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/lit/ - Literature

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10517483 No.10517483[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw yet another busy day today at the illustrious and academically unsurpassable University of Oxford
>tfw had to stamp my feet several times on the ancient flagstones to get the old blood flowing before walking through a bright but chilly day dressed in a long black mystery-inducing overcoat
>tfw sat at the dinner table alone last night and overheard the current boyfriend of my previously-hopefully-soon-to-be privately educated (~£36,000 a year fees), top of the range, Elite upper class girlfriend talking about a skiing trip he's booked
>tfw a working class (poor) streetsweeper bowed and doffed his cap to me this morning which made me feel guilty for being so Elite
>tfw will spend the rest of the day revising in one of the University (of Oxford) libraries and refining and widerning my already immense knowledge database
>tfw can't stop thinking about my previously-hopefully-soon-to-be upper class English rose gf and can't help but feel civilized, romantic desire for her despite her discarding me for a Jew
>tfw a handsome, peak-genetics, freshly shaven, high cheek boned male student passed me earlier and looked at me in a way that made me paranoid he was /lit/ poster who had read my posts and spotted me
>tfw every time I've read a Great Work recently by an English author I can't help but read it in an upper class aka RP English accent which makes me feel insecure and inferior

Do any fellow literature students here struggle to read books written by members of the upper class? I feel like the accent of internal narrator corrupts the original beauty of the author's own interior voice.

>> No.10517490

I missed the last few threads in this saga, does anybody have a link?

>> No.10517492
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>mfw I'm Australian
>mfw I just realised I read every book with an Australian accent

>> No.10517496
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>mfw anglos flaunt their alma mater they got in through merely doing their homework at some rich kids high school and not a world-renowned nationwide completion the intellectual elite of the land and a few former colonies prepares for during several years of dogged work

you will never know the triumph that is being born rich but abandoning the pernicious advantages of birth to retake what your forefather conquered through the méritocratie of Napoléon, forever Emperor of Europe. Quelle tristesse.

>> No.10517507
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>tfw never be born on the coast of Algeria
>tfw never attend a boarding school in provincial France
>tfw never live in Paris as a student
>tfw never drop out and be a smoking parlour dilettante
>tfw never achieve worldwide recognition as an accident and become a member of the Academie Francaise
ouis, monsieur, this is the tragedie of la perfide Albion

>> No.10517513
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You are not forced to stay where you are, anon. There's a ton of things you could do to release yourself. You just need to realize, truly, how cruel you could be to yourself and others.
Just don't be stuck: static stories are not interesting. Keep things spinning. Move them with violence. Be cruel.

>tfw nothing is real and everything is permitted

>> No.10517517
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It must be especially dispiriting to realize that an Australian accent is not at all what the author had in mind when investing such find snippets of dialogue into characters who are responsible for articulating his own world view.

>> No.10517520
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>tfw a smoking parlour dilettante in Paris but still successful because la méritocratie will always help you if you have been good at maths in the past

>> No.10517521

Bolaño was ugly in a cute way,

>> No.10517534

>Still auralising as a twentysomething
>Still basically reading like an eight-year-old who needs to read the text out loud, syllable by syllable, and listen to himself to grasp the meaning

Therein lies your problem, anon.

>> No.10517553
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Perhaps what troubles me most attending the illustrious University of Oxford is just how guilty I feel being surrounded almost at all times (except for those times I stray into a prole suburb or enter a chain store on the highsreet) by immensely aesthetic architecture, sculptures, streets, interior design, gardens and indeed people. I am here amongst the greatest representatives of our species yet I feel that I don't fit in because I was raised in a brutal, unintellectual and abject working class (poor) area which was and still is a damning indictment of the Muggle world. Here at the University of Oxford - renowned, world-famous - it truly does feel like being a student at Hogwarts. From the stone corridors, cloisters, quads, grand churches, theatres etc you are reminded at all times that such buildings weren't built for mere utility, as buildings tend to be at polytechnics and other inferior universities, but were instead funded by great amounts of wealth to represent the finest architectural and artistic capabilities of our ancestors. The spires, the towers, the winding stairs. No wonder Oxford was the filming location for so many memorable scenes in so many movies, including Harry Potter (New Church is a particular favourite, and somewhere I often visit when in a magical mood). But the place also makes me realize how far detached I am from my prole upbringings, and this detachment subsequently makes me feel orc-like due to my also being reminded that I am now surrounded by the purest, smartest, wealthiest individuals in British society and perhaps the world, here in the small city of Oxford where every street promises some new sight that simply makes me stop in astonishment and gasp "My God".

>> No.10517576

>tfw BritPole

Wish I had tried at school and gone to Oxford ;_;

>> No.10517577
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>mfw I'm not a dirty frog

>> No.10517598

What's a BritPole?

Are you British or are you Polish?

>> No.10517606

Thank you for a honest portrayal of middle class psychology. I'll base my Phd. dissertation on your profound phenomenological observations on the transition from poverty to richness.
I wouldn't be surprised if you're obsessive compulsive, with covert sadism and masochism in your sexual life, support conservative parties, have a distaste toward foreign people and culture, feel adoration toward your superiour professors, suffer from chronic restlessness and fatigue, with shallow breathing limited to the chest, rigid, fixed drooping shoulders, and a pale, expressionless face. Won't be surprised if you have depression or addictions along with suicidal tendencies, and don't put past yourself to hit homeless people when no one sees you.

>> No.10517624

I must remind you that I am not rich yet. It will take more than two years of further relative poverty (relative compared to my peers) here at the University of Oxford until I move to London and choose which £35k+ a year job I desire to take at the age of 22 before climbing the ladder (so to speak) of objective success until I either start my own business or enjoy a comfortable 4-day week as some senior consultant or board member. But to even ponder such a future (inevitable though it may be, and defined by overwhelming success as it no doubt shall) is a remarkable thing for someone like me, who is also a man of the people, a Working Class Hero, a voice from the underground, so to speak. Merging these two contrasting identities is proving to be intensely difficult, indeed an almost Steppenwolfe-like feat. But now that my love has abandoned me for a wealthy semite I feel my ability to trust in my own profound intellect faltering, and the future consequently appears to me as one long bleak succession of hollow successes.

>> No.10517625

I meant BritProle

>> No.10517640
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I of course forgive your poor spelling and sloppy articulation. As an individual who once dwelt within your ranks I understand how difficult it is, on both a cultural and indeed genetic level, to master the art of literary expression when faced with such an innate disposition towards failure and poor articulation. But my brother (younger of course), may I also say that should you ever visit the city of Oxford in the next two years I for one will not gaze at you in such a way that undermines your character or forces you to acknowledge your inferiority in my presence. Though such inferiority may very well be apparent, I simply refuse to compound your misery even further by treating you any different to the way I would have treated you back when I too lived among the orcs.

>> No.10517729

Thanks man, that means a lot to me.

>> No.10517987
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>tfw wandering through Corpus Christi college in an attempt to feel some form of aesthetic relief
>tfw ended up walking in and out because some upper class people were standing in a group laughing
>tfw feel like an intruder more than ever now and don't even want to return to the library to study even though I need to