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File: 51 KB, 680x457, camus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10524492 No.10524492 [Reply] [Original]

>"lmao, just fuck women, push the boulder and play football. Man has responsibilities and should learn morals or whatever but do whatever you want I guess, lol"
Am I understanding absurdism correctly?

>> No.10524519

>death penalty is wrong in all circumstances because some guy killed some other guy who pulled a knife on him

>> No.10524762

Yeah, Camus was more of an author than a philosopher. Really no point treating his retarded branch of existentialism seriously.

>> No.10524773

Yes, he undermined Christian values and degeneracy. At least Nietzche sought to find greater positive meaning and purpose after realizing nihilism was cancerous.

>wrote that a car crash was the worst way to die
>dies in his 40s in a car crash

Karma at its finest. I hate to say it but God punishes those who deserve it.

>> No.10524775

and fetishized* degeneracy

>> No.10524782

>Yes, he undermined Christian values and degeneracy

>> No.10524788

>>death penalty is wrong
Where are you seeing that in the novel?

>> No.10524798
File: 542 KB, 1200x1628, 1200px-Nietzsche187a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah bro god is dead and life has no meaning but it's all good cuz of tragedy and amor fati haha

*goes insane and dies*

>> No.10524823

The Myth of Sisyphus isn't exactly wrong, its just a REALLY weak argument in favor of absurdism, and consequentially a weak defense against suicide even though Camus was right to criticize armchair nihilists who advocated complete dissociation with reality from a position of comfort and rank (as had most schools of Classical philosophy criticized the Epicureans).

"We must consider Sisyphus happy"
Why must? 'Should' can be demonstrated by simple ethics, but necessity cannot be imparted without a value system and internal logic, both of which the existentialist and absurdists accepted as nonentities.

>> No.10524873

Yeah just do loads of shit since human experiences are really the only thing that matters I guess. Quantity over quality since you got limited time. Just keep doing whatever till you die, but the more stuff the better.

>> No.10525229


everywhere, Camus main political cause was fighting against death penalty, which he thought led to accepting all sort of massacres in the XX-century. Read The Rebel, it's a decent book attempting to defend a type of Kantian ethics.

>> No.10525232

well there's more coffee breaks, but that's about it.