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/lit/ - Literature

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10502112 No.10502112 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/, I've been struggling with anxiety. I'm all alone and dont have anyone, my mommy died recently and I dont know what to do since Ive never grown up. I've been a shut in for 2 months so far and everyday I always feel a pit in my stomach. I always have this feeling that something is choking me and I want to vomit. I am really scared, everyday I am stuck in the house I always feel scared, each time I go outside I always feel scared I dont want to be alone.

What book will help me get through this feeling?

>> No.10502199

please help

>> No.10502215

The Silmarillion

>> No.10502229

Drag your ass to a psychologist immediately anon. You'll be fine.

>> No.10502231

Books can give you consolation, at the same time it’s hard to give a recommendation because everyone different so I’d have to temper it by saying I can’t promise anything. But I think all books we read that we find interesting and engaging do something for your soul on some level. Is there anything you’re looking for? Any thing, however vague, that you think you might need? Or just want?

>> No.10502233

Ugh kill yourself. I want I need help not this.

>> No.10502235


>> No.10502241

Anon i don't think there is a book that can help you with this.

But i can say is that you need to tell someone about this, there will always be someone who will listen and care for what you have to say.

>> No.10502244

General self help:
>Meditations by Marcus Aurelius (Hays translation)
>War of Art by Steven Pressfield
>Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink (and Jocko podcast)
>Holy Bible, King James Version (don't have to b Christian, but it's just a great moral code to live by)
>How to Fail at Everything and Still Win Big by Scott Adams

>> No.10502245

"We have always lived in the castle" by Shirley Jackson will not help you in that it is not a cheery or uplifting read. However it will show you how being a shut in warps your view of the world for the worse. Go out in the sunlight and find a therapist. I'll pray for you anon, hope things get better

>> No.10502246

*shoots you*
Faggot. Only thing I could think of off the top of my head were short story collections, like Death in Midsummer or the Periodic Table. I wanted to know what kind of book you wanted to read, even something as simple as fiction vs nonfiction. Idiot bitch.

>> No.10502251

I dont know, I am not that well read anyway. I dont want any meme self help books though those dont do anything.
I want to live but I dont know how. I wish I can grow up. I wish I can have good hearted people around me.


I dont have anyone to talk to. My only good friend got into drugs and cut contact with me. My cousins and uncle dont want anything to do with me. I just want someone to hold me.

>> No.10502252

Become cute so an Anon will take care of you

>> No.10502258
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Read SIEGE by James Mason. It will teach you everything you need to know.


>> No.10502289

The Wisdom of Insecurity by Allan Watts. Trust me.

>> No.10502324


>> No.10502360

you are too stupid for the outside world, just rot in a dead end job and never take showers faggot.

>> No.10503748

Honestly this book is great