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File: 52 KB, 329x499, 45F7361B-9B02-4C3D-A7FA-6336955AEC9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10498607 No.10498607 [Reply] [Original]

How was it?

>> No.10498612

This will trigger the /pol/fags

>> No.10498633

It’ll probably trigger anyone who dislikes trash.

>> No.10498669
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Don't know and don't really care. However, it sounds like Bannon is the real deal when it comes to America First and Trump caved to the kikes on the "left" and the "right". Fucking Macron sounds more with it.

>> No.10498680
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>> No.10498685
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This shit is unreal, he's mentally disabled if half this crap is true.

>> No.10498700


>> No.10498704

Going to read about slander and libel laws.

I [sage] told me to

>> No.10498715

Trump is not human, he is archetypal, the fact that he eats only McDonalds Cheesburgers is testament to his all American purity, Trump doesn't need Bannon, he doesn't need no one, he is realer than real, he's a hero, he's a rockstar, he's the truth, he's Making America Great Again, he's Making America Great Again, he's Making America Great Again, Just look at the DOW, he's working MAGIC, Donnie has the magic, He's untouchable, he's indestructible, he is the dream, he is the ultimate... Donald Trump exists in an different plane of reality from the rest of us, the hyperreal incarnation of the American spirit, a Reagan-Christ for the age of Twitter and cable news, the first of a new breed of supermen, the blond beast, the lion MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA

>> No.10498737

Or, alternatively, a fat guy in a bad suit.

>> No.10498738

include me in the screencap

>> No.10498750

That's like saying Christ was just a bearded guy with a robe and sandals

>> No.10498762

It's obviously not true. It's blown-up bullshit like the two scoops thing. Virtually all the media has lower credibility than the white house themselves.

>> No.10498824
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This, but ironically

>> No.10498841
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i have no sides and i must kek

>> No.10498844

Reminder that this book was written by a kike who has a history of lying (any surprise there?) and that this kike's coethnics are hyping the fuck out of this book for obvious reasons, mainly because Trump destroyed what little credibility these media jews had left during the campaign. It's yet another reason why jews can never be allowed to have power, they are pure propagandists who lack the moral compass and dignity whites have.

>> No.10498852

kikes are white

>> No.10498855

t. buttblasted polshitter

>> No.10498866
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>> No.10498868
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>> No.10498870
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>> No.10498892

when interviewed about his own favorite book he admitted he'd never finished it tbqh
it was 'all quiet on the western front' for those who are interested

>> No.10498977
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Curious to read it. Even if it's all bullshit, it sounds like a laugh

>> No.10498980

Is this really the book everyone is getting in a fit over? It's no better than the kind of shit you'd find in tabloids.

>> No.10498987
File: 433 KB, 498x408, trump israel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Trump is a media jew
and the media gave him billions in free outrage coverage, and made him look persecuted for his redneck hobbit followers

>> No.10498995

I think it's because the selling point is the author (supposedly) had access to the White House and interviewed everyone he could so people believe it may be true and not tabloid hearsay. The stuff about a Gorilla Channel is legit fake news though.

>> No.10499018

what the fuck is wrong with eating cheeseburgers in bed?

you lock the door so other people cant steal your mcdonalds?

its called being a switched on person; this is why he president and you arent...

>> No.10499045

there is no such thing as fake news, we are submerged in an environment of 24/7 schizophrenic hyperreality in which everything is simultaneously fake and true, soon, your mental circuits will melt down together with the mental circuits of everyone in the industrialised world to give way to an AI hivemind, it will all be over and you will finally know peace

>> No.10499058

This was a fake from Reddit, brainlet.

>> No.10499088


>> No.10499092

wow I think we have our new Baudrillard

>> No.10499097

>Virtually all the media has lower credibility than the white house themselves.

So this is what a bootlicker looks like

>> No.10499104

The media is trump's ally
he's road runner
the media is wily coyote
the spectacle is watching the coyote fail
both are aware

>> No.10499105
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its set up as a hit piece to shit on trump. Even if you ignore the fact that its written by a libelous kike so much is obvious. The book doesnt even have pretentions about being objective and exists so never trumpers can read it to fan the flames of their anger. The fact is trump is neither some saint nor a demon - hes a fat old man who is out of his depth but has enough common sense and naivety to bumble through.

>> No.10499107
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>a man who graduated from one of the best business schools on the entire fucking planet cant read

>> No.10499174

>that pic
This must be bollocks, surely?

>> No.10499184
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>> No.10499187
File: 135 KB, 872x563, yell_at_the_sky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you been living in a monastery or something? You could hardly create fictive outrage comparable to the ridiculousness of that which trump has generated. Even in the UK there were protests against him with people screaming at the sky and whatnot. Truly, it has been the greatest spectacle of the 2010 (which goes to show the tedium of the decade more than anything).

>> No.10499196

Of course I've been clued in to the anger and the protests etc, but this is just embarrassingly unselfaware

>> No.10499203

Evidently he got into Wharton because Fred Trump actually had been intellectually impressive.

>> No.10499208

well it's VICE so what did you expect

>> No.10499232

>legit fake news
it was a joke from twitter, are jokes considered news now?

>> No.10499236

>never finished his 'favourite book'
>it happens to be a very short book
I want to believe

>> No.10499241
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The joke-author himself is baffled

>> No.10499250

>This shit is unreal, he's mentally disabled if half this crap is true.

Oh definitely. I hate pulling the braindead conservative tactic of declaring anything critical as 'fake news' or 'false,' but a lot of it does come across as pure fabrication or high embellishment. There are just so many things we've heard from other perspectives that directly conflict with the portrayal in this book, like Trump and Melania not wanting to win, Trump being unable to process information at all, Katie Walsh going on-the-record to deny her parts, select anecdotes from loyalists, and so on.

And, honestly, I just simply cannot believe a man could have so many loyal followers, especially those he's treated poorly and thrown to the wayside, who would continue to support him if they truly think and he really is how the book claims.

>> No.10499261

Bannon convinced Trump to recognise Jerusalem as Israels capital and talked about how much support it would get them from wealthy rightwing Jewish Americans

>> No.10499264

libel and slander is almost impossible to prove in America, its not like England
No its backedup by years of Trumps documented behaviour
Why are they so loyal to a clown? He's the front man, they need him in the White House to carry out their legislative agenda. Same reason they supported Raygun and Dubya.

>> No.10499277

>the hyperreal incarnation of the American spirit, a Reagan-Christ for the age of Twitter and cable news
May God have mercy on our souls.

>> No.10499282

>Media lies about Trump
>Trump lies
>Book lies about Trump and Trumps lies
We as a species need to step back and ask ourselves if this is really what we should be doing

>> No.10499287
File: 32 KB, 400x400, Garry Denke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was like watching the news, fake.

>> No.10499298

Hey remember Israel?
The kikes are on his side, or at least he's on theirs

>> No.10499312

Is collecting urine the protest or is he/she going to do something with it?

>> No.10499316


Why is this surprising to anyone? He is fat and Hideous, she obviously doesn't want to be near him. Probably smells, too, all fatties do

>> No.10499317

>No its backedup by years of Trumps documented behaviour

Some traits, sure, but the book is making some very serious claims. The documented record indeed shows Trump doesn't have a 'writer's mind' like, say, Obama or Jefferson, that he's a petty narcissist obsessed with media attention and image, that he is often ruthless and totally indifferent to the feelings of others, that he may not have a substantive grasp of policy details, the US Constitution, or the finer points of the law. However, that he is 'semi-literate,' has entered into advanced stages of dementia akin to Reagan's final years, didn't actually desire to win the election, or has absolutely no regard or sense of compassion for commonplace people? Many of the claims contradict his known history (e.g. Melania encouraged him to run in this election because she felt this was now his chance, he can clearly read speeches, he has made decisions based on information he has newly processed and considered, former employees claim he is one of the nicest people they've ever met) or are so outlandish and 'unreal' that it's dangerous to assert without concrete evidence.

>Why are they so loyal to a clown? He's the front man, they need him in the White House to carry out their legislative agenda. Same reason they supported Raygun and Dubya.

Many, sure, but what about the loyalties of former staffers and long-time employees?

Look, I just find it utterly insane and outside the realm of possibility for the man illustrated in the book to win the Presidential election against monumental odds and achieve such success in life.

>> No.10499335

>I just find it utterly insane and outside the realm of possibility for the man illustrated in the book to win the Presidential election against monumental odds and achieve such success in life.

why? he makes people a shit load of money. do you think they care if hes a retard? no.

this whole country started because the founding fathers didnt want to pay taxes. theres no need to imagine any big conspiracy, he just makes a lot of money for people - and then those people buy influence because everyone likes money.

it seems pretty simple to me idk

>> No.10499366

collecting urine is the protest i believe. However, i wouldnt be surprised if later, once they have amassed critical urine, they do something with it: some 'art'.

>> No.10499383

A lot of those loyalists no longer make money off of him, though, and in some cases their association with President Trump has negatively impacted their career prospects. Hell, there's much more money to be made from turning against and 'exposing' Trump, as this book soundly proves, and yet many of those people with that opportunity continue to support the President even though they are no longer in the White House. Katie Walsh, the deputy CoS who denies the comments attributed to her in the book, works at a pro-Trump PAC. Bannon released a statement in response to Trump's disparaging comments that reaffirmed his commitment to the President. Priebus continues to lunch with and advice Trump. Lewandowski continues to shill on cable networks (although you could argue there's a financial angle here with his lobbying clients) and, with the head of Citizens United, wrote a book offering a highly positive portrait of Trump. Plus all of the people who worked on his underdog campaign. For the not-so-great amount of money most of them were making, I don't think they'd commit to such an underdog campaign if they thought the candidate was an utter retard and total threat to the country as its Chief Executive.

There's a consistent pattern here, and that's without using current staffers because the possibility they want to maintain their powerful positions or maybe even serve the country by containing and managing the President are both sound and realistic counterpoints---though I would argue many of them are genuine believers and faithful servants, but there's no way to prove it either way.

>> No.10499402


>a grown man eating McDonalds

This is one of those infallible signs of a total lack of self-respect.

>> No.10499433

And my point was more that to win the Presidential election under the pressures and odds faced by Trump requires a high degree of intelligence. The critics and opposition often insist the twofold claim that a) Trump is a conman and tricked the populace into winning the election and b) Trump is mentally handicapped. While I personally believe neither are true, to me they appear to be contradictory assertions. One can't con their way to 270 electoral votes if they are braindead, and yet Trump won, con or no con. Since the book presents Trump as practically mental deficient, a position that conflicts the reality of his victory, I view the book to be highly suspect and undoubtedly exaggerated and full of falsehoods.

>> No.10499554

>I just simply cannot believe a man could have so many loyal followers
why would anyone pretend to support the president of the US in order to get into his favour? There is literally no benefit in it unless you actually love him.

>> No.10499609

Read my other posts, anon. Why aren't people formerly within his inner-circle who've been fired and/or publicly denounced by Trump calling for his impeachment if they've witnessed his mental shortcomings firsthand and no longer have any reason to remain loyal to him? If he's truly unfit to be President, then the people who have the most knowledge of his character and mental capabilities have no reason not to inform the world of the "Potemkin Presidency" and have him impeached in favor of Pence. Hell, I'd even say they have a duty to do so.

People like Sean Spicer, Rence Priebus, Tom Price, Katie Walsh, Corey Lewandowski, Sam Nunberg, Dina Powell, et al., people who in fact have everything to gain by exposing the supposed shortcomings of the President have made no public claims remotely resembling the portrayal in Wolff's book, and in many cases have done just the opposite. You could argue some of them are willing to keep an unfit CiC in office for political purposes, but that goal would be better accomplished with Pence as President, something they could easily set the ball rolling toward.

>> No.10499717

Because of the political repercussions they would face if they did so. If there is one lesson they surely did take away from their time in Pennsylvania Avenue, it's that Trump will go for you with the most powerful bully pulpit in the world. The reality is, when we are given an accurate window into what is being said about him in private, we shouldn't not trust that over the public facade affected by people who need to kiss up to Trump in public to have any chance of a career.

Off the top of my head, Lewandowski has hung up his shingle as being a 'Trump-whisperer' for hire - he has nothing to gain in throwing that away. Priebus too. Price has always been a Tea-Partier, and so any chance of a successful run again in the future would be torpedoed by pissing off the base. Nunberg's allegations can all be seen in his filing in the suit with Trump, showing that he thinks as has been represented. We shouldn't fail to consider that those truly vengeful against Trump have a much better way of hitting back against him - through Mueller. Handwritten notes by Priebus corroborating Comey's accounts have been handed to the SC with very little fight. Who knows how far people might have secretly cooperated with the investigation to get revenge?

I do agree with you that they have a duty to be going public with all this themselves - however it seems more like wishful thinking to assume they would ever actually do that.

>> No.10499817

There has never been an impeached president in the history of America, even Nixon who was obviously guilty of multiple major crimes got off without any punishment whatsoever. No party wants to be responsible for that kind of legacy, and it will never happen while the GOP holds the majority in the legislative and judicial branches.

>> No.10499827

>Because of the political repercussions they would face if they did so.

While I agree Trump currently holds a lot of political sway over nearly all Republican voters and a solid amount of Independents, I think if people from within his inner orbit began painting a similar picture to the one in Wolff's book a lot of the base would start to turn against the President. I know, I know, people like Flake and Corker thought they could sway the Republican base against Trump by openly opposing and criticizing him and it ended their current political careers. However, if people from within the White House started to sing the same tune, I believe it would actually turn-the-tide on Trump's support with the base, Congress, and inevitably his own Cabinet, and the process of replacing Trump via the 25th Amendment becomes within reach.

And even that scenario aside, any political repercussions would be temporary, and by the time of the next administration (Pence or not) or 2020 elections, the person would be a political rockstar, and would be able to get any job they wanted.

>The reality is, when we are given an accurate window into what is being said about him in private, we shouldn't not trust that over the public facade affected by people who need to kiss up to Trump in public to have any chance of a career.

I generally almost always trust the behind-the-scenes WH articles written by the Post, NYT, Vanity Fair, et al., but this Wolff book goes so, so much further to the point of necessitating a healthy amount of skepticism. I do find our Mueller angle pretty interesting though.

Nixon was going to be impeached. And that's a fair point, but what about the 25th Amendment? I don't see it as a negative legacy if it's determined by Trump's VP and cabinet the stress of the office is too much for him to bear. They'd be doing their duty.

>> No.10499834

Not that incredible. Sound like my mom and pop. I find burger bagels in the sheets and under the seats of his car.

>> No.10499837

As much as I would like to continue this conversation, it is about the right time for bed. All I want to say in closing is I'm obviously a Trump supporter, but if some people from within Trump's inner orbit, whether they be former or current senior staffers or Cabinet members, corroborated the overall Portrait of the President as a Demented Man, then I would support his removal from the oval office just as much as anyone. Night.

>> No.10499880

It was from twitter

>> No.10499935

>McDonald's is the only cheeseburger restaurant

>> No.10499953

The media is pampering him. NY Times literally just ran a story about how he's more real to the working class than Bush and Obama were.

>> No.10499964

A fitting choice for General Bonespurs.

>> No.10499973

That's because the media also hates the whites working class.

>> No.10500004

>"What is doing Zeus and a cowboy reading a magic book? I just want my mcdonald"

>> No.10500098
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>> No.10500233


That’s a fake from the comedy twitter account Pixelated Boat.

>> No.10500405
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The audiobook is a lot of fun.

>> No.10500514

/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but ideally those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Report and sage

>> No.10501036

>how was it?
A load of jewish lies

>> No.10501055
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>> No.10501074

Fuck off. I don't trust either but most all media is obvious fake ideologically-motivated crap and anyone who takes it seriously needs their head plunged.

>> No.10501113

Yes, but the most important thing for people to understand is *why* the media is so dishonest, and the reason is because western media is now controlled by jews and is thus a reflection of them and their nature, and pursues only their interests. Jews don't care about truth or ethics, they are swindlers from the desert.

>> No.10501349

le epic weird twitter joke! Antifa supersoldier milkshake duck xD

>> No.10501744

I had read something along those lines. The US right has a very strange relationship with the Israel crowd.

But consider this: Bannon seems to have been ousted due to the pressure over the Charlottesville mess, the (((media))) was virtually painting him as Hitler, and Kushner apparently wanted him out. No doubt to strengthen his own position inside the WH.

So far every major firing or resignation has been of a non-Jewish person. Even with the Comey thing which backfired, strangely enough. All the way up to Bannon, and even Gorka (Hungarian guy with very right-wing links) afterwards.

With Bannon out the main voices around Trump are establishment career politicians (Ryan, McConnell) and the Kushner/Jewish bloc within the WH. Neocons basically.

Just reading about Bannon on Wikipedia you can see he was a leading voice behind overhauling immigration and not getting involved in pointless foreign wars. He saw China as a threat and he even proposed higher taxes for the rich. Not typical Republican establishment stuff by any stretch.

I preferred a Trump victory to a Clinton one particularly on foreign policy, as she was saying some dangerous things about Russia/Syria. No doubt he'll continue to do some things to appease his base as he needs some support to exist politically.

However, with Bannon gone and all this Iran stuff going down it doesn't look too good when it comes to non-interventionism. Particularly if Ivanka turns on the water works and the Israel/neocon crowd start egging Trump on in the background.

>> No.10501746

>Trump is not human, he is archetypal, the fact that he eats only McDonalds Cheesburgers is testament to his all American purity,
God I hope this is true, if it is it means he's going to get shot soon

>> No.10501792

Anyone else think the book unintentionally humanizes him?
Like, I still loathe his politics, but I now feel a certain kinship with him and want to hug him.

>> No.10501793

I have no doubt Trump could get his brains blown out a la Kennedy only to appear completely unharmed on TV a day later as if nothing had happened.

>> No.10501820

50 years ago

>> No.10501831

Obviously, the NYT, Trevor Noah and the whole east coast media establishment are going to give him shit for violating the basic norms of reality, I mean, how dares he, does he think he's Christ or something?

>> No.10501842

This is a man who releases polls about himself without negative options, along with a poll where you can rate Obama as poor.

Of course he's barely literate. Of course he's obese and has no conception of healthy behaviors. Of course he's adulterous.

Why this surprises anyone is beyond me.

>> No.10501860

I thought he was just playing 4d chess

>> No.10501872


Jesus the guy wants a cheeseburger so he must be disabled? What's the big deal?

>> No.10501894
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>Trump Tower meeting with Russians 'treasonous', Bannon says in explosive book
>But consider this: Bannon seems to have been ousted due to the pressure over the Charlottesville mess, the (((media))) was virtually painting him as Hitler, and Kushner apparently wanted him out. No doubt to strengthen his own position inside the WH.

>implying sloppy steve didn't get rightfully laid off like the treacherous dog he is

Welcome to the resistance, Steve!

>> No.10501958
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>taking anything this book says seriously
>not looking at the bigger picture for america, instead appealing to blind ass kissing

Nice try, Kushner. Hop on over to reddit.

>> No.10501986

I don't take the book seriously, I take Trump seriously.

>> No.10502022
File: 1.59 MB, 461x322, 3fipjY5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheeseburgers in bed

>> No.10502038
File: 174 KB, 1931x1855, 1c8gn7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>discussing politics on pol
well memed, my friend

>> No.10502041

>Not that incredible. Sound like my mom and pop. I find burger bagels in the sheets and under the seats of his car.

All americans do this, this is in fact how the soviets spotted American spies during the cold war

>> No.10502054

It's the accelerationists thesis right? Trump will rally the proletariats against him and start a new socialists era? Was Zizek right or he was talking shit as usual?

>> No.10502058

True because he has no brains

>> No.10502060

Is Brietbart not a trusted news source anymore? What is?

>> No.10502066

He's locking himself in his bedroom to eat cheeseburgers? That doesn't seem weird to you?

>> No.10502067

Breitbart is for drooling retards. You need to consult multiple news sources to get a fair take on news.

>> No.10502081

The only outlets that speak honestly about what's going on in the west these days are involved with the alt right like the below.


>> No.10502083

>hmm they don't have sex often, and when they do she probably has to work up to in for weeks.
>his diet is that of an American boomer

This is supposed to be shocking?

>> No.10502090

End Time Headlines - News From a Prophetic Perspective


>> No.10502114

Nixon resigned specifically so they couldn't impeach him, imbecile

>> No.10502128


>> No.10502142

>Obama has a writer's mind

Obama went to Columbia and then Harvard Law and got a job as a professor, but its very possible that Obama's SAT and LSAT scores are the same as white attorneys who went to UIllinois-Chicago and Cooley Law School and work modest small firm attorneys.

>> No.10502250

I rescind this statement after reading a Steve Sailer article demonstrating he probably had high 160s on the modern LSAT scale. Still bad a president

>> No.10502361

Gib files ploxxers, Bezos pulled it from audible because it was too popular.

>> No.10502409

There were two. Andrew Johnson and Willy Clinton. But impeachment doesn't mean what you think it means.

>> No.10502466
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>> No.10502469

> The fact is trump is neither some saint nor a demon - hes a fat old man who is out of his depth but has enough common sense and naivety to bumble through.

If you're criticising the book for not showing this, you didn't read it in the first place. The book goes out of its way to depict exactly what you're saying.

>> No.10502501
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>> No.10502505

>P O S T
>L I T E R A T E

>> No.10502544

Funny how this post is getting ignored. I thought /lit/ was a smart board.

>> No.10502569

This is a jewish shitshow from top to bottom, from the kike who wrote it to the kike media promoting the lies in it like the story of the century. How much longer will we put up with these semitic tricks and this warped desert morality infesting and undermining our institutions? Can any sensible white man truly ignore the jewish problem with a straight face anymore? You have to be a serious idiot to not get it at this point.

>> No.10502574

It's a wink wink disclaimer. He's saying it's totally bullshit, but not really.

>> No.10502588


>> No.10502591

try reading it

>> No.10502595

Why not release the recorded interviews?

>> No.10502597

I agree about him "not wanting to win."
If he didnt want to win, why did he "collude with Russia" to win.

These naratives don't make sense together, but the left seems to believe both of them simultaneously...

>> No.10502601


>> No.10502604

Proof of what?

>> No.10502606

They're so desperate they're flinging anything they can come up with and hope at least somrthing sticks.

>> No.10502614
File: 373 KB, 1011x732, 0277484838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are reaching the apex of jewish Pravda American style. These jews build these webs of lies until it collapses around them, then they get purged and run out, scurrying away and blaming everyone else then setting up the same scam in the next place that foolishly lets them set up shop. Will these delusional psychopaths ever learn?

>> No.10502615

your mom lol

>> No.10502616

>this is what amerimutts believe

check'd and kek'd

>> No.10502624

Which Jews are you referring to? Trump's kids or their children and spouses?

>> No.10502633

check mate'd by>>10502624

>> No.10502636

this but unironically

For real, everything is both true and false at the same time. nothing can be proven one way or the other, yet at the same time, using different points of view, both sides can be proven true or false. Nothing matters anymore. Whatever you want to be true, is true and no one can tell us differently.

>> No.10502641

>If I repeat it many times it will become true
lmao stormtards

>> No.10502644


You failed worse than him.

>> No.10502650

The only thing being continually repeated are jewish expulsions.

>> No.10502657

Trump Derangement Syndrome is sadly a VERY real condition and it appears to be incurable thusfar and possibly even fatal according to the left
>people are literally dying out here, millions will die during his presidency

>> No.10502671

I like how you didn't highlight the sentence in between
do you understand context?

>> No.10502676

but Trump is pro jews and pro Israel
even wants to acknowledge Jerusalem as theirs
what gives?

>> No.10502696

You can't get elected saying anything to the contrary, but what he personally believes doesn't really matter. He's putting a halt to the most crucial aspects of the jewish program and will likely leave the door open for the coming generations of whites to dismantle it more thoroughly. Jews played the long game to push it this far, so must we to end it and get rid of them.

>> No.10502701

Confusing, isn't it? Different factions playing both sides.
"Right-wing" Jews tend to be up Israel's backside more and fuck up the banking regulations.
"Left-wing" Jews want open borders and are more in the CNN gibs and affirmative action direction.

>> No.10502713
File: 21 KB, 300x242, oyyyy_veeeeeeyyyy_the_goyim_know-300x242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kosher sandwich.

>> No.10502720

It's embarrassing how easy it is for these mentally ill invalids to get testosterone.

>> No.10502779

Jews win no matter what

>> No.10502794

>amassed critical urine
had a good kek, thanks

>> No.10502800

apparently he eats it because there's something about him being worried about getting poisoned and he appreciates the consistency that McDs is made the same all over the country

>> No.10502806

Jews always lose, since even when they are able to successfully infiltrate a nation, they almost immediately lose power upon obtaining it because they are ultimately parasitic vagabonds unfit to rule in any civilized fashion. If they could create and run these institutions on their own they wouldn't have to behave in such a way, but jews can't do that because they're semites, and semites don't build things, they destroy them.

Jewing only goes one way, like a pilot who can hijack a plane and fly it for a while but doesn't know how to land it. It eventually either crashes and a bunch of people die, or the pilot is overtaken and removed from the cockpit by the passengers and staff. What we have to learn is how to stop allowing the jew on our planes so we stop repeating this process over and over again.

>> No.10502816

god i fucking love /lit/. its been more than 14 hours and no one has called you a shill.

anyone who thinks /pol/ has actual political discussion is a fucking moron

>> No.10502820

its a pretty well known fact that trump eats a fuckload of mcdonalds.
i dont personally have a problem with it, but im a fatty fat fat myself

>> No.10502822

im 95% sure this is bait, but if it isnt look at the OP, it is about a specific literary work.

>> No.10502831
File: 116 KB, 913x790, 1509817184773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is Breitbart not a trusted news source anymore?

>> No.10502856

>It's obviously not true. It's blown-up bullshit like the two scoops thing.

you don't think there might be some personal danger in writing a book critical of arguably the second most powerful man in the world?

best thing you can say about him in that regard is that he probably can't even PRONOUNCE "polonium", much less feed it to writers he doesn't like.

>> No.10502863

the Dr Seuss version?

>> No.10502873

brekkek kekkek

>> No.10502876

i hope netflix gets the gorilla channel soon. that sounds cool.

>> No.10502887

don't you love playing whack-a-mole with crackpot websites that have more popups than a gay porn film?

>> No.10502893
File: 73 KB, 620x478, jean-baudrillard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just find it utterly insane and outside the realm of possibility for the man illustrated in the book to win the Presidential election against monumental odds and achieve such success in life.
Boy have I got something for you

>> No.10502894
File: 75 KB, 600x450, BhusA__IgAABP7M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CHEESE BURGERS IN BED???????????????????????????/


>> No.10502899

>anyone who thinks /pol/ has actual political discussion is a fucking moron

is that like how /a/ isn't for discussing anime, and /mu/ isn't for discussion of music?

>> No.10502910

>unironically invoking amendments as if LITERALLY ANYONE IN GOV'T cares about them
this is why we're proles

>> No.10502935

i just meant try to voice a dissenting opinion without getting called a shill or a kike. its impossible

/pol/ is an echo chamber for the right just like the lefties on r*ddit and how neogaf was.
everyone screams muh free speech! muh marketplace of ideas! but its absolute bullshit. on /pol/ no one wants discussion, they want their beliefs validated and spit back at them. which is fine, everyone needs a place like that sometimes but to pretend like its anything more is ridiculous.

maybe back in the day it had real political discussion, but those days are long over. i spend a pretty good amount of time on /pol/ and im on the right, im just not a deluded faggot

>> No.10502969

He's eating McDonald's in the fucking picture you mong.

>> No.10502977

I've been involved in politics for 22 years without ever engaging in identity politics. /pol/ is engaged in nothing but identity politics. It's just brainlets pretending to have big boy discussions.

>> No.10502984

I mean, that's not wrong....

>> No.10502987

nailed it

>> No.10502990

Identity politics is the only game in town in a multicultural society. Don't like it? Then advocate for the removal of non-whites from white countries and we can go back to believing in abstract ideals only white people care about anyway.

>> No.10502999

You don't sound like you believe in any abstract ideals. For all of multicultural society's problems, it's still vastly better than the sort of shitshow /pol/tards would create if they had a chance.

>> No.10503000

im sorry you're lonely

>> No.10503001

with sloppy steve firmly out of the picture and subject to ridicule by all parties i think the fun part's over for this administration :(

>> No.10503007

I'm white so of course I care about abstract ideals. The issue is the tens of millions of non-whites currently squatting in my nation who do not. They play identity politics, therefore I must as well. It's not complicated, friend, but you can't have it both ways.

>> No.10503009


>> No.10503011

>you don't think there might be some personal danger in writing a book critical of arguably the second most powerful man in the world?
No, people write this shit all the time. It's a danger in Syria or NK, but in America the tactic is usually just let it get drowned out by newer media for all the short attention spans.

>> No.10503015

Sure I can. My political goal is to keep all the id-pol types out, which includes the non-whites id-pollers whom you hate and which also includes you. A man can have more than one political opponent. Therefore, I can can most assuredly have it both ways.

>> No.10503018
File: 168 KB, 1160x628, 170224-peter-thiel-trump-gty-1160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wait, /lit/'s favorite Nrx psychic vampire still has a few tricks under his sleeve. Word's out that Thiel wants to bankroll a right wing cable news network to rival fox news. Dude's so far right he makes Bannon look like a National Review hack, he's a personal friend of Moldbug for one.

>> No.10503019

>be elected president of the U.S.
>be given a mansion that has multiple more rooms than you need, giving each member of your family their own personal space and privacy when needed
>lock your door because an autistic sperg that works for you wants to watch you have a break and eat a good old hamburger

>> No.10503021

>interview liars
>get lies

its a true mystery, I know

>> No.10503030

>Rationalizing this much

>> No.10503050

Well, you can't, so if you're white the sooner you stop fooling yourself the better. And I don't know what id pol is, nor have I ever posted on the regular pol.

>> No.10503059

Identity politics. And of course I can. It's simple. I politically oppose a lot of the people whom you politically oppose, but I also politically oppose you and people like you. To speak as if there are only two sides is either ignorance or a recruitment tactic.

>> No.10503060

>Dude's so far right
>he's a personal friend of Moldbug for one.
Moldbug is a jew, and what qualifies as "so far right" these days excludes jews who intentionally misidentify the problem, i.e., "the Cathedral."

>> No.10503066

>tfw Meltdown with Nick Land soon to reach millions of boomer tv viewers across America

>> No.10503073

You can be an ideologue until the cows come home, but if you are white in a diminishingly white country that's all you'll ever be. If you actually want whatever abstract ideals you believe in to ever have a chance though, you should promote policies that increase the share of the white population. Look at what happened to BernieBros ... they ran up against the non-white party who didn't give a fuck about their abstract idealism.

>> No.10503081

oh hell yeah fuck me up fashy daddy

>> No.10503084

>accepting as fact the ridiculous statements of a politically motivated sensationalist because he happens to align with your politics today
Continental Cuckolds

>> No.10503106

I don't really care that much about abstract ideals, what I care about is living in a society and state that hold, in real tangible ways, to liberal values. The demographic shifts away from a white majority probably are bad for liberal values, but so are people who think as you do. Or what, do you imagine that it would be possible to kick all the non-whites out of "your" country without destroying liberal values?

>> No.10503166

Liberal values are a product of, and will only get a truly fair shake among, white people. I'm glad you recognize that non-whites hinder that but the rot goes a lot deeper. I want you to be able to advocate for those ideals openly, I mean that, but your country is occupied by jews who are using those liberal values to weaken your society and manipulate your heightened sense of individualism. Until you are able to grasp that and fully understand what is standing in the way, what you want will be increasingly intangible.

>> No.10503174
File: 338 KB, 800x1200, 20180107-011813-NobilisThicc-id2317850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't say nor imply any of that, mutt

>> No.10503177

Ah, here comes the stormtardation.
Funny thing is, even if what you claim about Jews is true, I'd still rather have Jews around than people like you. However much they might damage society, I am convinced your ilk would damage it more.
Now fuck off.

>> No.10503205

I feel sorry for idiots like you who stick up for jews knowing not a thing in the world about how much they hate you, hate you couldn't fathom even if you were less stupid than you are.

>> No.10503285

>stop reading for 50 years
>can't read very well now
it's not fucking rocket science

>> No.10503293

>why would people be loyal to trump for a long time?
They are complicit in something illegal

>> No.10504125

this is the most reasonable, civil, political discussion I've seen on 4chan since the advent of 2015. congratulations /lit/

>> No.10504313

I'm gonna guess it's as informative as Hillary's What Happened.

>> No.10504329

It's a really shitty title. I understand they are going by Trump's "fire and fury" comments to North Korea. But most of the book is not really about fire or fury, it's moreso about stupidity and incompetence.

>> No.10504338


i'm from northern new jersey. i know many jews. they are basically typical upper-middle class/lower upper class professionals.

>> No.10504359

Also, $$$

>> No.10504569

But anon trump is ultra kike and the kikes love him. Why would the kikes plot against themselves?

>> No.10504591


I'm a real estate agent myself. You're constantly being called and bugged by people. Sometimes you just have to lock the door, turn off the phone, and tell people to fuck off.

Imagine being the POTUS.

>> No.10504596

i'm sorry you're blind

>> No.10504597

does that man have a vagina?

because i would

>> No.10504598

I thought it was because Fred Trump had money.

>> No.10504619
File: 404 KB, 1024x600, chad commie grandpappy virgin nazi uncle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm "the left" and I've never believed the Russian narrative. Only mainsteam corporate democrats believe that. Leftists educated in foreign policy knows that Trump's administration is actually behaving similarly as hillary clinton would have, when it comes to Russia, Iran, Syria, and DPRK, only more bombastic and at a faster pace.

Real leftists are against imperialism. Only dumbass corporate democrats would fucking try to scapegoat a private sector billionaire textbook republicuck as somehow colluding with a "Commie" Russian that hasn't been "commie" in a while, let alone ideologically actually in favor of what Marx was talking about.

>> No.10504657


Fat people don't like letting others see them eat, especially if it's unhealthy food.

>> No.10504667


>> No.10504683

The book actually points out this is the time when he gets on the phone and constantly makes calls to people (and when plenty of "leaks" happen). I hope you realize that Donald Trump's lifestyle does not and never has even vaguely resembled your own.

>> No.10505262

pixelated boat is consistently one of the best posters on twitter

>> No.10505448

Yes, goy, a guy with 8 Jewish grandchildren is truly American.

>> No.10506092

unironically kys

>> No.10506137

back to /pol/

>> No.10506150

you have to go back

>> No.10506317
File: 82 KB, 559x524, out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....and the book is out
download and shitpost, guys

>> No.10506323
File: 40 KB, 246x246, tireddrinkwoj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Macron will never be president of my country

>> No.10506341


A fine work of creative fiction

>> No.10506404
File: 66 KB, 676x676, cycle of blackpilled urban retards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I call this the "Blackpilled Retard" narrative, in which Steve Bannon, who joined Trump's campaign in August 2016, invented Trump's nationalist platform, which he outline in 2015, when Bannon was still a Cruz-Missile. These blackpilled retards are in full agreement with the mainstream media, who originally pushed the Bannon Mastermind Puppeteer narrative at the beginning of 2017 (who ever heard the idea that Bannon invented Trump's platform before the media started transforming Bannon into a racistnazikkk boogeyman scarecrow to wave about in the face of the resistance?).

The media and the retards also agree that every firing from Trump's cabinet has been of a "loyalist" to the delight of the "neocons" (ignoring Priebus, Spicer, Bhararah, Price, Comey, Yates, Cordray, and hundreds of other Obama holdovers). The blackpilled retards also ignore the fact that just about everyone who has been fired later illustrated exactly why they were fired — Flynn with his Turkish connections, Bannon with his egotism and disloyalty, Spicer with his incompetence, etc.

Again, the blackpilled retard parrots the "Ivanka's waterworks" line (which originated with the left-wing media), yet cannot name a single policy or decision which was based on it at all, except perhaps family tax-credits which these "white nationalists" also openly support. The blackpilled retard regurgitates the media's blatant lie, that Trump campaigned as a pacifist, that he swore to withdraw all US military personnel from Afghanistan immediately upon take office, that he swore never to impede his dear friends Bashar al-Assad or Vladimir Putin in any way, that he pledged never to negotiate or bargain with anyone, etc.

None of this has any basis in fact, of course, and anyone who actually followed the 2016 campaign would know the falsehood of these claims immediately, but somehow the blackpilled retard does not, which begs the question, is he literally retarded, or only pretending, and if the latter, then toward what end?

>> No.10506440


Daily reminder that sufferers of Trump Hysteria actually believed the Gorilla Channel cp, because it is no less plausible than all the other retarded shit they believe

>> No.10506661
File: 783 KB, 2400x1600, inner circle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some elaborate straw man bullshit.

Nowhere did the post that you replied to state that Bannon "invented" the Trump platform or that he was some "mastermind puppeteer". Any fucker that looks into it knows that (((Kushner))) is Trump's closest guy, even above his own children apparently.

The post said "non-Jewish" people resigned or were fired, not "loyalist" (however you want to define that).

"Waterworks" is not an uncommon term. Although, the left-wing media certainly seems to have mentioned Ivanka's crying pushing Trump towards military action with Syria. Also, Trump did campaign as a non-interventionist (against the war in Iraq, Libya... yadayadayada). That's not the same thing as pacifism.

You're either retarded yourself or projecting some kind of sinister motive onto others. As tempting as it is to say the former, the fact that you wrote "these white nationalists" and seem adamant to steer the narrative away from Jewish/neocon meddling renders the latter far more likely.

Improve your reading comprehension or get better at bullshitting, kid.

>> No.10506670
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>> No.10506837


I can't believe I once unironically considered myself a Leftist

>> No.10506878

antifa supersoldier was actually funny

>> No.10506965


>> No.10508047
File: 6 KB, 250x167, reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty nice

>> No.10508051

come discuss literature and anything else you like with us at the disc

https://discord gg/c37NwyB