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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.65 MB, 1820x4348, 2017 2nd draft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10506613 No.10506613 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is your last chance to bitch about whatever. I'd love it if you could stick to checking for errors, but that's probably unreasonable.

>> No.10506615


>> No.10506631

I've only read 100 books and I've read every book on this list


>> No.10506635

This is the discord list
Join discord to give feedback

>> No.10506655

Looks good, Anon. You're the hero this board deserves.

>The Bible
I wish this meme would die.

>> No.10506660

>Hero this board needs but not deserves*

>> No.10506663

>stoner over the iliad, odyssey, quixote, dostoyevsky, shakespeare, the list goes on
Meme of the year

>> No.10506676
File: 1.34 MB, 1500x3500, 2017top100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake. Real chart attached.

>> No.10506686

J R only got six votes. Holy shit you guys are plebs. Kys selves

>> No.10506688

Looks good OP. There is some compression on the covers though. Don't know if you used too small images, or if that's just whatever compression you used to make the list image.

Also sad that I was the only one to vote for Frankenstein.

>> No.10506694

Damn this is fucking gay look at all the chink shit lmao. Who woulf believe this is real rofl.

>> No.10506695

Stoner is really popular on /lit/, it doesn't surprise me. Definitely /lit/-core that people aren't likely to have already read in High School or AP classes.

>> No.10506701

meant to quote OP with this post, not the fake list.

>> No.10506703
File: 276 KB, 1066x600, 1513981285325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10506709

me > you

>> No.10506710
File: 117 KB, 1600x1019, benedict1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sage goes in all fields silly.

But I’m not in there baka. How am I supposed to receive feedback?

This board deserves fucking nothing.

Nice vote counts sweetie.

I compressed to upload the draft. All the covers are at least 200*300. I haven’t read Frankenstein yet.

>> No.10506719

OP arbitrary deleted votes. If you look in the "Unique" tab of his responses, you'll see he just deleted al ot of votes (probably cause it had books he didn't like) and only counted votes with books he likes. This poll also allows multiple submissions so OP could pretend he was only deleting "repeat votes" instead of counting the poll by real anons.

This poll is illegitimate.

>> No.10506722

Seems accurate to the board.... drop 1984 that book will get ridiculed when posted, and move up a Greek
This is a better list but collected works is a meme and this board doesn't read Shakespeare for some fucking reason

>> No.10506723

he just deleted all the votes that were gay as shit, whose gonna cry about that? you gay or something? lmao.

>> No.10506725

Where's Culture of Critique? It got a lot of votes, enough for top 30 at least.

>> No.10506728

Yeah and thank fuck for that or CoC would be at the top

>> No.10506730

CoC posters (you) included are faggots, but the answer you want is >>10506719

>> No.10506731

more like your /pol/ is illegitimate

>> No.10506732

Anyone read that book?

>> No.10506739

>This poll also allows multiple submissions
Yeah this was pretty dumb. Really easy to cheat if you’re not a moron who votes for the exact same books over and over.

>> No.10506740

so it's just another discord list, got it

he deleted a lot of non-CoC votes too. For example OP seems to really hate anything but >female authors and >minority authors

>> No.10506758

even if he ordered the top 21 authors so that the first letters of their first names spelled out "MARBLE CAKE ALSO THE GAME" this would be a more legitimate 4chan/lit/ list than anything we've got all year.

>> No.10506759

hello OP. do you ever get tired of samefagging?

>> No.10506772

surveyfag is a self appointed tastemaker who wants to attention whore on /lit/
the chart is just him egotripping
taking charts seriously means you're a redditor and need to go back

>> No.10506778

polling faggot is bluepilled and cant into the most important work of the last 50 years

>> No.10506791

No Rupi Kaur? I'm assuming it was because she didn't get enough votes and not because you didn't like it, like you did with CoC.

>> No.10506793

neither can /lit/, apparently. you gotta really work if you want CoC to truly be accepted by the board. its gonna take longer than you'd like.

>> No.10506796

I like it, it’s actually very representative of what gets discussed here, even if I don’t like some of the choices

>> No.10506801

the entire impetus of this chart is to be a democratic representation of /lit/ but if polling faggot isbjust going to arbitrarily remove votes it's just another discord chart

>> No.10506804

are you talking to yourself? did you mean to quote me?

>> No.10506811

It all checks out, even if its a bit blurred. I imagine that's just cause it isn't final yet. also I don't expect this but it would be fun to have the top meme in a corner somewhere.

>> No.10506813

yeah, or the top three at the bottom cut off by a separator/division

>> No.10506816

CoC is accepted enough for it to be voted into the top 20 spots but it got removed

it's not /lit/ who doesn't accept CoC it's pollfaggot

>> No.10506826
File: 1.02 MB, 1000x1588, 1515302904515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one on lit reads that book dude. it was a forced meme that got attention because people fell for the bait when someone placed it next to the sacred trilogy. It's just a scandal, it's a meme that no one reads—a lesser IJ, because at least people read and talk about that book.
can't you be happy it made the meme chart?

Speaking of the memes, I'm sad I didn't think of yes, YES (Nael) when I submitted my votes.

>> No.10506830
File: 555 KB, 1220x922, winnie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you upset that Winnie the Pooh did not make it despite it being spammed hundreds of times?

>> No.10506840

this... this injustice will not go unanswered!

>> No.10506843

the chart allowed multiple votes this was exactly what I expected to happen
the whole thing is illegitimate. it's just a way foe the discord to make a new chart and replace their old chart

>> No.10506846

its legit, trust me

>> No.10506854

If that were true The Opposing Shore would have made it. /lit/cord eats Gracq's cum.

>> No.10506857
File: 1.22 MB, 1820x4348, (((2017 top 100))).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since autism runs really deep on this board, I added a sheet to demonstrate which votes I deleted on Unique. It's pretty obvious they're not legit.

In terms of CoC, there was a bigger reaction against it than for it. I ran a second straw poll which was fairly decisive too. pic related might help some of you feel better though.

Literally three votes.

Believe it or not, I identify more with privacy nerds than agenda posters.

I want to be able to put this with the other charts. I made the image at >>10506826 with the meme answers.

I removed dupes and cleaned up obvious spam. Its vote count and the books picked seem as expected after a week too.

Once again, not everything is a psyop

>> No.10506863

lol good job OP.

>> No.10506868

why do you respond to the shitposter who obviously does not care

>> No.10506870

make the background all swastikas

>> No.10506880

Only 3 votes? I'm disappointed in my fellow anons.

>> No.10506890

Nice fake list, OP.

>> No.10506893

Thanks op. For the final draft make sure you get that Toole typo.

>> No.10506895

I wish it would include Mount Analogue

>> No.10506898


>> No.10506899

>53 posts
>17 IPs
dear lord how many of those are the samefagging shitposter? dude shouldn't you be spending your time reading instead?

>> No.10506901
File: 601 KB, 3000x450, IMG_2486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for actual feedback.
Any chance of more of this?

>> No.10506905
File: 147 KB, 428x402, 1515353813621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board gets only worse and worse over time.

>> No.10506908


>> No.10506912

please no longer contribute

>> No.10506915

>a self-proclaimed "nazi" called huysmans wrote coc
>not fake and gay at all

>> No.10506919

huysmans wrote CoC in jew blood
>can't even read a simple wikipedia page

>> No.10506945

Why is Nick Land there but not Deleuze?

>> No.10506949

This thread is pure autism. Gonna keep using the old chart.

>> No.10506950

Alright. Where the FUCK is Proust? Are we seriously going to let some genreshit in before the greatest novel of the 20th century?

>> No.10506956


>> No.10506958

Good work OP, you can feel the zeitgeist of real /lit/ and it isn't fucking CoC

>> No.10506960
File: 1.23 MB, 1820x4348, I got the name wrong - pls no bully.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the name of the good Mr MacDonald wrong, I have updated the chart to reflect that.

No idea

>> No.10506971

Oh thanks, somehow I missed that. Carry along lads

>> No.10506974

nice list

>> No.10506979

Still a rigged list, with or without the CoC guy.

>> No.10506983

He's a low profile meme, not enough spam for it to be CoC tier spam.

>> No.10507142

Iliad and Aeneid are spelt wrong

>> No.10507155

A sincere thanks OP. This seemed really exhausting. The last chartmaker couldn't have gone as far as you (and in fact he didn't).

>> No.10507163

The discordfags are wavering. They were always pathetic, but that's not news.

>> No.10507170


>> No.10507173

I'm sure it's just one really autistic guy

>> No.10507176

>op samefagging again

reminder to new anons that op is the leading discord fag and runs the discord channel

>> No.10507181

what's his handle?
I don't think you know

>> No.10507197

he's either percy or winston or sheep
you can find him in the old discord screenshots

>> No.10507206
File: 143 KB, 398x384, 1513503910681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I posted by actual handle would that help?
Or would you all keep going regardless?

>> No.10507212

>all this shitty asia books

>> No.10507213

>this entire thread is just three people samefagging

is this the power of discord autism?

>> No.10507219

fair enough. I still don't see the same motive here as from the last one though. This list is more of the same shit from the past few years, it isn't a jarring departure like the discord one was.

>> No.10507225

They'd keep going. They're just having fun, too. Don't sweat it.

>> No.10507229

>Jerusalem at all
>JR slipping down to the 50s below dozens of reddit books
>a bunch of shit books with 4 votes

meme chart confirmed

>> No.10507235

do you ever stop talking to yourself?

>> No.10507236

JR went up, it was #75 in the 2016 one.

>> No.10507257
File: 215 KB, 432x616, 1515186447001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking weebs.

>> No.10507280
File: 479 KB, 600x665, 1b2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is an anime website senpai

>> No.10507328

I know where you got that image from, anon.

>> No.10507336
File: 133 KB, 850x1133, sdfsdfsdfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think you're real clever dont you?

>> No.10507356

it's all the same. every few months some faggot from the discord gets it in his head to do a poll and they shit up the board for a few weeks, rinse and repeat.

here's a hot tip: discord did the 2016 poll too.

>> No.10507386

They absolutely dont do it every few months. They've done it once for sure.

>> No.10507408

including this one the discord has done the past 3 charts. theyre all rigged by whatever they think is funny at the time. "board culture" has been dead for years.

>> No.10507423

there were also multiple aborted attempts at making a "real" 2017 chart after their first 2017 chart, usually cause they got called out so they deleted some of the OPs/mods deleted them

for example -

there are plenty more fi you dig through the archive. charts have been completely delegitimatized since discord invaded 4chan

>> No.10507431
File: 116 KB, 277x400, 1514140579893.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, at least I know how to change the file name when I save an image from a compromising source.

>> No.10507438
File: 38 KB, 486x491, ss+(2018-01-07+at+09.11.42).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're right.

>> No.10507480

board culture died after the imgur invasion

>> No.10507492

Man, last chart and /pol/ through the_donald did really shit this board beyond recognition.
To think there was a time when the bad shitposting was Pynchon posting.

>> No.10507507
File: 335 KB, 588x588, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But this one is demonstrably not rigged.

>> No.10507516

whatever you say percy, whatever you say

>> No.10507527

I still don’t know who the fuck Percy is. He seems to be mentioned in two thirds of these threads.

>> No.10507541

you discord faggots are pathetic. no one gives a shit about your drama. stop shitting up the board.

/lit/ needs some fucking mods to ban all of you

>> No.10507557


These posts are the last reason why I still come here

>> No.10507562

he did the 2016 one on his own and then let winston and sheep bully him into taking the fall for the rigged one before they banned him completely

>> No.10507570

Why didn't you post the voting when I was awake? Redo the whole list, I need a say.

>> No.10507638

Crime & Punishment
Infinite Jest

>> No.10507646

Why do you even know this information? Why do you care?

>> No.10507877

This tbqh

>> No.10507948

I'm an observer

>> No.10507971

CoC didn't even get enough real votes to make it on the top100, OP is just too weak-willed not to entertain trolls

>> No.10508090

based barthelme finally making an appearance, good shit

>> No.10508155

keep up the good work anon

you filthy fucking weeb

>> No.10508170

The Pale King got more than 6 votes, you did not add pale king and the pale king you brainlet

>> No.10508234

Is "platonic dialogues" just a tally of all of the votes for any of Plato's works?

>> No.10508286

Cheers anon, appreciate the effort you put into this.

Also, somebody should post the 2016 chart so we can check which books have not made it this year and which ones are risisng in popularity

>> No.10508290

Hey, OP. One of those Hyperion votes (mine) is for the Hölderlin book, not the trashy sci-fi novel

>> No.10508299

It’s probably fair to assume they all were. I’m not familiar with German poetry, and the sci fi one filled the front page of google.

>> No.10508348

Can't speak for the rest of them. I should have specified but I was not aware that there was a popular novel with the same name

>> No.10508353

I wasn’t aware there was anything of that name that wasn’t a Marvel hero. I just think it’s more likely to be German poetry than shitty sci-fi.

>> No.10508368

Fake list is better

>> No.10508850

Happy that all of my choices have made the list. On the other hand this also probably means that I am a full blown /lit/ drone

>> No.10508975

>anime website
>doesn't vote for good japanese books
Checks out.

>> No.10509007

based percy

>> No.10509031

These will always be useless and cancerous, but at least IJ isn't number 1.

>> No.10509032

by this metric, the first 2017 chart is way better.

>> No.10509038

And it is.

>> No.10509071

because hes percy still brimming with butthurt about it

you know what, i dont care about this years chart. /lit/ has always been a shithole and i was not expecting any better from you pathetic fucks

>> No.10509082

this is undeniably true, and the /his/ split didnt help

>> No.10509128

percy is in this thread right now, and SEETHING, guaranteed

>> No.10509144

He's just an autistic child that has difficulty dressing himself in the morning, don't skapegoat him.

>> No.10509190
File: 51 KB, 393x372, 1515012368785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That spoiler was wery wude!!!

>> No.10509236
File: 191 KB, 1080x1080, C_PazZzV0AAea_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this board is /percy/ now.

>> No.10509254
File: 722 KB, 1305x735, 1514748834588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no! this board is anime!

>> No.10509310

i-is this what surveyfag looks like?

>> No.10509327

wtf I love discord now

>> No.10509488

When will you post the final image?

>> No.10509505

Some of the covers (moby dick, iliad, isolt, against nature, recognitions, etc) are kind of hard to read I'd say switch em.
Also as much as I love shitting on /lit/ pls change the Odyssey cover

>> No.10509531

Misspelled Dantes surname

>> No.10509547

Cather in the Rye
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
The Odyssey

>> No.10509909

were you
>moby dick, infinite jest, book of the new sun, hyperion, one hundred years of solitude, culture of critique
>lolita, blood meridian, book of the new sun, crying of lot 49, hyperion, bugs

either way it's plausible for either of these to be for the sci fi novel since they also list wolfe. also OP >>10508299 you need to delist hyperion because one person voted hyperion and fall of hyperion, and the tallies see that as two votes for hyperion.

>> No.10509921

The Illlllliad

>> No.10509945

You are genuinely a pathetic loser.

>> No.10509957
File: 84 KB, 304x475, 3486989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Lolita cover you've used is like among the worst covers. Use either pic related or the one of just the smiling lips.

>> No.10510400

is the final draft ready yet?

>> No.10511045
File: 1.45 MB, 1625x1449, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Explicitly burger hat
> I’ve been posting on AU timezones, and earlier mentioned going to bed at 10pm
At least pick an image which doesn’t disprove your argument.

I’ll wait until this thread gets archived.

Ok. I wasn’t being very diligent at #100.

The amount of debate over Lolita covers has been incredible. I think mine is more recognisable, and I haven’t seen an agreed upon best cover.

Already fixed.

>> No.10511100

It's weird seeing the Bible on there. Not that I don't consider it a literary work, it just seems like required reading to begin with, and takes the spot away from another book that somebody might not know.

>> No.10511108

I agree

>> No.10511128

yeah the current one is fucking ugly, change it op

>> No.10511268

The Eternal September just repeats itself any time an online culture gets any amount of mainstream visibility.

>> No.10511314

this list is unironically better even though it's fake

>> No.10511358


I voted for the trashy sci-fi version, one of these is me

>> No.10511373
File: 21 KB, 479x350, 1505358350592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Victor Hugo novel on here
>it's Les Mis and not Notre-Dame de Paris

>> No.10511498


>IJ at 42
Fuck off contrarians.

It is top 3.

>> No.10512075

Based Percy!

>> No.10512166

What are best books released in 2017?
Give me your short lists.

>> No.10512197

i'm glad there's more poetry, but i'm sad Middlemarch fell off

>less poetry
that's just gross

>> No.10512405
File: 168 KB, 400x400, 1513034727104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you pretending to be retarded or are you that autistic?

>> No.10512523

Stupid ass anime. Cultivate your sensitivity.

>> No.10512547
File: 238 KB, 600x748, 2018 (pt 1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no chart for the 2018 list
the absolute state of (((discord)))

>> No.10512550
File: 379 KB, 497x729, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a reminder that no poll will start before September.

>> No.10512554


Is the book of the new sun really that good?

>> No.10512570
File: 363 KB, 1080x1920, 2018 (pt 2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed the polling?

Second part of this is pic-related.

>> No.10512581

Thanks m8 for doing this

>> No.10512586

>all these meme books
What a horrible chart. But I guess it fits the literal city of current year.

>fucking discord

>> No.10512685

Are 9 and 10 written by different authors?

>> No.10512728

Why isn't The Holy Qur'an #1

>> No.10513218

not posting it just proves you're an attention seeking faggot