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/lit/ - Literature

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10523178 No.10523178 [Reply] [Original]

Is it going to suck?

>> No.10523189

i probably won't read it

>> No.10523205

I can't really take Tao seriously on this subject. He just seems so new to psychedelics after being a xanax zombie for his young life, suddenly he's discovered these and jumped right into the stupid end of the greenpill. Just makes him seem like an idiot.

>> No.10523212

He is an idiot lol. Thats part of the fun!

>> No.10523217

What is the greenpill anon?

>> No.10523219

I think it's disappointing and undermines everything he's previously written that at least had the mystique of possibly being ironic and/or intelligent.

>> No.10523225

Have you seen any of his interviews? He's not hiding that he's retarded.

>> No.10523229

Quality of the book is directly linked to the quality of the last post Carles has made.

>> No.10523230
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There are Green/Brown pills who take it too seriously, a bit David Icke, a bit Alec Jones and there are the Green/Brown pills who see the joke, a bit Alan Watts, a bit Robert Anton Wilson. Tao's falling into the former camp.

>> No.10523514

Lol this dude is posting in terence mckenna groups on facebook now

>> No.10523520

whatever happened to hipster runoff

>> No.10523534

this is definitely still ironic but just a higher level of irony

>> No.10523542

I don't believe that. He's gone back to sincerity.

>> No.10523553

Never read of him outside of /lit/ memeing but this looks interesting, might give it a shot

>> No.10523604


>> No.10523610

>One form of damage is glyphosate. Glyphosate is the main ingredient in the corporation Monsanto’s product Roundup, which people use to kill “weeds.” Monsanto began selling it in 1974 and now it’s the most used pesticide on Earth and is probably in, I’ve estimated, more than 99.99% of people in the United States and is in most food and in water and air and rain and cigarettes and vaccines. Glyphosate makes plants and microbes unable to make three amino acids, including ones that mammals use to make opioids and dopamine and serotonin and DMT. So, because of glyphosate everyone is deficient in endorphins and other opiates and dopamine and serotonin and DMT and other compounds. Since I ate food that contained glyphosate for the first 30+ years of my life, if I avoid glyphosate from now on I’ll be better able to make endorphins and dopamine and hundreds of other compounds. With more endorphins, etc., I’ll have more energy and feel less depressed and be able to spend more hours per day writing with more creativity and focus. I’m optimistic on a personal level because, by avoiding damaging things I’ve habituated to in the past, like glyphosate and thousands of other things found in modern society, I can expect to feel better—less depressed, more motivated—over time.

What did he mean by this?

>> No.10523614

>name of previous book on cover
he's done for

>> No.10523620

What the fuck? This is transcribed right

>> No.10523638

No. This is a legit interview with from 5 months ago.

He also in this same interview recommended a book about how 9/11 was actually done by using "dustification", in which a top secret energy weapon which used "molecular dissociation and transmutation" to instantaneously evaporate 90% of the towers and their contents.

>> No.10523646

It might be good, but I can't imagine him or anyone treading much better ground on psychological/scientific/literary exploration of psychedelics than Terence McKenna (who Tao has admitted to being influenced by).

>> No.10523651
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>> No.10523668
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>entire western canon at your finger tips
>at least one person on this board will read this
>he'll tell himself he's doing it ironically

>> No.10523705

tao lin 2010: my gchat conversations are 'art'

tao lin 2013: xanax klonopin MDMA percocet adderall

tao lin 2014: I did not statutory rape her, it's not true, I did not

tao lin 2017: vaccines caused 9/11

>> No.10523826


go to bed tao

>> No.10523865

More like lsd heightened my schizophrenia

>> No.10524087

2018 is not a good time to bring psychedelics off of the backburner, where they've been calmly stewing since the late 70s.

We're more confused than we were in 1968. A dash of worldview-shattering liquid acid only adds to the frenetic competition of ideas that the internet has unleashed: it will make us less certain than ever about who we are and what's going on in our world.

>> No.10524371
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i don't know, but it's going to be entertaining. i'm looking forward to it

>worldview-shattering liquid acid
you should try actually doing drugs

>> No.10524561

I'm doing it sincerely :^)
True. But he captures a sort of autistic angst I can identify with.
Autism and schizophrenia are opposite on the spectrum...

>> No.10524568

>hasn't done a thumbprint yet
Top pleb

>> No.10524794

>dude i'm just going to transcribe my g-chats and then change the name

fucking hack

>> No.10524940

Terence McKenna is a dumb stoner meme. All McKenna YouTube lectures with mushroom background art link to "watch Joe Rogan pea brain get blown by scientist" tao is ten or fifteen years too old to be into this bs

>> No.10524943

>But he captures a sort of autistic angst I can identify with.

Kill yourself

>> No.10525617
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the better book is being released 2 weeks later

>> No.10526571

I was tempted to give it a go because I feel in the mood for some psychedelic /lit/, but if I wanted to read nonsense in that vein I'd just go to 420chan and find the most rambling, psychotic thread in the first handful of pages

>> No.10526605

>lmao layers of irony my dude

>> No.10526611

I fear you might be right. Everyone should do acid, I'm, but only some people should actually do it.

>> No.10526650

none of his books suck

>> No.10526799

Anyone got some recs for psychedelic literature? I've done a couple of the entry level ones Fear and Loathing and Doors of Perception already.

>> No.10527120

-The Teachings of Don Juan

>> No.10527556

Rose of Paracelsus
Acid Dreams
Storming Heaven
The Great Stoned Age
Pharmako Gnosis

>> No.10528040

>hating on autism
Why are you here?

>> No.10528088

he is this shining beacon of a symptom of our era, like a cancerous tumor somehow glowing from chemotherapy

>> No.10528162

honestly, the only people i can see reading books about psychedelics are people too afraid to touch them and those that wanna be in with the hippy crowd.

There are still times when ill be thinking about a trip and ill remember something that happened, that i had forgotten previously and it shatters some part of myself i thought was solid. The last thing i want to be doing is reading about someone elses trip.

>> No.10528192


Oh god it is true. BNW here we come. The boomers are finally going to do it just in time to off themselves.

Time to get your guru on and make mad cash.

I hear that shit does nothing that your brain can't already do with some secret techniques.

>> No.10528308

>honestly, the only people i can see reading books about psychedelics...
sounds like a problem of personal vision

>> No.10529657

t. le real psychonaut

>> No.10529663

>secret techniques
The only secret is how the techniques are impervious to analysis...

>> No.10529808

The techniques aren't secret

>> No.10529836

reveal the methods then

>> No.10531262

Cheers, only a couple there, the Shulgins, were on my list for next