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/lit/ - Literature

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10511179 No.10511179 [Reply] [Original]

Who is your father's favorite writer?

>> No.10511205

I don't know if he'd say he has one, but his favourite book is The Call of the Wild.

>> No.10511207

I think it's Bécquer, though he likes Cervantes and Khalil Gibran a lot too.

>> No.10511212

Dumas, then Margret Mitchell or Robert Jordan (he read them in prison)

>> No.10511237

Victor Pelevin

>> No.10511245

hemmingway, but he only got half way through for whom bells toll

he only bothers interest in old american authors his college english professor mentioned. he is a dentist that stutters and acts cold towards people he is familiar with

>> No.10511264

Thoreau, but I introduced him to Melville and I expect that to change soon.

>> No.10511319

i don't think my dad ever read a book in his life
he just reads newspapers

>> No.10511385

He reads 10 steps to getting rich and karate for dummies books. Besides the newspaper. Not much of a reader but very supportive.

>> No.10511397

Probably some self-help money man, my dad is a part-time day trader who never actually trades, just plays the demo or looks at the live charts and complains all day when a speck of dust lands on his nose causing him to miss out on a "million dollar trade". He's a meme but I love him anyway.

>> No.10511400

van loon

>> No.10511478

bill bryson, among others i guess

>> No.10511484

Tom Clancy

>> No.10511493

Solzhenitsyn or Heinlein. He doesn't really read fiction though, mostly textbooks or self help.

>> No.10511506

Stephen King

>> No.10511582

I don’t know, a newspaper? He hates reading. Smart guy too, which makes no sense.

But hey, I can respect it. Why do something if you honestly don’t enjoy it?

>> No.10511589

Deepak Chopra. Funnily enough, I gave him an Auster a few years ago, and so far as I know, he hasn't so much as touched it.

>> No.10511648

Kafka and Dostoyevsky

>> No.10511668

Lee Child and Tom Clancy

>> No.10511669

john updike, he got drunk and cried on the living room floor for like a day when the guy died, classic dad haha

>> No.10511697


>> No.10511705

Fuck your Father. He'd probably like it.

>> No.10511707
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>Who is your father

>> No.10511723

He's an old school Trotskyist. Probably not.

>> No.10511724

Same, fucking boggles my mind how different children can turn out sometimes.

>> No.10511728

Probably Keroac or one of the other Beats. He reads a lot more non fiction than me or my mother.

>> No.10511760

Luo Guanzhong. He likes history more than fiction, but the Sanguo is really unique in more ways than one

>> No.10511764

>denial <-------------- you are here

>> No.10511772

I do not have an electra complex.

>> No.10511823
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>pretending you're a woman on the internet
it's just kinda sad

>> No.10511827

My dad hasn't read a book since 1973.

>> No.10511830

My dad only reads biographies and the newspaper sadly... He even once told me that James Joyce is a bad writer. Only decent writer he likes is Tom Wolfe

>> No.10511834

Cormac McCarthy

>> No.10511836

Sure, reading is an entirely male hobby, no women ever read literature or want to talk about it.

>> No.10511889
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>> No.10511891

This is a pretty tame board. No reason why I wouldn't go on it, as a girl.

>> No.10511899

Sure, bud. Whatever you say.

>> No.10511905

Let me guess, you'll now say "tits or GtFO" which I will not agree to, etc.

>> No.10511912

Nah. Enjoy the board. Hope you find your next favorite writer. Good luck.

>> No.10511914

not him, but why do you browse /lit/

>> No.10511919
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yay! welcome
grls are cute and nice i think
i don't know to well because they never talk to me

>> No.10511922

>he died

>> No.10511924

Clearly you haven't talked to many of us, most girls aren't nice. Nor are most men mind, most people are pretty self absorbed and capable of being awful.

>> No.10511927

>he's dead

>> No.10511960

Frost or Jack London. Dad read aloud London's "To Build A Fire" for Grandpa while he was dying, which makes sense to me.

I'd say he likes Hemingway too but I think the only book of his he likes is "The Old Man and the Sea".

>> No.10511966
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>most girls aren't nice
yea i know their hands are soft and have slight shoulders but i think them pretty with colored dresses and flower crowns acting silly haha silly girls! i'd boop them on the nose and she'd startle but then i'd smile and they'd laugh! that's how think of girls smelling nice she braids her hair maybe bake some cookies and hey let's go buy clothes! you can try on dresses or little collared shirts and soft scarves, that'd be fun i think

>> No.10511972

That was very stream of consciousness of you.

>> No.10511978

I've come to hate women as of late.

>> No.10511992

Any reason why?

>> No.10512015

Probably none that are valid. I may have just had some bad experiences.

>> No.10512018

Need to vent or something?

>> No.10512019
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How much time do you have?

>> No.10512032
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>> No.10512037


>> No.10512041

So a play written by a male greek playwright for whom the women around him are so far removed from modern women there aren't accurate parallels is supposed to convince me of what? That men who don't really like women have always existed?

>> No.10512044


>> No.10512050

In case you didn't notice, I already said I'm disinclined to acquiesce such requests.

>> No.10512055

Alright, I was just offering in case you need someone to talk to.

>> No.10512057
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>> No.10512084

I don't know exactly what you want me to say to that, since it's all just asserted with nothing to back it up. I mean, with the exception of physical strength, I have all the hallmarks of masculine success (a good job, my own car, house etc.), my own ambitions and being totally self sufficient emotionally and materially.

>> No.10512095
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I don't want you to say anything.

>> No.10512099

I should be insulted, but really, it's 4chan. What else can one expect except outright dislike/complete disrespect of women?

>> No.10512102
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Don't be mean to girls!

>> No.10512108

I find all this so depressing, I mean these are the kind of men I would date, if I ever did (readers of classics) and they don't like women at all. If I don't become some kind of successful in life I'm definitely becoming one of those cat ladies who gets eaten by her pets.

>> No.10512114

that's one person don't be silly

>> No.10512117
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Go meet a man and settle down.

>> No.10512128

If that's the expectation, I'll pass. I'd rather the cats. If I can, I'd like to create something great. I'd love to have been born a man, particularly at any time of artistic flourishing, but creativity seems somewhat dead now, so it's unlikely. Anything but being a pure servant.

>> No.10512133

Ray Bradbury or Tom Clancy.

>> No.10512135

I am not manipulative, childish, solipsistic etc. I am just a sad loner who likes to write things and make movies no one will ever see or read. I take care of myself, and I have no one around me to manipulate even if I wanted to.
I am not interested in being what that person wants women to be. I'd rather die.

>> No.10512141

Sometimes I wonder if I made the right choice, eschewing all male affection in favour of an austere, nun-like life. Then I come here and am reassured.

>> No.10512158

Don't let some /pol/ re posts disenfranchise you, besides we're all loners here anyway, it's why we read so much

>> No.10512159

Who're you talking to.

>> No.10512172

I'm already disenfranchised. This is just confirmation bias.

>> No.10512179

Everyone! Feel the effluence! One anonymous post and there it stands against all the negativity

>> No.10512208

Suit yourself, sweetheart.

Since when was a family not something great?

>> No.10512217

clive cussler

>> No.10512220

>Since when was a family not something great?
Not in the grand scheme. I would like to be a great writer or creator of some kind. Not likely, I know, most people never make it, and in the modern political climate things must be a certain way to succeed. But it's still what I want, rather than being a repressed, dominated housewife.

>> No.10512244

Why, in God's name, do you hear me telling you not to write or be interested in literature? Why, in God's name, do you think I think you should be some soulless automaton fembot? A housewife is an amazing woman. My mother was a housewife. She's brilliant. She was neither repressed, nor dominated, nor any word in between. You can still write and create something great while being a housewife.

>> No.10512245

Not "Great" in the capitalised, eternal contribution to the sum of human thought/creativity way. No hate on women who do want that, but I would feel I'd wasted my life if all I did was find some guy, and cook his meals for him for the rest of my life.

>> No.10512257

Are you not
Because that person thinks we're incapable of it and that we should be repressed and dominated. I don't hate housewives, but it's pretty hard work and there's very little time for writing etc. I also would like financial independence, since my grandmother was trapped in an abusive relationship via financial control (the choice between abusive man or destitution).

>> No.10512260

my father is a nigger, i doubt he's read a book in his life. i wouldn't know, since he's not around.

>> No.10512286

I am that person
>Because that person thinks we're incapable of it and that we should be repressed and dominated.
That's not what I or anything I post was saying at all. Don't be so dramatic.
>I don't hate housewives, but it's pretty hard work and there's very little time for writing etc.
Bullshit. No job, be it housewife, ceo, or janitor, or construction worker leaves very little time for writing.
>I also would like financial independence, since my grandmother was trapped in an abusive relationship via financial control (the choice between abusive man or destitution).
That's insane talk and cycle of abuse bullshit. The reason you can't find financial independence and your time to write from a man and the reason a man can't afford to pay for any of that for himself is because you're insisting on financial independence from an insane platform. Your grandmother was trapped in an abusive relationship so, therefore, you're going to give up much of life's experience because 1/4th of your family line had something tragic, i mean kinda sorta tragic because literally if you're older than 23 years old, everyone gets themselves into relationships they struggle to get out of because of finances, they had to deal with? Insanity. I mean honestly pretty much everyone I know in the history of the world forever has had to deal with that shit. Men and women.

>> No.10512308

>That's not what I or anything I post was saying at all. Don't be so dramatic.
Sure, those posts weren't saying women should be docile, controlled creatures at all. That we aren't ridiculous and childish and incapable of thought or creating anything meaningful.
>Bullshit. No job, be it housewife, ceo, or janitor, or construction worker leaves very little time for writing.
Weekends don't exist for housewives, but they do for people working part time or even regular 9-5 jobs. It's only when you have a family to worry about and support that you really don't have time (unless you're born rich and can afford servants).
>cycle of abuse
I'm not saying it'll be a cycle of abuse, I'm just saying that it was a good example of why it can be risky to have no financial stability. Sure, relationships can be tricky to get out of when finances are entwined, but it's not the same as having no work, being out of the job market for years and thus having no capacity to get work etc. You're using a false equivalency.

>> No.10512320

I didn't know there were so many girls here
Stay please!

>> No.10512322

Bill O Rielly, he's a dipshit

>> No.10512328

No, you're just being obtuse. I must go. Have fun being a girl on the internet.

>> No.10512334

Nope. I just read what you posted. Literally quoted it in part. Women are inferior, childlike and should be repressed. They can't create anything or be independent, or anything else. And somehow, this is still the better position, having a man who thinks that of you, who has no respect for you as a full human being.

>> No.10512349

Dude, you can't seriously say that those posts you put out weren't calling for women to be subservient, childish beings that are totally under the male thumb, and that that was where they should be etc.

>> No.10512355
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>Bullshit. No job, be it housewife, ceo, or janitor, or construction worker leaves very little time for writing.

>> No.10512498

>It's another """"Women"""" shit up a thread episode

>> No.10513080
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my father is a handyman that doesn't read
>home sewage treatment thingy installer/"plumber" (quit his 6-figures paper industry job to be more "physically active"; nobody buys newspapers anyway anymore).
>can fix any home related problem by himself

>be me
can't do shit

>> No.10514088

Probably Hitchens

>> No.10514419

>masculine society: will eventually lead itself into a terrible war and many people will die and live in wretched oppression. Continue ad infinitum.

>female society: passive agressive and furtive. Violence has become personal and has disappeared on large scale; material well being of the individual is the virtue this society. Female tendency to repress problems and feelings manifests itself culture wide: its members are self-hating and affect the appearance of insanity. Proclivity to mend wounds with material evolves into unbridled consumerism. Will continue to decay in a static hysteria until an alien, masculine society comes along to abrogate the feminine society.

>> No.10514426

I don't know. Maybe Murakami

>> No.10514451

Stephen king

>> No.10514458

I want to say Paramahansa Yogananda but I'm not 100%

>> No.10515011

J.D. Robb kek

>> No.10515083

Vonney Guts

>> No.10515187

Martin Lings because he is enchanted by perennialism and fetishizes the orient

>> No.10515845

Ayn Rand. People rarely believe this when I tell them, but my dad is a devout objectivist. He must have Atlas Shrugged memorized because he shits out quotes at you whenever you do something that is "weak" and "selfless."

>Walks all over my mom, once told me that he had "conquered" her as men are supposed to do
>Never received any gifts growing up, forbidden from giving gifts
>Campaigned for Gary Johnson and actually claimed he could win
>Got fined for littering after he threw like a thousand pieces of paper with "Who is john galt" on them all over at the community college

I hate my dad. I lost my first best friend when I was six because I wasn't allowed to bring him a fucking birthday present. Motherfucker took me to Kmart, let me buy a transformer, then told me it was for myself not my friend.

>> No.10516273

Anatole France
Mark Twain

My dad reads a lot.

>> No.10516312


Thanks for standing up for yourselves anons. As a guy who lost a lot of weight at school and now has a healthy sex life, a lot of these opinions come from deep /r9k/ tier insecurities.

>> No.10516319

Isn't it weird to see how 4chan affects both genders in different ways but leading to the same result?

>the lads partake in an autistic mysoginistic circlejerk that leaves them locked in a mindset that forever prevents them from ever having a meaningful relarionship
> the lasses see above greentext and it reinforces their view that men are useless woman-hating dicklets and they're better off alone

Hiro nuke this hellhole and set us free

>> No.10516337

Every board is /r9k/+hobby we pretend to talk about while actually bitching about women/jooz/mexicans/etc

>> No.10516355

I don't believe that every anon here is a depressed, suicidal shut in incapable of enjoying the world and I don't believe that should be the case either.

What I do believe is that people here are very happy to scapegoat away from the difficult reality of facing their more pathetic qualities.

>> No.10516394

Threadly reminder I fucked a girl off /lit/ while at Duke
You’re all whores

>> No.10516425

Not sure but he loves Nabokov and Solzhenitsyn. He's also mentioned to me that he used to be into Gogol and Mishima (though he could barely remember Mishima's name). Pretty good taste all things considered, but his boomer shows now and then.

>> No.10516442

I don't believe it either, I've been LARPing as an autist for many years, when I've had a steady decent job for a good 5 years, a fiancee, good relationship with my peers and even got published. Many of us just adopted the hacka 4chan persona to blend in and because fake mysery is funny while not hurting everyone and, likely, because we want to vent and call each other all sort of horrible things without repercussion, knowing the othet guy doesn't feel insulted either because it's still a Sicilian Vespers Murder Enthusiast Boardhouse.

However, there are plenty losers and morons and permavirgin assholes(and bitches) that cannot simply function in society. Whatever humor we do sport tho, it doesn't stem from them. They're to butthurt and constantly angry to come up with somethig clever and their narcissistic personalities don't allow them to ever find self-depricating humor funny.

>> No.10516739

God, probably. He gave him cancer and killed him when I was 14 :)

>> No.10517613

Absolutely based

>> No.10519089

The last book he read was Shining. Thirty years ago.

>> No.10519104

Salinger. My dad even drinks scotch and waters because of holden kek

>> No.10519119

Hemingway and Clancy lol

>> No.10519123

My dad is dyslexic and English is his second language. The only thing he reads are car magazines and CNN.com

>> No.10519226


Same here.
Mine wasn't as crazy as yours but that way of thinking really poisoned my ability to socialize from a very young age and led to a lot of resentments and other problems.

He's better now that he's older and his health is in decline.

>> No.10519231

also rip him

>> No.10519249

My dad exclusively reads stuff out of the true crime section. Absolutely nothing else interests him.

>> No.10519804


>> No.10519811

A tie between Thomas Hardy and Stendhal. He's consistently named "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" as his favorite book, which is interesting considering that he's a very high-stress person.

>> No.10520107

Thomas Carlyle

>> No.10520570

i think he would say foucault or levi strauss or something

though all he reads is academia bullshit now

>> No.10521687

Whose yer Daddy

>> No.10522634


>> No.10523618

jules verne

>> No.10523642

When my pops got out of prison he had 17 inch arms and I asked him "what the hell happened to you dad?" and he said "There's two things to do in prison read and work out, and I don't know how to read" suffice to say he doesn't have one

>> No.10523671

Isaac Asimov

>> No.10523677
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>I don't know how to read

>> No.10523679

This post made me smile.

>> No.10523713

My father left me and my brother when I was 14 and my brother was 6. He was very strict and very demanding and I remember feeling awful every time I knew I had failed him in some way. He never did show us much appreciation but I felt deeply when he left, and so did my brother.

I am 26 now and I must say that, in his position, I'd probably leave too. My mother is a lying, judgemental, self-centered woman that refuses to change and now I'm starting to think this might be a medical condition. Add to that the fact that I was a fat otaku faggot kid and I can clearly see why he would go as far away as possible from us as soon as he could.

The strongest memory I have from him now is of one day finding him sitting alone at the kitchen just bawling his eyes out due to sheer existential anxiety after an argument with my mom. I had never seen him cry by that point and the big fat teardrops splashing on the floor left a huge impression on me. I remember that so well because I have been basically in the same position after arguments with her many times.

He lives in another state now, married again with a woman literally half his age and only talks to me and my brother on very rare occasions.

I miss him and I wish I could've made him proud back when he was around.

But anyway to answer OP he likes Ian Fleming I guess.

>> No.10523717

>Too retarded to finish reading one sentence

>> No.10523821

Yeah he's not the most developed of people

>> No.10524491

Stephen King. I wish I was joking.

>> No.10524723

Joyce. My dad is a patrician that bore a pleb like myself.

>> No.10524726

Ron Chernow

>> No.10524747


>> No.10524922
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my dad's favorite author is cormac mccarthy. traumatized myself by reading off his bookshelf as a young kid

>> No.10524972
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Jesus why do women constantly have to shit up threads for attention.

>> No.10525372

reading monte cristo in prison is on my bucket list

>> No.10526117

I think Mark Twain, but the library also has a lot of Steinbeck.

>> No.10526439

Dad has a large collection of non-fiction that he thumbs through periodically. I don't think that he has a favorite writer as-such, and certainly not in the sense in which you probably meant: fiction author, poet, etc-dad doesn't do book-fiction.*

Dad has also published multiple books and articles. I won't give too much away but he is knowledgable about planes trains and automobiles and old 20th century tech general, and that's a big part of his library. He's published articles in old hobbyist magazines on the area, and in support of a related local restoration effort, he did a children's book which he dedicated to me (I just dug out my copy): "To my son ____, the best reader I know."

*About fifteen years ago, dad felt a novel coming on. He holed up in the basement amid regular family routine, for a little over a year, and banged it out. Mom proofread it, and dad did all the old legacy-processes to try and have it published, and nothing came of it, and so he put it to bed. I had the hard manuscript in my possession for a few years but he's got it back now, in the basement I bet (the old floppies it was on have surely failed).

It was a mystery/gumshoe book of some kind. I really must read it and get that manuscript back the next time I visit. In New York City, a jewish golem has come to life..? Something along those lines. We are not jewish, and we do not live near the new york area.

>> No.10527327

Ann Coulter

>> No.10527334

Frank Herbert. My dad's a modestly conservative christian, but I think he might know more about the history of the Bene Jesserit and the Kwisatz Haderach than his own faith. He's read every Dune-related novel at least 3 times and now listens to them on audio book.

>> No.10527355

Even the shit ones?