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File: 188 KB, 440x585, Julius_Evola.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10520457 No.10520457 [Reply] [Original]

worthwhile or insane mystical psychobabble?

>> No.10520517
File: 179 KB, 500x358, 1373707005007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't read anything of him except for a single essay but based on that and the people that shill him I'm gonna say he's interesting but not necessarily worth listening to.

>> No.10520551

Depends what you are interested in

Are you interested in right wing politics, religion, religious philosophy or esotericism?

His work is primarily a commentary or development on guenons work anyway and can't fully be understood without being familiar with guenons ideas

>> No.10520972

It was worth reading Evola at the very least because it gave me the ability to attack alt-righters from the right as well as the left.

>> No.10520999

But he wasn't critical of fascism intrinsically, he just thought it wasn't good enough and that it was tainted with leftist priors.
Which makes sense, but good luck establishing neofeudalism.

>> No.10521003

>His work is primarily a commentary or development on guenons work anyway and can't fully be understood without being familiar with guenons ideas
Holy shit this is so wrong that I can't even argument

>> No.10521020

Why, whats wrong? I haven't read either, but that's the general idea I got from browsing here.

>> No.10521035

How better to troll the alt-right than by calling them leftists?

>> No.10521039

That's what libertarians try to do constantly. It's like "democrats are the real racists" but for fascism.

>> No.10521041
File: 24 KB, 600x400, MIGUEL-SERRANO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Miguel Serrano and Savitri Devi if you want legit esoteric hitlerism: the real thing, accept no substitutes. Evola is not bad, but still novice tier, ask your New Age Aunt, she's probably into Evola. Meister Serrano will take you Beyond the Morning Star, and onwards to the realm of the Black Sun, you will realise impossible dreams[...] The Archetypes[ ...] the bodily resurrection of the Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, and the Transfiguration into Absolute Man and Absolute Woman.

>This is a central theme in the Book: crucial for the understanding of this epic, Spiritual Odyssey. A Voice, harking from a distant, primordial past, still lingers in those Aryans still loyal to their Race. A Voice beckoning the Hyperborean Archetype, urging those attuned to it to a final, finite fight to the finish, against the Eternal Enemy. A Spiritual battle comparable to the Mahabharata – a battle closing a cycle and opening another.

>> No.10521046

Libertarians are far left though

>> No.10521048

The alt-right dosen't exist guys.

>> No.10521052

Go to bed Miguel

>> No.10521054

They're center-left, but up their own ass enough to think they're rational and above the fray.
I just mentally replace it with "fascism." Spencer is a Mosleyite anyway.

>> No.10521058

They're complementary

>> No.10521068

He was worthwhile until Destiny came on the scene.

>> No.10521082

But they are.

>> No.10521085
File: 98 KB, 900x750, DS0h-98UQAAeDZG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10521087

Maybe Fascism is just the resolve to take life- and death- seriously and in all earnestness


>> No.10521127

He's good, but don't accept everything he says as absolute truth.

Especially his later works; Evola's post-WWII writing really went downhill dramatically.

>> No.10521155


His essay on "americanism" was quite good.
Broadly, I'd say he wasn't very origional, but has an air of "mysticism" about him because he taught at the SS schools.

>> No.10521659

You are wrong.

Guenon was his primary influence and they corresponded for years.

>> No.10521680

>Especially his later works; Evola's post-WWII writing really went downhill dramatically.

Even at his most pedestrian, he is still occasionally thought-provoking. That said, those works aimed at young Italians after the war don't always do it for me.

>> No.10521681

I never understood how artists/individualists and that lot are able to shill collectivist ideologies. I have flirted with fascism in the past, but if you truly are antidemocratic and anti-egalitarian you will soon realize that serving a politic or a state is a dead end. I realized this while reading Gentile. The Epicurean life of uninvolvement with the lot still seems as a better solution.

>> No.10521702
File: 80 KB, 325x497, julius-evola-fascism-viewed-from-the-right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never understood how artists/individualists and that lot are able to shill collectivist ideologies.

Is this remark made with Evola in mind?
His views on fascism may be more nuanced than you think.

>> No.10521703

>I never understood how artists/individualists and that lot are able to shill collectivist ideologies
Because they understand that the individual and the collective are complementary and aren't retarded liberals.
>the Epicurean life

>> No.10521717

Not necessarily. I haven't read him much actually, I plan on doing that though.

In the end, if you serve the state you serve the same gray mass/the common man you despise and want to overcome. And yes, the Stoics in all their striving for virtue still argued that you need to take part in life, the Epicurean was about the tranquility of "his garden". Which suits the artist more? Or the man who sees sculpting himself as the ultimate goal?

>> No.10521763

Well, the term was usurped by capitalists.

>> No.10521913
File: 3.17 MB, 1882x2766, The_giant_with_the_flaming_sword_by_Dollman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Taking a look into one of Evola's works (or even his wikipedia entry), it becomes crystal clear that he is all about transcendence.
He was a vocal critic of fascism during the fascist era in Italy and Germany. However, to him, there was a choice to be made between "subversion" and fascism with all its faults. He still chose fascism since he saw it as the lesser evil. There were also some currents within the fascism of those days which had at least traditionalistic or transcendent aesthetics (e.g. the SS temple at Wewelsburg).

If Evola lived today, I'm not convinced he would still argue for fascism. You can see this in his post-war work, the battle was lost. No point in further advocating for a political ideology. The only thing left to do is riding the tiger.

>> No.10522215

Yes, but that doesn't mean Evola's work is a rip-off of Guenon, like the previous anon stated. They most likely influenced each other.

>> No.10522272

well, they are kind of right but that just makes sense using the retarded US political compass

>> No.10522512

I appreciate his critique of society