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/lit/ - Literature

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10491109 No.10491109 [Reply] [Original]

How's the challenge going?
What's your goal?
Did you finish anything already?

>> No.10491278

Set it to a hundred. First one done tomorrow.

In 2017 I had read 72, and 98 in 2016.

>> No.10491281

Goal is at least more than 30 books, not sure if it counts, but finished reading the New Testament today, which I started back in 2017.

>> No.10491282

>He reads books
It's been a while since I've read a book. I just post on /lit/

>> No.10491310

I've read Schiller's Wallenstein Trilogy already because I dont have lectures at the moment courtesy of the winter break.
I should have been studying instead but the story was really intense.

>> No.10491323

Neat. What do you think of his other plays? I'm currently working myself through all of his work and plan to read a biography at the end.

My favourite so far must be either Willhelm Tell or The Robbers.

>> No.10491338

Reading is for fags. Jk im reading lateral thinking

>> No.10491344

Die Räuber is amazing tbqh

>> No.10491347
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I recommend the biography written by Rüdiger Saffranski, it's really livid.
And I only read Wilhelm Tell and Verbrecher aus verlorener Ehre. I really liked the latter. Honor is a common leitmotiv in his works, so it seems so far.
>tfw i had to honor of playing the protagonist of that play in 8th grade kek

>> No.10491348

I really wish they would base this off of page numbers instead of books. For example, someone could read 3 novellas that still don't equal the amount of reading someone who read Les Miserables has done. Yet they get closer to the goal than the Les Miserables person

>> No.10491377

a book on gender stereotypes in culture and literature in the years between the two world wars in Bulgaria
Niklas Luhmann's lectures on systems theory have 50 pages left (but I'm going to re-read them a couple of times in the next few months)

I don't keep a diary on that sort of things but I'll be glad if I get around to reading something that I don't need to write about or to put on a footnote for a paper.

Maybe a real goal could be getting that freshly translated macedonian "learn Japanese by yourself book" that I keep staring at behind my gf back every time we visit a bookstore.
I only wish I could be more constructive about my use of the internet and was actually able to use the abundance of online learning resource on /a/ and /jp/ without finding myself endlessly scrolling the Dragon Ball Super threads at the end.

Oh man! I read a couple of his works on aesthetics last week and really blew my mind. Didn't know the guy was a total genius in the field of theory and a genius playwright at the same time.
The Robbers has an immense cultural impact on Bulgaria's idea of revolutionaries, the motto of our freedom fighter movement was even "Freedom or Death" which is lifted from there.

>> No.10491404

oh I'm also thinking of writing an essay on "Letters on the aesthetic education of man", but I still lack fundamental understanding of Kant's aesthetics. Should that stop me? I don't really have the time to get into this right now as I'm starring at a couple of deadlines, but it's either this or
an idea of mine about fusing Burkes ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful into a more fleshed out concept of the "sweet horror" that he himself uses to describe the effects of the sublime. But it's an idea to old to bother with and I'll feel bad trying to work on it just to get an exam

>> No.10491424

Quality over quantity
And it doesn't matter what you read if you don't take home something from the book

>> No.10491432

I finished 25 last year and 31 in 2016. I'm not sure what would be a realistic goal but I have it set at 36 right now. Today I finished my first book of the year, The Post Office Girl by Stefan Zweig

>> No.10491435


My goal is going to be 150, but it'll be padded extensively with comic books.

In 2017 I read 29 novels plus a shitload of comics, so I'm going to try to read closer to 40 novels this year.

>> No.10491442

I've started reading War & Peace. Fucking massive is what it is.

>> No.10491449

Add 5 nonfiction books to broaden your horizon

>> No.10491466

Book challenges are Reddit as fuck.

>> No.10491475

Yesterday I finished Sartre's Huis Clos, and I'm about 40 pages into a novel by Roch Carrier. I'm trying to improve my French reading this year, so I'd say I'm doing okay so far. Don't really have a set numeric goal in mind.

>> No.10491501

Didn't even start anything. I'm about 100 pages into Swan Song, but that was started before the new year and I haven't touched it in 2 weeks.

>> No.10491520

Finished James Wood's How Fiction Works the other day, a very light read. I'm presently about 200 pages from completing OWC's Wordsworth anthology, which I've been working on for a while (it's about 800 pages including the annotations). This year I'm shooting for one book a week and trying to get in more nonfiction in than last year. Though after I do Wordsworth I'm either reading a novel, I've decided

>> No.10491547
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I'm only reading female authors in 2018.

>Its going pretty good

>> No.10491556

I read 44 books in 2017, set the challenge to half that number and finished the first one yesterday. I'll probably reach more than 44 but I don't want to force myself to read so I picked a lower number.

>> No.10491604

holy shit brush your teeth

>> No.10491611

My goal is 120. I've read three so far.

>> No.10491619

Last year I read 21 books. This year I'm gonna read 31.

>> No.10491627

Objective is 150 this year. Already read one and about 40 pages into the other.

>> No.10491630
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Not winnign

>> No.10491635

Trudging through the last half of 2666. Disappointing book desu.

>> No.10491644

read over 30 last year.. dont have a challenge for this year yet.
I want to thank /lit/ for introducing me to goodreads. Because of it I've become motivated to read more and ive met a cute girl there

>> No.10491655


>> No.10491662

That's what you get for reading a meme book.

>> No.10491666

meant to respond to a guy who said he was disappointed in 2666

>> No.10491686

fuck off it's fun

>> No.10491709

I set it to 12 but the 12th is the KJV so it'll probably take me a year.
Also retard reading speeds.

>> No.10491718


>> No.10491724



>> No.10491853

How was it? Been eyeing it for some time.

>> No.10491865

Aiming for 60, will probably read 70-80 like every year.
Currently reading 4 books and am about a third in for each. Will finish them l by the end of the month.

>> No.10491939

I'm not a neet, I work 10 hours a day and I haven't read any books shorter than 100 pages in the last year, yet I still managed the 72.
You might just be a retard.

>> No.10491961

haha :)

>> No.10491992

aiming for 30 because university is a bummer. will have read 3 by the end of today (already going better than last year)

>> No.10492004

Started with The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro. Will probs be trying to reach fifty, half of them non-fiction.

>> No.10492005

how many pages though, you are still reading short books

>> No.10492015

I don't know how many pages. Does goodreads give you data on that?
Most books I read were fiction novels ranging from 200 something to 300 something pages.

>> No.10492032


For you and the other Bible readers: just leave the three last books of the Pentateuch until last. They're just not worth it in any damn sense.

>> No.10492042


And to add: the Psalms get EXTREMELY repetitive after a couple.

>> No.10492147
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I've read 54 out of 52 books last year but now i put my challenge to only 20, honestly lads this thing only makes you anxious and make reading a competition in what your comprehension is harmed. It's much better to just have a schedule to read every day, no matter how much.

>> No.10492181

I really feel like I have to rush through books when I'm reading for these challenges. It takes away alot of the books for me

That being said, I've read one out of forty

>> No.10492295

I only read 22 last year. Goal was 26.
I am a bum and I drink too much.

>> No.10492369

I set the goal to 40 this year. I started reading again in april last year and managed 40 books, but they were mostly pretty short. I intend to tackle a couple of longer ones this year.

I begun on Hunter S Thompson's The Rum Diaries yesterday

>> No.10493975

End something.


gimme that name

>> No.10494033

Started The Master and Margarita last night, over half way through and loving it. Might try to read through John of The Cross’ works next, maybe Gaddis..
I didn’t really set a goal last year and got through 52 average length books so I’ll probably try to do around the same this year.

>> No.10494115
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>> No.10494295

I don't like setting goals for volume of content read, I think it's self defeating. I would like to read a bit more consistently though, last year there were several periods where I pretty much completely stopped reading for weeks at a time.

I'd also like to finish the bible.

>> No.10494316

I'm aiming for 30 books this year. I finished my first about an hour ago.

>> No.10494323

My goal is to read all the books ever this year. Pls gib validation

>> No.10494455

The Gospels, Acts of the apostles, and Revelation were pretty great, I got a bit absentminded while reading the epistles. Read the KJV, and English isn't my first language, so a lot of things probably went over my head.

>> No.10495756
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get with it, kids

>> No.10496191

I'm trying group reading with /lit/
First gravity rainbow, then Moby dick
I haven't read in ages, i hope this year would be better

>> No.10496209

to read a book a month

>> No.10496562
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>> No.10496582

>doing arbitrary challenges
The number isn't important, it's what you get out of them that counts.

>> No.10496782

What? Im fucking loving it, but I am from Chihuahua tho

>> No.10497009
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Trying to do statistics stuff like log or rate books I've read tends to distract me from enjoying the actual books themselves (guess I'm autismal) so I don't have any goal in mind.

This was my first read of 2018.

>> No.10497039

25 in the year.

Just finished my first, 'Cocaine Nights' by J.G Ballard. Fantastic read, Agatha Christie meets Bret Easton Ellis.

>> No.10497053

Talk about missing the point.

It's very useful to set goals, this isn't about finding a life changing book or even an interesting book, it's about creating the opportunities to do so.

>> No.10497268

Do you do this every year? Because I love you for it.

>> No.10497281

Barely read anything last tear so I set challenge to 50 like 2016.
Finished Hong gildong and how to win an argument so far, just started 2666.

>> No.10497313

I have 105 books to finish in my private library. I am going to be working full time and going to school. I plan on reading at least thirty books this year.

>> No.10497321

>my private library
my private library is about 14 gigs and guaranteed has more books than yours :v)