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10504704 No.10504704 [Reply] [Original]

How does one beat restlessness, modern AHDD-tier attention spans and the general dopamine addiction?

I want to really focus on writing, studying and reading specifically, but it always feels like something is lacking and I have to really work to stay focused. What do I do?

I think DFW wrote (or tried to write) about this specific problem.

>> No.10504711

by spelling adhd right.
boy, you got it bad, kid.

>> No.10504716
File: 51 KB, 941x611, kopf schaut traurig auf ein boot auf dem meer und fantasiert darüber sein jetziges leben hinter sich zu lassen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please help me

>> No.10504721

Well, the only thing that matters in life is the power of curation. What you allow into your eyes, what you allow yourself to think about and to talk about and to write about and to do whatever the fuck about. It's the only thing that matters. That problem right there that you're gripping with is you're letting very low level systems dictate how you respond to high level problems. Let me just say that. You have to rise. Einstein said something about that. Rise to the...? It's important to tackle those things. If you're not looking at things with different perspectives and different masks on, you know what I mean? You try different things, you get results by playing games with your own brain, because it's a machine video game. So you might as well work with it, and not against it.

>> No.10504726

Charls, please

>> No.10504755

Alright, here's what I did:

>1. Medication
Ritalin, Medikinet, whatever. It'll save your life.

>2. Background noise.
Have something you can listen to while you work. A podcast, an audiobook, whatever. Having something in the background to occupy your, let's say, secondary attention will help you immensely. Nothing you have to explicitly focus your entire attention on, but something that runs in the background, so, nothing you REALLY want to know. No new episodes of your favorite show, for example.

3. Paraphrase.
At the end of a second, paraphrase what you learned in short, easy to remember sentences. Mnemonic devices help a lot. This is a pitfall if you have to make large, super detailed essays, however.

>4. Try fidget toys.
As much as they're a meme now, they were actually developed for autistic people and people with ADHD

>5. Fuck it
cheat if you have to. Since I speak german, my trick, if all else failed was to google it in english, then translate it back into german. This only works if you still go to school, obviously, but whatever.

>> No.10504791

The first two sound like band-aids. Especially the second one. Is it really helpful to just feed my attention deficit by adding more backgroudn noise? Shouldn't I aim for a cold turkey sort of thing, where I force myself to devote all my attention to something without any distractions?

Thanks for the helpful tips anyways, especially no. 3 is something I'll aim to try out

>> No.10504810

>The first two sound like band-aids. Especially the second one.
No. Trust me. If you have ADD or ADHD you process information differently. Medication is necessary. Having background noise will help you immeasurably. There is no "going cold turkey" if you have ADD or ADHD. Forcing yourself will not work. People who tell you otherwise are dipshits and don't know what they're talking about.

You can't "force yourself" to grow taller, or to not be lactose intolerant.

Do what you want, but 1. and 2. will legitimately help.

>> No.10504820

>tfw the OP already stop paying attention to this thread

A friend of mine finished university and 2 masters degrees having dyslexia and ADHD. When i asked her how did she do it, she told me that she simply refused to give up. She would read a book until she finished it, even if it took way longer than "normal" people.

>> No.10504823

not op but whenever I read I have to reread sentences about 10-20 times before I can understand them
I'm well into adulthood and english is my first language
does this mean I have some sort of learning disability? or is this just the result of shitposting on here and being neet for 3 years?

>> No.10504840

>does this mean I have some sort of learning disability?
yeah, probably. A lot of people don't know they have have any issues, because people just tend to assume, and then tell you that you're stupid, or that you just aren't paying attention.

I can't tell you much. If you have persistent issues despite your best attempts, then you should get it checked out. It could be a number of different things, but it's not because of shitposting, so don't worry about that. Go see a specialist, if you can, or see if you can narrow down your symptoms by yourself- like using a dyslexia font. See if that helps.

>> No.10504844

Most sentences on 4chan cannot be understood even if you read them for infinity.

The only way to know if you have a "disability" is to consult an expert, not chinese image boards.

>> No.10504846

The Shallows (Nicholas Carr)

>> No.10504853

>Voluntarily taking ritalin
Good lord I hope you don't do this

>> No.10504860

Quit the internet entirely
Sell your pc
Read all day

Worked for me

>> No.10504863

No, I take medikinet.
Say what you want, but I'd be fucked without it.

>> No.10504881

Its just I can't read more than 3 pages an hour of adornos appreciations and an essay on style and 10-13 pages of moby dick an hour.
Its like whenever I think something will be hard to read, unconsciously my brain just won't bother and my mind goes blank, I think about past memories and even though all the words are very familiar to me I can't understand them all together.

I have difficulty grasping ideas and thinking abstractly.
>dyslexia font
never helped on my kindle

Whenever I read anything here I just instantly know the meaning by looking at the text never subvocalising, even if its a longish paragraph. But when I try to read a book I have to subvocalise everything, I'm baffled at how people can read 30-40 pages an hour consistently.

>> No.10504894


Don't accept shortcomings. Fight them.

>> No.10504896
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Just fucking read a book however you can. Don't compare how other people do it. JUST DO IT! Most people say they can easily read any time they want, but they never do.

>> No.10504909

I'm still here

>> No.10504922

Since you're still here, understand that the current attitude towards dyslexia and ADHD is that THEY ARE NOT DISABILITIES.
In Europe, we treat them as another way of learning. Only in USA you get filled with drugs.

>> No.10504927

I am European, but I don't want to get diagnosed with ADHD and be dependent on medication and short-term solutions
Looking for a steady, methodical cure

>> No.10504929

Also, I should add that I can read fine, even longer books, it just feels like I get bored extremely easily and it affects my life in almost every way

>> No.10504935

dumbass, I'm german and I get medication. fuck off

>> No.10504938

Then do fucking yoga and eat kale you dumb piece of shit.

>> No.10504944

There is no cure anon because there is nothing wrong with you. You just have to fight for your attention every day of your life. You think everybody else is a lot different than you?

Why do you take medication?

>> No.10504956

But there should be a cure. I don't want to be a mental cripple all my life

>> No.10504964

Just impulse bought this without thinking twice

>> No.10504965

my ADHD. went from normal childhood ADHD to adult ADHD.

>But there should be a cure.
there is. it's called medication.

>> No.10504973

>a mental cripple
It sounds like something you heard from someone else. I bet that he/she was a mental cripple and not you.

>> No.10504979

my nigga

>> No.10504984

Get rid of your computer, video games, smart phone, don't watch porn, exercise daily, lift weights, do cardio, eat healthier, don't eat fast food, sugar, alcohol, coffee, drugs, get a job if you don't already have one at least part time, start meditating 15 minutes a day.

>> No.10505001

Actually all these are good advices. Even if you can't do all of them, try to do some of them.

>> No.10505006


>> No.10505018

OP here, I already do most of them, minus meditation, and getting rid of my computer/coffee

>> No.10505029

Your mental state will improve if you do all these things.

I was unable to access a computer, games or phone for a few years and I didn't expect the effect it had on my mind. Things feel much more 'normal' which I hadn't felt since probably before I had the internet or a computer at home.

>> No.10505030

Moderation, not luddite tier.

>> No.10505034

>But there should be a cure
There isn't tho. It's like being an alcoholic or depressed. There is no one-and-done cure. It's a constant struggle and only gets better with time.

As someone who has the same problem, I'd advise you to cut out what causes the issue and embrace what you struggle with. Something like this>>10504984. And I don't like taking medicine either. It's just a temporary aide.

Good luck anon.

>> No.10505053

I hate how counter intuitive number 2 is but it works.

>> No.10505071

Cardio and meditation will work to maintain focus, but focus without interest is different. To be interested in these works you have to learn to find pleasure in them. This requires a purge of stimulation so that the brain can be reset to take pleasure from other tasks. That kind of brainwashing and rewiring of circuits can take either months or years and is horribly difficult, especially in how it affects your social life. But the payoff can be great if you do it purposely.

Notice how I didn't give you a (you).

>> No.10505083

>Whenever I read anything here I just instantly know the meaning by looking at the text never subvocalising, even if its a longish paragraph. But when I try to read a book I have to subvocalise everything, I'm baffled at how people can read 30-40 pages an hour consistently.

I know this feel entirely. It's like a get trapped on some words and have to read them over and over and over. What I do is "practice" on different articles I find, ones that are interesting but aren't super important or critical to me. I read through them and if I find myself getting stuck I tell myself fuck it and keep reading. And after I finish the article I see that I understood it perfectly without rereading it over and over, and that helps.

>> No.10505115

Might as well just kill myself if this is just to fucking read books

>> No.10505131


provided you're german (so am I): Schreibst du auch, und hast du Lust mal Texte auszutauschen? Könnten es über Discord machen.

>> No.10505133

why cut out coffee? there are mostly just benefits to drinking coffee

>> No.10505135

I have been meaning to continue reading for 8 hours. Every 10 minutes I check clock and tell 'just 10 more minutes in the chan', repeat ad nauseam. I fucking hate being.

>> No.10505144

plus it's delicous

>> No.10505203

It causes anxiety. 20 years ago people didn't drink much coffee, at least not in my country, now all these women are addicted to it and have all these problems with anxiety.

Just try cutting it and other energy drinks and just drink green tea, for a while. You will see the difference.

>> No.10505207

caffeine has a calming effect on people with adhd

>> No.10505232

Honestly, just sit down and do it. Train your mind to just do something even when you're not "feeling it" or "inspired". Consistent execution will solve more than half of your problems. It'll become a habit, trust me. It'll take patience, discipline, it's a rocky road, but eventually it'll just be a habit.

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield is probably the best book for this.

>> No.10505244

I had the same issue, just keep reading relentlessly until you're used to it.

>> No.10505261

Second advice is gold and helps me a lot. I put h3h3 videos on in the background when I write.

>> No.10505268

You're on 4chan

>> No.10505273

train yourself - that's what i do.

>> No.10505303

Anon, I love you.

>> No.10505322

action begets action

open a book and read one line
one paragraph

and then it'll be easier to read another and gain momentum

this works for me, with most things, only problem is i'm then addicted/used to doing that thing and then i can't stop reading to do something else. except to try and force myself to apply the method again, which sucks

>> No.10505370

Bullshit. I have ADHD and caffeine gives me near panic attacks if I have a cup.

>> No.10505455

I don't know what to tell you, dude. I used to get caffeine pills to calm me down.

>> No.10505470

>There is no cure anon because there is nothing wrong with you. You just have to fight for your attention every day of your life. You think everybody else is a lot different than you?
Completely misinformed, don't take this advice as anything more than subscribing to the typical crying of "ADD is all in the mind" attitude. ADHD/ADD make a complete difference on mental performance and processing. With a counselor and medication you can alter these habits.

I'm in the same boat OP, I post about it here a lot actually. My issue is trying to perceive every word as efficiency as possible. I've found that meditating helps a little bit, but it's too early to say if it has any long-term affects. Other people on this site have said that meditation for 30 minutes a day helped them with this issue when I asked though.

>> No.10505482

It's a full time job man. It can become it's own neurosis. The middle way ain't easy to find.

>> No.10505714
File: 20 KB, 225x346, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try reading this
>inb4 self help

>> No.10505721

This piece of shit retard here.
I managed to read 10 mintues and now I'm back to fucking refreshing catalog every 30 secondsd.

Just fucking kill me God.

>> No.10505812

Do you think anyone here manages it? Obviously no, or else they wouldn't be on fucking /lit/ of all places.

>> No.10505864

Man, do you realize of fucked up that is? It's 100% addiction. Just turn off your computer dude, try to get away from it for a while. I know I need to do this too, but it's hard.

>> No.10505886

Just read the chan for today. Tomorrow, don't open it until you've read 30 pages.

>> No.10505948


>> No.10505968

Come on fucker, just turn it off right now and never go back

>> No.10505995

get rid of everything

>> No.10505999

I can't, I'm afraid I miss a good post.

>> No.10506008


>> No.10506009

there’s this class of psychotropics called stimulants, they’ll ruin your brain, metabolism, kidney function, heart health and soul but you’ll get a lot done on them

>> No.10506010

Fuck off, you think your sanity and life are worth a good thread? As if there were good threads on this shitty board anyway. Give yourself a good punch in the face and do it.

>> No.10506013

>implying coffee will ruin your brain, metabolism kidney function or hearth health.

>> No.10506019

I fist my head every day for being a stupid fucking retard with white trash brain.

Probably a vicious circle.

>> No.10506068

This is very well stated, and completely correct yet no one pays it attention, for shame /lit/.

I see your wisdom friend.

>> No.10506083

>get a job if you don't already have one at least part time

How does this help? Won't you just be more tired and have less energy to read at the end of the day?

Just based on personal experience anyway. I read loads as a NEET and the amount i read cut drastically when i got a job.

>> No.10506088

Even a part time cashier at local Walmart requires previous fucking work experience. Good goddamn Christ I'm fucked.

>> No.10506096

Staying at home may help with reading, but actually doing things with your life helps a ton when it comes to writing. And in general having a job keeps you from procrastination.

>> No.10506104

Just lie on your resume, it's not hard

>> No.10506111

Maybe for some people. Jobs take up way too much time, and made me procrastinate more from lack of time and energy to do things.

>> No.10506112

Waaaah I can't concentrate gib me a quick fix.

>> No.10506116

I work 2 jobs with no GED or diploma, grow up.

>> No.10506123

This. Add fake work experience (don't overdo it) and ask family or friends to act as fake references. What is the worst that happens and do you think Wal-Mart will check?

It's embarrassing how little ambition young white men have these days. They just dick around online and stay in their suffocating comfort zone, externalizing all their problems and not doing a damn thing about it. All the while thinking they are Truth Warriors who will rise from the ashes of the degenerate society once SHTF. Of some other escapist delusions of grandeur.

The last defense mechanism is Ultimate Sour Grapes: "I don't want to be a normie with a family and job and all the machinations of the (((degenerate society))), it's best to be NEET and live at home". I feel so bad for their parents, what a disappointment it must be.

>> No.10506124

>2 jobs.
That's quite a bad situation, but I'd be happy just with 1. How did you get work without GED or diploma?

>> No.10506126

Be an Uber eats driver

>> No.10506128

>telling someone else to grow up when you have no education and have to work 2 shitty jobs just to survive

>> No.10506133
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I'm fucking trying, in the last month I applied to 8 places, but they all said thanks-but-no-thanks-we-hired-someone-more-competitive.

I guess I gotta do charity in Church or somewhere for free to get 'work' experience to put in my resume I don't like the idea of lying.

>> No.10506140

Working part time doesn't make you tired and gives you a feeling of accomplishing at least something rather than nothing, a feeling of moving forward at least rather than sitting still and getting nowhere at all.

>> No.10506148

>just read this book to learn how to read a book
It's a joke right?

>> No.10506149

Not him but Uber eats' dead in two years top

>> No.10506154

Yeah it's not a career but it's something you can do right now with no experience or resume

>> No.10506155

I've worked both full time and part time and it's the same shit. You must be working great jobs to get a feeling of excitement or accomplishment from them. I'm jealous tbqh

>> No.10506156

I understand the wisdom behind 'perfect is the enemy of good' and I just wan't good enough now

Working part time is bad because part time worker is less protected in my country than full time worker, even if the difference between part time and full time worker might be half hour if the work hours you do is just at the limit of part time worker and being full time worker, but I would be glad with part time too.

I always fuck up the HR interview because I have to explain the lack of work experience [1] and boom out goes me.

>[1] got shot in the hip and it took years to recover to the extent that i can even walk normally

>> No.10506168

I wholeheartedly disagree, I've always felt better doing nothing than working some shitty retail/fast food/customer service job, where I felt like I was accomplishing less than I could be if I was just sitting at home reading or something

>> No.10506175

this, I feel the same way

>> No.10506183

Im going to school this quarter to get my GED, I worked the two jobs over a year without a car, walking.

I had a shitty living situation growing up, and was very depressed.

Fuck off pseud.

>> No.10506193

I know it is tough and as time goes on it can have a toll on your mental health. But sending out resumes/filling out applications and waiting around is literally the bare minimum you can do for trying to get a job. You can't just apply for jobs, wait, then throw up your hands and say "well I've tried everything!".

I wouldn't like lying either, but we aren't talking about a career, we are talking about an entry level job at Wal-Mart or whatever. That said, if you can't even get basic jobs and you haven't tried padding your C.V. with legitimate credentials, what the hell is your game plan? To just play a numbers game and luck out?

If you are being outcompeted, you clearly have to step up your game. The solution is obvious.

>> No.10506208

My B.

>> No.10506213

See how you feel after 10 years of doing that

>> No.10506220

I was NEET for 5 years, felt just fine, would have liked to go another 5.

>> No.10506221

>tfw just rapidly scrolling down the thread, not reading anything that was posted previously and making a new post that probably adds nothing to the discussion

Do I have OP's problem?

>> No.10506222

Yeah it's called money.

I have a lot of it now because I got a job and stopped sitting around Jacking off and playing video games

>> No.10506226

Better than after 10 years of working shitty jobs. I was NEET for 4, and been working for 4 and i'd switch back to neetdom in a heartbeat

>> No.10506232


Why not work a good job that you love?

>> No.10506233

But what are you actually doing with that money? It's nice if you get fulfillment from that kind of stuff, but i don't.

>> No.10506238

>Why not work a good job that you love?
Let them eat cake-tier

>> No.10506241

Money is freedom.

>> No.10506245

>Why not work a good job that you love?

How am i meant to know what kind of job i love before doing it? It means a lot of effort on something that is a massive chance. Plus it's not the work itself, it's the fact that it's a time consuming obligation and time i could be spending on things i actually want to do.

>> No.10506249

You don't like food, shelter, etc.? Who pays for your internet, computer etc.?

Why would you think this? Most people who are miserable with their dead-end jobs are short-sighted dullards.

>> No.10506256

Most people don't know what they're getting into or they have no choice.

>> No.10506257

Time is freedom and i'll never earn enough to buy the time i want.

>You don't like food, shelter, etc.? Who pays for your internet, computer etc.?

I've already told you that i work, doesn't mean that i enjoy it. I like those things, but i'd prefer having them without having to work. You're saying that work itself is good and now have switched to saying the benefits are good.

>> No.10506262

>How am i meant to know what kind of job i love before doing it?
You step outside your comfort zone and experience many new and different things IRL. You find out what you don't like as well as what you don't like, which may lead to further avenues to explore. As this happens you simultaneous gain life experience, soft skills, self confidence, the ability to adapt, etc.

Then again, people who spend all their time living vicariously online and wonder why they are miserable/depressed/unemployed or underemployed/lost have questionable intelligence.

>> No.10506264

>Time is freedom.
Time is a cage anon.
Death is freedom since it conquers time.

>> No.10506265

Work is good for the spirit.

The problem is you resist doing it internally,so you hate it.

>> No.10506271

Yeah he's a pretty P U R E guy

>> No.10506274
File: 95 KB, 800x517, 1492506499528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Work is good for the spirit.
/lit/ went fast and hard right

>> No.10506276

It's a quote by Charls Carroll, former member of comedy troupe MDE

>> No.10506278

If it was good why would i resist it?

>> No.10506282

>I've already told you that i work, doesn't mean that i enjoy it. I like those things, but i'd prefer having them without having to work.
You think wanting a free lunch is unique or sustainable? No shit, everyone wants all the good and none of the bad, but that isn't how life works. This is a very juvenile and millennial mindset.

>You're saying that work itself is good and now have switched to saying the benefits are good.
Work can be great if you pursue something that you are passionate about. I love my career and field. Sure some days are tedious or stressful and I'd rather be doing something else, but overall it is extremely rewarding. And the materialistic benefits are nice too.

>> No.10506286

Work crushed my spirit AND my body. I couldnt sleep, lost tons of weight, felt like an over-eager child at work and like a zombie at home. I couldn think, read, nothing. Maybe I just had a shit job

>> No.10506291

I have a passion but I'm genuinely too low IQ to ever reach it. It's a pretty big demotivator, but I still apply anywhere that doesn't require work experience. So far gotten shafted.

>> No.10506301

>If it was good why would i resist it?
Because you are a spoiled manchild lacking in good sense. Exercise and healthy eating is good for you, but most people resist these things too. The fact that you correlate your immediate reaction with some metric of goodness shows you lack education, introspection, and empathy. You are just self-absorbed and your life will unfortunately be mediocre at best.

>> No.10506306

>You think wanting a free lunch is unique or sustainable? No shit, everyone wants all the good and none of the bad, but that isn't how life works. This is a very juvenile and millennial mindset.

Still the truth. I never said work wasn't necessary, just that it being beneficial to everyone in a non-material sense is wrong.

>> No.10506310

>I have a passion but I'm genuinely too low IQ to ever reach it.
Have you genuinely devoted all your energy and discipline to something? Everyone says, "I tried my best" at some point, but this is rarely true. Did you just find school or whatever difficult and gave up, falling back on the excuse that you are just not smart enough?

>> No.10506314

Obviously a thread about being too ADHD to read would blow up on /lit/

>> No.10506318

You're the one telling me what's good for me and then say i'm the one that's self-absorbed and lack empathy. Just because it's good for you doesn't mean it's the same for me.

>> No.10506324

>just that it being beneficial to everyone in a non-material sense is wrong.
What do you love to do? Whatever it is, you can likely derive a livelihood from it given enough imagination, discipline, ambition, and energy.

>> No.10506333

You lack insight and accept your current mindset as a personal truth. That is all.

>> No.10506345

It is good for human beings, because of how we are constructed. If energies are not expended in specific ways the mind and emotions will start to malfunction. That's just how it is.

Don't you want to be strong, to win, to fuck bitches?

>> No.10506354
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to the extent that my low IQ brains allow, within their intelligent quotient space, for me to do what I deem necessary - I have done. I didn't even find school hard (even this stage is beyond my being). I applied to same school for a decade and failed 11 times while focusing each year on passing the entrance exam. At this point I genuinely hope, each day when I walk to the store and cross the road, that this is the day I don't reach the other side of the road. Maybe today is the day!

That felt good to say, can't really say that to anyone in real word, night night.

>> No.10506361

If i wanted to win why would i want to be a wageslave?

>> No.10506369

Because being a neet is worse

>> No.10506378

Disagree. As long as you can survive, there's not much of a difference, except that a ruly productive NEET could use their time to pursue greater ambitions while a truly productive wageslave would devote all their time and energy to the ambition of someone, not even that of a person, just that of an anonymous structure. As for the unproductive ones, it doesn't matter.

>> No.10506383

Except you have no money

>> No.10506396

Neither do wagies, if they did they wouldn't be wageslaves

>> No.10506399

I have a lot of money. I want more.

>> No.10506407

If you had a lot of money you wouldn't be a wagie to have to make more.

>> No.10506411

Weak argument. If you live off the state or relatives, you do have enough money. Not that I would advocate that lifestyle, I just don't think it's much worse than the Wagie life.
Working for yourself is the only salvation.

>> No.10506415

You are just a lazy man child

>> No.10506421

And you're deluded

>> No.10506432
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>> No.10506436

Said the grown man who lives in his parents basement and will never do anything with his life.

>> No.10506454

You're a wagie, not only are you doing nothing worthwhile in your life but you're actually expending time and energy on doing so.

>> No.10506457

I have money.

You have no money.

>> No.10506460

Okay, your argument is now pointless, you can stop, guys.

>> No.10506474

If you are content being a leech like a child, not a real man.

>> No.10506494

If you actually had money you wouldn't need to brag about it on an anonymous imagine board

>dude i have some meager savings after spending all my time time toiling, i'm so rich and such a man of significance

>> No.10506497

So you conclude from that there is no point working

>> No.10506528

>you can't be happy if you're a neet
>well i was happy and wish i could do it longer
>uhhhh well shit uhhhh "sad"

pathetic bro. at least try to come up with something.

>> No.10506529

Maybe, just maybe you don't want to read. There's nothing wrong with that. The same realization hit me when I reflected on all those books I picked up over the years and quickly dropped or never even bothered touching. I even used to post here frequently hoping it would give me the motivation necessary to read, but nope. Never happened.

I'm only here right now because I accidentally clicked on the wrong board so see ya'll folks later

>> No.10506598

That's beautiful though. I can't imagine anything better than living a life.of leisure and retaining the mindset of a child your whole life. NEETs are the most beautiful and sacred beings alive.

>> No.10508315


At least 1 hour of moderate physical exercise (like a brisk outdoor walk) per day. Get as much sleep as you need.

Most importantly, try to minimise hyperstimulating activities like vidya and porn. When your brain is used to so much stimulation for so little effort then it'll get pissy when you throw it some actual work to do.

>> No.10508318

>dopamine addiction
nigga that's not how it works

>> No.10509215

>retaining the mindset of a child
that's called mental retardation

>> No.10509237
File: 17 KB, 460x276, Peter-Hitchens-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10509256
File: 342 KB, 1440x1080, mpv-shot0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that the knight from The Seventh Seal?

>> No.10509274

>Rise to the...?
I'm still laughin'

>> No.10509275

Ich bin zwar nicht der Typ den du fragst, aber ich schreibe. Allerdings auf Englisch. Was ist so dein Metier?

Never tried meditation. Any /lit/ tips for beginners?

>> No.10509277

Why don't you think so?

>> No.10509282

yes it is.

>> No.10509283

I used to be shit at reading just like you, when I was about 12 years old. So I read this fucking brick of a book full of boring walls of text and never went back. I've been omniscient ever since.

>> No.10509403

Give it a try my man

>> No.10509431

- LEAVE THE COMPUTER/PHONE/INTERNET. Not completely, but seriously, reduction of these is a must. My phone is outdated and the battery is shit, but that's a good thing, I use it less. My PC is also somewhat outdated so I can't play new vidya games but fuck it, that's also a good thing.

- LEAVE 4CHAN. Or use it less. This place is not only addictive, but it's even worse if you have 4chanX, where you can follow threads and get notifications. while /lit/ is a slow board, there's always like a 100+ threads at any given time, so it's still bad.

- When reading, maybe try whispering to yourself or quietly reading out loud, that definitely helps me. I can't remember anything that I read otherwise, if I don't give it some voice or a picture in my mind.

- When writing, try to simplify things and just quickly create the outlines first, then expand them slowly.

- Breathe deeply and try to slow down things

- Try some background non distracting music, like electronic/ambient etc.

Also, consider this extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stayfocusd/laankejkbhbdhmipfmgcngdelahlfoji?hl=en

>> No.10509475
File: 984 KB, 1166x849, shig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10510128
File: 249 KB, 1200x720, 1509209272007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, it is the same actor Max von Sydow, a legendary actor. The picture is from Jan Troell's duology The Emigrants/The New Land, which is amazing:
>monumental mid-nineteenth-century epic from charts, over the course of two films, a Swedish farming family’s voyage to America and their efforts to put down roots in this beautiful but forbidding new world
Highly recommended!

Also reporting in: I was supposed to start reading 10AM and it is now 11PM and I've been checking clock every 30 minutes and saying 30 minutes more.

Also, to my depression, a car didn't plough over me today. Maybe God will remember me tomorrow.

>> No.10510133

I wish mods would permanently ban my IP.
Can I contact a mod at beginning of each day to ban me?
If mod lurks here can you ban me forever

>> No.10511042

there is something wrong with you and there is a cure. attention span is like a muscle that just needs to be exercised to grow. there really aren't any easy solutions

>t. someone with debilitating adhd

>> No.10511050

set curfews for screens. it's infinitely easier to keep yourself from doing something than to get yourself to do something