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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 11 KB, 225x225, 162391638255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10523327 No.10523327[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Buys book
>Doesn't read it

>> No.10523330

>reads book
>didn't buy it

>> No.10523346

Both me

>> No.10523375

>Buys read
>Doesn't book it

>> No.10523377
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>> No.10523379
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>buy book
>can only read it in 10 page bursts before getting bored and playing video games

>> No.10523390

>buy book
>read ebook

>> No.10523406

>Books it
>doesn't read

>> No.10523415

What video games do you even play? The only one that caught me was Dark Souls 1 like four years ago

>> No.10523702
File: 54 KB, 500x384, 8DD6C83D-F58D-4C12-96CD-D414020FDD5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reads one chapter
>20 minutes break

>> No.10523725

>book it
>Doesn't read buy

>> No.10523750

>read book
>pause every second to look up definitions
>lose interest

>> No.10523757

>read one chapter
>one week break
>have to re-read it

>> No.10523766

My god this me too
Bradbury was right. I'm keeping my future children far away from the internet and most television.

>> No.10523779

what kind of emotional response is your image trying to convey and how is it connected to your post? please get back to me

>> No.10523794

Dwarf Fortress.
Tbf you do have tons of reading to do if you want.

>> No.10523811

>buy books
>get obsessed with reading it, to the point where you just fall asleep from exhaustion at 6am
>finish it
>can barely remember a single thing a day after

>> No.10523886


>> No.10523887
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>read a page
>start daydreaming
>keep rereading the page

>> No.10523909

>didn't quite catch the last sentence
>reread it slowly out loud while tracing the words with my finger
>reread it again but this time I whisper it
>continue speedreading

>> No.10523941

>check how many pages are left
>want that the boook ends sooner

>> No.10523965

>writes book
>doesn't read it

>> No.10523987
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>Start daydreaming
>keep reading
>Realize you red like 5 pages, but don't even know what happened in them

>> No.10524001

>go over half the page
>suddenly something crazy happens in the story
>"Wait what!"
>actually start paying attention again

>> No.10524003

>writes book
>nobody wants to publish it
>rinse and repeat
you know who you are

>> No.10524022
File: 65 KB, 453x604, eeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read new book
>story begins
>book introduces characters
>10 pages and 5 characters later
>confuse all the names and forget who is who

>> No.10524106
File: 9 KB, 250x219, 8F3575B4-2D81-4A6F-8D5D-F24F471C4C0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truly patrician method right here, folks

>> No.10524118
File: 69 KB, 800x728, choaaa ricckkkkkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waste thousand hours downloading books to my e-book
>read one

>> No.10524122

>buy book
>watch film version

>> No.10524126

>tfw spend thousands on books
>tfw barely read any of them

I've bought the same book more than once by accident

>> No.10524154

I notice this mostly when reading news items.
>the lede introduces someone's full name
>other names are introduced in subsequent paragraphs
>several paragraphs explicating the story
>suddenly: "[important quote]," Smith said.
>who the hell is Smith?
>forced to hunt through whole article for the one mention of Smith and what their relationship to the story is again to understand the quote
I know i should just absorb all this as I read but my mind doesn't handle names without faces very well.

>> No.10524187

I'm unironically the opposite of this now, I'm so tired of videogames that when I start playing them I only want to go back to reading

>> No.10524189

worse yet
>buys textbooks
>never purposefully uses them

>> No.10524239

fap break obviously

>> No.10524254

man, I wasted so much money freshman year. Once I figured out there was a copy of all the textbooks in the library that I could just study for upcoming exams and otherwise just go to class and take notes, I never bought textbooks again. Fuck that racket.

>> No.10524341
File: 90 KB, 500x500, can-i-please-oh-okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to read alot of my audiobook one day
>lay down and start listening intently
>fall asleep after a few hours
>wake up several chapters later wondering if ive absorbed the info or if im completely lost

>> No.10524872

Yep. I've had Broom of the System on my shelf for over a year now and still haven't found the will to read it. I'm just so invested in other types of literature atm.

>> No.10525184

y-you too

>> No.10525188

Me when reading anything by Pynchon

>> No.10525201
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>reads Thomas Pynchon's books
>doesn't understand it

>> No.10525217

Gosh I'm losting my sides in this thread. Good work anons


>> No.10525248

I'm like this to, or at least at first glance. But then, 3 years later a question related to something I once read reveals in me a wealth of stored understanding.

>> No.10525274

>resume book i’ve been fake reading for 3 months now
>read one chapter
>spend 2 hours on mbti forums about personality of characters in the book

>> No.10525353
File: 293 KB, 633x758, 1477278941367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read one chapter
>genuinely enjoy it
>"oh well that's enough for the day"
>do absolutely nothing of importance

>> No.10525531

This is especially bad when you read Russian novels, there are usually 9001 characters, and on top of that all of them have nicknames, patronymics etc

>> No.10525538

i find the mess of patronimics actually helpful as it gives more inputs to my mind

>> No.10525547

Anon Anonic Anonazov

>> No.10526127

Nickname: Anonusha

>> No.10526137

>book is ending
>author takes the time to tie up every loose end and the last chapters consist of 90% characters and events you never gave a fuck about
the few sentences of true resolution are like needles in a haystack

>> No.10526148

>buy book
>read the first few pages
>give it away as last minute birthday present because you forgot to buy one

>> No.10526149

If I wasn't taking notes on names in M&M, I would've given up long ago.

Why the FUCK would you randomly decide to address characters by their first and middle name, or last name at other times?

>> No.10526311
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What kind of soy manchild/woman finds this shit funny?

>> No.10526327
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>few chapters away from the ending
>never read the book ever again

>> No.10526344

>buys book
>reads first 20 pages
>friends come over and marvel at library
>start recommending several based on their interests
anon, why are there bookmarks in each book at only the first few pages?

>> No.10526348

Close enough is enough.

>> No.10526362
File: 46 KB, 567x567, the-holy-bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this one?

>> No.10526383

This is a problem with wikipedia articles for movies you didn't understand because they always use first names instead of "her father" etc

>> No.10526487

>>10526311 (checked)
its been a meme on 4chan for as long as I can remember
that being said it was never funny after the first post in the first thread it was posted in.

>> No.10526733

Because it makes reading the book more difficult thus increasing the artistic value of it, duh.

>> No.10526748


>> No.10526787

Can I ask how old you are?

>> No.10526807

My new system is I buy one book for every 2 I finish.

>> No.10526814

I buy three books for every book I read.

>> No.10526950

Went from playing 4 hours straight everyday to not find any of them "fun" anymore

>> No.10526952

Is there a longer book? Plus 2/3rds of it is Jewish history you have to slog through.

>> No.10527001

>4 hours

>> No.10527702

eh, the last name thing isn't actually that weird. We do it in the US but don't really think we do, we don't notice it. That it's standard address in the military (and cops) I think trickles into general use, but maybe it's just human nature to an extent anyway. When I worked at a kids summer camp in MI, staff referring to each other by last name was in-group behavior, endearing, even. and these were young hippie bro frat guys, not military influenced in that culture. Or like how /tv/ refers to Natalie Portman as "Hershlag," it's basically a term of endearment even if it's purpose was originally to out her jewishness.It does not seem so odd that other cultures would have a version of this.

The first-and-middle convention might be a rhythm thing, a way of inserting musicality into the phrasing, like how we might name a kid "Jo-Anne" or "Bobby-Joe." We just make a longer first name, but same effect. It just sounds better.

Also, I have a weird middle name and close friends address me by first-and-middle sometimes. The effect is sort of affectionate, if platonic: "I'm close enough to you that I know your middle name," plus it has a rhythm to it, and the unusualness of the name has a certain flair, a certain appeal for them to say, too; they like saying it.

We also have that whole thing of abbreviating names that really makes no sense (diminutives.) Katherine is Kate, OK that's not too hard (even though the T hardens up, for some reason.) But everyone knows that Bob is Robert and Ted is Edward even though they start with a completely different consonant. And then little kids or your intimate friends are Bobby, Teddy, and Katie.

All this must be confusing as fuck if you're ESL, but if you're native, you just grow up with it and never think about it.

>> No.10527710

>don't read books
buys e-reader

>> No.10527764
File: 53 KB, 320x180, You+were+the+chosen+one+You+were+supposed+to+_5a7095134b0ea6b4bd548313a49e2e71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start reading a book
>kind of getting board of if
>start reading a second book at the same time
>like the second book more
>start only reading the second book
>finish it
>go back to the first book
>forgot everything that's happened
>have to start it over from the beginning
>get frustrated and give up
>never finish the first book

>> No.10527827

I buy 15 books every time I get paid. That’s why I own thousands of books lmao

>> No.10527838

You'd know procreation is immoral if you actually read some books.

>> No.10527845

>buy book
>read 10 pages
>go back to shitposting on 4chins

>> No.10527859
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>> No.10527861

>read south american novels
>901 characters and they all have the same name

>> No.10527874

whoa! o.o

>> No.10528036


>> No.10528367

>Buys book
>Doesn't read it
>Download the same book in epub
>read it

fuck my life?

>> No.10529860

This is why I'm not buying any more books until I catch up. The days of buying 5 books at a time, reading half of one and then putting the rest on a shelf are over.

At this rate I may not purchase another book all year, it's that bad.

>> No.10530059
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H-how did you know?

>> No.10530288

t. reddit

>> No.10530322
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>buy a book
onto the shelf it goes
I constantly get people telling me how well read I am

>> No.10530333

>t. reddit
What is this "t." meme that everyone is posting recently?

>> No.10530369

>Hides your thread
>Doesn't read it

>> No.10530489


>> No.10530500

>well read
>get called genuinely retarded online

>> No.10530718


>> No.10530731

>Buys book
>Puts it on the shelf
>Never reads it
>Folds it and smothers it to looks like it's been read
>Puts it back on the shelf

>> No.10530747
File: 57 KB, 634x636, wUrUfV3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>steal book
>read and enjoy it

>> No.10530748
File: 30 KB, 633x758, 1515393824832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read good portion of book
>get attached to a particular character
>look up discussions and analysis online to see if others like the character too
>"...x's death in chapter y..."

>> No.10530752

you asked for it

>> No.10530756

If you don't at least try to find shit like this funny you won't do well in any white collar workplace. Shit but reality.

>> No.10530760

i hoe you realize you're surrounded by a bunch of neets

>> No.10530763

>the supreme newfag

>> No.10530770
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>being a wageslave
>current year


>> No.10530776

>buy book
>read 2 pages
>shitpost on /lit/ about book

>> No.10530788

t. missed "t."-op

>> No.10530800

Kind that makes cuck edits of the reddit logo?

>> No.10530805

it's the logo for the cuck sub I think so yeah pretty much

>> No.10530828

>reading the bible
>have to read through the canaanite civil war for weeks before i get to jesus
it's been a dubious journey lads

>> No.10530831

>desperately trying to justify how your life went so terribly wrong

>> No.10530857

I did this with The Fountainhead. It would be so easy to finish it I probably should.

>Refuse to start over when continuing book from awhile ago
>Have no idea what's going on
I stopped Les Mis at page 750 like 2 years ago, there's no fucking way I'm rereading all that shit.

>> No.10530859

I read 2x what you do in a year starting and public domain is free so I don't need to waste 1/3 of my life working. Cry wagie boi

>> No.10530861

stupid nigger

>> No.10531254

Where does Bradbury say this?

>> No.10531273
File: 4 KB, 111x125, 4free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christian gives out miniature holy bible away
>dont want to be rude and take it
>actually read the whole thing

>> No.10531414

could use a mini bible myself, been using a bible app on my phone recently

>> No.10531421

I buy two books for every book I don’t read

>> No.10531426
File: 107 KB, 645x773, dumb_wojak_7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>write book
>delete it

>> No.10531454

> doesn’t have a character gallery at the beginning

>> No.10531461

Did you actually BUY this?

>> No.10531672

>go to bookstore
>read first chapter of book
>don’t buy it

>> No.10531677

>I read 2x what you do in a year starting and public domain is free so I don't need to waste 1/3 of my life working. Cry wagie boi
Pretty sure you don't have access to bulk journal subscriptions like I do via my place of employment. Not that you'd understand any STEM journal articles.

>> No.10531705

Most households I assume have a Bible or two and I reckon that most haven’t even read it

>> No.10531737
File: 43 KB, 396x385, 1503165090376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you can read means nothing if you don't have the time to read it

It is not too late to deliver youself of your wagie ways anon

>> No.10531975

>the supreme baitfag

>> No.10532221

what a pathetic fucking post, do you at least get autism bucks or are you a parasite?

>> No.10533551

>Buys shitloads of books
>Only reads 4 pages once every day

>> No.10533566

social parasitism is actually good nigger in the case of NEET’s we would do well to encourage them in their ways

>> No.10533576

>social parasitism is actually good
lol no
Yes, you are on their social tier.

>> No.10533590
File: 99 KB, 646x405, 1897761_537833553042190_1705131705415469309_n-e1445197697846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be reading book
>read some word i don't know
>search it's meaning in the internet
>get ultimately browsing memes for an hour

>> No.10533604

I read probably 1,000 papers a year and who knows how many books. Working 8 hours a day isn't that big of a deal, especially when it is something you are passionate about (and involves research, reading, and writing).

People who eke by and have zero security have no authority to call others slaves.

Also, I should mention my parents are wealthy and I stand to inherit ~4 million in cash, assets, and property when they pass away. My parents sold one of their properties in Vancouver in June and gave my brother and I $350,000 each, which I invested through their investor. I made 10% on the principal so far, pretty nice for doing nothing.

So yes, not only do I work hard and have an enviable career that I derive much pleasure from, but I have time to read and write and enjoy other pursuits. Maybe you and your dullard parents should have been a little more ambitious.

>> No.10533630
File: 279 KB, 700x574, 89A89BCE-50BF-4E16-8F30-DAB1ED7FB6C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>in class
>day dreaming about random shit because I’m a edgy teenager
>we are in sex education
>teacher sees that I’m not paying attention
> so anon! I bet you think testicules are lovely don’t you
>I snap out on my day dream and replied with “yes I agree” entire class starts laughing
>it took me a week too find out why
>my face when I’m probably retarded
>my face when I’m planning on killing myself

>> No.10533642

>reads a philosopher
>immediately think he’s right about everything
>read new philosopher
>immediately agree with him about everything

>> No.10533652

>My parents sold one of their properties in Vancouver in June and gave my brother and I $350,000 each, which I invested through their investor. I made 10% on the principal so far, pretty nice for doing nothing.

Should ditch the investor and have put it in an S&P 500 index. Would have done better.

>> No.10533687

Lmao all this wish fulfillment

>> No.10533695
File: 1.80 MB, 2048x1536, 1D37F884-B019-4685-AB1D-EFC9FBA53FF8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I Got a book
>got really horny and started to wank
>end up cumming on the first page
>it isn’t my book
>I got it from my teacher
>shit shit shit.png
>A couple of days pass
>walking into class, teacher makes eye contact with me
< walks up to me and says, you look a bit scared anon
>is everything ok? You haven’t done anything wrong have you?
>I’m sweating at this point
>nah no sir
>well have you got my book for me?
>y-y-yes sir, pull out crispy book covered in cum
>sir takes it and walks away
>I ask him what he thinks about them white marks
>he tells me to wait out side
>we starts talking to me and apparently he cummed in the book
>he tried to clean it up and just gave it me and I realised I cummed on page 1 and there is a cum stane on the 1st and 2nd
> he cummed on the 2nd page
>my face when I touched his cum
>my face when he touched my cum

>> No.10533696

this is the one for me

>> No.10533713

funny if true but much doubt

>> No.10533728

Can't get away with using 'dullard' twice within such a brief time, you knob. Fuck off.

>> No.10533729
File: 32 KB, 640x782, 2db99fc701d8f61a1a450b025d7f7bfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro how dumb are you

that image shows that you are just as dumb as >>10523375

Lmao it isn't, I just looked it up and their logo is a ginger girl snoo standing next to two male snoos (not erotic at all). You made that edit yourself.

>> No.10533796
File: 61 KB, 680x680, 540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10534319

>Can't get away with using 'dullard' twice within such a brief time, you knob. Fuck off.

>> No.10534386

>He knows what the reddit logo is called
holy shit get off of my website you stupid nigger, why would you assume he made that picture himself

>> No.10534518
File: 100 KB, 688x659, cult of ignorance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Buys book
>>Doesn't read it
then comes to /lit to spew pseudo-intellectual claptrap gleaned from Wikipedia and 3rd rate review boards about how great/bad/disappointing the book is.
It's what makes /lit the beast it is.

>> No.10534529

this is me
evr day