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10512582 No.10512582 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10512589
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Ah, the big 4. Magnifique.

>> No.10512592

I like the IJ cover

>> No.10512962

It’s because orange > blue.

>> No.10512986
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Posted this before. I hope it's better this time.
Might post more tommorow, or whatever.

>> No.10512992

Can it be read without reading the previous 3?

>> No.10513013

The previous two you mean (A People Who Shall Dwell Alone and Separation and its Discontents)? Yes, it's the most essential one anyway.

>> No.10513020

Yes, that is what I meant. Im worried that its kind of dodgy to skip to the last of a series and will be missing out/ not understand as much

>> No.10513086

Might depend on how new you are to the jewish problem. CofC is about 20th century phenomena, so it's easy to digest and sums the crux of it all up, while the first two offer more historical information that may be difficult to put into greater context if you don't already have a solid grasp of jewish psychology. MacDonald hadn't even made all the connections until the last one himself, so it may actually be more beneficial to work backwards so you understand the why's of it all, which is what most people do anyway: take the initial redpill dose then dive deeper into the historical details.

>> No.10513782

Here's mine:

>> No.10514621

Der letzte Tag, ein Samstag, brach um sieben Uhr fünfunddreißig an, als N.M. klingelte. Die Augen unseres Helden, D.F., bewegten sich rapide hinter seinen zugezogenen Lidern, Wasser mag doch jeder, das Klingeln dingdongdingdong dingdongdingdong dingdongdingdong vermochte ihn erst beim dritten - aber nicht letzten - Läuten zu wecken, dummer Hurensohn, dummer Bastard, und er verließ das Bett (lechzte, lechzte, lechzte), noch im Gestern verfangen, das erst um vier Uhr vier erloschen war, mit einer Bewegung, einer Rührung, die die allerletzte dieser Art bleiben sollte. Ein Mann wächst nur bis zu einem bestimmten Punkt, das Namensschild an seiner Tür, der Türrahmen. Kleiner Hurensohn, nichtsnutzig, albern. Ein Blick aus dem Fenster, schlagartig wach, als hätte er noch nie geschlafen: Ein grauer VW Polo auf dem Parkplatz - ach was - der Zahnarztpraxis. Dort stand er zuerst im Sommer zweitausendsechzehn, zuletzt vor einem Jahr. Also, dingdongdingdongdingdongdingdong, kein Vogel war zu hören, keiner, öffnete D.F. seinen Schrank, eine Flasche fiel um, anlasslos, derweil N.M. vor der Tür stand, warum - er wollte ihn ermorden - wusste nur er, allein, einsam, keiner sonst, auch wenn D.F. es hätte wissen müssen; vor 15 Jahren schon, gottloses Stück Scheiße, hätte er es wissen müssen, kétségtelenül. Er trat auf eine Plastikflasche, er war schon angezogen. Gestern Nacht hat er wunderschön gekotzt, ist auf seinen Magen gefallen, mehrmals, immer wieder. Heute Morgen: Nicht einmal Vögel hört man, dingdong dingdong dingdong. Er ging die Treppe runter, wie jeden Tag. Die Tür ging auf. Er hat wunderschön gekotzt, gestern noch, ist auf seinen Magen gefallen, ja, jetzt ist alles dumm, jetzt ist alles blöd, kein Vogelgezwitscher vernahm er. N.M. stand vor ihm, wie ein Baum, hinter ihm war der Rest, die Sonne fiel auf seinen Nacken, unverändert. Der Rest: Sein Auto, die Straße, die Zahnarztpraxis, weiter rechts das Tanzstudio. Er, N.M., versuchte sein Grinsen - er grinste wie ein Schwertfisch -, wie immer zu unterdrücken, meistens gelang es nicht. --Sag auch, warum du lachst, D.F. fragend, selber lachend, er musste nach oben gucken, seinen Kopf heben, um in sein Gesicht zu gucken, sein Rücken tat weh, seit Jahren schon tat er weh, trotzdem hob er seinen Kopf, um in sein Gesicht zu gucken, entwürdigend war das, sieben Uhr siebenunddreißig war es. Das wusste er nicht, konnte es nicht wissen.
--Hat seine Gründe, immer noch wie ein Schwertfisch.
--Seit wann bist du in S.?
--Seit ... Er schloss seinen Mund, musterte das Vorzimmer, als wäre D.F. nicht anwesend. Seine Augen, sie waren schwarz, durchliefen den Raum, rastlos nach Veränderungen suchend, fanden nichts, ratlos, alles war gleich. Nichts, seit A.L. gestorben war, die Ananas die kann was, hatte sich verändert. Nichts: der Boden, die Wände, die Decke - alles war gleich, an Ort und Stelle geblieben.

>> No.10514637

(Practiced applying Chekov's Gun to my writing)

Walter is on his sixth beer this evening. On the counter lay a steak knife he had got out to cut slits in his TV dinner package. Next to it lay his phone, frozen on the screen where a message was waiting in the send field of his text messenger. It said “Happy New Years” and was addressed to his mother. Above, one could see consecutive messages for Christmas, Veterans Day, Fourth of July throughout the past 3 years. None had been replied to. He hits send before letting out an exaggerated sigh. The TV dinner is clumsily tossed in the microwave and he drunkenly slams his fingers on the quick-cook button. He stares longingly at the knife. He thinks of his life, and lets all the memories play out across his mind like a cinema screen—birthdays spent alone, lovers in bed with others, family dying at young age, attempts to make friends at boarding school, accidents, deaths, funerals for strangers—and finds himself saddened at the lack of anything truly happy. Misery had been his life. Despair had been his companion for so long that happiness or joy might do to him what warm water does to a hypothermic limb—burn relentlessly with untold agony. He felt afraid that his life might turn happy. The knife reflected the pale-spackled ceiling of his apartment, and then, the unkempt beard of Walter.

He fell to the floor of his now bloody kitchen scene, and stared at the off-white ceiling with intent. He drifted slowly. The last thing he would hear in his life would be a buzz. He would never know if it was the microwave or his phone.

>> No.10515250
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More if you want it.
Part 2

>> No.10515396

Six beers means drunk? Have him drink hard liquor for clarity.
Fourth of July and Veterans Day but not Thanksgiving or Halloween?
I think your adjectives and verbs are clashing with your nouns; how does one drunkenly slam their finger on something as small a microwave button?
>He stares longingly at the knife.
Gee, I wonder what's gonna happen next. I think this would be the sentence where many people would quit reading your story.
>what warm water does to a hypothermic limb
Is there a reason for this particular imagery? It feels bizarrely out of place.
>He felt afraid that his life might turn happy.
Turn happy from what? Why is he afraid of happiness?
>his now bloody kitchen scene,
This just; Bad. Find another way to tell the reader that just Walter cut (or stabbed?) himself.
What does the ceiling being off-white have to do with Walter dying on the floor?! If an adjective is not relevant to a sentence, remove it.
I'm pretty sure my phone's ringtone would not be confused with the beeps from my microwave.

>> No.10515513

No the previous in the meme trilogy

>> No.10515590

Even if his explanatory model of jewish behavior is incorrect the documentation of jews as a revolutionary group seems irrefutable. Whether this is good or bad is dependent upon your political views.

>> No.10515680

No, I think it is quite definitively bad.

>> No.10515820

Please, elaborate?

>> No.10515874

Great. /crit/ threads now die under 100 posts or get hijacked by anti-Semites.

>> No.10515886

The point of their revolutionary behavior is to attack and overthrow their host society and put them on top, which, when successful, has led to jews genociding or trying to genocide that host society.

No one's stopping you from posting away, just a couple people asking questions around it. Don't get your panties in a bunch.

>> No.10516061

Not sure what the word is, but I feel like your sentences aren't "connected" enough. Although it might just be because I'm not used to reading present tense.
>Turn happy from what? Why is he afraid of happiness?
He is obviously depressed.

>> No.10516085

Remove the italics on "it" after the first few instances. It's tedious to read after a while (no pun intended).
>A shot went off.
Remove this or put much later in the story. I almost stopped reading here.
>The city was vacant, but full. Empty, but plenty.
Dumb. Remove.
>The ground found it first.
>The boot second.
Stop doing that. It's losing its impact. Have more paragraphs in between.
Yeah okay, I'm really tired of you only referring to this thing as "it". Shake it up a little.
>communist threat
The Bargainer is a communist? What?
>a communist's boot
Oh, ok, I guess he is. But why though? The Bargainer seems more like an edgy Samurai Jack to me. Is he supposed to be Japanese? Is he part of the Japanese Communist Party?
Wait. "it" was just an android? That's VERY disappointing. It's not worth hiding from the reader at all, really. A lot of people are familiar with androids in fiction. Have you ever seen Star Trek: The Next Generation?

>eaten to the full???
>he knew [there was a] good reason
>she broke a leg off...
>Time passed.
I think you're missing a sentence here. I know it's implied, and you say he's knocked out later, but there's no reason for any ambiguity here (time passed before or after she knocked him out?).
>- she had none.
She had none what? Meat? Because she's an android?
>meat-slapping noises
Sounds pretty hot.
>The Android held her...breath?
Do androids need to breathe?
>it would be enough to set her free.
Wait. She wanted to escape? Why didn't she just kill him and cut his arm off? Isn't she handcuffed to him? Did I miss something?
Wait, what the fuck? I though they were about to get eaten. All the language used prior to this implied that that was what they were going to do. Why did they capture him instead? Alive even? Why would savages feel the need to cook their food before eating it?!
>a cage of bones.
Really? REALLY? For fucks sake. Just make it a regular cage. This reads like satire; I'm having a hard time masking my utter contempt.
A bubbling cauldron even! With a witch! Stop lifting imagery from fairy tails! I thought I was reading sci-fi!
Where's the sentence were he takes them down from the cage?
They're not even going to put them in the cauldron!? After all that setup, they're going waltz them over a, a king!?
mutie? Don't start making up words. Just use mutant, please.

My advise is to rewrite the prologue and throw away the rest. I was genuinely angry while reading the second part. A giant robotic spider hunting down communists is far more interesting than anything in the second half.

>> No.10516132
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>Depressed people are afraid of happiness.

>> No.10516137

No, you need to read Ulysses, Gravity’s Rainbowl and Inifite Jest first,

>> No.10516149

If they weren't afraid of it, they woukld no longer be depressed.

>> No.10516152

Can’t you do that on a board actually about the topic? And stop polluting /lit/

>> No.10516153

lol just stop being depressed

>> No.10516182
File: 152 KB, 500x372, 1514624265597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean to say, that they are afraid to do the things necessary to obtain happiness? Because that's different from being afraid of the emotion, happiness.

>> No.10516204

I simply answered a question, and you are on 4chan on a board that discusses white culture. If you can't handle that you know where to go. Now stop sidetracking the thread.

>> No.10516375
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Eh. At least they're bumping the thread. They're actually kind of useful, in a way. We might as well just use The Culture of Critique cover for every crit thread. We can exploit their anti-semitism for thread bumps. Hell, maybe we should start using Jordan Peterson for novel idea threads, and Mein Kampf for write what's on your mind.

>> No.10516400

Thanks for the critque anon. I hope you found some enjoyment.

>> No.10516419

Dude it's pretty obvious that the mom was a veteran who killed herself too.

>> No.10516540

>We might as well just use The Culture of Critique cover for every crit thread. We can exploit their anti-semitism for thread bumps

We prefer "counter-semitism" as a more accurate term, but I would definitely support your proposal, which sounds mutually beneficial since we are mostly concerned with exposure so to bring attention to the problem.

>> No.10516545

I did, mostly at the beginning when I didn't know "it" was an android and I thought it was some unnamable horror. Re-reading this, I can't help but feel that the Bargainer is a really unsympathetic character. I have a really hard time caring about what happens to him when all he seems to do is beat up a robotic woman. I wouldn't mind reading a story about a communist scavenger wandering around a post-apocalyptic wasteland with his android, while being hunted by giant robot spiders, but, I think the relationship would need to less abusive.

>> No.10516670

>we are mostly concerned with exposure so to bring attention to the problem.
This is exactly why everyone hates you, though. You bring so many normalfags to the site that then proceed to overrun the existing communities and generally shit up the place.
>It's first-hand experience to dangers of unchecked immigration.
Yeah, well, it's still fucking annoying, and it doesn't make me hate you any less. We wouldn't need you here to bump the thread if you cunts didn't create a million fucking threads every fucking day just to spam your Goddamn bullshit.

>> No.10516677

Off-white ceiling, which is like clouds or conversely, heaven. But it's not real. It's bullshit. I forgot Thanksgiving, but veterans day was important like anon above said. I tried to say he slit himself in the line above when the knife reflected his unkempt beard. Reread it and realized it was too vague. Thanks for the crit

>> No.10516712

Lot of hyperbole in there, bud. But I conduct myself appropriately and don't shit up threads and don't know this book scares you so much itfp.

>> No.10516751
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What the fuck? No it wasn't. Why the hell would the mother be the veteran and not the son? Why would he not be informed of his own mother's death? Are you just fucking with me or something?

>> No.10516768

Bumping the thread or not, I guess I can only see bigotry as the product of either powerlessness or spite. There will probably always be bigots, but the thought doesn't make me any less disgusted by their brand of thinking. "Counter-semite"- it's a sad thing for me to read. Well I guess I'm a counter-counter-Semite.

Here's my piece for critique. It has nothing to do with these stray thoughts. I'll critique other writing in turn.

Dead, unraked leaves thin as the sweat on my forehead crunched under me as I left the sidewalk. Sweat on my neck too somehow, sweat through my shirt though it was cold after the sunset and I was without a coat. All the other houses on the block sporting bare lawns but for the odd political sign. This one was stuck through with weeds, carpeted by those leaves, the trails of bugs and worms visible. The muck that everything dissolves into kept it together. All the trees around the extended vicinity that shed these leaves were alive except for the one I had my hand on. This one was shaggy with moss, dying from lack of sunlight in the warmer months, cold to the touch, clammy.

The signposts read Forsythe and Marigold but I already knew that. The numbers had fallen off the house but I knew it was 856.

To my left, there were holes in the meager mulch beds by the front porch which I knew had once been occupied by lanterns, and smaller ones by my feet where there was once a wire fence, ankle high. A mailbox endured at the end of the walkway near the street, which even at twenty paces I could see was overstuffed with mail. I never wanted to see another piece of mail again in my life or open another overdue bill that announced my inadequacy or a pamphlet that advocated for the health of my physical or spiritual heart. I never wanted to see a correspondence for Mom sent from the other side of the world written by a husband that no longer knew how to love her in his overlapping shorthand,
“Amanda-” he would have begun. He would have written Amanda to let Mom know he was serious and not laughing as he often did. He would have stopped and not known what exactly what it was he meant to say. He would have fumbled with the words and crossed a few out and maybe started again. Would he remember what he did or how he felt in the moment captured in the portrait of them at the top of the stairs, arm in arm on the Steel Pier while the sun set behind them and they smooched with the sides of their faces? Don’t let the sun go down on me in terrible 80’s cursive printed in the glossy layer. Was Dad humming it then? As he wrote the letter? Now as he took his coffee in some distant place?

>> No.10516776

Pro tip: He was meant to be scum from the start. In fact everything in the wasteland is scum and broken down. But I was going to write that the android warms up to him eventually, and he to she. It would set up a great ending about forgiveness or whatever. Not just for the Bargainer, but for the wasteland too.

And I guess I should make it more clear next time, but EVERYTHING the robots in the wasteland see are communists, at least that spider one. The spider was a military robot left behind in the war and malfunctioned when the nukes hit, still thinking the red threat is real.

>> No.10516789

Oh, okay, I guess make the symbolism more obvious or idiots like me won't get it and just think Walter is fascinated by the color of the ceiling while he's dying, for some reason.

>> No.10516823

I mean, i didn't get the symbolism either but it makes sense hed be looking at the ceiling while he died.

>> No.10516913

>Pro tip:
Don't do that. It makes you seem underage.

Okay, fine. But, the Bargainer still needs to be at least a bit sympathetic or reader will never reach the end. It honestly sounds like your story is just romanticizing abuse, as if the android only falls for him because of Stockholm syndrome. If you want to write about forgiveness, maybe write the Bargainer as a dashing rogue who she is initially infatuated with, who then betrays her, only to have a change of heart, and then she has to learn to forgive him. This a common and well established stock character arc (think Han Solo in the first Star Wars movie). Maybe it's a bit trite, but, I think it would be fitting for the genre, especially if you are more interested with exploring the world of the story than the minds of characters.

>> No.10516932

He wasn't just "looking at the ceiling", he "stared at the off-white ceiling with intent".

>> No.10517036

I guess you wouldn't be too far about the abuse thing, but maybe I just wanted to write a male tsundere this whole time, I don't know.
And about sympathy, I only wished to make an evil character that turns good over the course of the adventure. But I'll see if I can tone him down. I was planning to make him /pol/ personified. Thought it'd be funny.

Sure. I'll think about it. Interesting way to see it. Thanks anon.

>> No.10517146

who the fuck wishes their mother happy veterans day?

>> No.10517154

we should have a CoC reading group

>> No.10517168

You're welcome. Just remember that a character can still be evil while being sympathetic to the audience. It's more difficult to do; but as long as the character is charismatic, and we never see them "cross the line"*, the audience will still root for them simply because they find them so interesting to read about, even if they are horrible people.

*By doing something so awful that the audience hates them as a result. Note that they can still do terrible things, it just has to be implied, the audience can't SEE them do it.

>> No.10517200
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Why the fuck would he send messages to her if she's DEAD. Especially if she died while he was at a young age. She probably would have died before ever owning a cellphone. What? Did he buy a cell phone for his dead mother just so he could send texts to her from beyond the grave!?! Maybe she is a veteran! I don't know! But she sure as hell isn't DEAD!

>> No.10517222
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Anyone read it?

>> No.10518319
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>> No.10518567

Hehe. That was pretty good. I wish I had more to say about it. It kind of reminds me of Catch-22, in a good way. Keep up the good work.

>> No.10518599

Wow, thanks. I wasn't sure if anyone would like it, glad you found it amusing.

>> No.10518783

Well, I can't read German, but for what it's worth I did enjoy the Google Translate version:

The last day, a Saturday, started at 7:35, when N.M. rang. The eyes of our hero, DF, moved rapidly behind his drawn eyelids, water everyone likes, the ringing dingdongdingdong dingdongdingdong dingdongdingdong did not wake him until the third - but not last - ringing, stupid son of a bitch, stupid bastard, and he left the bed (thirsty, thirsting, panting), still caught in yesterday, which had not extinguished until four-four, with a movement, a touch that was to remain the last of its kind. A man only grows to a certain point, the name tag on his door, the door frame. Little son of a bitch, nothing good, silly. A look out the window, suddenly awake, as if he had never slept: A gray VW Polo in the parking lot - oh dear - the dental office. There he first stood in the summer two thousand sixteen, most recently a year ago. So, dingdongdingdongdingdongdingdong, no bird was heard, none, D.F opened. his cupboard, a bottle fell over, anlasslos, meanwhile N.M. just outside the door, why - he wanted to murder him - only he knew, alone, lonely, no one else, even if D.F. it should have known; 15 years ago, godless piece of shit, he would have had to know, kétségtelenül. He stepped on a plastic bottle, he was already dressed. Last night he puked beautifully, fell on his stomach, several times, over and over again. This morning: Not even birds can be heard, dingdong dingdong dingdong. He went down the stairs, like every day. The door opened. He puked beautifully, yesterday, fell on his stomach, yes, now everything is stupid, now everything is stupid, no birdsong he heard. N. M. stood before him, like a tree, behind him was the rest, the sun fell on his neck, unchanged. The rest: his car, the street, the dentist's office, further to the right the dance studio. He, N.M. tried his grin - he grinned like a swordfish - as always to suppress, mostly it did not succeed. --Say, too, why are you laughing, D.F. questioning, himself laughing, he had to look up, raise his head to look into his face, his back hurt, for years he was hurting, yet he raised his head to look into his face, it was degrading It was seven thirty-seven. He did not know that, could not know.
--Has its reasons, still like a swordfish.
- Since when are you in S.?
-Since ... He closed his mouth, studying the anteroom as if D.F. not present. His eyes, they were black, went through the room, restlessly searching for changes, found nothing, helpless, everything was the same. Nothing, since A.L. had died, the pineapple which may have changed. Nothing: the floor, the walls, the ceiling - everything was the same, stayed in place.

>> No.10518912

"I have literally never known a single group of people, who so pugnaciously combine vehement evangelism with haughty, standoffish egotism the way fucking vegans do."

Of all the things I've ever written, this is the one I'm most proud of
Does /lit/ approve?

>> No.10518963

>leaves thin as the sweat on my forehead
This makes me think of leaves sticking to someones forehead. Keep separate images in separate sentences.
>the trails of bugs and worms visible.
At first read I thought you meant trails of live, walking bugs and worms. I know that you meant tracks left behind by the bugs, but that sentence is just confusing.

The angst bomb hit too hard and too soon for me. Maybe pad out the autumn imagery while simultaneously easing the reader into Amanda's troubles.

>> No.10519011

>pugnaciously combine vehement evangelism
Fuck you, thesaurus wanker.

I would tell you to critique someone, but you would probably just tell them that their prose was not "perspicacious" enough because they didn't use enough big words.

>> No.10519070

That's an astonishingly good translation. When did Google Translate become so good?

>> No.10519563

Say I want to contract the "is" into the previous word in the line "This quote is pretty good." Should I use an apostrophe? With it the line it might look like a possessive at first, but without it it might look like "quotes" is a verb and other words might look like they're being used as plurals. I know there's no grammatical rule for this, but people talk that way and I'm just wondering what the best way to represent it is.

>> No.10519729

I would use:
"This quote's pretty good."
Using a possessive apostrophe is fine in this context.

>> No.10519927

Well the way you wrote it, and the apostrophe are your only options.

>> No.10520642

Oh, I didn't realize this was even a thing. Thought it was just slang or something. Thanks anons.

>> No.10521347

Just out of curiosity, what is your native language?

>> No.10521454

>Short fantasy story I wrote for fun and practice, let me know what you guys think

It held its flight, a swift clear cry. Hawk dipping down to a far off meadow multitudes of islands away. Bridges connecting islands high in the sky. Swaying grass and swaying bridges.

Heather lay stretched out in a vast irradiated meadow, hawkgazing. She would often laze about and watch the feathered birds fly and dive past the multitudinous islands and watch in wonder and jealousy, the feat.

How it would feel to fly and soar. The wind all around. Diving down. Watching the endless swaying bridges. People walking back and forth, endlessly. Flying down and over, dipping down to the endless azure whitetinged waves, the endlessness. Waterworld. Warm grass and sun. Mmm. Better head home. Have to make lunch. Or brunch. Never can remember the time out here.

She walked to the nearest bridge connecting to the southern island and began skipping across, singing an inspired tune:

"And my feathered friends soared

To some distant shore

These islands are a bore

Take me with you!

La Da DA"

It swayed in the wind, but these bridges never seemed to break. Perhaps it was the fearlessness of their travelers or the unique windbeaten wood from the islands trees that kept them going.

Waves far below me. Charging on and on, and on and on. Hawk dipping down to the waves. It caught a fish. Rainbow glinting in its beaks. Far far below. How far? Hundreds and hundreds. Endless.

And she skipped and hopped and sang to the hawks. And it happened: the bridge broke when her foot hopped onto the wrong spot. Strong as they were, they were never meant for joyful hopping and skipping.

I’m falling. Air all around me. Heart aflutter and slicing wind. Should have listened to mother and not strayed too far. Bridges near towns and cities are stronger. Out here in the wilds. Far, far. Hold me someone.

A large hawk dove down and grabbed the girl in its claws. Large hawk that she always watched flying and diving all around to distant meadows. Singing a song. He would watch her too, her joyicity. Will and want to fly. And the hawk carried her all around the islands, on account of her not squirming but being held spellbound.

I can see it all. Wind all around me. The cities and towns flying by below me. Tiny people and tiny things going about their day. Wind, wind. It feels good. We’re soaring high. High, above the endlessness. Can see my house from here. I wish. Long way behind me. Never end! Neverending flight. Hold me tight.

Her joyful laugh was carried far by the wind. The hawk set her down in a distant meadow and set off to an unknown somewhere. She had no idea where she was, but she didn’t care. Bridges or high water, she would find her way home.

>> No.10521604

Ramen Noodles again:


I had at least one person say they'd want to read more, but that was on christmas day so I guess it doesn't really count. Most of the previous crit I got was just asking me to cut stuff, which I did in some cases, but I opted to keep things when in doubt since it's easier to cut away from a block of wood later than to try and add mass back on.

I was also told that it looks like too much of a downer, thematically, and while I don't see it that way myself I can tell that it comes off that way to most people anyway, and I need to fix that. My issue is that things which come off as depressing or bittersweet to other people come off as genuinely pleasant to me, but every time I try to build up to one of those things my perspective doesn't come through. Here's a chunk of dialogue I wrote to try and put it more directly, starting with the male:


I probably won't use it though since it ends up just sounding sad-in-the-sad-way even from my perspective, but I would want to try and passively get across some of what I think it communicates.

English. It's not even that I write poorly (I think); my education is just shit because I grew up with hic country on all sides. I mean, I lived in a college town, but it was a college town with hic country on all sides. I didn't know what a semicolon was or that "philosophy" wasn't just a way to mispronounce "psychology" until I was an adult basically. Now I'm one course away from a philosophy BA and trying to study writing though, so that's nice.

I think what threw me off was the word "it's," because I know that the possessive form of "it," "its" has no apostrophe, to distinguish it from the contraction version. I figured since other words had apostrophes on their possessives that they couldn't safely have an "is" contracted into them that way, aside from words like "there's" since the possessive "they" would be "theirs." Though on the contrary, I guess you could be talking with "there" as the subject, and have something possessed by "there" and say "there's," maybe? Doesn't sound conventional though.

>> No.10521622

So how do I write so it doesn't seem like I'm trying too hard?

>> No.10521629

Make it ironic.

>> No.10521639

You're probably setting yourself up for failure just by asking that.

The problem for me with people who're told they try too hard isn't so much that they try too hard but that they have terrible priorities and try to bank off of talents which are ultimately only of a secondary importance to the plot. There's nothing wrong with a work where the author is clearly giving it their all; the real issue is when people try to use their thesaurus as a substitute for all the other things good writing needs. I also think it looks shortsighted to focus on the words rather than the sound and image evoked by them. Showing off how well spoken you are without showing anything more is just pretentious.

>> No.10522497
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Bump for you, bud.

>> No.10522852

That's understandable, and your writing is good.

>> No.10523183

well guys i got rejected yet again so might as well post it here. the whole story's only some 4000 words but i'll just post the start. if anyone cares i'll add the rest

>> No.10523222

i only read the first link but i liked it. it didn't come off as a downer to me. more like a slice of life, but if you want me to be a dick i'll just say the story comes off as banal though. that isn't necessarily a negative. there were some wordings that could be moved around but that's really just personal preference. a couple of grammar mistakes but nothing crazy. i wish i could give you more but my mind's a bit frazzled atm.

>> No.10523286
File: 195 KB, 313x322, dogger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can keep the rest. That's my critique.
To be fair cultural barriers prevent me to fully understand what you try to convey.

I was requested to write the beginning of 10 children short stories. Here is one in Spanish, any comment is appreciated.

Pic related, is the dogger of the story when it was a pupper.

>> No.10523329

dime lo que no entendiste y te digo lo que pienso del tuyo

>> No.10523573

You know when you dream you can only remember parts of it, then when you try to tell what happened in the dream it's hard to connect everything together? Feels like the main character dreamed about work, really.

>> No.10524390

>i'll just say the story comes off as banal though
Yeah, I'm aware. It strikes me as more manageable than my other concern though, I'll just elbow-grease it out.

The second "part" is just one paragraph followed by a couple lines if you didn't look at the paste, not that you need to read it.

>> No.10524469

i kind of like that desu

but as for your story all i can say is that the first paragraph seems necessary. the story, or at least its intro, focuses on the dog waking up Leo, right? Just jump right into that. I mean the first paragraph is pretty and all but it's not really necessary to a the story as far as I can tell from the material given

>> No.10524502


i read the second link but it's too much of its own thing for me to give you any honest feedback without more context

>> No.10524524


>> No.10525644

not that good anon--keep practicing. Read more. needs a more concrete sense. As it stands: pretentious

>That first couple of sentences (line)
This style of incomplete sentences would be good if the writing was good, but right away you come off as an inexperienced writer.
>Hawk dipping down
This is part of that string of sentence. "Hawk dips down" would be better, but "A hawk dips down" would be best. Seriously--the last time I saw this style recently was in "Underworld" where DeLillo describes Cocksucker Blues. He does it well, and there's a purpose (i don't like that word--I can't claim how much purpose vs unconsciousness there was in writing what he wrote).
not a good word
>That third indent (line)
you're branching into stream of consciousness. Read Ulysses if you get a chance--don't tackle this if you're not gonna do it well or with some good meaning behind it
>the poem
idk if this is good or not--i'll say no
>it swayed in the wind
what swayed in the wind
>waves far below me
>on and on, and on and on...far far below...hundreds and hundreds
>hold me someone
not good

>> No.10525703


Thought I'd add yet another nihilist story. Please,
be honest,
be brutal,
but if I do anything well,
let me know too.


>> No.10525720

nihilism is retarded

>> No.10525734

It is, but it's undeniable. Everyone will face it. This is just a short excerpt of a story I was thinking about writing about overcoming it.

>> No.10525988

Beyond the place where the trees had been cut away points of light hung in a lattice over the intricate folds and drapes of the countryside. It was like there was no country there anymore, only color and pattern. But the illusion failed as the car descended closer. Things again appeared out from under the scrim of abstraction. Rusted trailers, cars on blocks, collapsing houses, until everything was swallowed once more in a dense rush of vegetation. Steadman leaned on the gas and the scenery was chopped into a passing blur, the trees blending together into a wall that loomed dark and spikelike at each edge of the road. The lights cleared dual arcs of space in the night in front of them. And where the woods opened up like the mouth of a tunnel Jessie prepared to see what he was going to see. They breached the clearing and the windshield tipped down the hill but Jessie felt himself keep moving upward. It was like floating. That was what the view did to him. But it only lasted a second, and then he was back in the world below with everything else.

The car bounced on its suspension when it hit the bottom of the hill. Its engine had a low growl to it, deep like a voice, rich in organic inflection. And when its outsides bubbled out with rust maybe that was just the molecules fighting the constraints of space, yearning to return to a more natural state. Steadman picked up speed on the straightaway through the fields. They made the drive so often they had to go fast just to break the monotony; faster every time they did it just to keep up the adrenaline kick. Jessie let the torque move his body side to side when the curves came up. Waiting, always, for the slide, the flip, the flight that never came. Waiting without impatience and without trepidation. Just waiting for the change.

>> No.10526888

>Somewhaqt Short fantasy scene I wrote for practicing on writing Third person limited, let me know what you guys think


>> No.10527073


>> No.10527208

>Third person limited
Doesn't exist, anon.

>> No.10527219

I put this up online a week ago, does anyone have any comments?
http://www.taktak dot nu/memorata/

>> No.10527309

Why is the website Korean?

>> No.10527750


>> No.10527810

SIX TWENTY-SEVEN PM is what the clock in the corner of the screen said when Tommy reached the point of clarity. His eyes looked at the numbers with the strength they forgot they even had. "Six twenty-seven...six twenty-seven. Four hours...lost." He exhaled and inhaled. His back hurt, his mother was sleeping and his cum-sock had ended its metamorphosis into slimy badness. "Again, I have lost four hours. When will I end?"

>> No.10528013

>.nu is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) assigned to the island state of Niue.

>> No.10528543
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There was a young woman sitting on Matthew's bed. She had been milling around his apartment, inspecting the furniture with a childlike awe before he left for groceries. Now he was back and had forgotten her name.

'Hey-' Matthew started

'please leave now.'

He said it in what felt like a deceptively warm voice. She appeared to be mesmerized by him.

'Ok.' she softly emitted.

'What's your name?' He decided to ask.

She told him it was Amelia.

He sat on the bed next to her and got a closer look at her face. She, in turn, looked back at him. Her features were more delicate now that he had a good look at them. She was a redhead girl of maybe 20 with freckles and blue eyes and the rest. What he liked most about her face was that it seemed incapable of conveying malice. She was, at all times, an innocent babe; a face found in a painting, signifying youthful beauty and a divine virginity.

'Stay' he said looking down at what she was a wearing: a flowing white shirt too big for her--it was his own.

'I'm glad."

>> No.10528931
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I don't understand how to use figurative language; nothing I come up with makes any sense. Does anyone have any advise on how to use simile and metaphor?

>> No.10529130
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This kind of 'fiction', which is interesting to no one, captures nothing—in is in a way, as a reader, it's a double edged sword—it's supposed to be fun, and part of the fun for me was trying to stay on the conscious side of consciousness and yr ability to deliver a hardly visible line between the two to focus on for the 30 seconds it took to read & reread yr post here.

>> No.10529155

I wanted to describe an ancient library similarly to how Joseph Conrad describes the Congo River in Heart of Darkness:

"Going up that river was like traveling back to the earliest beginnings of the world, when vegetation rioted on the earth and the big trees were kings. An empty stream, a great silence, an impenetrable forest."

(You can read the full text here):

The best I could come up with was: "Reading the pages was like peering into the soul of human knowledge and endeavor." (which is stupid and doesn't mean anything), and a tired biblical reference: comparing the books on the shelves to the forbidden fruit on the tree of knowledge. I suppose I could also compare them to Pandora's Box; but it all just seems like such a waste of time.

>> No.10529158
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This is clearly based on a model of someone who doesn't read books, doesn't participate in reality, or the world—someone who doesn't enjoy deep fiction→a mirror you held up (like any writing) and then scribbled yr skrawl on the meer and hoo-ah is it bad, reflecting a mind that, good Lord, has a pale range of emotion and knowledge and life and lust and love and experience and anything interesting to say at all.

>> No.10529160

I say that a football is a mass-produced wad of polyeurethane and lace with traces of leather--Browner says it’s a pigskin with a Southern drawl so emphasized that you hear the saliva build. Browner says high school is for the sake of the girls, the hedonism, and the “opportunity cost of youth” as if he knew what half of the words meant that came out of his bright mouth, with teeth so shiny you want to swing a fist at each molar and feed him candy until they rot to the core.
Every Christmas was configured the same:
We’d wake up,and Browner would make sure he took the plumpest of the pancakes before I got downstairs, and he’d beat me with his legs that had to of been stolen from an ostrich. He’d get a football, a jersey with the numbers “08” stamped and pressed in the back, and a new videogame console. I’d open the books I requested and I’d thank ma and pap for them, and I’d get plucked by my brother once again. We’d sanction ourselves into our own spaces. The top bunk was his territory, a proper nest for his posture. I was left with the creaky bottom bunk that withdrew a constant “Hey, Lucas, how ‘bout you shut up down there, yeah?” And we’d bask in our newly received pleasures of Christmas while eating Aunt Beth’s traditional piles of chocolate and other assorted candies wrapped in their noisy foils and wrappers. I’d read a book and he’d lay around texting the seventh high school-sweetheart of the month about his new jersey and his “hard-earned-cash” (that is, the cash Granpa handed to him for Christmas).
We didn’t have the traditional gingerbread houses or the marvelous dinners, nor the caroling, nor the making of snowmen. These were alien to Floridians. But our family always had one tradition, and it was always to play the glorified sport of football. In fact, the mere word “football” is the epitome of us, the Brownsters, Christmas. And Browner would always ask me the afternoon if Christmas, “Want to play some football?” Last Christmas, the following exchange of conversation after the question was as followed:
“No, I don’t want to play the stupid sport.”
“You never want to do anything. You just sit in some cave and read books all day while thinking about everything, like everything is just some fantasy to you.”
“Well all you do is play some sweaty sport and waste your life on thrills and feelings.”
“And? It’s stupid. You think it’s all about having fun, don’t you? You think you’re going to ‘make it’ in the big leagues and not have a worry in your life.”
“Where’d you read that, one of your stupid book? Did your idol Shakerspeare quote that in one of his books?”
I threw a punch at him we rolled around on the carpeted floor of our room for some time until Pa came in and broke the two of us up, sending us to two separate rooms. He gave me some sort of stare as if to intimidate me, and we exchanged some colorful words.

>> No.10529170

it's got, had, four eyes, six eyes, ten tentacles and a few rows of teeth, shaped like a dog maybe -- she doesn't know how to define it. it is shifting with a consistency that renders stability useless. such a thing restricts itself not to grammar.

>> No.10530112

Just write as you would with Third Person Omniscient. Except of course the thoughts and feelings of other Characters, unless your character is a Mind reader in which case all restraints are lost

>> No.10530216

who are you?
how can i know you?
we pass eachother
do you see me?
i used to tiptoe into my bed late at night
it was like a little game

now i float through the world like a phantom
who can see me?
i fear looking a fool
but who will notice?

>> No.10530225

>ten tentacles

>> No.10530626

The way they warp and twist so loudly, creek into me in an abrasive watch. It unburdens a great weight in me and I scream at them and they look back with endless ties and knots and lines reaching deep into the sand I know they’re down there intertwining their awful fingers so long and crone and they laugh. So I scream louder and my face hurts and I dig my hands into the ground so I can snap their growing arms and tear them between my molars.

>> No.10530799

4chan isn't about white culture.....

>> No.10530808

Its understandable that anti-semitism would scare people, especially after the holocaust.

>> No.10530825

Just to clarify here; I'm not only interested in simile and metaphor, nor am I only interested in making a single good comparison. I said simile and metaphor because those are the ones I'm currently having the most trouble with, and I posted the simile because that is the first thing I attempted to emulate from Heart of Darkness.

Like I said, if anyone has any advise on simile and metaphor, or figurative language in general, please share.

>> No.10530962

A 2,900-word short story set in Ancient Media during Cyrus' conquest.

>> No.10531370
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>> No.10531580
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I submitted this recently to a magazine. It was a themed submission based on an illustration they provided, and the magazine will only publish you if you're under 25, so all in all it's not a style or theme I'm used to.

Anyway I feel like it ended up as a fairly trite tale about a coming of age that's probably been told already. But whatever it was written to be read - https://pastebin.com/haH9dAfz

>> No.10531590

Stupid, filthy animenigger

>> No.10531690

Why do so many people in the crowd have a head like the banker? I like the political commentary, but come on they aren't brain washing us. I like the clown hat too.

>> No.10531708

This is something I'm writing for a short (1,500 words or less) story contest. Will probably come back and revise some things but just want to see if the general gist is okay. It's set in a Spanish town across three periods of time: pre Civil War, during the Civil War, and post Civil War. The bridge is the focal point.

There is a bridge in the town. It arcs above banks of baked sandstone that hold the sun in their veins. A river runs beneath.

It was a Sunday in spring, and the air was drowsy with the fragrance of peonies. The sun was a lozenge melting on the tip of the tongue, and shed its colors upon white cloudbanks. Those long spring twilights instilled in us a sense of simultaneous lethargy and urgency, as if something was on the verge of consummation, like a ripe fig drooping on the branch. And so we all rushed out of doors as if pursued by the devil—but did little else but pass the time, measuring the hours with coffee cups and bowls of chocolate at the Café Ernesto, strolling back-and-forth across the bridge, throwing stones at the storks high in their belfries while the bells chimed and the pale streaks of cloud revealed their tooling of gold. That day I had my first cigarette, and the white vapors flew up to meet the evening moon.

When the dusk had come and gone and the last bells had tolled we perched ourselves upon the bridge’s stone rail and watched the stars. She wore a cloche hat and a ruffled floral dress. We talked about the future—she boasted of the wedding gown her mother had worn that all of the town’s women had sown together, and the mantilla that had been made with exacting precision to span the length of the bridge. I kissed her then, for the first time. She tasted like smoke. She laughed, and I begged her to stay. But her mother wanted her home—she said I was a rabble-rouser, and she was probably right. Luck had it, however, that we lived at opposite ends of the bridge, and so our dalliances were always played out of the sight of peering eyes. “Dream of me!” she called out from across the bridge, bathed in the gilded light of a streetlamp, her face obscure. Then she was gone, and the bridge was quiet beneath the stars.

>> No.10531720

forgot to mention, this is just the first of the three periods

>> No.10532512



>> No.10532540



>> No.10532551

The writing is generally good but there's an overreliance on constructive syntax - 'it was', 'as if', etc. You could remove some of this and blend the sensory elements directly into the narration to get a better sense of presence.

>> No.10533139
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>> No.10533157

can I get any feedback on >>10527219 other than for the website itself?

>> No.10533163

loli faggot subhuman

>> No.10533168

Thanks, will try and rectify that.

>> No.10533210
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But...I posted Yotsuba. What's even the point of coming here if I can't post Yotsuba anymore?

>> No.10533234

Got really startled at that sudden Hungarian word. Made me realize that I never read in my mother tongue anymore...care to tell what's the reasoning behind your usage of it?
anyway good stuff

>> No.10534370


>> No.10534384

ok i made a thread for this but I'm gonna post it on this one too

Mark’s hard, triangular face twisted in a forced grin “Jack, old boy…” he tilted his head and held up his glass as if he was proposing a toast, widening his smile. The night air hung silent, not in a serene manner, but a mocking one. The kind of silence that only occurs when a usually crowded location is devoid of people. The bar’s silence was teasing him. He alone inhibited the room. Angered by the realization he drank alone and in the absence of a response, his polite facade was partially broken when he slammed the glass on the bar, suspending the peanuts in the bowl next to him in midair and flicking spittle throughout his stubble, while still maintaining an increasingly insincere smile.

>> No.10534684


hey cool I haven't seen you around for ages

>> No.10534722


Are you 18?

>> No.10534748

I know I'm smart and good at what I do, why is that never enough

>> No.10535031
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I'm sorry Anon, no one responded to me either. I would critique you, but I need to leave this place for awhile; I think it's making me miserable again.

>> No.10535639
File: 393 KB, 662x900, Goblin_by_armandeo64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this? I tried a new style.

For three hundred years the Suluvians pushed them back, then out of pocket or rumour, warlords from the kingdom-beyond-the-border launched raid after raid against the clans of the plains, the land of the goblin-folk, the green-skinned. In response the tribe chieftain of the Connarks, Alsubei, sent forth three daughters: Sembi, Chukai, and Fei to tame three heads of the greatest warbands in marriage, bringing fifty quiet years of harmony. In time the son of Sembi the third daughter, Gengro, grew an ambitious man and cut forth his father’s head for his own, rekindling plunder and murder. Hearing of this, Pohk and Fedae, the elder sons of Chukai and Fei, launched civil war among the three once-tamed warbands, killing Gengro in the conflict, imprisoning Pohk to Fedae, and leaving Fedae the sole ruler over the warband alliances and the plainsfolk goblins.
He is Plains-king to this day.
Under a moonless sky blood was drawn. On wolf skin a pulpy body drenched. Cries loud and long like a roar, the song of a chief-son, of a man, of a conqueror drowned the night quiet. Starry eyes beamed him. He was a prize of the universe, a thing you cannot make again, and there he laid in her arms, this fragile woman too old to bear but bearing still, Chukai, the second daughter of Alsubei, kissed him goodnight, and the wolf spirit would kiss her. Mother and son would never again see. In years passing he was trained with the wolves and the riders. They taught him to sing the song of arrows, to straight the robe and garment, and to laugh and play and chuckle. In these three is the lesson of the wolf: who hunts, who organizes, and who howls. A man is lesser if balanced he is not.
Yeshi, the late son of Chukai, was made wolf and joined the clan descending of Alsubei’s, the Connarks. He is son of Connark to this day. Singing the song of arrows he joined them in the field. A chorus of arrows hit their enemies hard, up the plains of the snow-fleet, down the plains of the sand. Yeshi was a master bowman, a great singer of the quiver. He sung all night and all day, and all his enemies listened.

>> No.10535655

i guess my advice would be to really focus on the quality you're trying to evoke, then build images from there. both you and Conrad are trying to conjure ancientness, primordial qualities, that kind of thing. but yours links to knowledge as well, and for some reason i think of sand as ancient, as marking time through hourglasses = history = implied vast knowledge, so maybe something like "Reading the pages was to sift through the world's first sands" or something like that, though maybe you want to try something with seeds = beginnings = seeds of knowledge etc. and if this stuff doesn't come natural to you don't push it: despite what your highschool teachers told you, metaphor, simile, and especially rhyme and alliteration, can often be things to avoid. Good luck anon

>> No.10535667

Fantastic. Best I've read in a while. A few spots where your editor will rein in your imagery, the riffs running a little long, but you've got great flow, pace, rhythm. Post the rest, love to see more

>> No.10535707

Thank you Anon, this was really helpful.

>> No.10535728


First of all I absolutely agree with >>10532551 particularly because you have a lot of good imagery that suffers from your formula, which, I could only call "amateur". And that's not exactly pointed at you either, there are certain beats that I would say the "amateur" style hits and I'm hearing them throughout yours. And the reason it's a problem is because it fits in perfectly here in a critique thread, when I'm reading this I'm hearing you pretty clearly, but you drown yourself out with some of those tired old habits I see too often on /lit/ and then it's just like Oh yeah another shitty paragraph.

Now I want to clarify that I am working off of feeling more than an analytical perspective, and the reason yours is hard to dissect is because from start to finish your voice is always prevalent, so there is no point at which the tone shifts, it's just muddied a little.

>sense of simultaneous lethargy and urgency
>but did little else but pass the time
>as if pursued by the devil

Those are just 3 that I snagged on. But I think you come into a nice flow as it ends because then I go through it easily.


I will leave mine at the bottom, for you or anyone else, and so you can take my advice with a grain of salt. >>10531580

>> No.10535760

They will laugh at you,
they will ignore you,
they will assault you,
they will deform you.

But they will not tell you. Explaining the savagery in the modern persona with parseable language is taboo. Critique is assult and questions are dangerous. Nuclear provisioning is necessary for safety. Upset is criminal. Politicians are celebrities.

Seek refuge in the word. The word, once written, can forge your baseline, your home, your anchor. They will become the meter by which you are judged against, not only now, but in desperate, inconceivable futures.

>> No.10535951

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it. Will definitely post the rest once I'm through with it since it's only going to be ~1,000 words.

Thanks, reading over it again I can see what you and another anon pointed out about leaning a bit too heavily on syntax and some tired phrases. I'll work on trying to trim some of the fat and incorporate the sensory elements directly into the flow. Luckily in the next two "phases" of the story the writing becomes greatly pared down and minimalist, especially during the war segment, while the beginning youth phase which I posted is kind of viewed through the lens of nostalgia, so it's a bit more rosy. Thanks for your critique anon, I'll go to the drawing board.

>> No.10536588

The character is of Hungarian heritage. Are you fluent in German?

>> No.10536652

No, that would be an overstatement. But I've been learning German by my own for 3 years now. I've been taught German in school too, but back then I hated it and didn't make much progress. But since I've took up learning on my own I find the language absolutely beautiful.
Since I started reading novels in German I found some real gems like Robert Walser and Hermann Ungar. Stuff that I wouldn't have found otherwise. But I still need the dictionary too much to call myself fluent.

>> No.10536759
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>> No.10537683

I'm a pretty bad writer desu. Plz Fix

Hundreds of suits poured into the underbelly of the city. The station was flooded in a sea of ink- save for the specks of desperate flesh that clung to each suit.
Run little speck run. Run and cower from the reddening sky and its cruel assurance. Bathe in the glow of chemical lights. Dream of home-cooked meals, warm beds, and children that will never learn spite.
Amidst the crowd, The Father held steady. Back stiff. Head high. Just like his old man. Wave after wave crashed over him. Bones soaked by the damned sweat of dreamers. And then they were gone. The terminal was empty, save of course for The Father. He felt old. Just a drenched business suit with a pair of trembling legs. Just like his old man. Shit.

>> No.10537818
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Since you were interested, here's the second part. This is only the first draft so don't hold back on that critique.


There is a bridge in the town. It arcs above banks of baked sandstone that hold the sun in their veins. A river runs beneath.

It was a Sunday in spring, and the air was drowsy with the fragrance of orange blossoms. We were awoken by the booming of the bells. “Up you louts!” the captain hissed, “God be damned, it’s already past nine!” We mumbled in protest, dusting off straw and blindly grasping for our carbines. One of the militiamen pressed a flask of rum into my hand. “Courage,” he said, and I drank. The warmth spread all the way to my toes. Still rubbing the sand from our eyes, we readied ourselves, and, at the captain’s signal, we burst out into blaring sunlight. The clacking of our boots on the cobbles bounced between the overhanging balconies and chipped brown shutters. The streets were empty. “The bastards are all in church,” the militiaman said, “Let’s pay our respects to the blushing bride.”

There is a church before the bridge, and a plaza with a stone cross at its center. The belabored strains of the dusty old organ filtered out from the cracked door. We approached on tip toes, ducking behind walls and columns, scouring the court for any sign of the enemy. None appeared. Finally we surrounded the church. The stench of incense filled our nostrils. The organ was deafening. “You,” he mouthed, gesturing to me and the militiaman. Then, he pointed to the ground. The captain unholstered his pistol, motioned to the others, and crept inside. Three shots rang out, immediately followed by a flurry of screams, stamping feet, and discordant notes. “Outside! Now!” the captain bellowed. The screams didn’t stop. “Father! Oh Father!” they cried. “Oh God! Oh God!”

Soon they dragged the churchgoers out into the plaza. A group of women sobbed over the corpse of the priest, who had been shot in the eye and died. An old man shat himself and died of shock. We beat the others. Heaps of firewood were stacked against the walls and set alight. Soon the air was filled with smoke. “Look there,” the militiaman said, “they’re finally bringing them out!”

The captain, with his cap doffed in reverence and a broad smile on his face, led a procession out of the burning church. In his hand was a basket filled to the brim with fresh blooms. Every few moments he held one to his nose, took in its fragrance, then tossed it to the flagstones with a sigh. We laughed and laugh. Next came the groom dressed only in his cufflinks. His face was bruised and bloodied. His eyes were cloudy with tears. A white rose, fresh as dew, was wrapped around his cock. We hooted and howled.

Last came the bride. She wore nothing but the mantilla her mother had worn. Her face was bruised and bloodied. Her eyes were cloudy with tears.

She was beautiful.

>> No.10537837

The captain, leaving a wake of flowers, led them to the bridge. We followed. “Up! Up! Up!” the captain cajoled, coaxing them with his pistol. They mounted the bridge’s stone rail. They could hardly stand. They held each other.

“Do you take this woman as your wedded wife?” the captain asked.

“I do.”

“And do you take this man as your wedded husband?”

“I do.”

Then they fell. The mantilla that had been crafted to span the exact length of the bridge floated languidly down. The light revealed its arabesques of lace, its tender blossoms and sweet fruits. Suddenly it began to ascend. It flew up on the wind, up and up, high above the town. It danced and twirled and made pirouettes, it made arcs in the empty sky. It soared towards the eastern horizon where the sea shimmered like a plate of hammered bronze, and the brown-faced seamen on their white ships raised their eyes to watch its passing. Up and up, higher and higher, grazing the bellies of clouds and the wings of eagles. The winds raised it on their backs till the world below was only a marble.

Then, finally, it was lost in the light of the sun.

>> No.10537843

sorry, should be *laughed and laughed, and changing cock to prick to make it a bit less vulgar

>> No.10537875

Because there's no "enough," it's a roll of the dice. It's not like I go out of my way to critique the good stories first and the bad ones second or vice versa: I'm not going to know how good what I'm reading is until I've read some of it. Once people read your shit then you can use talent to keep it up, but getting initial reads is largely just chance.

>> No.10537958

>ok i made a thread for this
>[edgy shit]

He was sitting at the bar, alone, with his sharp, rhomboidal face and pointed nose, like a child's drawing, drinking, like an adult; he rose his glass of scotch, went through all five stages of grief, and then took a sip afterward, because that's how scotch and grief work. "Drugs are cool," he said, because drugs are cool. He tilted his head to the side then twisted his face around. "My neck kinda hurts." It did. Also, he was alone, like, generally.

>> No.10538051

>Hundreds of suits poured into the underbelly of the city.
"poured into" makes me see an empty thing getting filled, but I think the shot you're going for is an already jammed station of some kind, going off of "was flooded" in the next sentence.

>Run little speck run. Run and cower from the reddening sky and its cruel assurance. Bathe in the glow of chemical lights. Dream of home-cooked meals, warm beds, and children that will never learn spite.
A little pretentious but I liked how it built up to its end.

>Back stiff. Head high. Just like his old man.
I didn't like how each list element was punctuated with its own period, but this lost some of the pretentiousness from earlier. "Run little spec run" makes you sound like you're talking down to someone, but this is very on-level. Maybe that sink is the point I guess, or if not, then you could try and make it deliberate if you want to.

My biggest concern is probably my first remark.

>> No.10538108

He smelt a soon to be bloody nose, then walked over to a box of tissues. He knew you were supposed to pinch your nose shut, not blow, but he blew, and his nose bleed. After a couple snorts and blows he threw his boogery splat into the garbage, then stuffed his nose with another tissue to drain the blood. Ding-dong: he opened the door.
“Why’s your nose bleeding?”
“It’s dry out.”
He let her inside.

I think the "ding-dong" sounds gay as fucking hell but I want to move into the question as immediately as I possibly can. Any advice? Other comments? I'm >>10521604 if that means anything.

I also think I'm supposed to be using smelled instead of smelt here.

>> No.10538166

Time is the dearest friend, and absolute nemesis, of those who accompany its passage. The ever present limit, and incorporeal enabler, time bodes fearful consequence to those who dread its finite nature, and graces those who understand its limitless truth.

>> No.10538298

Thanks! Appreciate the insight

>> No.10538318


Here's a section from a novel I'm writing. It's long (15 pages) but I'm really proud of this extract and would love some feedback. The novel follows the lives of three individuals whose lives are brought together through music - probably calling it The Blue of the Sky. Can post some more if people are interested, cheers x

>> No.10538370

I'm lying it's 8 pages, not 15.

>> No.10538766
File: 36 KB, 980x551, cb885d62-89a3-4e9b-b92b-377ef6be6e47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First few pages of "Christmas in the Jungle," a sorry story which draws from the tropical zone of this earth:


>> No.10539717

>can't recruit mobs as an invader with rapport unless host uses seed
back to power within I guess

>> No.10539723

>wrong thread
I guess crit needs the bumps anyway.

>> No.10540475

So no critique?

>> No.10540827

This is very very very well done. Personally can't stand this genre (hyperactive, pop-culture-laden, DFW-esque) and I think it is perhaps suited better to the 1980s or 1990s than the 2010s, but I can recognize when something is well written regardless, and there are plenty of people on this board who would like this and should read it.

Have you ever had anything published before? Do you plan on trying to get this published through the traditional channels? You might have a chance tbqh.

Post beginning plz.

>> No.10540886

This is a short story I've done last year. I consider submitting it to a writing contest but two people told me they think the dialogue is artificial.

Any tips on improvement are appreciated, both plot and style.


~3100 words

>> No.10540977


That title is going to need some work, but the writing itself is energetic and interesting.

>> No.10541008

Thank you! I understood the genre gripe - and honestly lost a bit of interest in finishing it once my affair with 90s Post Modernism had waned - however I want to finish it regardless, because I think there are some really strong moments and the areas that move away from that DFW sorta thing have an identity that is mine.

Never had anything published, 21 and have just written mostly for my own pleasure. Never practiced writing outside of school - but I'm an avid reader. I haven't given any thought to publication but I'd love to get something published, I just feel whatever I write will be ambitious and I'm not sure ambition sells unless you write something completely monumental.

Thank you very much - appreciate your reading it and responding so kindly. I'll post the beginning (or a separate extract) shortly.

>> No.10541130


Bump please anyone.

>> No.10541921

It sucks when you are Jewish, or kind of Jewish, and your autistic child turns thirteen. he is thirteen and she is changed in body only. You were never planning a Bat Mitzvah because you're only Jew-lite, or Jewish when there are latkes around, but it's there in your soul, in your DNA (and hers), and there's enough of it that Hitler would have given you both a free train ride to Poland.

As surely as Rosh Hashana feels like the New Year whether you celebrate it or not, thirteen will never be just another number to you.

Because your child goes to a Jewish School, and you live in a Jewish neighborhood and you have lots of Jewish Facebook friends, you see a lot of Bat Mitzvah announcements and suddenly, now that your child is thirteen, they make you cry. You are happy for those young ladies and their parents have every right to be proud. Just... please ignore the crying voyeur in the corner.

That's me in the corner.

>> No.10541972

i enjoyed this actually

>> No.10541977

What an ugly fucking cover. Prime mystery science theater reddit & morty bullshit.

>> No.10542132

What does she want? Beta males embarrassing themselves is an inevitability of their nature and they are only getting more positions of power as a consequence of America's soyification; this problem isn't going away and it will get worse as long as nerd culture spreads with growth of the MCU, investment potential contingent on the economic imperative of a corporate juggernaut.

She could always realize that this is entirely her problem, curable via introspection. What happened 10 years ago isn't real anymore, long forgotten circumstances making a final stand in memories to which she relinquishes control and augments. All she needs to do is learn to forget and her problems are over. With an abundance of resources like TM, therapy, mindfulness, love and support from her many friends, erasing this one bad day from her life of abundant success, pleasure, and fulfillment would be easy if she chooses to take control of her perception.

But you know, women's problems are everyone's problems because their suffering is our suffering. It's on us, men, we need to change, mold the world such that this will never happen again. Those of you who can't get laid, fuck off. Stop bothering women; you're creepiness is sickening and honestly the thought of you little . for the Spending your adolescence in isolation is no excuse for your behavior; and you're better depressed than she is uncomfortable.

Can someone clean this up and clarify the important ideas? I'd also like feedback on the ideas themselves.

>> No.10542152

I appreciate the critique, thank you. It's so happens that I'm not used to write in third person so I tried to set a mood that doesn't interact to the characters, and it came off as out of place and terrible. I'm terrible regardless, no johns.

>> No.10543357


Your writing is fine. It's not great, but it's not terrible either. It has the misfortune of occupying that nadir of criticism, where it's not bad enough that it's fun to rip apart, and not good enough that I feel compelled to sing it's praises. My issue comes more from the subjects you're writing about. A bloody suicide in a car followed immediately by a poetry reading? With biblical imaginary no less? Next a philosophical conversation while ordering sandwiches. Why not?

I get the impression that you are a young person, who desperately wants to say something profound, but the thing you are trying to say is neither profound nor particularly interesting. I would suggest instead of focusing on your themes and message first, focus more on your characters and your storytelling and let any thematic elements come naturally later.

>> No.10543408

Can you give me a quick rundown?

>> No.10543978

I like your style, what's it about?