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/lit/ - Literature

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10524861 No.10524861 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone post me that guide to which translation of Homer to read. Don’t want this penguin shit.

>> No.10524868

Start with Lattimore
Avoid Fagles
Later read Pope and Fitzgerald

>> No.10524869

oh, fuck off. fagles is a perfectly fine translation.

>> No.10524888

I'm full pleb, I like the Rieu prose translations. Poetry sends me to sleep.

>> No.10524923

This pleb is under the impression to avoid the penguin

>> No.10525258

>cramping my style

>> No.10525334
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>thinking it matters
full pseud

>> No.10525382

Fagles, Lattimore, and Fitzgerald are all excellent.

>> No.10525406


>numerous rap battles
>added homo sex scenes
>internet memes referenced
>stills from The Matrix with heads from Greek statues badly photoshopped on

yeah no

>> No.10525570
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>> No.10525765

This is accurate. Coming from OP

>> No.10525786
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>mfw I get to the Catalogue of Ships

>> No.10525788
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Honestly, just compare passages and pick up the translation that you prefer.

>> No.10525851

Good intuition OP
This, or Fitz

>> No.10525856

Bullshit chart, I've read the first half of Fagles Iliad before switching and that section is hand picked to sound good

>> No.10525885

It's nothing compared to Melville's cetology

>> No.10525914

Fuck off
Cetology parts are god-tier comfiness

>> No.10525922

It is about half the time, I'm not complaining, the prose alone is worth it and he always drops a great paragraph at the end. It's just about 100 pages instead of Iliad's 12

>> No.10526016

>catering to morons who can't do a simple google search
it's only homer, read multiple translations and fuck off with the bullshit. what a fucking waste.

>> No.10526018

You're not gonna find a better translation.

>> No.10526022
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>it's only homer

>> No.10526029


>> No.10526042


>> No.10526087

Butler. Lattimore sucks ass. Fitzgerald for poetry. Forget the pseuds—they would recommend Sayers or Longfellow for Dante as well, over the far superior mandelbaum.

>> No.10526090

But Fagles sounds like trash compared to Fitz

>> No.10526266

Fitzgerald is the superior translator

>> No.10526287

Singleton, you illiterate shithole.

>> No.10526294

I reiterate my appeal to /lit/ to tell me where this particular book's cover image actually comes from (what pot, what urn, etc). It's unclear when you actually drill into it.

>> No.10526312

have you even read it?

>> No.10526315

Avoid the litfags, if you want to understand read Peter Green. The guy literally has 50+ years of experience in all things classic and has translated the Iliad and is working on the Odyssey to be published this year. The translation is clear, footnotes are abundant and the style is pretty good as well. Just avoid Emily Wilson like the plague when you move on to the Odyssey.

>> No.10526338 [DELETED] 
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Who's to say they didn't just make it up? For example where did pic related come from? They just made it up

>> No.10526629

Going by that passage alone, Fitzgerald ~ Lattimore > Fagles; Pope is too different to compare directly to the rest, but would sound awesome in a rock opera. I am leaning towards Fitzgerald. Lattimore seems to use compound words to match the original Greek more closely, which I understand is useful, but I'd probably find distracting on my first reading.

>> No.10526660

lattimore or bust

>> No.10526666

WHD Rouse or bust

>> No.10526677

The back of my copy of the Penguin Deluxe Iliad only gives the name of the cover designer, without indicating what the cover is based on, while the back of the Odyssey gives the name of the designer, as well as what it is based on. Makes me assume the Iliad cover in OP was probably something designed just for the cover.

>> No.10526707


also, i laughed out loud at a bar while reading this. some illiterate qt3.14 looked at me while I was making an autistic fool of myself. thanks anon.

>> No.10526714
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>tfw no Lattimore Odyssey audiobook

>> No.10526905



>> No.10526933

>nobody talking about Chapman

Feels good man.

(It's shit)

>> No.10526954

Is there a Pope audiobook?

>> No.10526957
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Is it time for "Homer was meant to be listened to"?
As if this discussion wasn't autistic enough

>> No.10527002
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>tfw Ennis Rees

>> No.10527086

If you haven't lived in 5th century BC Athens and heard an oral recital in ancient Greek you haven't experienced Homer.

>> No.10527095
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Watching Troy (2004)
>RIP Menelaus, Agamemnon, Achilles, Hector
>Paris and Helen survivie
>Everything is better
>Patroclus is Achilles' cousin

Reading Iliad and Odyssey:
>RIP Paris
>Achilles is a fag
>Menelaus and Agamemnon are A-OK
>Menelaus and Helen are back together and have children

The fuck?

>> No.10527188
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I was gonna make a separate thread but while I have you guys here, what's a good children's picture book version of the Illiad and the Odyssey? I told her Alexander the Great kept it under his pillow and now she asks me about it everytime I see her.

>> No.10527221

You're raising a good kid.
I can't help you.

>> No.10527258

Watch Troy (2004) director's cut

>> No.10527360


>> No.10527467

What the fuck Keats

>> No.10527526
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>tfw to inteligent to read Fagles

>> No.10527535

As if anyone itt actually studies the text to the extent in which precise translation is relevant to their work, as opposed to just doing a single readthrough accompanied by online study guides as they do.

>> No.10527566

How's Butlers' translation?

>> No.10527651


>> No.10527743

Panel 8 is right

>> No.10527919

Thanks anon, I'll have to skim through these for some good illustrations

>> No.10528031

who still listening in 2018?

>> No.10528177


>> No.10528335

I think Fagles is by far the worst one of the chart. I still have nothing against his translation, but I prefer Lattimore.

>> No.10528343
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>Peter Green

>> No.10528468

I've never heard of Peter Green, but this whole exchange made me burst out laughing

>> No.10529844
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>Not choosing Lombardo

>> No.10529852

I have three translations of Dante that I go through. I only read Illiad and Odyssey once, and didn't really read Aenied but I should do that.

>> No.10529856

Its easy to read.

They both suck ass. Fitzgerald is the best.

>> No.10530791

>tfw no daughter to read ancient literature to as bedtime stories
Can someone come to my house and kill me please?

>> No.10530836

where do you live?

>> No.10530849

In a constant state of agony.

>> No.10530858


I appreciate your helpful and generally correct reply. Because I have already looked into the matter, I know that what you said was accurate.

However, based on my inquiry into the thing, I reject your notion that the Iliad cover was something "made-up". The context of the overall book design makes it very clear the the Iliad's cover derives from /some historically real archaeological object/, whatever that object may be. Regrettably, the book design notes don't give insight into this, whereas the Odyssey and Aeneid book design notes do.

>> No.10530893

So Ohio?

>> No.10530915

Can you post excerpts of his translation for comparison?

>> No.10530928

you haven't read it.

>> No.10531139

Roman fanfiction

>> No.10531146

I agree with this

>> No.10531354

lmfao. how are these "translations" of the same text?

>> No.10531407

I doubt anyone on /lit/ can read Homeric Greek to the level where they can seriously critique a professional translation.

>> No.10531559

Fagles is great. Why should you care about the publisher?

>> No.10531573

No, but you can look at different translations and find which one you, personally, like the best.

>> No.10531589

Alexander Pope is the only way. All else feels like a cheap imitation. Pope turns it into the epic it deserves to be

Wrapt in the cold embraces of the tomb;
Adorn'd with honours in their native shore,
Silent they slept, and heard of wars no more.

>> No.10531811


>> No.10531820

Pope's is an adaptation. An incredible achievement, but still

>> No.10531878

Any one read Reck's translation? How is it?

>> No.10531982


Swift led a campaign for subscriptions to it and Dr. Johnson loved it, calling it “a performance which no age or nation can pretend to equal” and “the greatest version of poetry which the world has ever seen.” Richard Bentley famously sneered; Blake hated it. In our day, Harold Bloom has called Johnson’s verdict “scandalous overpraise of a version now dead for nearly all of us”.

Is there merit in what Bloom says?

I read Fagles as a boy, then the Verity translation in university, and now I'd like to try another. Does Pope stray very far from the original?

>> No.10532034

none. read a summery of the iliad on sparknote and move on to the odyssey. the iliad is boring as fuck

>> No.10532049

>Does Pope stray very far from the original?
Yes, he changes a lot to fit his own meter. It's a fairly strict retelling instead of a translation.

>> No.10532606

pls come to Brazil

>> No.10532639

Eternal September

>> No.10532642

It's the odyssey that's boring though.

>> No.10532697

Here's a well-formatted epub version:

>> No.10533804


>> No.10533865
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>> No.10533883

Lombardo isn't as popular as Lattimore, Fitzgerald, or Fagles. Sell me on his translation.

>> No.10533933
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Have a brief listen to the man himself reading his translation:


It flows very very well.

>> No.10534820

Thanks, anon.

>> No.10535109

of course he has, how would he know about the rap battles if he didn't?

>> No.10535123

The only translation anybody needs is the Caroline Alexander translation.

>> No.10535425

Personally, I enjoyed the parts where Achilles was masturbating using a Lyra plushie