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File: 97 KB, 500x733, Goebbels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10505655 No.10505655[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to write a racist, race-realist character for a novel. /pol/lacks here - what makes you tick?

Are you an attack dog - every black no matter how kind or peaceful is an enemy to be made to suffer? Or do you just dislike ghetto culture and criminal blacks and could befriend or even marry a "good one"?

Why do you hate the "niggers" or why do you judge them inherently because of their race?

>> No.10505673

if it’s a race realist, as in the sense of someone having strong scientific/biologic/hbd extensive knowledge you should make the character rather cold hearted but not psycho-ish, focusing on his pattern recognition gone wild and how autistic he gets in social situations where he chimps about evolution

>> No.10505696


Look into Jared Taylor. Also read him.

>> No.10505725

I go for the philosophy that races and cultures are to be respected. I dont believe to better or worse than the chinese or japanese, and even admit that their history is superior to my own. I would just like to share a world and a future with people who share my history, philosophy, community. and physiology.

>> No.10505728

Also this is clearly just a thinly veiled race debate thread. Anyone who's been on 4chan for more than a month (any board) knows exactly how this thread will turn out.

Why do you feel that you should be spoonfed?

>> No.10505767

What makes me tick is getting into positions of power under the guise of being progressive, liberal, and politically correct so that I can "help" minorities by being "elected" by them and subsequently "governing" them. Every colleague of mine shares this mentality. We love to "help" them.

>> No.10505792
File: 119 KB, 716x714, 1514587941630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read SIEGE by James Mason, dude, Bourgeois race realists like Taylor and Sailer are condemned to blogging endlessly about muh skull shapes while their degenerate happa offspring turns against them. The alt right are racist liberals, they believe in nothing and stand for nothing. We are not fooling around in here, it's about total war, the day of the rope, casualities in the 10s of millions AT LEAST, total drop out and total revolution, Charles Manson was imo, the greatest National Socialist since Hitler, a prophet, I believe in Helter Skelter, race war now, we gotta bring it about by any means necessary, Burn the cities to the ground and wipe the slate clean. We have fallen for our own propaganda aimed at man's nobler instincts. America needs more men like Manson, Jim Jones, McVeigh, Commander Rockwell, Elliot Rodger and Steven Paddock. those are the real patriots, the martyrs of the coming war, I salute them. Bring down Fuck ZOG, death to the pigs and Sieg Fucking Heil! that is our creed as National Socialist. Take no alternative.

>> No.10505827

write a character who covers his cowardice and lack of culture and lack of manliness with a hatred of people who still respect such things because they are "uncivilized" and criminals
portray a person who is weak in their daily lives but blame everybody else, who has latent homosexual desires, and who chooses to live in a reality of "concepts" and "ideas" which is easily distorted and often incorporates the contents of whatever romantic propaganda they see next, until it's a complex web of ideas that becomes the very thing that defines their existence, which accounts for why they don't do anything interesting with their lives.

>> No.10505850

Hello again Mansonposter. You realize you're never going to convince anyone of your positions by holding up a murderous cult leader as the chief proponent, right? That's not how propaganda works, you need to start with a "reasonable" intro before slowly introducing the real content. (Or, alternatively, find some beliefs that actually work).

>> No.10505861

post this on /pol/ then retard

>> No.10505887


Is this you projecting? Get it together.

>> No.10505899
File: 399 KB, 1024x902, mansonray24x-1024x902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charles Manson, was not 'a murderous cult leader' he didn't murder anyone, he was a great spiritual teacher who was made into political prisoner because he represented a threat to the establishment. We are never going to persuade the white masses, they are far too craven and cowardly, too fond of TV and their nice house in the suburbs, what we need is a revolutionary vanguard, the few the brave, the worthy. My job is not to persuade the masses but to lie the groundwork for the revolutionary vanguard that will bring down the system.


>> No.10505906


>what is ad hominem

>> No.10505909

lol all 3 of those men are ugly and malformed, every image of the Reich not hand selected by /pol/ ends up with 50-90% of the Krauts pictured being ugly. hilarious projection from a whole race

>> No.10505933 [SPOILER] 
File: 658 KB, 687x1117, 1515367939219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ here, I would be an unironic White Nationalist if it wasn't for the fact that I love Jewish girls.

>I'm trying to write a racist, race-realist character for a novel.

Tell us more anon.

>> No.10505966

I'm a redditor who needs as hominem and armchair psychoanalysis ammo for my twitter debates against ethnonationalists.

>> No.10506037

>thought the jigs would win
Deserved the death penalty tbqh

>> No.10506099

I don't have the image but there's this HUGE very long/tall blue image that has some alarming statistics about black people, I'm sure someone here can post it, it's on all the /pol/ redpill threads.

Like the stats are very disconcerting, it's easy to see how someone can be a "race realist" after seeing these stats, if they are true. Any rationally thinking person (white, black, whatever) would be concerned about the black community after seeing these stats. It's probably the best way to write a "race realist".

>> No.10506127
File: 419 KB, 1200x853, Thetriumphofdeath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Your Ideal Society Doesn't Look Like This, You Are Probably A Numale, Lay Down the Soy, Bro