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/lit/ - Literature

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10518968 No.10518968 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10519006

no write a 400-page psychological realist novel about him

>> No.10519014

Write both:
And a philosophical essay.

>> No.10519254

Write a really good few thousand word short story about him.

>> No.10519259


>> No.10519261

I don't know. Shall you?

>> No.10519283

Write a sequence of minimalist poems that are ripostes to each other.

>> No.10519286

Who? Jack?

>> No.10519383

Thats a lot of pages for a picture book

>> No.10519776
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>> No.10519785

Wtf is wojak

>> No.10519944

only if there's Pepe in the story

>> No.10520043

I was thinking he'd be the foil

>> No.10520051

Don Wojoike

>> No.10520057

Shouldn't you be talking in verses or quatrains. Like, a 40,000 verse Epic or something

But yes, I love epics and vernacular internet shit. I always wanted to try and get this board to write an epic

>> No.10520062
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>an epic about Wojak
>Pepe as foil/deuteragonist
>navigation through memes and the sensations they generate

This could unironically be interesting. An epic for the modern world, one might say.

>> No.10520070

Only if it's one long palindrome.

>> No.10520081

Actually, I thought about it many times. The problem, in my opinion, is it would appear shallow and dummy to people that are not familiar with 4chan, no matter how much talent you have in depicting the characters.

>> No.10520089

>The problem, in my opinion, is it would appear shallow and dummy to people that are not familiar with 4chan, no matter how much talent you have in depicting the characters.
Who cares about what others think. If it is good, and it is crafted with thought and honesty, then it will be of worth. As long as you work at it, and not make it a meme, then it should be written

>> No.10520118

I still think it can only be shit cause the characters are already defined, like ready-made material. It would result in a flat fanfic.

>> No.10520124

Nigga some of the greatest writing in Western literature has made use of preexisting characters. Think of all the Arthurian romances.

>> No.10520137

I know bro, but they weren't fanfiction

>> No.10520143
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Many, many of the characters in epics are either preesxisting literary or religious figures, or great men of history. Its almost form to make an epic of a great figure of culture, and what figure in the "culture" of 4chan would define it so much in recent times other than Wojak and Pepe? (4chan is not a folk group and cannot be a culture)

>> No.10520172
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Do you think there would be a way for /lit/ to write an epic, post by post? Same way that TTT and Hypersphere came about, but with verse and hopefully more narrative?

>> No.10520176


>> No.10520181

KC shitposter

>> No.10520222

I suppose if we were going to do it we'd first have to decide on a common meter. Also, would it rhyme?

>> No.10520233

Considering authorship is a relatively modern concept, there is nothing to separate the "fiction" from the "fan-fiction"

>> No.10520234

easiest would be non-rhyming iambic pentameter, but thats gay

>> No.10520250

>with verse
not possible

>> No.10520281

statistically improbable, but if we believe in the power of literature maybe we can make it happen

>> No.10520288

t. same people who lurk around saying poetry is pretentious and for brainlets

I thought this was a funny thread. Too bad I have to change my mind so early.

>> No.10520300
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Anon I will unironically pay good money for this once its finished

>> No.10520302

Speak for yourself, asshole. I don't want to share a board with anyone who hates poetry.

>> No.10520306

t. absolute retard reading comprehension zero

>> No.10520417

Could be fit in the editing process, I guess

>> No.10520578

no but I'd rather see an epic (sorta like Confederacy of Dunces I guess) about a guy who either has no job or a crappy one, is smart but unmotivated or simply has given up, and has no friends (def. no girlfriend). He will wonder around his town observing the degeneracy around him.

>> No.10521135
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That'd be sort of like it, only with Pepe and more memery.

Who knows? I might just do it.

>> No.10521156

I hope you fall down a staircase and break your neck before you even write a single sentence

>> No.10521158
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>> No.10521176

I wrote a space opera one about him. He was a soldier called Papirruquis 3000, deprived of his memories as he faced conscription.

>> No.10521205

Post some excerpts.

>> No.10521207

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.10521215

Are you afraid people might say mean things?

>> No.10521221

Do it i will read it no jokes

>> No.10521238

No, you do the opposite of shutting up and post your space opera. It sounds like you have some neat ideas.

>> No.10521245

That wasn't me. I have them in an old laptop, I did it for shits and giggles so it's not revised and is not that long. I do remember his deployment ship was called Reppit Arodef. It was full of unfunny shit that kinda made you smirk.

>> No.10521271

Also, it was based on this idea I had as a kid (dunno if it exists already). Basically Space Shogunate. Space ninjas facing off space samurai, kinda Starwarsy, with Samurai being the NotEmpire and Ninjas being the NotJedi. There was no force though, I do remember also there being cowboy aliens. In the end, the recently declared new emperor was found out to be the brother of one of the resistance leaders (how original). I kinda made it about this foot soldier instead and deleted the japanese shit.

>> No.10521276

Too late for that :)

>> No.10521286
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First off, there isn't actually a way to incorporate Pepe in there, as Matt Furie will probably try to copyright strike it. Mostly it's dealing with that whole Donald Trump thing but there will be collateral damage. Secondly, there isn't really a way to incorporate memes in there without completely ruining them. Have you seen what normalfags do to memes they co-opt and the shit they create themselves? It would have to be more abstract, like the spirit of Pepe and Wojak.(1/2)

>> No.10521355
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So for reference, "Wojak" is a friendless virgin with horrible anxiety and is a skinny-fat failure. "Pepe" is not actually a frog but he's the NEET due to some mental disorder (or so he claims). He's the more tragic figure, who was once a happy kid before things happened to him. "Spurdo", "Hijak", and "Gondola" are others. Instead of "memes" (that's a very normalfag thing to do and isn't the spirit of 4chan) it's about finding a place where the rest of the world doesn't necessarily appreciate or understand. Finally, there would need to be a balance between pushing the envelope and shock humor. Like stuff that would naturally piss off SJWs (mostly by not treating LGBT people/women/minorities as sacred) or really conservative Christians, but don't go over the line, like unironically praising Nazis or raping babies.

>> No.10521381
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Unless you're looking for something to post on some site or an obscure self-published novel, the end result is going to be far from anything from the idea and be grounded in realism. The problem is that even if everything went right, your Great American (or whatever) novel is fantastic, and everyone on /lit/ who saw the near final-draft is in tears over how good it is, how everything was perfect and how none of it made anyone cringe (start adding memes and you'll run into problems very fast very quick), it probably won't be published until after you an hero because the major publishers will hate you, if they can stand the "white straight male" protagonist they wouldn't be able to take the harsh criticism to the world around them, so few people will ever read it.

>> No.10521472

Yeah, it'd be a real challenge for anyone, let alone someone like me who hardly even writes. Maybe you should do it. You've thought it through with a lot of clarity and I like the direction you're going with Pepe. Sort of the Charles Crumb to Wojak's Robert. Or something like that.

>> No.10521503


>> No.10521513
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why is his name wojak, bros?

>> No.10521524

Because a polish shitposter with that name spammed it on kc with the that feel when no gf text and from there it spread.
And he still posts there.
T. Brend

>> No.10521534

so? it will still pierce the heart of patricians.

>> No.10521548

YES, this man right here has it. It has to be the spirit, and not focused on the memes. It would be far too short-sighted to jam in memes instead of letting it flow

>> No.10521553

does Wojak have any mental illnesses? I think that is a crossroads for his potential personality. maybe we should allude to a few symptoms but not dwell on diagnoses

>> No.10521612

Doesn't an epic need a glorious military battle? How would that work?

>> No.10521625

I don't know, The Divine Comedy doesn't have a glorious battle. You might just as well say that an epic needs a descent into the Underworld, since every epic besides the Iliad has one of those.

>> No.10521628

Eliot made his diary

>> No.10521666

I think pepe has to be a lot more mentally unhinged and at some point even start to enjoy his insanity and revel in it, while Wojak is just failure in life without any excuses.

>> No.10521671

I always saw the memes as 2 sides of the same coin. Pepe was the mischievous troll who did things solely because it would cause the most butthurt and Wojak was the other side of that kind of person.