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/lit/ - Literature

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10502032 No.10502032 [Reply] [Original]

I am requesting good book recommendations for somebody that feels like life has passed them by, suffering from recurring nightmares of dropping out of college like I did 10 years ago.

I would appreciate any books that can help me deal with losing my mind.

Thank you /lit/.

>> No.10502057
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The Consolation of Philosophy (Latin: De consolatione philosophiae) is a philosophical work by Boethius, written around the year 524. It has been described as the single most important and influential work in the West on Medieval and early Renaissance Christianity, as well as the last great Western work of the Classical Period.

>> No.10502078

I have reoccuring dreams that I'm in sixth form, which I finished 12 years ago.

>> No.10502095
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Looks interesting, but not sure if it's relevant to me?

All of my college related dreams have a theme of dropping out, not having handed in work and trying to re-enroll to no avail. Sometimes I am 4 years in and still have to start the first term all over again, having wasted the entire year. This is my real life failures, that I am incapable of ever rectifying, haunting my dreams.

>> No.10502099

Help you with losing your mind?

Nature by Emerson
Walden by Henry David Thoreau
Elements by Euclid

>> No.10502106



>> No.10502113

Why did you drop out? Even if you have a meme degree getting a bachelor's degree is almost always going to help you in the long run, unless it's completely unaffordable and you don't want to spend the next 10+ years of your life drowning in student loans.

>> No.10502122

I wish to relive that time again, mostly for social and emotional reasons. As for qualifications you can redo them a later date, people do this all the time, though at the time I guess there's pressure to keep up.

>> No.10502126

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius (Hays translation)
Flow by Mihaly Csziksentmihalyi
War of Art by Pressfield
In Search of Lost Time by Proust (watch the School of Life video for Proust first. Read the Moncrieff translation).
Holy Bible (KJV)
Divine Comedy by Dante (Mandelbaum translation)
The Brothers Karamazov (P&V translation, will make you begin to believe in God, whichever I know sounds crazy but it's true)
Everything James Joyce writes

>> No.10502130

Depression/Anxiety (yeah, fag reasons basically).

Kept re-enrolling. I have the debt without the degree.

>> No.10502158

>watch the School of Life video for Proust first
End yourself

>> No.10502160

thank god for you, anon
newfags BTFO

>> No.10502168

Literally read Carl Jung on the topic of Individuation. It's not a solution but a crystallized diagnosis might open your eyes in some way

>> No.10502178

Fucking stupid post you could apply it to anything those are lit staples
Double fuck you for adding Flow and Aurelius
Get your hands off my books

>> No.10502350

What specifically is wrong with School of Life videos? I hear lit bash them but provide zero actual points behind it

>> No.10502402

>What's wrong with eating dogshit? You guys always make fun of me but never present a coherent argument, it might not be the best but there are some nutrients and it's easy to find!
Youtube has so many great lectures, just watch those instead Alain the Bottom. His philosophy videos have put off a lot of people here, like John Green's history ones.

>> No.10502483
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hi newfag

>> No.10502522

I have reoccurring dreams about how I am a tree waiting to be cut down by a merciful lumberjack.

The most amazing trait of the human mind is how open to suggestion it actually is. Don't let your imagination get you down. Move on and go fill a hole like you were born to.

>> No.10502613

Thomas Bernhard sounds like what you need

>> No.10502627

Or even better: all the writers that hack Bernhard ripped off.

>> No.10502645
File: 450 KB, 749x797, 56825F0A-FF39-4444-AE13-4ECFC62439A6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Condensed and biased pop philosophy. His video on Plato has an entire section on the important of “letting your lover change you.”

>> No.10502669

The video tries to stay relevant and appears to normie by ending their bland, oversimplified summary of a philosopher by saying "he teaches us to be X, Y, and Z in our daily lives"

It's so superficial and vapid, you can tell the videos are made for people who only want a surface level understanding, probably for some kind of school project. There are so many longer and more in-depth philosophical videos on Youtube.

>> No.10502670

This is the dumbest thing I’ve read on lit in a while and I was just in the James Baldwin thread

>> No.10502680

>Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
Opinion discarded. You don't understand philosophy and clearly got into it through Alain the Buttboy

>> No.10503857

The request was books for an empty person to not lose their mind, not for books that replace high brow philosophy degrees for basement dwellers to never apply to real life. If you're not applying what you learn in books to real life, you're simply part of the academia circle jerk and should off yourselves.

>> No.10503877

no longer human

>> No.10503881


>> No.10503885

brainlet: the post

>> No.10503888
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>> No.10504079

kys normalfag

>> No.10504181

Hello, Reddit