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/lit/ - Literature

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10520077 No.10520077 [Reply] [Original]

Literature Major 4 years. Worth it? How about English?

>> No.10520085

Don't do it, it's not about reading anymore. Learn a useful skill and teach yourself in the meantime. Teachers won't give you anything except the occasional item that wasn't on your reading list before.

>> No.10520091

STEM or nothing desu.
/lit/ is a hobby, not a career.

>> No.10520161

I second this.

>> No.10520165

>Not physics + philosophy
It's like you want to be a brainlet.

>> No.10520166

No, also no

>> No.10520177

This honestly, why would you want to make a career out of something you love doing? You'll just come to associate it with work.

>> No.10520188

education is not job training, those politicians have taken away your birthright

>> No.10520207

why are you niggers discrediting the study of literature? Not every major has to be job training.

>> No.10520208

>why would you want to get paid for doing something you love?
This is a really pathetic way to embrace a failed life. You should just own the fact that you didn't have the courage to do what you wanted.

>> No.10520224

t. spoiled yuppie
if you can afford to go to school for 4 years and not be groomed for a career, then go for it

>> No.10520229

Okay you're right. Still making bank though lol, and I can read in my free time

>> No.10520236

>failed life
There is dignity to be had in doing undignified work. Not finding a career in what you love does not make you a failure.

>> No.10520238

If you have free education, go for it. If you are an american and need to pay a lot for the degree, maybe do something else.

>> No.10520239

>why are you niggers discrediting the study of literature?
"Studying" literature is completely valueless to society. Writing is fine if people like it and it makes you money, but I don't know how you can be satisfied if you're being paid to sit on your ass and read books.

>> No.10520253

I forgot you americucks have to pay for your education lmao

>valueless to society
again, why not study something you truly enjoy, without having to worry about being of value to society? One's sole obligation is to oneself.

>> No.10520261
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>studying literature at a literal who university in a 3rd world country
yeah you euros have it made

>> No.10520275

>Studying literature at a burger university
Enjoy being hanged by the balls by radical feminists

>> No.10520280

I'm a stemfag, but I can tell you I'm at a quite prestigious uni, and I'm still getting hung by the balls

>> No.10520287

It does, honestly. It means you chose to pursue social approval and material comfort instead of personal accomplishment. Unless you know for a fact that you're untalented or had no other options, it's unjustifiable. You wasted your life.

>> No.10520304

>pursuing anything other than your love is unjustifiable
That's an over the top defeatist opinion. There are plenty of way to be content in life. Nobody is of singular passion.

>> No.10520319

Is it possible to double major in Literature and a STEM subject?

I really enjoy statistics and logic, but literature more so.

>> No.10520361

>One's sole obligation is to oneself.
That's completely untrue and selfish. We are social animals and owe all of our modern standing to society. The reason you're not struggling for survival is that your ancestors did what they could to contribute for their families and progeny.

>> No.10520394

I'm a double major in math and philosophy at NYU and doin just fine. You wont have space to take classes in anything outside your majors and school requirements if you have any, but if you like what you're studying theres nothing wrong with that