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10496297 No.10496297 [Reply] [Original]

"Squeeze! Squeeze! Squeeze! all the morning long; I squeezed that sperm till I myself almost melted into it; I squeezed that sperm till a strange sort of insanity came over me, and I found myself unwittingly squeezing my co-labourers' hands in it, mistaking their hands for the gentle globules."
>this is what Americans call Literature

>> No.10496309

What do you dislike about it?

“Strange sort of insanity” is pretty weak phrasing but other than that it seems fine.

>> No.10496310

Melville's got nothing on the gayness of Blades of Grass

>> No.10496329

Melville was French ya fucking moron

>> No.10496360

I finally started reading this book and can say it is without a doubt it is the greatest novel ever. Structure, prose, allusions. Get's my dick so fucking hard, it's an American Shakespeare, Ahab talks in blank verse, there's a prophetic fool. Love it desu

>> No.10496423

I agree completely. I made the thread as a joke, because the book's become one of my favourites, and I haven't even finished it. It's amazing.
I just can't help but think I don't get nearly enough of its genius. I didn't notice Ahab's blank verse until you mentioned. But I guess works like Moby Dick aren't supposed to be fully absorbed in only one reading

>> No.10497058


>> No.10497508


>> No.10497535
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>this is what eurofags call shit posting

>> No.10497663
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WHAT?! You made bait thread just to talk about Moby-Dick?! Why not just make a sincere thread instead? Does everyone who make these kinds of threads just want someone to talk too? Is this really what passes for generals on /lit/?

>> No.10497685

>You made bait thread just to talk
How else could you do it?

>> No.10497688

>Implying homosexuality isn't deeply connected to the novel's main theme.

>> No.10497725

>implying you wouldn't squeeze sperm with Ishmael all day

>> No.10498647

Sincere threads get ignored, hun.
Honestly though, is that passage supposed to be erotic? Did sperm have the same meaning back then?

>> No.10499006


It's meant to be funny. They're squeezing spermaceti from the whale, but Melville is likewise playing with the extreme homosexual undertones of the act-- both in quality and in name. He does something very similar when Queequeg and Ishmael are bedded together at the inn.

>> No.10499014

You need bait for kneejerk shitposts to keep it afloat in-between actual discourse.

>> No.10499020

>inb4 some faggot comes and acts like people in 1851 wouldn't have seen the OBVIOUS, even OBSCENE eroticism in this passage and that we're just filthy gutter-mind pozpigs

>> No.10499038

it's a good read, you're a right cunt if you think ill of it

>> No.10499041

>only read half
>found it the most dreadful novel I've tried reading

>> No.10499063

Really? You've been filtered

>> No.10499074

>somebody doesn't jerk melville's cock off

>> No.10499083

you're missing out on the ending

>> No.10499125

yes, I can't believe that anyone with sense and taste would dislike Melville to that extent, hence they are filtered along with the rest of the brainlets and women

>> No.10499129
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Goddamn, Melville

>> No.10499222

...Is there a good audiobook?

>> No.10499248

Definitely supposed to have an erotic undertone to it.

>> No.10499307

>They're squeezing spermaceti from the whale

>> No.10499434


If you mean to say that I'm wrong on the count that they aren't squeezing the spermaceti *directly* from the whale, then I agree, but it is a stickler's point. They let it cool in tubs after harvesting it from the whale before working it back into fluid by hand.

If you instead mean to say that they're not squeezing spermaceti, then you need to read the book.

>> No.10499571

i meant the first one, and what you said now is correct