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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 793 KB, 1600x1200, Boston.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10490675 No.10490675 [Reply] [Original]

We're doing /lit/ meetups in Boston. At Trident Booksellers & Café on Newbury Street. Next one sometime in January.

Email bostonliterature at gmail if you're interested.


If you've been to university organizations, reading groups, or hung out in a cafe up here, you've noticed the stifling eggshell-walking culture. And also that no one reads /lit/ books.


Something in the vein of Ben Franklin's Junto. Discussion, critique, even a /lit/ oriented rag for exercising yr writing/editing/design muscles.


We'll coordinate over email.

>> No.10490683

If I ever go to America I need to go to one of those meetups, to see what kind of people you are

>> No.10490684

Don't eat the brownies, my dudes

>> No.10490687


>> No.10490689

why trident
lets go somewhere comfy like commonwealth

also would be funny to see 4-10 people pile into there.

>> No.10490801

Where in Boston is Commonwealth?

>> No.10490832

you new to boston? it is by far one of my favorites in town
its at spring street right off the downtown crossing T

>> No.10490949

I couldn't imagine you meant Commonwealth the bookstore... It's at Trident so we can sit, drink & chat.

>> No.10490973

I was thinking something much more clandestine feeling and gayer, MB.

>> No.10491112

Why would I want to meet you and your group of soyboys?

>> No.10491169

What about Friday?

>> No.10491185

I'm a girl, am I going to be molested or stared at or ignored or lightly insulted en lieu of having my thoughts considered?

>> No.10491193

Before I start a dedicated thread for this:

Would anybody be interrested in a meetup in Frankfurt am Main?

>> No.10491216

i will stare at you and ignore what you say. no insulterino though unless you are very fat

>> No.10491237

>mfw harvard email addresses

>> No.10491244

Why don’t we meet up at a bar or something instead of fucking trident

>> No.10491502

It's very possible we will be banned from Trident

>> No.10491513

If you make stupid mistakes like thinking in lieu is en lieu then yeah probably

>> No.10491572

not everyone is old enough to get into a bar

>> No.10491674

Look it up, pseud. You monoglots make me laugh.

>> No.10491696

How funny and charismatic. I bet you have a beard.

>> No.10491698

What's it like living in Boston with MIT, Harvard, and Boston college all around you? Is it a city of extreme high IQers? Is it /lit/ the city?

>> No.10491710

None of those are in Boston. And thank God.

It's a /lit/ city by American standards. And yes, Massachusetts has the highest average IQ in North America. This isn't a good thing, necessarily. High IQ people can be boring and mean and over-concerned with status signaling. Sometimes it's hard not to fall over yawning.

>> No.10491753
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What about it

>> No.10491844

I'll pay up to $100 for your panties on the day, no joke I want to inhale your fumes

>> No.10491899

Boston is the least /Lit/ city imaginable

>> No.10492160

Compared to...? LA? Chicago? NYC? Portland? Austin? Boston is like the anti-meme city.

>> No.10492424


>> No.10492444
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lets meet at Enfield Marine #7 (the pine board near the kitchen detaches!!)

(litfags will understand :^) hehe)

>> No.10492513

I left a series of art related clues in the MFA that indicate the next meeting time & place. Happy hunting.

>> No.10492524

can you imagine a fedora going out and actually doing this


>> No.10492556


>> No.10493042

can we meet tomorrow. or saturday

>> No.10493292
File: 72 KB, 398x594, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to give everyone more of a heads up, desu. Are you on the email list?

>> No.10493326

>during blizzard

>> No.10493413

No but my boyfriend is.
I think he doesn’t want to bring me. because that’s gay.

>> No.10493442

I guarantee a lit meetup will be majoraty gay

>> No.10493448

So you need him out of the apartment?

>> No.10493471

Hahahaha no.

>> No.10493601


>> No.10493604

Boston is filled with lawyers and bureaucrats that were too mediocre in Uni to get a job in NYC

>> No.10493613

Idk I got a job at two different hedge funds in NYC but passed on them to work in Boston b/c NYC is for idiots.

>> No.10493629

I wont go if there is going to be gays there.

>> No.10493633

You’re on a literature board for autistic weirdos I bet 70% of lit is bi or gay

>> No.10493650


>> No.10493653

>prison bi or gay

>> No.10493675

Just picture 3 guys playing footsie under a tiny cafe table, giggling.

>> No.10493685

ill probably try to rape you both intellectually and physically tbqh then write about it in my diary

>> No.10493694

Really thin dirty haired spectacled fags tickling each other’s toes under a cafe table topped with manga, fantasy, and completely full coffee cups

>> No.10493715
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"Try to rape" meaning staying in your dorm, wondering how it went.

>> No.10493737

One guy sitting alone with two flirty hallucinations of himself, talking into the black of his coffee.

>> No.10493776

>implying it isn’t already gay to love a woman

>> No.10494893
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>> No.10494899

You're talking English, it's in lieu.

>> No.10494909


>> No.10494913

>en lieu
isn't even the correct expression in French.

>> No.10495236

Wrong. You wiki waddling toddler.

>> No.10495286

no, everybody is a fucking faggot

>> No.10495715

Like /lit/?

>> No.10496650

The Virgin Monoglot

>> No.10497355

OP has failed me

>> No.10497367


>> No.10497996
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>> No.10499228


En lieu makes no sense unless you're adding something before it (ie: en tout lieu, en premier lieu, en lieu sûr,etc...). You would say au lieu de or au lieu que...

t. native French speaker

>> No.10500363

LOL silly boys.

>> No.10500384

I'm not close to Boston but I still wouldn't show up because of how shit this """"coordinator""""'s taste in women is

>> No.10500436

Is a Salem bro welcomed?

>> No.10500697

Bring Tarot cards

>> No.10500700

Retards full of shit

>> No.10500729

It's a good thing when someone has different tastes... You train pulling herpetic

>> No.10500754

Tbh you have to have a very high IQ to understand New Englanders.

>> No.10500811

This but unironically.

Fuck hipster-effete-bisexual Newbury Street and the whole-foods-eating, $8-mochacino-latte-sipping pseudo intellectual yuppies who go there.

Metro West 4 life.

>> No.10501352

Come on now.

>> No.10501485

>"Much of the novel Infinite Jest takes place in a city called Enfield, Mass.; David Foster Wallace has confirmed that he took the name from the town, but geographic cues make clear that the town in the novel is not the actual Enfield, and is instead a fictional stand-in for Brighton. The Enfield Tennis Academy and Ennet House, major locations in the novel, are located there."


Come on now to your come on now

>> No.10501508

This dude knows it.

Ask /k/ for more precautionary information.

>> No.10501516

Why is Boston better than NYC for any type of finance? Alternatively, what do you mean by "idiots"?

>> No.10501754

Come on now, my come on now was to your calling Wallace's Enfield Metrowest which you come on nowed proving my point with a goshdang link. Come on now.

>> No.10501813

You will be killed if you read milk and honey. Same goes for males.

>> No.10501825

>tfw you should all do a Good Will Hunting style normie takedown of arrogant Harvard scum after your meetup


>> No.10501930

Harvard ppl are involved m8

>> No.10501966

I did say only
Harvard scum.

It's not your fault.

>> No.10501984

Did Harvard reject you

>> No.10502026
File: 324 KB, 2560x1600, pRVkH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show us where Harvard rejected you.

>> No.10502177

Oh, so you do have a pony-tail?

>> No.10502185

Most people at Harvard are retards whose mummy and daddy made a donation

>> No.10502197

You wanna GO BIG GUY?

>> No.10502221


I've worked in NYC, it's disgusting. It's a meme. If you want to live in and around concrete, screeching metal & and stunning rot while racing the rat race, go ahead.

The food is better, though.

>> No.10502372
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Wew lad

>> No.10503927
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