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File: 118 KB, 970x545, Wizarding-World-of-Harry-Potter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10506745 No.10506745 [Reply] [Original]

How does this make you feel?


>> No.10506771

I don't read vice.
It's almost like I can't even read at all, but I guess I prefer it to be this way—considering the alternative, reading Vice.

>> No.10506776


>> No.10506781

didnt bother to paste ur link but read it. sounds pretty logical to me, your god changes water into wine, mine goes alohomora flippendo and sells books. one is more impressive than the other.

>> No.10506784

Stopped reading there

>> No.10506786

Makes sense because Daniel Radcliffe is Jewish.

>> No.10506792


>> No.10506799

WELL I guess I'm atheist now!

>> No.10506803

i didn't read it but do they mean rowling plagiarized everything? because she did.

>> No.10506807

No because it's just some stupid fairytale

>> No.10506831

Nice one

>> No.10507735

Serious question.
Did Rowling reference Jung's work on alchemy?
There seems to be a lot of symbolism, in addition to the hero's journey.

>> No.10507792

The amount they people fetishize a children's book series is disturbing.

>> No.10507825

JK referenced A LOT of things and seems to have invented her own school of symbolism which I've always imagined was based on her own (predominantly English) upbringing and the myths and impressions she's been exposed to.

Many of the characters do display extremely high conformity to Jung's cognitive function theory, the symbolism is far richer than anyone cares to read into because, yeah, it is literally Harry Potter, point taken. The hero's journey and many other classical tropes are also highly present, often oddly literally, but I always just assumed she was really well-read. I guess her ability to reference a little bit of everything and display a tongue-in-cheek self-awareness that no-one will ever take seriously because it's a sloppy children's fantasy book could have been largely influenced by Jung.

Oh there's also the part where one's will to live and instinct for survival, life fundamentally, is illustrated as a silvery white viscous fluid that comes out of one's phallic symbol and takes the form of an animal. That's Jung as fuck but I just assumed she ripped it from His Dark Materials without much thought.

Oh also she references Freud a lot. She undoubtedly is aware of psycho analytic theory and tries to incorporate it into her work but I'm not sure if she researched it passionately or just kinda sponged it out of her upbringing.

Um she has referenced alchemy ("Rubeus and Albus" harhar) but I'm not actually familiar enough with classical muggle alchemy to know how much. I just know it's there.

If the Freud-Alchemy-Symbolism Venn Diagram's threeway overlap overlap is named "Jung" than I suppose it's a natural conclusion that she took a deep breath from the Jungian Psychology Bong, yeah.

>> No.10507867

Good post. Rowling actually is pretty smart and well-read, she makes tons of references, I guess that comes from her studying Classics at university. People forget that she quotes Aeschylus and William Penn in the epitaph to book 7.

>> No.10508264

fuck now I have to read Harry Potter again

>> No.10508282

Read "Preliminary Materials Towards a Theory of the Young-Girl".
Or the wikipedia article on neoteny.

>> No.10508284

>When I was a kid, I worried about my parents with an anxiety bordering on obsession. If they went out for the evening, I'd sit up in bed waiting to hear tires on the snow, the quiet roar of the garage door, the jingle of keys in the lock. I felt that any second my babysitter would come into the room bearing news of a terrible accident. To distract myself from the worry, I read Harry Potter until my books fell apart. It was the only thing that calmed me.
Literally why abusive parents are less abusive than two mommies.

>> No.10508302

there has never been a darker night for intelligence

>> No.10508319

i don't know about others, but i genuinely like harry potter books. i have always liked them and will always do, no matter how cancerous and pretentious the author and fanbase have become

>> No.10508334

A little horny desu.

>> No.10508356

manarchist spotted

>> No.10508375

tldr, post a summery. Nothing about harry or jesus is unique. all there actions and lessons have been repeated by many figures and many works of fiction

>> No.10508384

Dude, it's winter

>> No.10508386

How so? It's just a basic introduction so that you understand what is happening rather than being surprised and disturbed by the obvious.

>> No.10508390


>> No.10508393

YEAH *shoots in the air* CAPITALISM BABY

>> No.10508415

>Quotes a terrible word from the most overrated writer ever.
>thinks he's smart with this
>but it's unironically Harry Potter mixed with c.y.

>> No.10508424

>doesn't get either references
>formulates theory anyway

>> No.10508438


>> No.10508454


>> No.10508476
File: 188 KB, 1218x1015, holelet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many mistakes can you make in four words?

>> No.10508486

>being this slow

>> No.10508490

>he thinks the world is his understanding of a shitty personal meme

>> No.10508493

>isn't going to get it

>> No.10508501
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>> No.10508502

>nothing to get
>thinks this is in some way profound, and so this makes it profound

>> No.10508523
File: 2.76 MB, 1565x2823, 1480194209347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try as i might, I just can't muster any feeling for the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises? Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though

"No!" The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

>> No.10508636

There isn't a blooming thing in your head lad.

>> No.10508641
File: 839 KB, 1996x3000, File_121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a young man in the 21st century, J.K. Rowling embodies just about everything that he hates about his own mother, but can't outright say to her. An aging neoliberal single mother with an inflated sense of self-importance using twitter to cope with her increasing irrelevance. The sort of woman who hasn't seriously thought about any of her opinions, but feels the need to push them on to others and condescend to anybody who might think differently.

She is an archetype. Neither insightful nor funny nor controversial. She is a consummate mediocrity basking in the praise of similar mediocrities the world over who have projected their own aspirations on to her, satisfied that somebody like them is a billionaire. Her Christianity is an accessory. She takes everything that she's been taught by public school and daytime television and fashions a god out of it.

She conceives of public affairs in the nebulous terms of "love" and "hate". The fact that an action might fall outside of either of these two categories, or that something she deems "hateful" might in fact be the wiser choice has not occurred to her. Despite this, she is shockingly easy to bait into a bitter, spiteful rage. Furthermore, her generosity only extends as far as her personal comfort. At the end of the day, it's little more than virtue signalling and if social opinion undergoes some vast sweeping change then she'll fall in line.

In many ways, she's already missed the boat. Her brand of comfortable feminism has already fallen out of style. She just doesn't know it yet. The second wave man-hating sexual phobia that sees rape everywhere. Its frigidity is evident in her writing. Then the bizarre merger with proud slut queer positivity. The post-hoc declarations of characters' sexual proclivities. The rationalization of racial retconning. It's like she discovered a Harry Potter fan tumblr, followed a couple links, and incorporated whatever she saw, resulting in an incoherent schizophrenic worldview. That's probably exactly what happened.

Her name is fucking Joanne. Need I say more?

And one more thing. She has a surprisingly nice pair of tits that I'd really like to suck on.

>> No.10508642
File: 939 KB, 2206x3280, File_205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She looks a lot like my own mother, but with nicer hair and way nicer tits. In fact, she's basically a more attractive version of my mother, which is great since the only thing that really held me back from fantasizing about my own mother is that she just wasn't good looking enough.

Rowling really seems like the kind of woman who'd suck her teenage son's dick. I mean it.

She gets back from le ebin GIRLS NIGHT OUT XD!!! Plastered out of her mind from sipping too much shiraz or perhaps pinot grigio. Maybe she and THE GIRLS even passed around a blunt at Samantha's house. I always find it funny when Gen X women think they're being SO BAD smoking weed. Mouth full of the most expensive cheese available at Tesco and whatever crackers Georgia had to get rid of. She's cackling with laughter and sobbing as she lurches in through the front door. She has zero self-awareness when it comes to her emotions, but defends them with religious fervor.

Clumsily, she makes her way toward the living room where her son is playing video games. She sits down on his lap, suffocating him with her embrace and exhaling the stinking fumes of cheap wine right into his face. For a couple minutes, she rants about what a BITCH Leslie at the office is, before muttering the he's the only on who understands her. Briefly, she looks into his eyes, trembling all over. Then she locks her mouth with his and begins to kiss him passionately. At first he is paralyzed, but his mom is kind of hot and he'll probably never have another chance like this. He's thought about it before. He kisses back and before long she's between his legs, pawing at his penis like the cats she collects. She takes it in her mouth and sucks it like she's back in college. She's STILL GOT IT.

The next morning, she pretends not to remember anything, but blames him for the incident, finding subtle ways to punish him.

>> No.10508670

good pasta

>> No.10508711

>he doesn't get that a poor reference, in this case an accidental juxtaposition as reference, is basically not a reference at all

>> No.10508742

>still trying this hard to justify his inability to even use google to work out what the references are to

>> No.10508780

vice is worse than though catalog

>> No.10508840

>still trying this hard to justify a shit reference with no meaning

>> No.10508857

>last word in

>> No.10509478
File: 448 KB, 846x900, 1515300281630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clifford for president

>> No.10509596

No shit, he sacrificed his life and got resurrected in King's Cross Station, after seeing a tombstone with a Bible verse on it.

>> No.10509597

Friends we haven't actually talked about anything for half the page, just memed at and tried to bait each other. This is a board for discussing books. If y'all are gonna snap bad jokes at each other can you take it to /b/?