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File: 38 KB, 360x440, Franz_Gareis_-_Novalis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10513451 No.10513451 [Reply] [Original]

Is god a spook?

>> No.10514695

Well, in one of His manifestations, I suppose.
Lovely portrait of Friedrich H., btw-

>> No.10514705

spook = spook => the statement itself is a spook => god is not a spook

>> No.10514731
File: 130 KB, 901x668, 355097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10515027

Clearly the most retarded reaction formation on this board..

>> No.10515060

First of all capitalize God. Not because faith, but because language use.
>calling Novalis by his real name
For what purpose?
He just took the 'all statements are relative isn't a relative statement' meme and switched it up a bit.
Absolutely no creativity here, 0/0.

>> No.10515064

is the trinity a spook?

>> No.10515074

The question of "is god a spook" is more of a spook than God. Read some Stirner for petes sake.

>> No.10515093
File: 726 KB, 1280x3600, [HorribleSubs] Re-Creators - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.58_[2017.05.13_20.46.22].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is easily understood that the conflict over what is revered as the highest essence can be significant only so long as even the most embittered opponents concede to each other the main point — that there is a highest essence to which worship or service is due. If one should smile compassionately at the whole struggle over a highest essence, as a Christian might at the war of words between a Shiite and a Sunnite or between a Brahman and a Buddhist, then the hypothesis of a highest essence would be null in his eyes, and the conflict on this basis an idle play. Whether then the one God or the three in one. whether the Lutheran God or the Être suprême or not God at all, but “Man,” may represent the highest essence, that makes no difference at all for him who denies the highest essence itself, for in his eyes those servants of a highest essence are one and all-pious people, the most raging atheist not less than the most faith-filled Christian.

In the foremost place of the sacred,[heilig] then, stands the highest essence and the faith in this essence, our “holy [heilig] faith.”

The spook

With ghosts we arrive in the spirit-realm, in the realm of essences.

What haunts the universe, and has its occult, “incomprehensible” being there, is precisely the mysterious spook that we call highest essence. And to get to the bottom of this spook, to comprehend it, to discover reality in it (to prove “the existence of God”) — this task men set to themselves for thousands of years; with the horrible impossibility, the endless Danaid-labor, of transforming the spook into a non-spook, the unreal into something real, the spirit into an entire and corporeal person — with this they tormented themselves to death. Behind the existing world they sought the “thing in itself,” the essence; behind the thing they sought the un-thing.

>> No.10515166

Because I love him.

>> No.10515226


>> No.10515247
File: 18 KB, 293x305, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A case of contradictories which are true. God exists: God does not exist. Where is the problem? I am quite sure that there is a God in the sense that I am quite sure that my love is not illusory. I am quite sure that there is not a God in the sense that I am quite sure nothing real can be anything like what I am able to conceive when I pronounce this word. But that which I cannot conceive is not an illusion.

>> No.10515276

No, God is and only is.

>> No.10515697

>is god a spook?
>picture of Novalis
what did he mean by this?

>> No.10517386

Hardly the case.

>> No.10518037

Novalis said: 'Where no gods are, spectres rule.'

>> No.10518238
File: 96 KB, 456x599, 1515256773633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(He) said God was a spook, but (He) ended up being the spook while God never changed.

As it was in the beginning, is now, and every shall be. World without end.

>> No.10518244

Only when written in lower case.

Filthy atheist.