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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 194 KB, 750x1086, 1515367936767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10507299 No.10507299 [Reply] [Original]

Why are young white males so awful at writing?

>> No.10507303

Don't make fun of cigarette marine biologist man who writes shitty love poems about heartbreak, don't you know hes the most hated "poet" in portland?

>> No.10507308
File: 81 KB, 675x976, DIXfA-_W4AEhp1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10507309

Fucking nigger

>> No.10507312

Who drinks coffee with red wine

>> No.10507320
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>> No.10507331


>> No.10507332
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>> No.10507337

still better than richard brautigan

>> No.10507339

Whys this an American spirit and the first is a menthol pack of Marlboro

>> No.10507342

It's all a ploy to advertise cigarettes to hipsters.

>> No.10507343

itt: beta-male virgins upset that Chad Thundercock chronicles his exploits and genius in more immaculate verses than they will ever be able to produce

>> No.10507345

why are you like this

>> No.10507348

He should use Dunhills too then

>> No.10507350
File: 84 KB, 960x960, 21616159_1585142658196052_1751406406062342272_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing but alphas here

>> No.10507352

He switched when he realized American spirits were hipster approved

>> No.10507354


>> No.10507355

The male Rupi Kaur

>> No.10507361

I liked American Spirits more, they have a smoother taste and they seem like there are less additives in them, much more expensive though.

>> No.10507363

because hes baiting you

>> No.10507370
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>> No.10507377

bro, literally every single one of his poems is about how much pussy he's smashing and how many drugs he's slamming

literally every single one of his poems is the epitome of deftly deconstructing the postmodern post-ironic metasarcastic nu-sincerity that plagues modern literature and it is done so by an inalienable wit that is intricate beyond the point of effability and connected to some of the most complex metaphysics of our generation

everything from his aesthetics to his images to his complete disregard for such archaic institutions as "metre" is an immaculate show of the only absolute individuality that the modern man can cling to during the Kali Yuga

>> No.10507382
File: 2.91 MB, 215x215, 1514330945559.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol there's a guy I know who actually goes by the name "the C.H.A.D." and posts his "writing" on his blog. I can take screens if people are interested. for all I know he posts here

>> No.10507387

Post pls

>> No.10507388
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>> No.10507389

since when do hipsters smoke Dunhill??

>> No.10507402
File: 140 KB, 379x440, 3D4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is making me wish I could go back in time and kill Walt Whitman.

>> No.10507407
File: 135 KB, 315x388, gayjesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you would just end up succumbing to his magnanimity and libidinal magnetism and having sex with him

>> No.10507410

They were Lennon's choice so I figured they might

>> No.10507411


>> No.10507420
File: 109 KB, 773x903, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just looks like a bunch of goofing around and some regular amateur writing but this is what got me

>> No.10507422

>Why are young white males so awful at writing?
This will be the next wave that tries to kill /lit/. Fair warning.

>> No.10507430

white male detected. did your trust fund feelings get hurt?

>> No.10507436

I really thought it'd be hard to find a "writer" that I dislike more than John Greene. I was wrong. This guy is way worse. This is just insufferable.

>> No.10507447

Case in point

>> No.10507455

t. alt-right

>> No.10507468
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>> No.10507477


>> No.10507482

I've never seen a lame person smoking Dunhill. it's usually middle aged men I've seen. I really hope hipsters haven't caught on to them.

>> No.10507484

You're not wrong. Not sure what your point is though

>> No.10507490

I want to puke. When did emotional dishonesty and abandoning others become romantic?

>> No.10507493

this is the worst poetry I've read in my fucking life. no doubt. like a 13 y old posh kid trying to do his best bukowski impression. >>10507303

>> No.10507494

This. It's so over the top I have a hard time believing it's not a parody of that "style" though.

>> No.10507497

Honestly I've given up on smoking cigarettes, I might get a pipe though, I've heard pipe tobacco is more pure.

>> No.10507501
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>> No.10507504

young people just
suck at
writing. weak

technique and small

>> No.10507508

When we began to live in a society where being sincere and honest is absolutely terrifying

>> No.10507509

>Chad justifying his shitty lifestyle parading it as artistic

I want to smash my head in. You know what an artist does? They love earnestly. If they're not doing that they're probably afraid of being taken advantage of by faggots like this. This is so fucking petty

>> No.10507512

oh boy, how original

>> No.10507513

i actually don't think this one is as bad as his others.

>> No.10507514

Then acknowledge that. I don't understand why people need to fucking pity themselves for doing something your partner needs you to do. Unless of course you're dating a guy like this poet

>> No.10507515
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>> No.10507517

>I don't give a FUCK dude!!!! lemme prove it to you by replying to you multiple times telling you how many fucks I don't give!!

>american psycho at #1
yep its a troll account

>> No.10507518

It's not, but that's only because the others are about as bad as poetry can get

>> No.10507519

I honestly came to the same conclusion a few days ago: Our society has lost the ability to be sincere and honest.

>> No.10507520

>baring your vulnerabilities in a world of wolves

>> No.10507522

>tfw you realise Bukowski was pre internet male Rupi Kaur

>> No.10507530

you're fucking retarded if you're just figuring that out, sorry

>> No.10507531
File: 89 KB, 600x598, get it, head board, like she was giving head to a board.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10507538

I think he's honest, it's just that he's unbearably shallow

>> No.10507539

>not one but TWO Junot Diaz books

>> No.10507549

Oh I agree with you. Of course not everyone is like that, but the younger generations are shockingly insincere and dishonest to the point where being a good person and being emotionally honest and available to someone is seen as weird. Not caring about anything is what's seen as cool, but the reality is that even the youngest generation yearn for honesty and sincerity. We all do at some level, and it's a shame that people like this poet are praised for rejecting and misunderstanding what it means to be human.

>> No.10507551

Honestly the aspiring poets I've met are either 1) really just enthusiasts 2) earnest and talented woman 3) talking about rap or 4) expect greatness to be just shit out on their lap for telling people they're a poet and not put in the time, reading, or reflection to make anything

>> No.10507558

>earnest and talented

>> No.10507564

In reference to the other popular instapoets, it's really not that over the top. They all share what seems like a contrived delusion. Like they're so insecure that they've practiced "positive thinking" to such an extent, and have become so accepting of all of their own ideas, that they hardly seem to be self-aware anymore.

>> No.10507566

why have you given up cigs?
I haven't come across someone smoking a pipe in my lifetime

>> No.10507580

Being honest about your faults and making yourself vulnerable makes you a far more likable person though. It's very attractive, because it allows other people to make connections with you that are just not possible when you're an insufferable uncaring ass like the poet in OP. The cost is that doing so is terrifying and that fades very little.

>> No.10507591

Taste and smell mostly. Best cigs I've smoked were Dunhill and American Spirits. I've heard that cigs have additives to make them smell like shit compared to pipe but I've never tested it. I've dipped for a while. I was thinking either pipe or cigar every so often might not be so bad, the nice buzz of tobacco is pleasant and relaxing.

>> No.10507602


>> No.10507612

Roopi was the only one I've had any real exposure to and that was because of /lit/. There's something terribly sad and banal about a whole pseudo-artistic subculture developing that doesn't devolve into unaware self-parody so much as only exist as it. It's like all the worst things about the beats accelerated and distilled into one pre-packaged artificial mess.

>> No.10507617

>hypothetical woman named in an anecdote with literally the only information available that they are talented and woman
>nah I've read their stuff it's not that great. not that I'm sexist.

>> No.10507620


>> No.10507624


>> No.10507632

Poetry is usually pretty awful, always. It makes me think back to that poetry unit in high school and brings out those violent suicide thoughts my therapist told me to block out.

>> No.10507648

Do people really still believe that smoking makes you cool? How old mentally do you have to be to think taking a photo of your packet of smokes next to your shitty two lines of """poetry"""" is cool

>> No.10507654

>you're a retard for not knowing things before I did

Can I call you a retard if you don't know how to do multivariate calculus or how to perform a fourier transform on a signal, then? It takes time to learn shit, anon; not everyone learns things at exactly the same time. Did you ever fucking individuate?

>> No.10507657

Yes, people still believe this. It just makes me laugh honestly.

>> No.10507659

I was pretty with you until that last part. I channeled my suicidal thoughts as a cry for help but it turned out I had abusive parents instead of a chemical imbalance so nobody did anything because they couldn't fix it by deciding that something was wrong with me and didn't like thinking about it. I got to make a lot of upsetting shit that none of the other shit-disturbing edge lords could get away with but no-one would tell me to stop.

>> No.10507664

ah, so you're an autist.

>> No.10507672


This must be deliberately ironic. Notice the increasingly unrestrained presence of cigarettes.

>> No.10507679

Probably. Explains why none of my relationships last longer than 8 days and all I get are one night stands.

>> No.10507685

Ahahaha holy shit, I'm not even disgusted anymore I'm just laughing

>> No.10507688


>> No.10507689

He actually liked one of my poems I just posted. Within seconds. Hes running a stupid bot which is why he has so many followers.

>> No.10507800

fuck this is so true tho

>> No.10507814

We all feel depressed sometimes and like to sleep in, but who the fuck feels that that is so profound and deep that it warrants some pretentious cunt typing it out all faux typewriter style and carefully arranging a cigarette next to a print out of it

>> No.10507824

>glass of red.
That's pretty bad desu

>> No.10507840

yeah, red what? the guy just can't leave me hanging!

>> No.10507846

loooool, you're a funny one

>> No.10507851

Isn't that a critique of the modern "poetry" though? Its all aesthetic, no depth—everyone is a rupi kaur clone.

Also, c. y. is a "broet" not a poet.

>> No.10507893

Jokes on you bud, all poetry is a joke. Write a novel and stop be a faggot

>> No.10507908

typewriter and ashtray don't rhyme. there's no way this is a real poem.

>> No.10507944

>This thread is making me wish I could go back in time and kill Arthur Rimbaud


>> No.10508019

Holy fucking cringe.

>> No.10508020


>> No.10508028

Just stop being a normalshit.

>> No.10508030

He's saying that women can't be earnest and talented
Are you autistic? Go back to facebook.

>> No.10508031

yea ok

>> No.10508040

>manic pixie girl

almost the whole package of images used by amateur writers who don't know what to write about

all he needs is

>> No.10508045

You forgot waking up in the morning

>> No.10508062

you know after spending just twenty minutes on this board i feel so trapped by ironic intellectualism that im not sure if i want to pull the trigger even more or less

>> No.10508095

That's cringe as fuck

>> No.10508132 [DELETED] 

Whitman for the most part was a mistake I agree, but When I Heard at the Close of the Day is one of the 10 best poems ever written.

>> No.10508143
File: 136 KB, 1000x1595, foLBFw4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im a young white male and im good at writing and cute and and sweet and good in relationships so fuck u for being racist. I read your op pic and I threw up. Thank u

>> No.10508150
File: 5 KB, 212x238, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck some random girl
>Act like a retarded asshole
>Break up
>Fuck some girl you meet at a party
>Write le world weary man who had sex with a girl poem
>Gain 4chan admirations

Now thats a win.

>> No.10508216

Well, at least they can bait.

>> No.10508227

It's like the final boss of layabout Fauxhemians.

>> No.10508232

How, in any way, does this relate to Whitman?

>> No.10508235
File: 124 KB, 500x458, pepecasso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems relevant, post em

>> No.10508244

North Korea must win.
For the art.

>> No.10508248
File: 37 KB, 680x395, 0e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Kali Yuga is justification for being a sinkhole of culture and mores

>> No.10508250


>> No.10508253


jesus fucking christ every word of this what the fuck

>> No.10508257


>> No.10508259

>Portland, Oregon

>> No.10508263

yeah the romantization and aesthetic of it is pretentious bullshit, but the thought itself is rather relatable and one that i've had myself not too long ago. i used to dread the days where i slept in instead of doing something "useful", whereas nowadays i rarely get out of bed before noon.

>> No.10508266

just killed myself

>> No.10508272

he is worse than rupi

>> No.10508277

this fucking guy knows exactly what he's doing

when everyone's done making fun of him he'll get an ironic fanbase that slowly turns overly sincere, finding great depth and meaning in his shit, and ends up supporting him

see also: yung lean, lana del rey, lil b etc

>> No.10508281

I don't throw the word "pretentious" around loosely, but this is absolutely the epitome of pretentious.

>> No.10508289

What's with the cigarette obsession?

>> No.10508296

probably the gayest post ive ever seen

>> No.10508298

Lana actually has talent, even though it's just vain pop-nihilism.

>> No.10508307

Today one has to be more than just a portrait of the artist as a one-dimensional commodity. To add that additional dimension it becomes necessary for the old yipster to zoom out into a field to which he may view himself as if he were not there. And it is from this point that he can see the objects of his art as objects of his art. He becomes the cigarette in many forms, and the cigarette represents the transvaluation of his becoming as an artist.

>> No.10508310
File: 1.29 MB, 195x229, 1515355209556.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're a retard for not knowing what the majority of society calls common sense.

Yes, we can consider you a retard for not knowing that people are not honest.

>> No.10508314

Pass the kool-aid and I'll instagram my death as a .1% entendre.

>> No.10508326

decision theory realism

>> No.10508330

pomo post-irony

>> No.10508333

>Poe's Law Magical Accelerationism
What does this guy look like. That is the Poe Kryptonite.

>> No.10508339

yung lean is just an ironic fuckboi
lana del rey is a product created by a major label
lil b is a legit weird dude

don't put them all together thanks

>> No.10508351

that doesn't change anything i wrote though. their trajectories are identical

>> No.10508358

Can someone post examples?

>> No.10508367
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>> No.10508381


>> No.10508482
File: 489 KB, 811x865, 1514228997401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is water

>> No.10508676

At least they're writing.

>> No.10508682
File: 257 KB, 415x476, I WOULD PREFER NOT TO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Optimistic Nihilist
>Swing dancing


>> No.10508822

Is this the male Rupi?

>> No.10508824

Honestly, this isn't even fair to Rupi. That's how bad this guy is. Jesus

>> No.10508828

how does this happen?

>> No.10508832

instagram thots and people who unironically like palahniuk

>> No.10508833

Is he good? Absolujtely not. But he's doing something, which is more than you can say for most of population. He has skin in the game. Abd he's succeeding. Bottom line.

On the other hand you have an army of supposedly "better" talents here who are drowing in passivity and detachment. Everytime you head into the critique thread and select a random /lit/ submission to read it is either ironic shitposting or a supposedly proficient wall of text that is completely detached from any sense of individuality or anything personal. It's effecitevly a giant abyss of fear hiding behind semi-intricate stylistic puzzles. Both of these point to the same problem. You are all chained by your fear of having skin in the game, of approaching something without a shred of irony which you use to protect your persona from being exposed to the "real world". To any trained eye, even your writing reflects your weak, passive character. To an untrained eye, your writing will just produce visceral disgust even if they might not be able to discern the underlying reason for it.

I think the guy in the OP as awful as he is, is deserving of respect, which is more than one can say for some of the individuals who are more talented than him. Any person with any inkling of vitality would look at this guy and think to himself if the bar for success is so low, how much better can I do since I am more talented than him? But we both know you will rather just engage in day-dreaming and ego-stroking by thinking of that great next novel of yours. It's going to be so great once the word-count for it moves past zero, but you totally have the ideas for it, man!

>> No.10508835

- c.y.

>> No.10508839

is that him? lol

>> No.10508853

Just shut the fuck up you psuedo-intellect.

>> No.10508872

I sure hope so.
Connects to a pictame of him.
Spoiler alert: mass MGTOW suicide incoming:

>> No.10508884
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>> No.10508903
File: 137 KB, 1080x1350, notme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I read an article about all the hate you received. Just keep doing you, and strive to grow every day. It's shitty people get so vicious in hopes of sounding clever.
>@collin_andrew_yost “This isn’t you” on the mirror... interesting

>> No.10508907
File: 73 KB, 1024x512, hope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adds mirror
>and everything was write in the world
Someone with art skills please make this into a Narcissus meme for me.

>> No.10508918

Man has become the Sirens.
I think that I will never write again without the image of a writer before his mirror.

>> No.10508929
File: 71 KB, 1080x1080, mantooth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*CAPTION* Poetry has always had a controversial gender discussion throughout its history. For the early parts it was dominated by men. Soon enough women such as Plath and Dickinson and countless others switched the roles and gave women everywhere hope and empowerment. Today it is safe to say that poetry is dominated by women authors. It is also to safe to assume that the majority of readers are ladies as well. This is GOOD. I cannot preach enough that I am a fan and an advocate, but at the same time there is a glaring hole within our community. Men have dropped off. I should not have to wake up every morning and worry about posting a piece of art. I shouldn’t have to be anxious because I am a straight male posting a piece of writing from a mans perspective. I should not have to wake up and have an inner conflict about if I should stay true to my own writing, or if I should cave in and be a male author who writes to a feminine perspective to sell books and get signed. We should not be condemned for our sex and our opposite views. Art is art and the beauty of gender is how our minds think differently about the same situations. I support the women’s reign of poetry in modern society. I just ask that we don’t crucify men for their opinion. People such as R.H. Sin even came under attack for writing nice things from a woman’s perspective. I have came under attack for sexualized writing. Look at the famous signed male poets: they all are writing what the audience wants to read. They are catering to a perspective that isn’t their own. If you are a male writing from a male viewpoint you are ignored. The publishers only want the “wild” and the “moon.” I don’t mean this to be a controversial hate fest. I don’t want to start a fight. I just want to have a discussion. I support everyone regardless of gender or color or identity, I just hope we can acknowledge that the male voice and viewpoint is almost faded out. Writing is supposed to be controversial, it’s supposed to give a voice to those that are silent. Writing gives you a canvas to express anything you want, no matter how light or dark.
Free speech was a mistake.

>> No.10508937

This man is so obsessed with his aesthetics ans the idea of himself as a poet/writer that it comes across extremely shallow and narcissistic.

>> No.10508949


As Wilde said “All bad poetry springs from genuine feeling”.

>> No.10508966

is this not satire?

>> No.10508982

I agree up until "as awful as he is, he is deserving of respect".

No. He's bad full stop. And deserves no respect. Has he actually done work? Sure. I don't respect him for it though because its quality counterbalances the effort he put in.

He's as bad as the decent writers on /lit/ that never get anywhere because of a lack of effort or confidence.

>> No.10509002

whoa............made me thnk.............

>> No.10509009

agge non what maked rwoyu think sometimes?

>> No.10509015

this is the worst shit I've read in my life. thanks OP

>> No.10509019
File: 174 KB, 751x398, 1270611811053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else get agitated at how these post-post-modern writers neglect proper punctuation? Something about how they always write without capitals pisses me off as well.

>> No.10509050


He runs Instagram bots to gain him followers, was made fun of for how pretentiously bad his poetry is in magazines (at least Rupi has SOMETHING underneath it all) and his work is seriously pretentious.

He will find out soon enough that nobody is buying his shit, despite his hundreds of likes on Instagram.

>> No.10509069

>Is Rupi good? Absolujtely not. But she's doing something, which is more than you can say for most of population. She has skin in the game. Abd she's succeeding. Bottom line.
>On the other hand you have an army of supposedly "better" talents here who are drowing in passivity and detachment. Everytime you head into the critique thread and select a random /lit/ submission to read it is either ironic shitposting or a supposedly proficient wall of text that is completely detached from any sense of individuality or anything personal. It's effecitevly a giant abyss of fear hiding behind semi-intricate stylistic puzzles. Both of these point to the same problem. You are all chained by your fear of having skin in the game, of approaching something without a shred of irony which you use to protect your persona from being exposed to the "real world". To any trained eye, even your writing reflects your weak, passive character. To an untrained eye, your writing will just produce visceral disgust even if they might not be able to discern the underlying reason for it.
>I think the girl in the OP as awful as she is, is deserving of respect, which is more than one can say for some of the individuals who are more talented than her. Any person with any inkling of vitality would look at this girl and think to himself if the bar for success is so low, how much better can I do since I am more talented than her? But we both know you will rather just engage in day-dreaming and ego-stroking by thinking of that great next novel of yours. It's going to be so great once the word-count for it moves past zero, but you totally have the ideas for it, man!

>> No.10509088

>women see this and see misogyny
Women were a mistake.

>> No.10509092

>post-post-modern writers
Please learn more about literature before you spew this uninformed drivel.

>> No.10509095


>> No.10509097

Second book coming out. Supposedly sold more than expected of first. Was on amazon hot sellers at one point.

>> No.10509103

What would you call it?

>> No.10509130

This is satire...right?

>> No.10509134

I don't know, some here suggested amateur broetry, but I have a list of things I wouldn't call it, such as medieval scholastic philosophy, Sanskrit epic poetry, Buddhist koans, American legal document, and postmodern. post-beat? Even that's a stretch.

>> No.10509151

Does anybody have the one where he talks about his girlfriend dreaming about him cheating and then pouring coffee down the drain

Fucking love it

>> No.10509221

Disposal unit realism.

>> No.10509224

>I am.
confirmed jokester.
Makes me wonder if Rupi is satire too.

>> No.10509225
File: 106 KB, 675x1200, wastebasket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10509242
File: 68 KB, 1080x1080, woah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10509243

I agree with this. I defended Rupi for putting herself out there and knowing how to sell her work.

>> No.10509252

>until she did
FFSSj adbk bkad akd aksh kdad bskb hnjbdaksbdk...

>> No.10509264

There is a deep yearning for a return of art, but this does not mean we should support the form in which the call takes.

>> No.10509278
File: 45 KB, 1080x1080, patience.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>u w0t

>> No.10509286

>I've heard pipe tobacco is more pure
you can forget about that

>> No.10509291

Every time I see pictures like these I can't help but laugh at the thought of him sliding each cigarette one by one back into the pack. He has probably broken a few of those on some of his photos. Lovely.

>> No.10509302
File: 95 KB, 1080x1080, S=E=X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like words undone
and /formed/
by mEn
L+ess than mE++
like tired
sacks of pudding
the mould
perhaps you get it
but then
maybe not
that squirrel
oh my
and then
it's her
I am
by the grace of it
and beheld

>> No.10509328
File: 122 KB, 1080x1080, hatebreedlove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10509347


>> No.10509404


>> No.10509449


Why? It is.

>> No.10509458

>They hate me because they don't understand it

What is there to understand? Who the fuck inspired your work? I feel like he would be a much better poet if he wrote about Marine biology and that subject, and introduce people to science through his art.

>> No.10509512

It's not. Thing is you don't inhale when smoking a pipe, but the tobacco itself isn't any less harmful to your health.

>> No.10509519

Sounds like something Drake would write

>> No.10509540


why are smokers so cringey? why do they think it makes them cool and edgy when like 70% of people smoke regularly?

>> No.10509556


>> No.10509843
File: 401 KB, 599x602, le cigarette man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is he a chad?

>> No.10509851

i agree with the sentiment of your post but disagree with the particulars. yes, i respect sincere writing more than ironic detachment. that said, his "poetry" is absolute shit. trite, cliche shit. and he should be told over and over

>> No.10509860

holy fuck this isn't even poetry. it's just three shitty sentences

>> No.10509863


>> No.10509864

That's Brad who found a niche

>> No.10509964

I would classify him more as an artist than a poet, with the art being everything from the paper to the typewritten words to the e e cummings signature and arranged cigarettes. The poetry itself moves between unoriginal and plain bad, but the combined visual effect is reasonably good for its type.

>> No.10509977

>but the combined visual effect is reasonably good for its type.
no, its not

>> No.10509984

Isn't it? I honestly don't know much about instagram poetry.

>> No.10509990

I know tobacco is bad for your health, I mean the scent additives and taste

>> No.10510007

The problem is so many faggots want to imitate Walt without realizing only he perfectly tuned the wild free verse it and it could only work with him

>> No.10510047

The classic "Milton problem", but then again that applies to practically everything.

>> No.10510087


>> No.10510090

It's better than other Instagram poetry. Lots of rupi clones. Lots of typewriter types though. He's the cigarette dude though. It's a niche.

>> No.10510229

these aren't poems, these are more like the ambiguous updates women post on twitter sometimes.

>> No.10510278
File: 226 KB, 684x435, ¼6½.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you start to hate the west

>> No.10510302

Hubris. They will learn as they age.

>> No.10510475

I feel vindicated. I thought i hated rupi kaur because she was a woman, but this chucklefuck proves otherwise.

>> No.10510485

Is this some kind of meta-commentary on how artistic precursors can destroy the creativity that they originally expressed or is this nothing more than bad poetry?

>> No.10510510

Read the article posted above.

>> No.10510513

Reading this ruined my day. Is it a parody of bad writing?

>> No.10510531
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I took a stab at fixing it. What do you guys think?

>> No.10510554

people like him are the reason god doesn't talk to us anymore

>> No.10510578
File: 18 KB, 367x500, 6JtGTIA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand CY. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also CY’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike CY truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in CY’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as CY’s genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them. And yes, by the way, i DO have a CY tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

God I hate "LITERARY" writing. Don't get me wrong, applause for him actually making what he wants to make and putting it out into the world, but I can only cringe so much.

>> No.10510795

this isn't me, this is
the smell of my shit after
morning coffee
and your cunt


>> No.10510801

you have to understand that Rupi is liked because she is a woman, he is liked because he’s good looking. the culprit in both cases anon, is female stupidity and narcissism. massive self-own, this OP is

>> No.10510935

DFW is adored by /lit/ for both of those reasons

>> No.10510939

Sorry, baby, that I left
a skid-mark accidentally
on this chair. Does it pair
well with this red or is
my heart just falling out
of my ass
like my body is a stair-
well? Well,
you can decide that.


>> No.10511038

It's like Skinner and Chalmers doing the cross talk routine

>> No.10511051

△ △

>> No.10511057
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>> No.10511058

>internal rhyme
too intellectual, appropriate theme though. 6/10 mock-up

>> No.10511078

lol come chat if you want about literature science and philosophy and the supernatural

https://discord gg/c37NwyB

>> No.10511083
File: 154 KB, 800x516, 98878561767685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen, I';m a man
,i've drunk my sixpack of
sorrow while stripteased students
signed my paycheck - get me?
I've got a beard and spilt beer on my bedsheets
as the half-naked lady whose name I only
half remember
spilled out into the bathtub
I can hear it like
my lighter click
like the rain
because i'm a man whose stood in the rain
and fuck you if you haven;t
gotten wet
(i'm talking to the ladies now)

-c. y.

>> No.10511097

This was better than mine anon, I'm dying

>> No.10511153

Voice of a generation

>> No.10511165

your post is more cringe than any of his poems

>> No.10511170


>> No.10511183

fucking kek

>> No.10511210

Because most smokers literally get addicted to something that kills them. Not the brightest of people

>> No.10511217
File: 34 KB, 347x440, 1451318271540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“He deserves to be beaten up in a strip club parking lot, while Bukowski rolls by in a limo and does not notice.”
seriously though what is the female fascination with him

>> No.10511223

Hes the only male poet they know about.

>> No.10511234

makes u think dont it?

>> No.10511238

>talking to a girl i met at a party
>we start talking about music/art
>she says she likes reading and writing poetry
>oh yeah? who do you like?
>Bukowski, the list goes on...

every time

>> No.10511248
File: 1.35 MB, 1639x1305, MERRYCHRISTMAS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like 70% of people smoke regularly
What shit hole do you live in?

>> No.10511329


My honey cums honeycombs
She stings my whiskey dick
No rubber, but I do rub her
If you know what I mean
The clap never felt more serene
And I swear as she breathes my name
The pain in my balls
Reminds me that I'm human
And I scream:
I'l remember you
the Cefixime™ kicks in
so fix me another drink
or just
fix me

-c. y.

>> No.10511353


>> No.10511359
File: 120 KB, 286x445, Screen Shot 2018-01-08 at 9.53.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10511361

yost does not smoke
there's a facebook group "terrible internet poetry that we still would love to read" or something and we used to ask yost questions in private and then post the answers on the group. i remember it always being hilarious. like one person asked him why he always put cigarettes in his instagram uploads and he was like "im working on something huge, and once people figure it out you're all gonna freak"

>> No.10511367

>"dead beat"

>> No.10511407
File: 157 KB, 992x880, 1447636143934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being this assblasted at a person writing poetry you don't like

>> No.10511537

notice the packs are all full. If that's intentional, I could give him the benefit of the doubt for playing a fool purposefully.

>> No.10511563

did that here>>10507370

>> No.10511581
File: 228 KB, 560x560, 1450751460973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dead beat

>> No.10511806
File: 2.37 MB, 436x502, 1469646582002.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw everything he said was right

>> No.10511833

Still better than Raymond on Instagram.

>> No.10512008


>> No.10512035

A Caucasoid homo sapiens of good breeding can only begin to produce mature writing at around age 40, at the very least.

>> No.10512107

I feel you brother
The infidels however...

>> No.10512288

>Writing is supposed to be controversial
>Complains about controversy
Really jogs the noggin

>> No.10512326

"Why are most young people bad at doing things that require experience?"

You avin a go?

>> No.10512351
File: 72 KB, 667x793, collin yost btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10512368

i am now pro collin yost. haters get out

>> No.10512372

>be like

>> No.10512402

Ugghh men are the worst

>> No.10512408

This is a good post. Get over it you incel edgelords. Of course you could make a similar statement about female poets.

>> No.10512416

The amount of buttblasted incel betas is ASTOUNDING. Masculinity really is fragile, it takes nothing to trigger you manchildren :)

>> No.10512420

Um sorry sweetie
Females are beyond criticism

>> No.10512425

rape is hilarious.

>> No.10512429
File: 137 KB, 960x960, IMG-20171231-WA0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of interest, does posting poetry or flash fiction on an online social networking account create some sort of copyright? Like could this guy sue if someone else stole it? Or does the website "own" it?

I was thinking of releasing some of my flash online but wasnt sure of the laws?

>> No.10512430

The amount of projection in this post is simply HILARIOUS. I'm literally laughing at all you whiny males and your fragile masculinity. Y'all make threads about how much y'all hate women in literature, but when someone makes something being critical of males, y'all go crazy. Truly shows how this board is full of insecure incels :)

>> No.10512451

>implying a post of any kind can be good

>> No.10512513
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>> No.10512528

the fact that this thread has received this many replies while if I were to make a thread about Hart Crane it would die within 11 posts, speaks of how insecure and frivolous the majority who use this board are, and that they would rather receive quick gratification by taking cheap shots at the lowest hanging fruits than engage in any meaningful exercise or discourse. Not that I expected anything else, but it's all so tiresome

>> No.10512530

kek btfo

>> No.10512534

>be like

Literal cultural appropriation sweetie

>> No.10512560

>bro, literally every single one of his poems is about how much pussy he's smashing and how many drugs he's slamming
Yeah that sure reads as his real, every day experience and not a desperate projected ideal self image.

>> No.10512600

Men don't use the word "vagina" in poetry. Women are completely obsessed with that word, though.

>> No.10512619

Le upvote for Kali Yuga

>> No.10512741


>> No.10512742

Young black males don't even know how to write

>> No.10512749


>> No.10512755

you're in this thread, aren't you?

>> No.10512761
File: 39 KB, 500x500, og.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.10512802


why doesn't /lit/ acknowledge him like they do with Dylan

>> No.10512805

cuz they raciss

>> No.10512824


Btw I'm not referring to his message but his delivery and lyrical skill.

>> No.10512877


probably because hip-hop alienates a lot of people who post here.

>> No.10512975

Yung Lean was an ironic fuccboi who slowly forgot he was being ironic and became an actual fuccboi then got scared straight into being a semi-ironic semi-fuccboi

>> No.10512979

Post tits sagging over that shit Brad wrote about you.

>> No.10513031


>> No.10513036

He took it a step further, really. He's implying if you dislike his edgy poetry you are simply envious.LMAO

>> No.10513040

honestly if i ever publish anything i'd do it under a pseudonym because i'm just too fucking embarassed

>> No.10513041
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>> No.10513046

if you're embarassed about your work you might want to consider improving before you look for a publisher.
and a spellcheck that knows how to spell embarrassed.

>> No.10513048

Well done
He would be un ironically jealous of this line

>> No.10513686

Unironically good satire

>> No.10513695

female poets be like
i am the part of nature no one sees
unbridled but a bride to be
the ocean is full but i cannot see
i rhyme because I cant think in poetry.
I was raped when I was 17,
then when I was 22, it felt
the same with a different man,
but I was the same and the
violation was all different, like
the hurricane of my mind, my verses' wedding day

-every published female poet 21st century

>> No.10513697
File: 153 KB, 600x600, bgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate his voice, delivery, lyrics, basically everything about him. He's the ultimate 'finally something I can praise as a progressive liberal' rapper. 'Concious' rap is shit.

>> No.10513743

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand c.y.'s poetry. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of post-modernism most of the puns will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also c.y.'s fuccboi outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Young Adult literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike c.y. truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Don't like my work? Hate my aesthetic? Good,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Keats's romantic classic La Belle Dame Sans Merci. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as c.y.'s genius wit unfolds itself on their instagram. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a cigarette tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

>> No.10513750

shit i left in a rick

>> No.10513759

This is actually funny lmao

>> No.10514079


Happy? Now go away you narcissistic cunt; stop making this thread about you.

>> No.10514185

Who is this supposed to be for? Chads don't read poetry, /lit/fags know its juvenile, and women who read poetry would find it misogynistic.

My only guess is this is supposed to appeal to teenagers.

>> No.10514222


>> No.10514255

hehe nice

>> No.10514332

It's for people that are low IQ and like some "art" in their life

>> No.10514337

Poetry was a mistake
t. Calliope

>> No.10514345

Yo muse
Gimme that sweet poetic skillz

>> No.10514581

there's a difference between mocking someone vs. turning into a colossal sperg that writes an essay to a person you've never met, because they said some words you don't like.

>> No.10514601

pretty good desu

>> No.10514617


>> No.10514627

It's a parody

>> No.10514667

Rimbaud might have been an edgy teenager but what he wrote had some depth to it and required quite a lot of effort.
Plus prose poems existed long before him and he never used free verses.

>> No.10514684


>> No.10514786

She's mad
and I forgot the cheese
What a way
to start a poem.
Sense doesn't come
to me
this late in the night
not as clearly
as the moonlight.
Even if you
try to decide
what to do
it might just be too late
to write this poem.
Oh !
And I forgot the cheese.

-- Is this better than the shit is writing ?

>> No.10514797

that's wrong tho, since there are two free verse poems, it's Marine and Mouvement

>> No.10514799
File: 572 KB, 1019x1650, kendrick-lamar-copy_1_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ay, I remember syrup sandwiches and crime allowances
Finesse a nigga with some counterfeits
But now I'm countin' this
Parmesan where my accountant lives
In fact, I'm downin' this
D'USSÉ with my boo bae, tastes like Kool-Aid for the analysts
Girl, I can buy yo' ass the world with my paystub
Ooh, that pussy good, won't you sit it on my taste bloods?
I get way too petty once you let me do the extras
Pull up on your block, then break it down: we playin' Tetris

wow what art, truly a black Yeats or Browning

>> No.10514817
File: 44 KB, 400x204, 1513810779456.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don't like something you're jealous

>> No.10515097

I've went over his instagram and I'm sure he'a trolling us big time otherwise he's mentally ill. This guy lives in a fucking hipster bubble.

>> No.10515339

>bring me the horizon tattoo

>> No.10515364

You stare at me, like you stare at your
morning coffee; hoping
i'd wake you from this
bad dream of a relationship

>> No.10515388

tweet it at her

>> No.10515422

The cigarette is his phallus. His texts pretend to obsess about the female while he is truly just obsessed with ways to fixate his libido, especially orally, which shows also in the crude way he is expressing himself. His writing about hear smearing her lipstick somewhere is him fantsising about her being drown into his oral problems. He also fears being left by his female companion, because she could notice he is too weak and too immature, which is expressed in the picture with the destroyed cigarette. From a transactional standpoint his script is destroying himself through suffering by others and self harm, while putting up a strong front (look at how I can suffer) am not okay and you are okay. He allows the female everything because he thinks she is just with him for the empty „cool“ nihilistic persona he puts up and will leave him the very moment she finds out he is so deficient. Which is when he will start to smoke more, get more tattoos, drink more and get an even worse slut who will leave him at some point.

>> No.10515588

Hump me, fuck me
Daddy better make me choke (you better)
Hump me, fuck me
My tunnel loves to deep throat (it do)
Lick, lick, lick, lick (I lick it)
I want to eat yo' dick (I do)
But I can't fuck up my nails (I can't)
So I'mma pick it up with chopsticks

Mouth wide open, mouth wide open
Mouth wide open like I was at the dentist
Mouth wide open, mouth wide open
Put it so deep, I can't speak a sentence
Mouth wide open, mouth wide open
Mouth wide open like I was at the dentist
Mouth wide open, mouth wide open
Put it so deep I can't speak a sentence

[Verse 1]
My fingers in it, gentle
Explore this nigga mental
I'mma write my name on his dick
Don't need a pen or a pencil
All I need is my body
My pussy pink just like salami
Don't need no drink to get naughty
Cause bitch I'm not Bill Cosby
My pussy mean, and it's clean
I'm not a squirter, I cream
Keep it smelling like baby wipes
I never smell like sardines
This will never fucking end
Ballerina that dick when I spin
I fucked this nigga so good
I ain't swallow one kid, I think I swallowed twins

Mouth wide open, mouth wide open
Mouth wide open like I was at the dentist
Mouth wide open, mouth wide open
Put it so deep, I can't speak a sentence
Mouth wide open, mouth wide open
Mouth wide open like I was at the dentist
Mouth wide open, mouth wide open
Put it so deep I can't speak a sentence

[Verse 2]
Just come put it down my butt
Let's shoot a movie, no cuts
Ride the dick, get my nipples licked
That's breastfeeding while we fuck
Finna get the dick wet and firm
You better sweat me out of my perm
Can't wait till it's my turn
I wanna blow bubbles with sperm
Wanna hit it from the back
Let me arch my back
Once I arch my back
That mean attack this pussy
Don't need a pornstar
Cause I'm the moderin'
All my spit on his dick
Sound like I'm gargling
Make him bust three nuts, is the task
My panties stuck in my ass
So I pulled them down to show him the pearl
Made his pubic hairs curl fast

Fuck this pussy x12

>> No.10515634


>> No.10515746
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>> No.10515771
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I am concerned with instagram personalities thinking they are poets, then through some perverse digital popularity contest become rich and famous. That shouldn't be how it works.

That being said, I don't think anyone is cutting this guy a cheque any time soon

>> No.10516010
File: 28 KB, 552x361, anxious anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ has better poetry than this guy

>> No.10516447
File: 55 KB, 700x525, liberal logic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are young white male LIBERALS so awful at writing?
Because the current education system teaches people that all things are equal--both the interesting and the uninteresting, the intelligent and the stupid.

>> No.10516598

er no, just young white males.

>> No.10516623

back to /pol/ you go :)

>> No.10516963

This is is to Rupi's poetry as high school is to junior high - a very slight improvement in some ways, but still shit.

>> No.10517190
File: 449 KB, 576x792, 0204389205332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
