident is going to lead to some SHIT.

>> No.10528149

the night that resides in her eyes
it brings my hands inside her mouth
and it's really a shame
that we weren't born inside the sea
with the salt as our mother
and the sea bed's deep green,
the silent dark to confort us.

the night that resides in her eyes
brings the passion to my lips
lips broken from the drought

there is no point in shielding yourself

you're allready broken

under the sun's heartless decay
i long to be lost

and to find

the night that resides in her eyes

>> No.10528156

Is it true that Yeats' inspiration grew out of the tragedy of not being able to have sexual intercourse with the women he was fond of?

>> No.10528181

I only want a friend and someone to love
I also want to FUCK

>> No.10528191

>Take some sleeping pills and some vodka
>Put on a medical mask
>Tie a plastic bag in your head

>> No.10528273

Fucked a 5'0 Asian chick with a thick ass last night

Felt absolutely amazing

>> No.10528578
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I have been thinking about the same thing actually. For me I feel I have two options for doing an hero.

1. Exit mask; just a bag of hellium it should be completly painless as the body can't feel the diffenencre between the stuff you are breathing in right now and the helium.

2. Hanging: I will calculate the necessary amouint of Force to break my neek so I don't suffucate and die which will also be painless.

But i know for a fact that I will never do either of those because I am a coward, that is scared of the repercussions of killing myself.

>> No.10528594

>method for an incel

Self-worth that isn't based on other people

>> No.10528951
File: 519 KB, 1200x802, give me the philosophers stone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm driven to become a mathematician so much that I fear I won't have time to meet girls. Just turned 20 and the last girl I was with was when I was 18. She broke up with me because I was too obsessed and I think about her all the time.

>> No.10529059

I regret that i play poker with my friends because i decided to go even though i waant in the mood
Was a waste of time

>> No.10529132

there is a hole in my head.
there is a gray maw inside there that eats all my time and what i know and knew. i want to shut it up but it is so much easier to scroll. this isn't fun, though. but you think i'm happy this way. oh well.

>> No.10529269

buying a gun is fairly simple. $200 surplus rifle and 30 days wait, if you're clean. you could sell your things on craigslist for that much easily

>> No.10529278

No need to lie

>> No.10529320

lol, people definitely think you're weird and/or autistic. had a few people like you in my workshops whose work was consistently subpar and borderline erotic, i never wrote them very detailed critiques

>> No.10529339

I don't know enough about his work to say yes or no but i have stopped thinking his work is interesting enough to answer the question

>> No.10529349


>> No.10529444
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It's impossible to watch it without deep amazement at my own failings as a human being. There he is: overweight, childish and poorly fitting clothing, unkempt, slouching, and his hobby is playing video games fast.
She is the opposite of him. Pleasant, clean looking, pretty. Yet she's there with him, an HAPPY about it. She doesn't care about his outward appearance, even if he looks like the physical manifestation of the lack of ambition.
I'm on the internet shitting on him while he's happy at home with his cute girlfriend. After this last lecture, I'll bus home to an empty apartment, make a meal for myself, do a reading then fall asleep. I'm so fucked up. I'm a loser. I hate myself.

>> No.10529484

I was betrayed again. But this time I can't tell why.

>> No.10529519
File: 77 KB, 527x719, Pino Daeni 1939-2010 - Italian Impressionist painter - Tutt'Art@ (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That should make you feel better about women desu if a girl can be interested in a fat ugly gamer than what's stopping them from being into an athletic scholar with depth of aesthetic appreciation?
Other than never leaving the house
And sexual insecurity
And zero job prospects

>> No.10529540

I'm not even drowning anymore. That's how little frame of reference I have.

>> No.10529560

Because you fell for the friends/"you can rely on other people" meme. You can't rely on anybody ever, be an independent unit that appreciates the opportunity to bask in the occasional charity that you might encounter but otherwise understand you shouldn't expect or model your life around assuming people will do anything for your favor or benefit. It's just so easy to operate under the premise that nobody will ever do anything for you. It's totally liberating.

>> No.10529566

Everytime something ends, I am filled with dread. My friend died recently , a truck ran over him. I can't forget seeing his face at the cemetary. At one point his head turned while he was being lifted, his dead eyes looked at me, as if showing me the fragility of existence. No wonder a lot of philosophers write about death. It's a profound experience. Knowing people around you might not exist anymore, knowing you'll meet the same fate, that it could happen at anytime, it's unsettling. A man was taken away at the prime of his life, the things he could have done, the life he could have lived! These philosophers on the other hand, talk as if they aren't afraid of it at all. Markus Aurelius, he keep mentioning death as if it's nothing. Did these people actually feel the way they wrote? Did they try to put up a bold face while writing this ?
If only my friend had written his thoughts down. I would read it.

>> No.10529614

Rare that I respond to posts in threads like these, but I sincerely hope you turn to Aurelius and the Stoic school as a source of strength against the looming nihilism of the world.

Aurelius in his lifetime faced the death of several of his youngest children and at least one wife - in response to which he wrote in his Meditations: "One man prays: 'How I may not lose my little child', but you must pray: 'How I may not be afraid to lose him'."
Death is an inevitability, no amount of awe or terror at its approach can stave it off.

>> No.10529651

My shit personality is what's stopping them.

>> No.10529683

Day two is in contrast to Zo.

When Christus told Mohamed. "Who are you?" What is the "insurance policy"? That is for you
Aaron and Aaron and his sons.

>> No.10529685

> Be EMT
> Literally peeled dead motorcyclist with amputated legs from impact off highway and felt nothing, Pronounced death of several elderly patients with bawling family members nearby and felt nothing.
> Cry and lament over a bat for weeks that I found on the sidewalk in winter that I took to an animal shelter that they announced they would euthanize it simply because it is a known vector animal

Am I autistic? I'm tearing up thinking about the qt lil guy now, he deserved better.

>> No.10529772

On the job, you knew what to expect. It could also have built up into what you felt later on. One of my uncles died recently as well. So atleast in my case I know that's what happened.

I did read meditations. I am reading Epictetus now. Hopefully this will make me mentally stronger. So how do you deal with death if not with awe and terror? Epictetus says something along the lines of - "if you fear it and tremble at its approach you can't live life" I think that is spot on. It still is a humbling experience .

>> No.10529792

Life is a lumpy weird thing. The only wrong thing to do is try to even out all the lumps, so that everything "makes sense." You are an EMT who saves lives, and who is hardened to the ones you can't save, and you gave compassion to a life that otherwise would have gotten no compassion. Maybe that's complicated and strange, but you should emphasize the complicatedness of it and not try to drag it back down. A thousand years from now, somehow, the ripple you create, by caring about an animal when no one else would, will culminate in some kind of wonderful thing. A thousand years ago, no one could imagine an EMT either.

>> No.10529834


I gotta need sauce.

>> No.10529841

I now understand the difference between continental and analytical philosophy.

>> No.10529887

Why do I like the idea of working small comfy jobs? Stuff like baking in a café, being a florist or a clerk on a family-owned store. I've never even work in stuff like that and I'm sure I'm understating their difficulty. It's like I have a certain interest in such stuff, but not enough to carry it out seriously.

>> No.10529889

What is it might I ask?

>> No.10529926

This post is a good imitation of how a schizophrenic might write.
Is it an imitation?

>> No.10529931


>> No.10529967

Thank you anon

>> No.10530000
File: 1.87 MB, 1253x989, Top gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw cute azn gf

>> No.10530017


>> No.10530027

Why can I act normally around any women besides the one I like? She's not even out of league. I don't know what the hell my problem is. I wish she would just ghost me.

>> No.10530049

My diary desu, the donkey was callipygean.

>> No.10530053
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>> No.10530056


It never ceases to amaze me "how little mirth keeps the bones of man from lying on a bed of earth."


W-w-who needs a qt Azn gf when you have g-g-good books and 4chan friends...right? Right? Right?

>> No.10530147

I stalk strangers on the internet to feel less shitty about myself. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't spend so much time doing it I adopt their likeness and can't stop quoting things that they have said or somehow relating to them. It's like their personality has dwarfed my tireless mimicry and my every critique of them has become a projection of my own faults.


>> No.10530162

Why don't you just escape your current life and live in hermitage somewhere? There are ways to obtain a fake birth certificate and just flat out leave.

Also you should have some intellectual honesty and humility and accept that what you think is "factual" might not be, including what I assume to be your disbelief in god/higher power in the universe.

I suggest getting a small cabin/apartment somewhere far away where no one knows you and a low maintenance job, ideally working from home, or a job where you sit and do nothing and have free time to read/write (like parking structure security booth guy, librarian, something like that) close to your place.

>> No.10530178

Maybe waking up from something unusual, like from a coma, or a drug/alcohol bender, or a long ride somewhere, or from being resucitated after a near death experience (can be a great catchy opening, some trippy/enlightening outer body experience, meanwhile sheer panic from the people reviving her), or like in the middle of a park with her pants around her ankles after being roofied. You can use the physical act of "waking up", and probably retain the meaning behind it, but use creative ways to do it to both avoid "cliche" and more importantly to make it an interesting catchy opening.

>> No.10530201

I just want to find love on the level of a soulmate.
I lust for one to love my poetry, and one to write with me.

I want to fulfil her deepest fantasies, and I want her to fulfil mine.

I want to tear apart this world to find some one like this.

I want to create an empire with her my Queen.

I want her and me, to be holy enough to save the bees.

I want her to have the same drives on encouraging one another.

I want to make art, explore art, and be art with her

>> No.10530335

You know what Nietzsche said about the Abyss? That's kind of what's happened to me when it comes to going through the internet and getting "redpilled". Perhaps a more apt metaphor would be that of an H.P. Lovecraft story and I just happened to stumble upon the Necronomicon, revealing the horrors of the universe to me all at once. Everything I thought about love and family is a load of bullshit when push comes to shove. Also, there are (((people))) who have been profiting on the mistakes, shortcomings and vices of the masses. /Pol/ would like to blame everything wrong with the world on the Jews for subverting Western Civilization, especially when giving women rights like voting, but all that shit happened because people allowed it to happen. At the end of the day, the instigators of man's doom is himself, whether he exploits his fellow man for his (or her) own gain and invites his demise upon the exploited man's revelation of his exploitation by the exploitative man, or he ignores potential threats that will prove to be his undoing in the future. Nobody but us, anon... nobody else in the universe but us...

>> No.10530340

You need to read more if you think /pol/ is the bottom of the fountain of knowledge. Jesus Christ.

>> No.10530353

Why else would I be on /lit/?

>> No.10530354

it is possible to become a better person.

>> No.10530420

I’m upset I have to work early in the morning but the fact that I’ll get to drink a big fuck huge coffee is making it all OK. Fuck I love coffee.

>> No.10530432
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>> No.10530436

I don't know if I should learn Japanese or Chinese.

I only care about the literature and poetry.

>> No.10530598


>> No.10530616

>/pol/ taught me to blame the entire spectacle on 2% of the population, and to somehow imagine that scapegoating people will make all the bad things go away

ftfy kiddo

>> No.10530620

I have been doubting my own abilities the past few weeks. I can really make progress on works when I actually do them, but when I lose my groove I begin to lose faith in myself. I stay active in learning foreign languages and programming, but I know my heart lies in creative writing.

>> No.10530665

No, it's too late.

>> No.10530921

Can someone please tell me how to approach women in large lecture hall classes? I am pretty good with women normally, but I am completely terrible at approaching them. Having it be through a completely unintimate, huge class makes it so much worse as well. I am doubly inconvenienced as I happen to sit near an absolute goddess who always sits alone and doesn't seem to know anyone else in the class. Whenever I rack my brain looking for excuses to talk to her I come up blank. The only plan I could think of is to find where she normally is and then bump into her and go "Oh hey don't I sit near you in Dr. Whatshisface's class", but I feel like I'm not desperate enough to do some light stalking.

>> No.10530933

First of all: she isn't a goddess, no more than you are a god.

In conclusion, it is too late for you. Save her to the spank bank and move on to the next tease.

>> No.10530977

Just talk to her

>> No.10530997

1. No woman is a goddess. The sooner you learn this the more pain you are going to avoid in life. The greatest piece of wisdom a man learns as he gets older is that it's possible to feel all that worshipful sentiment when you look at a woman who is so beautiful (and quirky and unique and whatever the fuck else you like) that it hurts, feel all of it, without actually committing to it and putting any stock in it.

2. No woman is a goddess, seriously. If you learned more about her you'd find out she's a boring bland cunt.

3. The best way to approach women is to have a reason to approach them. It's more common in Europe to just walk up to a pretty girl and say she's pretty, and only attractive people do it. In North America you have to have some pretext of "heyyyy haha you're cool :) We should hang out more." If you don't have that, it's hard to drum up a reason for approaching. You'll just be some guy.

4. The best way to approach women is to approach as many as possible by having as many "heyyyy haha you're cool"-able women as possible. Keep doing it, fire and forget, try to advance all your relationships and get coffee with as many women as possible, and eventually something will happen. Never ever pine after a single girl. Even setting aside stuff like the friendzone, which is a real but self-imposed phenomenon, any woman that you are interested in and already have an excuse to socialize with is going to have like a 0.05% chance of dating you even then. The only way to rig the game in your favor is to get as many women as possible, and never fixate on an individual one.

5. Women are insanely flighty. Even they don't understand what they want or why, and it constantly fluctuates inside their own insane brains. Even if you get far with a woman, even if you managed to ask this girl out and everything went surprisingly far down into semi-intimate supra-platonic things, she could still bail out at any moment because her vagina hormones blew in the opposite direction for a day. There will be no reason to it. This happens constantly. This will happen to you. Again, don't pine after an individual 0.05%. Amass many. Do not obsess over a girl once the ship has sailed. Just let it sail.

6. Furthermore, while you are courting and coffee-dating these 0.05%'s, remember, in this culture they are likely fucking and sucking random guys. This isn't some /r9k/ shit, this is true. College girls are fucked in the head. They will string along three guys they "actually like" and "actually consider boyfriend material" for 6 months, acting like they're giving all these guys a chance, and all the while they'll be continuing to have casual Tinder sex or fuck their meathead FWB who they claim to hate, because "that isn't serious." Are you seeing why you shouldn't deify women yet? They're not very good.

>> No.10531000

7. Top secret final protip: You CAN find women who are actually good, weird autistic chicks with morals and principles who don't love to inhale nigger cum off at full blast via Tinder every single Friday night, women who don't use the affections and attention of their erstwhile male orbiters like disposable batteries to power their self-esteem, women who aren't shallow hags who flit from man to man based on their clitoral emotions, etc. But paradoxically, to find these women you need to first learn how to game the 0.05% system. You will need to learn how to burn through all the chaff to find the good girls, the actual goddesses who are so rare that they statistically shouldn't exist at all. Along the way you will have to content yourself with a lot of mediocre basic bitch pussy. That's what women mostly are.

>> No.10531003

I think /lit/ finally taught me something

>> No.10531007

just lol

>> No.10531009

This is a Top Ten spergout on /lit/. I'm glad I woke up in time to see it. Cheers lad.

>> No.10531011

This has to be the same guy that posted similar shit a couple months back.
I wonder how ugly he is lmfao

>> No.10531017

All ten of the top ten spergouts on /lit/ are mine.

>> No.10531020

Everything he said was correct

>> No.10531022

thanks for the memories

>> No.10531050

I went to a girl's 19th the other day, the first time I've socialised in like a month and a half. It's identical to a normal night out but there's cake and people are especially nice to the birthday girl/boy. The pay was mixed and case-by-case, like any other night out. We played drinking games, ate cake, and then went to a club and jumped around.

Somewhat unrelated things that happened on the night:

Someone made an earnest heartfelt two minute apology to me and I couldn't remember the instance he was apologising about so I just hugged him and said it was all good. Before leaving I indivodually hugged everyone person I was out with. On the way back home, alone, a group of large black guys surrounded me and there were no potential witnesses. Drunk me grabbed the leader's hand, hugged him and wished him a good time, before leaving. I swear that happened. Hugs solve a lot.

>> No.10531071

I wish I could write and draw.

I try doing exercises for the latter but they seem like homework. I know you have to walk before you run but it's so unappealing to draw still life in front of you or whatever other exercises.
For writing I always seem to have lofty ideas but it's overwhelming to write. It's like I try to write a magnum opus before anything else. Are writing exercises like prompts and whatever literal memes? Obviously I need practice in writing too.

>> No.10531077

just wrote this https://pastebin.com/raw/fKStAbEg
it's very short, could somebody rate it pls? thx.

>> No.10531078

That's admirable. I work in a low end part time job like one you described but less comfy (working as a checkout person in a large company isn't quite like working for a family store), but I decided to turn away from my career path of a higher end job in exchange for doing first aid teaching and studying something else.
Is first aid teaching comfy?

>> No.10531079

>first time I've socialised in like a month and a half
Oh- yeah haha, so long...

>> No.10531124

Im having difficulty starting habits and routines to get my life in order.

More and more I dont like the people im with and I dont want to associate with anyone I know anymore. I still want to be with people just not these people. I just realized the other day that I havent asked anyone to hang out for years, its always other people asking me. This makes me really hate myself, and makes me want to distance myself from others even more since Im being cruel to them even in a minor way.

If I can just start doing the work every day that I need to do and stop getting so distracted then it ill be fine. I wish I had more discipline and less anger.

>> No.10531145

prompts are good for beginning writers to practice on. since you have ideas already, then work on those.

if you become an actually good writer, for a zine or collection you'll be solicited for short stories that follow a certain theme, paid work for writing from a prompt.

sit next to her, make a witty or insightful comment about the class but not during, wait until after.

>> No.10531149

>implying there aren't centuries of japanese and chinese literature and poetry

>> No.10531150

no but it will take a lot of effort.

>> No.10531164
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That which is not spatial nor temporal is precisely non-existent.

>> No.10531609

my feet hurt

>> No.10531664
File: 645 KB, 878x1172, Hortus_Deliciarum_-_Hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All women choose their partners on Utilitarian criteria. All misogyny, rape, abuse, toxic masculinity, etc. any one man is purportedly guilty of is only in retrospect. They did not exist in the woman's mind at the time of their alleged unfolding, they are only invoked once a better partner has been found or once security is found in solitude.

>> No.10531665

>2 friends
>oneitis that cares about him
wew slow down there chad

>> No.10531692

I think you misunderstood:
I don't know if I should learn Chinese for it's literature and poetry or Japanese for its own

From what I hear the Japs just stole everything from China

>> No.10531782


>> No.10531881

It's not difficult. They are ugly and have low self-esteem.

>> No.10531942

I read many books, watch many lectures, and spend much time thinking. All I'm looking for is to figure out something that will get me out of my head, to get me to be proactive and engaged in life. I have an epiphany, but once I'm out the door I forget. I'm dying yet I can't find a will to live, I spend my life searching for meaning that the world can't give me. How I wish I could live in the mythological realm of ancient Rome, in the thrall of a nationalistic enterprise fighting for something, whether freedom, race, land, etc. Now everything's meaningless and all the world can offer me is escapism, doing my role in cooperating in a system that only makes the void bigger, there's no sense of community not group identity. Shall I surrender myself to the whims of Christian fundamentalism, or of the white nationalist cause, or even the chaotic anarchists? So what if they're wrong. So what if they're pathological. At least they have a mythology, a purposeful path, a divine role in their righteous glory, something that can fill the void of meaninglessness that this putrid society of "progress", hedonism, passivity, and escapism. I want to belong to something higher, and not contribute to that which takes this away from me and others.

>> No.10532160


>> No.10532181

Why do so many people jerk off to Aquinas? Essentially ordered action is shit; No chain of action can truly be traced back to the "unmoved mover" because it requires all these actions to influence each other at the exact same moment, which simply isn't how it physically works. Any further causal link in an essentially ordered chain of action must, by the laws of physics, be displaced in time from both it's cause and what it effects, which negates the entire point he was trying to make.

>> No.10532189

youre very confused. how can you be thinking about her all the time if youre busy thinking about math all the time, genius?

>> No.10532190

Cool story bro.

>> No.10532195

I just skimmed over it and I'm pretty sure I have read this in the past already.

>> No.10532197

well just about every european country far exceeds asia in literary culture and the languages are easier to learn.

This is really about anime isnt it?

>> No.10532202

Find out which culture you like best.
Personally, the more I find out about China, the more repulsed I am by everything Chinese. I couldn't call myself even close to being intimately familiar with their culture though, so maybe this effect would reverse at some point. Or maybe not.
I'm not a weaboo and don't even watch anime but I quite like Japan.

>> No.10532230

If you really want to find "truth", don't look for an ideology. Take these words, and try believing them for a moment: "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you". A more accurate translation is "ask, and don't stop asking(..); seek, and don't stop seeking(..); knock, and don't stop knocking(..)". So knock, and don't stop until a door is opened.

>> No.10532308

"Be aware that such memorial stamps may render your passport 'falsified' in the eyes of Finland's consular and border control officials."
What does that even mean? What has Finland got against passport stamps?

>> No.10532346

So you're saying that there will be an energy that will allow you to embrace life and engage with the world if you simply find meaning and purpose with the never-ending search of a source of meaning and purpose. That I will never be able to actually find this source, but only in the very process of searching for it?
I still feel that that prices is not broad enough, it leaves me to much dependent on a internal individual, it doesn't also reach out externally for energy, to the world and others. I simply have to reach within myself, while the outside is a source of conflict and anomie. I would like a philosophy that puts me in individual elevation for a higher cause that can extend beyond me, to others and the world. What would you say to this?

>> No.10532347

I don't understand.

>> No.10532352

I like it overall. Be careful with overusing adverbs like "simply" and the word "just" when it doesn't add anything to the sentence.

>> No.10532355

You just have to find the one's that are contrarian enough to appreciate personality and intellect

>> No.10532368

>Implying I have personality or intellect

>> No.10532398

>So you're saying that there will be an energy that will allow you to embrace life and engage with the world if you simply find meaning and purpose with the never-ending search of a source of meaning and purpose.
To an extent, yes, you can find some meaning in the search for meaning, but this, to my mind, depends on the following.
>That I will never be able to actually find this source, but only in the very process of searching for it?
No, I believe that there is a truth to be found, though not in full: to quote the New Testament again, "now we see through a glass, darkly". The search for truth presupposes that there is a truth to be found, no? If there is no possible end to the search, and no truth to be found, then how can the process hold meaning?

>> No.10532710

it means anon has to go back to >>>/r9k/

>> No.10532764

An old tale tells of a lady who wanders Earth.
The Lady who Knows Everything.
A beautiful lady who has found every answer,
All meaning,
All purpose,
And all that was ever sought.

And here I am,

a feather

Lost adrift the sky, victim of the currents of the wind.

Day after day, I search.
I search with little hope, knowing legends don't exist.
But when all else has failed me,
When all others have turned away,
The legend is all that remains - the last dim star glimmering in the twilit sky.

Until one day, the wind ceases to blow.
I fall.
And I fall and fall, and fall even more.
Gentle as a feather.
A dry quill, expressionless.

But a hand catches me, between the thumb and forefinger.
The hand of a beautiful lady.
I look at her eyes and find no end to her gaze.

The Lady who Knows Everything knows what I am thinking.
Before I can speak, she responds in a hollow voice.
"I have found every answer, all of which amount to nothing.
There is no meaning.
There is no purpose.
And we seek only the impossible.
I am not your legend.
Your legend does not exist."

And with a breath, she blows me back afloat, and I pick up a gust of wind.

>> No.10532774

You pregbant?

>> No.10532861


>> No.10532879

Yes, thats pretty sick. Humans lives are worth infinitely more than animals'. This is the mark of leftism on our society.

>> No.10532899

I'm afraid the fact that I don't really love her even though she loves me truly will surface at some point.

Until then I just am.

>> No.10532905

I'm broke up with her when she told me she loved me

>> No.10532914

You're a cunt

You're a cunt too. Why do you want to hurt her? Just end it.

>> No.10532918

I don't want to hurt anyone and you don't know half of it. I just wrote what's on my mind. This thread is not about me.

>> No.10533238

I know what you wrote in your post and that's what I'm responding to.

>> No.10533248

>Write what’s on your mind

I'm in a lot of pain right now, just so much pain and i have to keep going through this

i have to keep going through this, doing the sae thing like a fucking nut job

I have to keep going through shit, embarassment and absolete disrespect to only put up with something i dont want to deal with anymore, i dont care anymore

>> No.10533259

a hat!

>> No.10533260

Get a fed

>> No.10533275

I want to create some form of art, but i know i'll start out, produce something i think is bad, and then quit.

>> No.10533281

A bunch of things happened but I don't think I'm supposed to talk about them, also I've already talked about most of them, also my head hurts and I am angry with the world again.

>> No.10533324

Do a daily video log like Jake from Avatar

>> No.10533336
File: 30 KB, 786x590, croaky question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really want to learn how to write musical notes and i would love to find a book or something that teaches me fast

>> No.10533349

Is Avatar responsible for vlogging?

>> No.10533356


>> No.10533364

No cultural impact, they said
Based Jim

>> No.10533386

How do you even convince people to pose naked in front of you ?

>> No.10533411

They obviously get paid to do it

>> No.10533430

who got the epic digits

>> No.10533460

procrastinating when i should be working on maya stuff rather read instead

>> No.10533473
File: 44 KB, 194x200, 946F09C2-EF39-4C7F-A75C-ABD8BBE71427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m stuck living in a perpetual existential crisis.

>> No.10533475

I can do it and it wouldn't even be that hard. I can't bring myself to do any actual work though. Why am I such a pussy?

>> No.10533485

how can I generalize the concept of linear states in a Hilbert space to encompass the particularities of gravity?

>> No.10533491 [DELETED] 

No the totality of locations of masses in the locality of question; their mass, velocity, spin and momentum

>> No.10533501

Know the totality of locations of masses in the locality in question; their mass, velocity, spin and momentum

>> No.10533507

Generalize would be, conjecture the range of those possibilities

>> No.10533524

Why does she still adamantly want to be friends after she rejected me? I'm basically a cuck if I agree to still hang out, right?

>> No.10533626

Yes. Another one. I write a lot. It's what I do.

I waited years for you. I fucked it up. No other way to say it. I drive myself insane about thinking of ways to fix it. So many cool things I've lost in life. I hate it when I'm the cause of the loss. The slow sick murder of my best dreams and watching the blood drain away and not being able to save it because it's too late.

I made so many mistakes with you. Mistakes I promised myself I would never make or never make again.

I waited years for you. You waited for me too. I'm so god damned sorry I broke everything. That I didn't treasure this fragile bond. I did treasure it but then I resented it - god knows why.

Oh fuck, man. I hate being dramatic like this. It's so undignified. But I can't stop thinking about what I lost here. How I lost you. Because I waited so long for you and I fucking had you but then I lost it all.

I would do anything to fix it. Anything in the world because it means that much to me. To have you in my life. To have you desire me and love me again. What have I done this time?! FUCK! ME! I'll never forgive myself for this shit - ever.

A perfect reflection of who I am. That's what you told me once when I asked why you loved me. I should have never asked..

I'm out of words now because I can't think of anything else to say that will change a mind that's already decided. There are no words.

I'm sorry, Georgiana. As deep as my love for you is, that's how sorry I am. And it's fucking deep. Perfect reflection deep.

Be good, my girl.

Because I love you.


>> No.10533742

It came to me in a dream; the story I've been wanting to tell. I don't know if my aspirations exceed by ability, but I want the world to read my work. I'll never have peace if they don't.

>> No.10533818

whine whine whiney whine whine? Dumb idiotic emo unselfaware whinary? Whine, whine whine whine wah wah unaware knownothing wah wah? Whine...whine whine whine; whine! Wah, startling idiocy, startling lack of self awareness, whine whine. Absurd amount of stupidness, emo wah wah. Whine whine whine, therefore, whine whine, and then I think, whine whine? Why does she? All I can do is whine whine whine whine be dumb, how pathetic can I be? Whine whine wah wah, she, she, she, her, wah, wah, whine whine, im dumb? I want to be the 1000th person to complain about the exact same things the exact same way, wah wah whine whine, maybe im the same person each time, wah wah, whine whine whine whine? Do you think she....wah wah wah wah, whine? Maybe she wahs me? I wonder if she wahs about me? Oh I love her so much, wah wah. Whine whine whine whine, I am soooo dumb, wah wah. Everything is the worst, please 1000s of people just like me say these things over and over, whine whine whine whine. Ok, I admit I feel muchhhh better, I will do this muchhh more often. Negativity away from me and onto you!! wah wah wah wah whine whine nonsense nonsense pointless meaningless stupid im dumb im dumb im worthless im lazy I deserve nothing im stupid im whining I want a girly I want a lady wah wah she likes me, does she like me do I like her, will I? wont I? will she? will she not? will I not? could I? could she? could I maybe..and with her? could we whine and diene? should I love? do I dare to eat her peach? wah? wah wah? diary dear diary desu sempai desu senpai desu desu desu desu wah wah anime anime anime anime anime anime why doesnt she like me why doesnt she love me I love her I love her she is all that matters she is my one and only I cant live with out her anime anime wah wah whine whine homework homework work work work play work play work play life death life death life death help help help help misery the worst the worst the worst everythings the worst im the worst everythings the worst im the worst everythings the worst im the worst shes the worst im the worst hes the worst im the worst everyones the worst im the worst everything sucks everythings the best she sucks I wish shes the worst shes the best shes the worst I love her I hate her I love myself I hate myself homework homework dreams nightmares dreams nightmares dreams nightmares whine whine whine whine whine I hurt Im pleased I hurt im pleased im in pain im pleased im in pain im please im scared im excited im scared im excited im scared im excited im scared im excited im happy im sad im happy im sad im happy im sad im happy im sad wah wah wah wah smile smile smile smile wah wah wah wah smile smile smile smile my life sucks my life rules my life sucks my life rules I have hope I am hopeless I have hope I am hopeless I have hope I am hopeless maybe yes no maybe yes no maybe yes no maybe yes no I win I lose I win I lose I win I love I win I lose I live I laugh I love I whine I love I live I wah wah

>> No.10533870


Imagine having never interacted with one singular female in your entire twenty-four years of existence and then writing this

>> No.10533912

I'm obsessed with porn

>> No.10533946

your a virgin

>> No.10533970


You didn't lose anything you absolute fucking dolt. You walked away from something intentionally and now you regret it because you're looking back on it idealistically.

If you got her back tomorrow you'd continue to be a bastard because you're a bastard. Leave her alone and stop deluding yourself.

>> No.10533978
File: 210 KB, 1000x1000, 1450245932271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't tell him i loved him because i didn't love him at all back then. Now he's gone and i love him i guess.

>> No.10533987


I think I just fell in love with you

>> No.10533991


t. 15 year old faggot who dresses like an autist and dreams about shooting up a school someday because some girl who's way out of his league rejected him for the seventh time today

>> No.10533998

if fag im amused, if f*m*le then you’re a solipsist so also just amused

>> No.10534006

imagine being a girl and witnessing someone hit so close to home about you and your sisterhood of gender the only way you can attempt to come back at them is 'b-but i-i b-bet i know y-you n-never e-even met a g-girl!.. .nuh uhh, n-no..you!'

>> No.10534025

saved, blessed trips

>> No.10534026

prove it

>> No.10534146
File: 82 KB, 540x720, 1498587272069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they say "perky tits" (,ike the lady in the OP most likely has, when perky meets cheerful and lively?
I know sexual descriptions are very odd and pretty much everything possible has been associated or used to describesmth in a sexual manner but "perky tits"really is fairly common and makes zero sense.
>pic related

>> No.10534165

Just sit next to her. Strike casual conversation about lecture topics if she seems particularly interested in them.

>> No.10534170

I think it makes perfect sense.

>> No.10534173

They're perky because they perk

>> No.10534188

It makes perfect sense.

>> No.10534197
File: 412 KB, 375x597, dramatic looking left.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was social with a woman today. Met through a friend and we hung out for a few hours. It was fun and I want to do more stuff like this, but I really have no idea how to meet women. School isn't
an option because >women in CS.
Basically >tfw no gf

>> No.10534203

I love how you (totally not samefag) elaborated on why you think it does make sense.

>> No.10534229

perky, lively, uppity, up, pointing up, high energy, high octane, toight, full and sharp and poignant and packed, bubbly personality in a pointing upward way, eyerbrows raised perk up, perk up stand at attention, focused and paying attention, not droppy and saggy and mellow and blahblah and lazy and laying around, but up and at em, a dogs ears perked, tits perked,

>> No.10534247

Thank you, kind sir.
Finally /lit/ has been useful to me.

>> No.10534272

The more I learn, the more I realize how unfathomably vast the pool of human knowledge is
I want to find a place to dive in, but so many things have piqued my curiosity that I can't find anything that I want to legitimately devote myself to
So here I am, hesitating at the water's edge, wishing I knew how to swim

>> No.10534340

I studied that stuff but never worked in the field.
It's different because thats work. You're in the work zone. I've heard stories of peoples heading to a call when they turn they corner and there's a bad accident or whatever, and they're shaken up by it because they haven't had the time to prepare and discuss with their partner. It's the same with something happening in civilian life, even doing minor first aid on a coworker I'm more nervous than when I went to traumatic deaths on placement while studying

>> No.10534348

I want to join the military. I want to form a pact with a few estranged friends and kill some people to know the feeling and offer myself on the line. I want to know war, for war, by war.

>> No.10534355

I love you too anon, unless your 'think' is mistaken

>> No.10534432

>you're a cunt
The feelings were entirely one-sided, it would be incredibly cruel to keep the relationship

>> No.10534489

>tfw no qt asian gf to read me french poetry in a broken accent

Why even live mates

>> No.10534618

I really want to write a story with magic, but how the fuck do you write about magic resistance in a quantifiable way? I'm an extreme autism, so I want the rules to be solid. I've always had a problem with novels that had magic, because it always ended up being limited in ways that confused me.

For example: Harry Potter magic. How do spells get created? Snape actually creates a spell in one of the books but it's not explained how it happens, and apparently just knowing the words is enough to have the spells work. Why does a spell like "Petrificus Totalus" not also stop a person's heart and kill them? It also has Hagrid being straight up immune to "weaker" spells, but there's no way to tell the difference between a weak and strong spell.

On the topic of resistance, I've never liked how the only defensive maneuver to spells was "don't get hit". It just makes it look like a dumb gun fight. There's not even a point in it being magic, they may as well be fighting with guns. I'd like there to be a way for stronger characters to be resistant against certain spells. Using Harry Potter as an example again, I've never understood the difference in power between the teachers and students. If a student knows the killing curse, couldn't they just straight up kill their teacher if they hate them enough? They could use any of their spells on a teacher, and they'd only face the social consequences and the only countermeasure is that there's too many other people with "guns" for them to fight against.

I also can't come up with a way for amateur or new wizards to fight against guns, or a way to remove guns from the story. I'm from America, so everyone has a gun, it wouldn't make sense to learn how to fight as a wizard when you could just learn how to fight as a person with a gun.

>> No.10534639

I've thought about that a lot too while playing old RPGs. The existence of magic in those settings is actually horrifying for a shitload of reasons.

>> No.10534663

I've taken up a new hobby lately, which is playing various kinds of difficult video games. What I've learned from this is that my mental state is like a roller-coaster throughout the day. I drink some coffee and my skill level (along with my mood) is great. But when I crash, I crash hard. My mind goes from riding on a pin to crawling through molasses, and my motivation falls through the floor. Most importantly, all kinds of negative thoughts latch onto my mind in droves, and attempt to assert themselves as depressing truths when all they are is scattered thoughts.

What's crazy is that I've always assumed those mental tangents to be some kind of progress. As if the further I extrapolated things, the closer I approached to a real solution. In reality, the answer is right before me: Fix my sleep schedule. Or eat more fiber. Do some push-ups. It's that simple.

>> No.10534685

It easier to quantify things like that in an RPG where there's damage numbers attached to things, but it feels impossible to integrate magic into a realistic setting while maintaining clear rules. You can't write a story where someone manipulates rules to their advantage if the only rule is "Don't get hit by the colored laser coming out of the stick." However, if you weaken the magic, it just ends up being pointless because humans are already so fragile. I've been trying to get around this shit for weeks, but I just can't.

>> No.10534704

I've been feeling really cynical about the future, mine and yours.
My little sister exhibits innocence and I get jealous, rapidly followed by sadness.
The guy at the liquor store said to keep it real. He said it's the only thing you can do. I'm not sure what he meant, or how to 'keep it' without alienating everyone around me. I'm drinking now. It's better than sobriety.
There's a train track in town. It's still in use, unless they have those lights and barriers for no reason. I've never seen a train. This is good: it won't block me on my way to work, and I can't kill myself. Because there's no other such way around here, and the possibility would make me consider it all day.

>> No.10534712

I don't care about much anything, I just want peace with life. Give me passive transcendence.

>> No.10534714

There's no ''i'' in a cat's "miaow".
Should be spelled maow/meow/mmmmaaaahhh

>> No.10534773

I'm decent looking, but I don't have any circle of friends to hang out with. I'm a veteran in a very liberal city that doesn't really get the kind of stuff I'm in to. Lacking friends, I just sort of read a lot. I joined a few dating websites and I match up with at least 3-4 cuties on Tinder every day, but they usually stop responding to me after a day of talking. I don't think its because I'm boring. I've had a few tell me that they're intimidated because they think I'm too good for them (I read books, get straight A's in my engineering courses, and I've been around the world at 25.) Or, conversely, I feel like I'm not good enough for people that would supposedly be my dating peers. I have no trouble getting laid, but the inability to keep someone around for longer than week has left me feeling despondent and self-conscious. Maybe I am just really fucking ugly or I smell bad or something?

>> No.10534802

A majority of people don't use Tinder for long term relationships. If you're looking for an actual friend, maybe try going out and doing things you're interested in and talking to people in those circles. When I get lonely, I sometimes volunteer at a local church. I talk with old ladies, while helping homeless people. I don't give a fuck about Church, but it's nice to be around people sometimes, and Church people tend to be more conservative and closer to my values and life outlook than trying to meet someone at a bar.

>> No.10534834

Try Bumble and keep looking. Join hobby groups and get involved in some kind of community things. Meet people through people. I have met multiple long term girlfriends and lifelong friends via blind dates, and I've also wasted months of my life on OKCupid and Tinder meeting nothing but women with heads full of rocks.

Don't be arrogant. Not implying that you are, but watch yourself just in case. Unfair isolation has a way of turning into a pearls before swine mentality, especially when you genuinely have good qualities and you are frustrated that you can't share them with anyone.

Unfortunately, dating culture doesn't care about what would be fair or what would make the most sense. I've watched several very great and deep women go on Bumble and have platonic dates with 20 guys, before they figured themselves out and actually knew what they wanted. Many of those guys were near misses as a result. There are women out there looking for something real with a guy who has quality traits and a good character, like you do on paper at least. But they are flighty and usually they're getting burned just as much as you are, and it's much easier for them to go into hibernation or to become brutalized and accustomed to casual bullshit. You just have to keep trying.

By all means keep fucking slags, but try to meet non-garbage women too, the ones who aren't looking for mindless sex first and intimacy second.

>> No.10534860

No, you cuck. The secret to dating women is being actual fucking friends first (I mean friends for the sake of friendship and not friends for the sake of something more later) and maybe that something can come from it, maybe it can't.

If you started talking to her just because she's pretty, just because you liked the idea of her being your girlfriend and not because you genuinely enjoy her company, you need to be honest to yourself about it. If you truly like her as a person, then you should be okay with her being in your life as a friend. But it doesn't sound like that's the case.

>> No.10534867

What if the magic was some type of secretion from the human body? A lot of times the origin of magic is just unexplained, but if I make it a secretion from a special organ in the human body, it could be a way of having a passive defense against magic. If the magic was secreted through something like sweat glands and formed a mist around the magicians in question, it could give the magicians a defensive aura to protect themselves from sneak attacks or weak attacks. The training a magician does would strengthen the magic organ and give them a stronger defensive aura and more control of the magic they're producing.

It also helps prevent magic fights from devolving into a laser gun fight. I could make it so they're able to secrete their magic juice quicker from their hands. It still wouldn't be able to travel quickly in the air unless they did some preparation beforehand, like storing secretion in a bottle and throwing it or setting up some sort of trap that would release their secretion into the air at someone's location.

>> No.10534876
File: 21 KB, 431x325, OK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've been dating for about 17 months now and we're doing great

>> No.10534883

Round glasses really look great on cute asians

>> No.10534899

Thanks. It's what I needed to hear.

>> No.10534901

no they don't.

>> No.10534913

I hate that america is reduced to europe's failure.

every other country on earth is literally an ethnostate, whites are a minority globally, and we shouldn't have to worry about this shit in america. we should enjoy our asian wives and hapa children no probs.

but fucking europe has dropped so many fucking balls. like literally wtf. why are we allowing shiteholes into ireland? ireland didn't hurt anyone. don't let them redheads die out bruddahs.

I want a sci-fi future where we don't have to worry about this. we have perfected the bloodlines. black shock troopers, jew strategists, white administrators, and hapas for days.

every two pure children there is one hapa. the failed hapas (like eliot rodgers) get trashed, and the good hapa dice rolls get to make their own sub-races, which if successful become their own main race.

this would be a good sci-fi novel, don't lie.

>> No.10534914

I agree with >>10534860 completely but I also want to say that women DO keep guys around for the ego boost of knowing that the guy is still wrapped around their finger, that they can make him all flustered and shit.

If you're going to do this, make damn fucking sure you're doing it. Go inside your brain and establish an executive order that the girl is your FRIEND and you are going to treat her like a man. Otherwise, your fucking retard male hormones are going to make you flusterable, and you will never know whether she's deriving a power trip from being able to fluster you, and it'll turn into a spiral of doubt and suspicion.

No you are not a cuck for hanging out with a girl after she rejected you. But you have two options now:
1 You can make her attracted to you, by not being attracted to her, at all. To do this, look at her long and hard next time you see her, and reassign her status from "cute girl" to "mineral deposit." Do not ever treat her like a girl again. She is a platonic humanoid. You will never fuck her, ever, so write it off your list of possibilities. Root out and destroy all your secret, subconscious hopes that your friendship will eventually become a relationship. She is sexually inert now. By doing this, ironically, she'll find you more attractive and respect you more.

2 You can falter in your iron will to do #1, and every once in a while she'll jerk you around, and you'll hate yourself.

If you truly have the self-control to do #1, by all means do it.

>Whom does woman hate most? -- Said the metal to the magnet: 'I hate you most, because I feel your attraction, but you are not strong enough to draw ME towards YOU.'

>> No.10534919

>I want to know war, for war, by war.
Was a Marine photojournalist in Afghanistan. Photographed my friends being killed in a firefight or after an IED blew up their legs. I feel like I’m fine but my videographer is completely fucking insane and suicidial now and won’t respond back to me. Some people handle war differently and it’s hard to say how you’ll handle death of your best friends or killing someone for the first time

>> No.10534923

cut that part of your life off. amputate now before infection sets in.

there's no reason to have someone in your life that wants to lead you along as a cocktease.

>> No.10534931

you just described everything from house of leaves to fucking "what happened?"

>> No.10534946

>Race fetishism

>> No.10534962
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Come on friend

>> No.10534967

I appreciate the advice, but I honestly don't like her that much. I just wanted to have sex with her. I feel like a piece of shit for being so shallow, but I'm glad I realized it.

>> No.10535108

>Fix my sleep schedule. Or eat more fiber. Do some push-ups. It's that simple.
dont forget drink more water

>> No.10535111

>Fix my sleep schedule
You have no idea how incredibly difficult this is since sleep is so deeply rooted within you.

>> No.10535146

>if it doesn't exist it doesn't exist
woah real big revelation there buddy

>> No.10535234
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I'm experiencing difficulties.

>> No.10535422

Why the fuck cannot i pass out with suspension hanging

>> No.10535569
File: 29 KB, 276x320, sudowoodo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is sudowoodo a rocktype

>> No.10535573
File: 1.83 MB, 200x200, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pseudo wood


>> No.10535595

idgi explain it like i am 5

>> No.10535603

Why does every liberal arts department girl wear those round eyeglasses like in OP's pic?

>> No.10535607

to look like movie characters anon

>> No.10535615

>pseudo wood
>that means not wood
>but he's a tree
>that is rock type

>> No.10535616

Really? Which movies are those.

>> No.10535620

Harriet potter

>> No.10535622 [DELETED] 

That's a lot of empty cals anon. You should have some roma tomatoes and a granola bar.

>> No.10535644

In what?

>> No.10536007

maybe hes petrified

>> No.10536010

because everyone else is a square and those are standard and normal style that squares where so they have to be different and it symbolizes their well roundedness

>> No.10536022


>> No.10536272

so you can have mentally deranged confused masochistic sexually extreme 18 year old clients?

>> No.10536312

Tfw no lit internet boyfriend to read me his work everyday.

>> No.10536320

Somehow nice. I like it

>> No.10536360

how long is your neckbeard?

>> No.10536368

them milky-white chink titties

>> No.10536396

I'm a grill

>> No.10536431

want to be my girlfriend?

>> No.10536439

>I'm a grill
can I roast my wiener on you? and toast my buns?

>> No.10536489

Can I rapidly insert my penis in your vagina multiple times until I achieve orgasm?

>> No.10537176

this board became increasingly shitty in the past months

>> No.10537181

I would be good at poker if I could manage a bankroll, consistently play the way I'm supposed to, or refrain from gambling at games I don't know how to play.

>> No.10537222

You could find this exact kind of post on this site in 2010, too, or any given year.

>> No.10537381

I have 3 ideas for stories based on dreams that I had, but I have no idea if they're worth pursuing.
The most recent one was about a college student that murders his classmates and elaborately frames his classmates. As the body count piles up and the police can't figure anything out, an unofficial student police forms to find the guilty man but this police turns increasingly violent, totalitarian, and indiscriminate as frustration piles up. The example of the student police I remembered the most vividly was someone cutting off another student's eyebrows (like cutting the skin under the eyebrows with a pair of scissors) to get them to talk/confess

>> No.10537513

do gay animals think they are the opposite sex

>> No.10537537


No, by definition if they thought they were the opposite sex they would be transsexual.

>> No.10537550


>> No.10537559

Well, you first have to establish where the magic is coming from before you can establish how you can resist it.
What was the first creature to use magic? How did humans gain mastery over magic? What prevents every plant/animal from being able to use magic?
Where does the magic come from, is it an energy field (like the luminiferous aether or the Force from Star Wars)? What can it do/can't do?

I don't have a good answer for all these questions, but I did come up with magic being an energy field that interacts with matter, which led to evolution selecting animals that can use magic, much like it selected for animals that have eyes to interpret EM waves. Not all animals can use it, and those that can have different levels of proficiency, like intelligence. This also helps explain why humans are the best, they just happened to be that way like with consciousness.
A spell comes from learning a particular way of bending the energy field, somewhat like how sounds are made.

>> No.10537573

transsexuals don't think they are the opposite sex per se, they just wanna be the opposite sex.

>> No.10537600

check how much this 2% of the population owns of nations they don't belong to and despair.

>> No.10537616

Keked and saved.
I got my first gf with a similar approach, but I lost my mojo when she left me after a nice relationship that lasted 3 years in harmony.

I should pick myself up again. I't been almost 3 years now without finding a "replacement".

>> No.10537620

Before I can get any kids you can decide (this is already possible but not yet open to the public) whether it is male of female. Hapa females are qt's so I'll just pop out some of those.

>> No.10537622

I hate myself

>> No.10537652

>everyone on /pol/ believes that the jews are behind everything
this is not at all true. this is the same as saying everyone on /lit/ thinks Infinite Jest is their favorite novel. it is a meme. The only thing most of /pol/ agrees on is the fact that the white race is being forced out of existance and that this a bad thing.

>> No.10537706

Wait til you wake up in the dark to go run around and do push-ups for an hour and a half while someone screams at you.

>> No.10537717

That's much better. I wish I'd joined the army a few years ago, when I was considering it

>> No.10537746

Who hurt you, sadboy?
There's a dark cloud above your head
Who hurt you, sadboy?
You act like you're already dead
But you think too much
Yeah you think too much

Who hurt you, fashion boy?
There's a dark cloud above your head
Who hurt you, sadboy?
You act like you're already dead
But you think too much
Probably drink too much

Bathe in that blue light baby
Cos here comes the night
Your truest friend...

I was waiting
Waiting for anything to happen
Waiting for love?
I was just waiting for this not to hurt

i empathise too much with music written for teenage girls.

>> No.10537969

im in love with two women. ive been lying to them both. i came clean to my gf of 13 years, and my gf of 4 months. this is hard, i love them both, but i cant have them both.

>> No.10538200

Kill one and bury her body under the house you share with the other.

>> No.10538264

was this close to accidentally sending >translations to a girl while drunk last night
saved myself tho

>> No.10538534


uhhh shit I'm bad at this

*puts shoe on head & sharpie in pooper*

courtship 2018

>> No.10538575


do you like ambitious fat girls with cripplingly low self-esteem

>> No.10538579


It really depends. I would never say that I want to be the opposite sex unless I were talking to complete idiots. I'd say that I'm neurologically female.

>> No.10538605

yes, what are your ambitions?

>> No.10538672


to abolish dualistic thinking and look cute doing it

>> No.10538687


"Muh female brain"

So how does any man know what sex his organs are? what if I've been walking around all these years with a female liver? What if one of my kidneys is a hermaphrodite?

What your dumb ass is trying to express is that you have a female mind, not a female brain, which is ridiculous because you only think this based on your arbitrary ideals of what a man or a woman ought to think like.

You're a man with a penchant for crossdressing. The sooner you accept this, the less embarrassing the rest of your life will be.

>> No.10538690


But I don't have any ideal of what a man or a woman ought to think like.

>> No.10538695

why does it seem like a bunch of redditors have been paid to make threads

>> No.10538700

You dont really like football and shotgunning beers or hunting, and you wouldnt want to work in construction or a coalmine, therefore you are a woman

>> No.10538706


Nothing like that, no.

1. I am extremely uncomfortable in my body and have a reflexive expectation that it should be different, specifically in the sense that it should be female
2. This sensation has to come from somewhere. Since it isn't willful, it can't be metaphysical
3. It is probably neurological

>> No.10538714

what are your general ideas and strategy?

>> No.10538725

stop feeding your OCD/body dismorphia by looking in the mirror

>> No.10538726


It has very little to do with mirrors.

>> No.10538734

>1. I am extremely uncomfortable in my body and have a reflexive expectation that it should be different, specifically in the sense that it should be female
You have watched a lot of tv, maybe anime, maybe have a vivid imagination so always paid close attention to all human encounters in your life, males, females. In school, pretty faces, make up, dresses, see how men and others treat them, in the movies, how easy going they can be, safe and cozy and calm, not as much pressure, can wear a flower dress and just spin and twirl in a field of flowers, carefree, no need to look big and strong and defend your life and pride against bros, want to just lay back and have attention come your way, be touched feel what its like to be truely loved and caressed as well as you know a male can, want to be a vase, want to be a vase full of pretty flowers, want to be deeply smelled, want the flowers removed and gently consumed in a pie and/or custard, want the waters of the vase dumped out on the quarterbacks head at halftime, want him to fuck the vase, want to please the quarterback, not be the quarterback, just want to be a butterfly or something, being beautiful and pretty is easy and nothingness, no worries, just be loved and cherished and respected and wanted and powerful and lusted after

>> No.10538743



>> No.10538744

are you a trap?

>> No.10538746

My anxiety and panic attacks have become unbearable. I lay in bed all day waiting for my next Lorazepam dose in a stupor I could hardly describe.

It feels as if everything is taking place in a cloud surrounding my field of view. The vertical lines on my wall appear and disappear and blue and yellow halos grow out and out-color one another constantly.

Is this what they call derealization?

My thorax also hurts in different spots every hour or so. For a while, I'll feel discomfort in my right armpit, then it'll move to my left side just where my nipple is, but deeper.

What is happening to me?

>> No.10538750


No sir, I am a monstrum

>> No.10538754

Gender is a social construct. Therefore you have mental illness, since you can't desire to be something that doesn't technically exist

>> No.10538755


>"I believe I should be female"
>This sensation has to come from somewhere

Yeah it's called "shame from being a bitch ass boy your whole life" and "too much sissy porn consumption", dickgirl.

>> No.10538760


Sex is not constructed, or it is constructed in relation to a subject. I'm not talking about gender, which is performative and subjective. I am talking about brain sex.


I used to break people's bones, not that it matters.

>> No.10538765

I'm sitting on the kitchen floor waiting for my brother to get back with the heroin. He'll be here at 9:35.

After i do my shot i'll try to put a nice dent in Absalom, Absalom. Got about 100 pages left then I'll start APOTAAAYM.

>> No.10538781

>i FEEL LIKE i should have a vagina so men can FUCK ME!
You're just a faggot dude, come out of the closet already

>> No.10538786


Hmm. No, that's not why. I've already stated my reasons.

>> No.10538792

Do you think people should be able to legally change on their drivers license their gender to being a rock (if that is the social construct their mind tells them they are identity wise?), or a dinosaur, should I be allowed to make everyone call me dinosaur as my pronoun?

Raptor Ralph? Well maybe this is a bad example because one can legally change their name, but a person should not be allowed to view me as anything other than a dinosaur, when they see me they should see a dinosaur and act as such, they should be afraid and run away, and I they do not they are harassing me and being discriminatory and bigoted.

I am just playing devils advocate by the way, just trying to think about this hole sticky situation.

>> No.10538793

Maybe, but I was thinking more like academia or research. Sounds a hell of a lot more fulfilling than law desu.

>> No.10538797


I'm not talking about gender. See >>10538760

Oh wait, that's the post you're quoting. Retard.

>> No.10538810

its all good, you are likely on the winning side: some point in the future it will be freaks vs. normies. Or those who seek to 'evolve' vs those who do not. This transgendered and body augmentation and furry is the tiniest bit of the first wave, 0.0000000001% of what the future has in store. In relation to dna editing and cyborg stuff: who cares if a person thinks there a girl or Chihuahua, in 70 or 100 or 200 years there might be 20 foot tall people with 30 arms, 3 5 foot dicks, lazer beam eyes, rocket lunchers on the back, shoot grenades out the butt, fire breath, napalm farts, jet packs on the feet, semiimortal, watson deep mind cloud server brain, living on mars

>> No.10538828

what does brain sex mean? as far as I understood the lingo, sex referred to biologically sex organs/genes, and gender was the term used to denote potential social construct things like dresses, pocket books, lipstick, lingerie, etc. Transgendered, are you not, you are brain sexed, or brain fucked?

>> No.10538832


Sex refers to organs that have a certain general pattern of dimorphism and that correlate well which each other. If certain neurological traits have those properties then they are sex, not gender.

>> No.10538862


>"I used to break people's bones"

It's really funny because most trannies have a history of antisocial behaviour and many have documented criminal pasts.

A lot of the time they use transition as a means of avoiding culpability for previous infractions.

Women, statistically, do not go around "breaking people's bones". You're a man. Stop deluding yourself.

>> No.10538867


Isn't it interesting how you argue against gender essentialism and then turn around and argue in favor of gender essentialism?

>> No.10538877

What's more interesting is that a majority of trannies off themselves young. Get to it, fagboy.

>> No.10538881


That would violate the categorical imperative, apparently.

>> No.10538888

there is more to 'the social construct of female' than practically anything else (fat mounds on the chest, and a hole instead of a stick in the pants). Everything else is pure invention and the massive massive bulk of what likely makes a male desire to associate as the other sex. There is really not that big of a difference, look at cats for instance, or fish, or pigeons, if you were a male pigeon would you want to be a female (I dont know if those are the best examples of animals where the 2 sexs look pretty much the same: can hardly see a cat or fish dick)

im seriously not trying to give you a hard time (unless you want me to ;), babe, I just find this topic a bit fascinating especially with its increased prevalence in the population in recent years

>> No.10538901


Most of tumblr is not actually transsexual. In the long run transsexualism should be diagnosed by objective neuroscientific means.

I broke a toe once. I shattered it. Just because it was a small bone doesn't mean it caused me any less aggravation not to be able to walk on it.

>> No.10538941


Trannies love to pretend that they off themselves young in the same way that emo kids used to threaten suicide all the time. It's a lie for attention.

They even tried to push this agenda by putting out reports that the average life span of a tranny is 30 years old. The icing on this cake? The average age of transition is 35.

So did Bruce Jenner strap himself into an exit bag and then rise from the dead 5 years later to flip his dick inside out? Because that would explain his face but I'm still not convinced.

>> No.10538942


Stop talking to yourself

>> No.10538971 [DELETED] 


>anon really believes that there's only one person on /lit/ who thinks he's a delusional faggot

anyways you really should transition, it would be pretty funny if you castrated yourself and lived out the rest of your days as a jealous shemale who will never fit in with actual women

>> No.10539059


this touched me

>> No.10539093

what I was getting at is 'female neurology' is a social construct. What is female neurology besides the social constructs of "I think those high heels will make me look like a sexy slut, I think that pocket book will make me look like a pretty slut, I think that dress will make me look like a hot slut, I think that make up will make me look like a beautiful slut'?

>> No.10539430
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>> No.10539441

>tfw no gorgeous redhead wife to be strong for and for whom to write prose poetry about her seaglass eyes and greek goddess skin

>> No.10539592
File: 599 KB, 2132x1439, Screenshot_20180106-103717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burning inside with violent anger my soul is dead i have to look after the flesh i want to die

>> No.10539597

I wonder what the class is going to be like? I mean, I'm already relatively disconnected from the world. How is this going to make me feel? I don't want to go back to that place, but addressing these existentialist feelings and coming to an understanding of the world is important to me. I've learned to embrace life with positive nihilism. Couldn't I just defeat the feeling? It comes and goes anyway. I just have to talk myself out of it. Think about getting fucked up and giggling in bed. But, I'll be alone without that innocence. And life is stressful now. Will I overcome or will I be reduced to myself years past?

>> No.10539599

My ass is sweaty
I slid my index finger there
I sniff once
Thrice i place my finger in my sleeping gfs nose
Four tine i spoon her ad she farts
I dip my head under the covers
Take a huge sniff and smile

>> No.10539603

Vagina on the forehead.
Lights out and rain.
Black locks and vocal deluge.

>> No.10539605
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>> No.10539612

Thoughts in my mind are wondering, like the hitchhiker to hell, staying long enough to enjoy the view, and leaving before anyone could even notice it was there. Chop off and restructure our bodies like a Mr. Potato head doll. No wonder why so many have such poor body images. But in the end, nothing matters, for death always wins and everything is forgotten in time. Why bother hitting the continue button? Why keep up in the game we call life? If death is the end goal than why should we prolong it? Just seems cruel and terrible to suffer any longer.

>> No.10539666

I don't agree with the others anons saying its just when you're on the job.

Growing up in our generation, you can see and be able to witness all of the atrocities of humankind. After you realize that humans have killed billions of humans and there are still billions of humans you lose sympathy. This mindset is considered evil or heartless by most and >>10532879 this queer thinks compassion for animals is leftism but hes wrong. Compassion for humans is leftism.

One must accept for the able to live on, the weak and stupid must die. That's how survival and evolution work.

That poor little bat probably got hit by a car or something out of his control. Another causality of humanity.

>> No.10539674


>> No.10539902
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I'm so isolated but I don't feel all that lonely. I do sometimes feel it, usually on a quiet Sunday, but it's very manageable and doesn't seem to phase me at all.

I wonder what this is caused by. My personality is split almost 50/50 between introvert and extrovert, so maybe it's something to do with that?

Can this feeling eve be called loneliness if it's not particularly unpleasant? I guess it's inconvenient, more than anything; a distraction.

My feelings of depression are somewhat less confusing. They seem to come at random times and in intense waves that last for few hours or so.

My reading has been going well but I need to stop distracting myself with so much screen time on the computer or my phone.

I'm very happy I decided to read The Odyssey.

I started a stream on Twitch over the weekend and I hope it does well. Even though I only had one person watching (a close friend) it was exhilarating and fun and energizing and seemed to unleash part of me that I feel has been locked in a cage. I hope it does well. I hope I can make my friends and other people smile.

>> No.10539905

I'm a pre-law junior undergrad

Talk me out of law school. Why's it so bad? Could I be better off just doing something with my B.A. in Political Science, like academia, research, etc?

>> No.10539915

I regret telling my sisters bf, about my e-bf (I know it isn't real etc) but I am not even fully sure I'm bi or not. there is a lot of doubt in my mind at all times. I have always done this, questioned everything about myself, I'm always looking for something to criticize in myself. that I think is why I adore the perceived innocence of days past. A time where the future was mine, and I could be what I wanted. now I know I cannot and will not be anything. there is no hope for me. I am counting the days until I either break and just kill myself, or I die in an accident. I only hope that it is painless, and that people forget me once I'm gone

>> No.10539970

I'm only 1 semester in; its ok, it just seems like a career path that will burn me out, be a stressful daily grind, and possibly unfulfilling. I also don't really dig the type of people and social community that law attracts.

I think law could be good, and the opportunity to start my own private gig sometime in the future is appealing to me. I originally pursued finance (undergrad) until I realised I didn't like crunching numbers as a glorified wagie at a big firm.

I have always been interested in psychology, social sciences and academia, and I think I am very well suited to it; but my parents think its a shit career path.All of my family/friends will try to talk me out of it if I ever said I wanted to pursue it. I know I shouldn't listen to them though, but it takes like 7-8 years to become a clinical psychologist or academic in that field - i'm already 22.

>> No.10540014 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 376x279, kentridge-complainta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried taking a selfie today.
the nasolabial folds / abrasions across my face make me look like a much older person. glimpses of my reflection that i see in public always look like some combination of anger and muted desperation.
i'll be 21 at the end of this month. i'm dying impossibly fast without having experienced anything worth to have made this ordeal a worthwhile exchange for non-existence. i just want it to be over.

>> No.10540038
File: 23 KB, 376x279, kentridge-complainta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried taking a selfie today.
the nasolabial folds / abrasions across my face make me look like a much older person. glimpses of my reflection that i see in public always look like some combination of anger and muted desperation.
i'll be 21 at the end of this month. i'm dying impossibly fast without having experienced anything to have made this ordeal a worthwhile exchange for non-existence. i just want it to be over.

>> No.10540056

You'll be alright.

>> No.10540060

what does that even mean

>> No.10540113

You'll be fine. Life isn't such a serious thing. Its easy to end it if you want to be over and its easy to keep going if you don't. Master of your own fate and all that.

>> No.10540137


I've already given a definition.

>> No.10540250

If i'm not a pseudo yet, this board will probably make me one

>> No.10540503

>no reason to live
>no reason to die
>master of your own fate

>> No.10540570

Literally nihilism 101