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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 117 KB, 736x736, 1515006863417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10497348 No.10497348 [Reply] [Original]

Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

>> No.10497414

I hate this image. What the fuck is that thing? I hate it.

>> No.10497429

It's an atlatl

>> No.10497434

I'm going to write a novel about a group of literary elite - angry prophets decrying the hypocrisy of our time - who get together to try to read their first novel ever but end up dick-riding an 80 year old bugs-bunny aficionado instead.

>> No.10497444

No it's a Tapir.

>> No.10497448

tapir i think. we got them in brazil but we call it antas in here. Its also used as a pejorative word for dumb people.

>> No.10497453

in China those are extremely inauspicious digits anon

>> No.10497460

No, it's an atlatl

>> No.10497465

not in the canton delta or many other regions

>> No.10497482
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Write what you know I guess.

>> No.10497483

eight comments in and we've already got arguments about fucking brazilian mammals and Chinese numerology

>> No.10497496

I wanna fuck Minnie so fuckin bad dude. I wanna fuck Rally too, but Minnie is so fuckin hot. The fact that she's a tarbosloot only makes it better.

>> No.10497497

i've posted this before but I'm posting it again because it's such a good idea:

A postmodern novel about a hard-boiled detective who solves all of his cases by...waiting them out.

>> No.10497501

not numerology. just a phonetic similarity in some dialects (notably mandarin) between 4 and "die." really not different than the idea that "11" looks like two single branches.

>> No.10497504

that's actually pretty good. but i think ross macdonald already wrote it.

>> No.10497507
File: 4 KB, 300x123, atlatl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just memeing that it was an atlatl. It's clearly not an atlatl

>> No.10497555

The highest energy releasing reaction in the universe is the combination of vampire blood and holy water. Spacecraft powered by this fuel cruise the galaxy with a crew of Catholic priests and vampire donors. They get stranded when God gets annoyed at the constant desecration of his blessing in the form of holy water and revokes its power.

>> No.10497558
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What do you guys think about political allegories?

Anything you guys recommend me avoiding?

I am several pages deep in planning,

but I'm worried some elements are too subtle,

and a reason for that may be because of the way
I perceive the world

>> No.10497561
File: 47 KB, 500x405, 12263512235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does intentionally posting things that are obviously untrue really qualify as memeing.

>> No.10497566

You have a point* there.

*meme :^)

>> No.10497696

I'm 23 and writing a semi-autobiographical work (I know). I moved out of my parent's house because I landed an actually decent job as a software developer. This is the experience the novel would revolve around. I've met a lot of interesting characters and I write about them. I also have very strange and vivid dreams and I'm thinking about this larger idea of the protagonist confusing reality with his dreams and discovering a newer form of himself, but is struggling to decide if it is a good or bad change. It will eventually lead up to an ultimatum, where he has to accept the new life he's made for himself with the risk of "it's all a dream bro," or face reality as it is.

>> No.10497958

A young man enrolls at Oxford University.
He spends his days in exciting and engaging intellectual pursuits and his nights dining at exclusive restaurants with his lovely, wealthy, intelligent girlfriend. Then returning to the comfy confines of campus, they have hot steamy sex then snuggle contentedly in each other’s arms and share a laugh about what the have nots in London are doing.

>> No.10497964
File: 203 KB, 1020x388, read expected got.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A collection of well-drawn characters seek fulfillment and meaning through various mediums, including film, insults, and food. Each obsession demonstrates the individual’s need and desire for grander meaning than their obsession actually delivers. The only voices with new ideas are shut down by the intentional defamation or self-congratulatory ignorance of other would-be intellectuals. Each character is defined as much by their hates as they are by their interests.

Several different characters share the limelight, and the narrative hops from one to another in a rapid succession of scenes. It actually takes a few chapters to even introduce the entire cast, and their stories weave in and out, often connecting via on online board where they meet, debate, and fight anonymously. Others meet face to face, sometimes through business, and often as lovers.

>> No.10497974

this sounds pretty good desu.

>> No.10497984
File: 187 KB, 1712x648, spam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg read my book and i'll love you forever

i have an elektra complex for daddy /lit/

>> No.10499008

What's wrong with tapirbro?

>> No.10499854

I’ll read ur book bro

>> No.10499865
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>disrespecting the proud tapir

>> No.10499908
File: 1.17 MB, 3648x3648, 572v3tewekuz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll start outlining this idea for a novel/novella, don't know if it'll get anywhere at all. It's really plebby so be warned

Low fantasy, contemporary, magic is extremely rare and there's a minuscule community for it. They're lucky to find a single scanned magic book page in the darkest depths of the internet or travel to a secluded polynesian village and talk to the grandson of a shaman that might have known a simple spell. This scarcity is probably enforced by an invisible faction.

Plot is about a normie whose brother dies as a result of dabbling in magic. Whenever a pseudomage dies the magic community 'prospects' their knowledge (steals any useful shit they had), and in these proceedings the normie meets this girl who's a magic user. They will gradually warm up to each other and the normie will take an interest in the subject his brother was so engrossed in (they weren't close). Things go wrong when a more powerful mage exploits his inexperience to acquire some powerful loot his brother left behind and the girl now has.

I want to have fantasy horror passages with this more powerful mage character and I'm also thinking about how to not make the normie and the girl be a romantic pair, maybe I'll just make either gay.

>> No.10499933

While teaching in Southeast Asia a young American man unintentionally stumbles into an international conspiracy involving the CIA, Chinese Intelligence agencies, Mekong River pirates and Bangkok heroin dealers
Ultimately he discovers the pleasures of exquisite teenaged ladyboys and neglects his espionage duties, leading to the deaths of many innocent people.

>> No.10500085
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one love bruddah man

>> No.10500959

You're literally a faggot

>> No.10501626

>but I'm worried some elements are too subtle,

its better things be subtle than on the nose, but I wouldn't write political allegories. Personally I can't stand politics being the inspiration of fictitious writing, it usually fails miserably.

>> No.10501663 [DELETED] 


An 1800 page novelization of my video game ideas.

>> No.10501671


An 1800 page novelization of my video game ideas.

>> No.10501679
File: 281 KB, 1920x1200, 1464032008978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple love-story romanticising the new-england landscape in autumn between a man from new york and a girl who works at her fathers maple grove

>> No.10501682

sorry anon but this sounds fucking awful. Yet it just might be shitty enough for the YA community to it up like a hot load.

>> No.10501694

that's okay anon I reread it and it does sound like shit, I'll probably leave it on the backburner and get other shit I got better feedback on done

>> No.10501715

This is pretty easy.

The idea I am most willing to part with:

Think inception, but all of reality has one dreamer constantly reincarnating and setting fate up. This time around it is a woman. A group has been in control of the dreamer for a very long time. They try to control her with a romance plot in this incarnation, but the guy doesn't know he is in on it.

A second group is interested in merely killing the dreamer or awakening her. Girl discovers different guy from that group. Collective tween audience whorgasm over contrived Jake/Edward tension.

Most people probably wouldn't build the tension right to make either group insidious enough to mesmerize. Guaranteed YA shit show

>> No.10501736

I like this twisted thinking. Papal spaceships enslaving vampires for power. Keeping human cattle to replenish their fuel.

>> No.10501812

I've written about 10 pages as a beginning to a deepweb/internet culture and puzzle oriented narrative.

I'm incorporating famous (true) technological experimentation and referencing hundreds of sites in the book.

>> No.10501836

if we publish a book, are we allowed to advertise it on /lit/?

>> No.10501972

unironically no

>> No.10502560

Reworking an idea I had dropped about a man being made to oversee the developmental period of an artificial intelligence system/not-Android.

>> No.10503693
File: 748 KB, 1920x1114, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two europeans and two chinese are fighting a war through a game they escalated out of control in terms of popularity

>> No.10503700

but you can advertise it ironically.

seriously /lit/, english has words for this. Some suggestions: sincerely, genuinely, truly, really, actually. the only use i can think of for "unironically" is if you had reversed from a position of irony to one of sincerity, but even then, it's a stupid fucking word.

>> No.10503724

surrealist horror comedy.
decided to just fuck it, and I'm just using a lot of dreams as plots.
just have to figure out how to piece it together that it's not too surreal
it starts off with the MC talking to a character that tells him she's dead, and he thinks she's just a teenager hopped up on pills.
PLOT TWIST later in the story, it turns out that no, actually, the person he was talking to was a ghost possessing the girl

>> No.10503749

A horroresque fantasy story written from the perspective of a Monk witnessing the end of the world after the death of their God.

>> No.10503773

Set in a semi-dystopic future where the Earth has been ravaged by global warming, ecological destruction, war. and in some parts limited nuclear exchange. A man lives in a city, one of the last areas of civilisation in his nation, ruled by a despotic government. His fiance leaves him, and later turns up dead and he is framed for her murder. He is forced to flee into the wasteland, populated by nomadic tribals. He and a war chieftain whose tribe was destroyed are sold into slavery together.

>> No.10503873
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Here are a few short-story ideas:

>a scientist discovers that there's an underlying proto-grammar behind the"language" that we speak in when we are asleep. Government want this knowledge to spy on people;
>a dude that can only shit looking at the same architectural structure once, once he's done it, can't shit at the same bathroom twice. He spends his life shitting in different bathrooms until he decides to build a self-reassembling bathroom that changes it's inner shape everytime he shits. Ends up trapped there
>dude discovers his doppelganger, finds out that everytime this double is hit with a big piece of wood golden coins fall out of his pocket. He kidnaps the guy and tortures him consistently thoughout his life, become wealthy. This have to think for and ending for this;
>a dude finds a human-sized eye buried in the woods. Turns out it is the eye of the Earth, the sensation-core that regulates Earth's ecossistems (much like the relation between the human eye and human metabolism, or how the ammount of light you perceive directly affects your body cicles). Accidentaly steps on it, entire Earth crashes down;

>> No.10503891

>a scientist discovers that there's an underlying proto-grammar behind the"language" that we speak in when we are asleep. Government want this knowledge to spy on people


>> No.10503959

Isekai web novel.

A man achieves the transhumanist wet dream between him and his assistance implant while being sucked into a magical world who then uses it to conquer everything.

>> No.10504001

>Anon goes insane because "I hate" images of tapirs.
Someone make a book out of this

>> No.10504109

could literally build a muiltibillion dollar franchise on this idea
t. ya author discouraging anon so you can steal his idea

>> No.10504168

I think people use “unironically” ironically for the added irony in the word choice.

>> No.10504174

Unironically this

>> No.10504654


I like it

>> No.10504731

Whats a maple grove and what kind of work do you do there?

>> No.10504752

I want to write a first person, stream of consciousness type story about the mad ramblings of a serial rapist as he goes through the motions of trying to sate the emptiness of his life. Including explicit sexual violence as he either seduces or subdues his victims.

I just don't think the regular self publishing venues would take it. Nor would a traditional publisher. And I don't want the FBI knocking on my door.

>> No.10504809

Historical fiction about Arsinoe IV, the youngest daughter of Ptolemy XIV, who was assassinated by Marc Antony.

>> No.10504885

The fashion designer?

>> No.10504888


>> No.10504905


>> No.10505087

are you also waiting for the book to write itself?

>> No.10505098

It would be wrong to do otherwise

>> No.10505113

>small northern town
>snows all year
>snow is worse than usual
>commitee formed to decide what do
>people start going missing
>maybe because of snow?
>evidence presented by families that it wasnt snow
>"its always snowing wtf my husband was born in a snow"
>"No my daughter always wears tennis racket shoes its not snow"
>panic ensues as 4th person disappears
>"omg wtf that guy was the only person who sold fish now what"
>more snow
>snow squad deciding how to prepare for more snow
>town upset that there arent enough elected representatives to form a seperate missing guys retrieval squad
>form unofficial group to search for missing guys despite warnings to stay inside
>body is found
>he freeze in snow
>dead mans brother outraged
>"he breathes snow how he died to snow wtf"
>commitee says no it was snow be careful theres lots of snow
>guy decides it wasnt an accident
>finds brothers logging axe lodged in tree nearby
>near the town food supply
>finds another body close to the food supply
>checks town food supply
>door is locked
>a window is broken though
>man hiding in there
>dying from cold
>"brrruh they soaked me with water and left me to die"
>checks for anything to keep him warm
>sees town food supply
>almost no food left
>other guy dies
>goes back to town
>stop by committee members
>lead him out to forest
>drench him in water
>freezing to death
>stumbling around lost in snowstorm
>finds brothers axe
>finds way home
>tells everyone
>"commitee killing people because no food"
>closest town 3000 miles away contacted
>committee arrested
>they were skimming food the whole time
>man dies a hero
>still snowing

>> No.10505126

sorry bor, it's bad. real bad.
it's bad by modern YA standards too.

>> No.10505156

I see how youre try to do a fresh take on fantasy by making it modern and horror, it could be done a lot better if you wrote it in a different time