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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 86 KB, 992x744, Elliot_Rodger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10504689 No.10504689 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think his manifesto contains 'literary', or should I say, 'artistic' merit of any kind?

>> No.10504691

No, it's the ramblings of a butthurt incel

>> No.10504693

Why do you ask?

>> No.10504725

Yes. It's raw in a way one rarely sees. It's interesting to be let into a psyche like that. Rodger somehow was able to be extremely self-deprecating and brutally honest about himself in some ways, despite having an enormous mental blind spot that prevented him from being logical about the motives of other people and about how to improve his own situation.
It's also funny. Not that it's funny only because Rodger was mentally ill and had illogical thought processes - I think many or even most people, if they honestly and brutally catalogued their own weak moments and internal narratives, would produce something equally funny.

>> No.10504736

y-e-a sure...

>> No.10505099

Only if it was written with a sardonic, knowing tone. Sadly, it was not.

>> No.10505643

Do you ever just start a book and think ‘Oh you, you’re going to be a favourite’? Because that’s exactly what I felt when I opened this manifesto and read the first chapter. By the second I was crying, and smiling, laughing, and in so much pain.

>> No.10505659

I find the excerpts I've read to be intensely comedic. Rodgers seems to have been completely laughable. He seems more like a cartoon character than a real person.

>> No.10506736

the fact that he wrote it unironically makes it more of a case study than an actual work of literature. That being said, it's still an interesting read

>> No.10506746

Im afraid ill kill myself if I read it, for hitting too close home

>> No.10506779

>Only if it was written with a sardonic, knowing tone. Sadly, it was not.
wat? It's hilarious because it's written in a sardonic knowing tone by an autist.

>> No.10506806

How many times do you fucks have to ask this question? Just fucking check the archive, the answer hasn't changed in the 8023564 times we've had this thread

>> No.10507556

I think it's very good desu

>> No.10508159

He was delusional and quite sincere, oblivious to how others perceived him and how to interact.

>> No.10508164

having a sardonic knowing tone doesn't mean you actually know shit (confederacy of dunces, pangloss in candide, most sardonic knowing characters ever)
if you mean it should have been written in a sardonic mocking tone about him by someone who knows how people perceive him, you're probs a bigger sociopath than him.

>> No.10508187

Read it a while back. picked it up and couldn't put it down after a hundred-fifty pages or so. If you were born late-to-mid-90s and were an introverted child w/ lenient parenting YOU WILL RELATE to Rodger. It's fascinating.

>> No.10508229

We have this thread every week. For the most part it's just a look into the life of an angry mutt who couldn't get laid because he felt he was deserved the world.

>> No.10508808
File: 9 KB, 480x360, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to women, most rapes are committed by their male spouses and concubines, by the men they themselves find most desirable.

>> No.10509033
File: 212 KB, 846x1024, Narcissus-Caravaggio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some really interesting scenes in there and I'm thinking of doing some illustrations for it in the future. Pencil sketch filled in with watercolor, or if I get around to learning it, charcoal drawings would also fit. Maybe one full-spread oil paint so I can be ironic

>> No.10509046

Dostoyevsky of our generation

>> No.10509052

Someone should write in an epilogue like 'Eliot would go on to fail at shooting a sorority but kill 6 in Isla Vista, ect.' for future generations.

>> No.10510178

>you're probs a bigger sociopath than him.

Honest question, what drives people to suggest strangers with dumb opinions are somehow worse than mass murderers?