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/lit/ - Literature

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10489849 No.10489849 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10489852

Real talk from a real blonde aryan woman.

>> No.10489853
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You killed a thread for this. Good job.

>> No.10489854

didn't she had a morrocan bf?

>> No.10489855

smug ghost written wikipedia articles

>> No.10489858

Hard truth and jackoff material

>> No.10489859

You are in for putting pussy on a pedastal and subscribing to social ladder climbing in the "red pill" space.

When you are done and left out all the anger, in a few years you will look back and realize that you were not better than an SJW but just another flavor.

>> No.10489867

Realizing you wasted your shekels on a coalburning e-thot

>> No.10489869

Well it's a half black guy but it's totally ok because he voted for BASED GOD EMPEROR TRUMP (sarcasm)

>> No.10489886

You do know that Trump isn't an ethno-nationalist, right? You're projecting this onto him.

>> No.10489888


>> No.10489910

Low-hanging outrage fruit. No real political insight, just a bunch of angry posturing. Read actual political literature.

>> No.10489914

Piss poor writing and all the political depth of a 20-something YouTuber.

>> No.10489920

America was founded on ethno-nationalism, every president perpetuates Anglo degeneracy, including Obabu.

>> No.10489934

You sure about that?

>> No.10490441

You do know that they are Canadian right

>> No.10490488

>implying Canada isn't just a Autonomous region without voting rights

>> No.10490511

Not necessarily true. I went through this phase and, while I think it's silly and somewhat childish, I'm still a right winger after reading and thinking much more. But I'm European and I understand that right wing politics are an extreme taboo to Americans because of their history.

>> No.10490522

>Trump isn't an ethno-nationalist
Thats why in CPAC he made a speech as why we should make it easier for europeans to immigrate to the US to counteract white minority status and making it harder for mexicans and indians. No one's stupid enough to run on an ethno standpoint and except to do anything to curtail immigration policy


>> No.10490546

Shoulda saved your twenty shekels for 10 burgers and just listened to all her youtube videos and blog posts so advertisers pay her and not you.
The book reads like a blog trying to take itself seriously in a (((blonde)))) ditzy i dont know what im doing but men are giving me tons of attention.
It might appeal to the young giggle sqeuu gitls who are changing attitudes to a more edgy thinker philosophical bent .

But she does nothing to lift her readers up. She name drops hitler and mosillini but doesnt talk about other thinkers that develop arguments further. Or research.

Is a clearly a copy pasted cash grab.

>> No.10490662
File: 50 KB, 784x960, n6zgNwR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll find the real problem with writing a book without reading any 'real' books + a very poor understanding of history. Keeping that in mind these are the essential prerequisites first to understand the millennial Republican mindset.

-Hunger Games/ Harry Potter (for learning to read)
-General synopsis of the Bible
-definition of socialism/communism=more gov't spending in social programs
-1st and 2nd amendment + "all men are created equal"+the South fought for slavery
-Youtube comment sections(the words "hate speech"/"sexism"/"affirmative action")
-BBC and Buzzfeed (rejection from the buzzwords)
*Starts horribly repeating arguments from centuries ago*

-Animal Farm
-Fahrenheit 451
(All of these applied to the arbitrary democrat party)
These very fair and respectable books are influential in forming the last stage of the millennial phase.

'Modern' Republican
-Fox News
-"Democrats are the real racists"

-1 minute of Ron Paul speech
-Add a few more amendments
-irrational hatred for Federal Reserve

-1/4 page of Mein Kampf
-erroneous support for Republican party anyway(?)

But allowing random high-school aged teens to vote was perfectly fine, right?

>> No.10490694
File: 146 KB, 1739x859, 3BCEFED9-1BA7-40AB-AD49-5644DB9D2D58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re in for this

>> No.10490729

Social ladders and hierarchies are only natural.

>> No.10490754

Odd rambling, poor structure and she contradicts herself several times.

>> No.10490756

Rape is also natural but that doesn't mean it's a good thing.

>> No.10490760

>reading hard-right fringe literature
lol why? Only reason to would be to reaffirm what you already think. Nobody who is decently intelligent or politically-minded would seriously consider Lauren Southern as an authority on fucking anything.

>> No.10490763

so, would you say that a neurosurgeon is equal to a warehouse worker?

>> No.10490764

>not better than an SJW but just another flavor.

I myself am not alt-right but there's a reason why they may seem equally passionate; right-wing ideology is inherently reactive, they are reacting to an increasing rise in progressive madness (in their view). If the right is getting as bad as the SJWs its because the progressives are just getting worse.

>> No.10490767

it's just a long (-ish, 90 pages?) political facebook post written by a 14yo girl

>> No.10490768

>Being insane to the point where you need to expose other firebrands for being part of your Jewish world order conspiracies.
wew, lad.

>> No.10490771

I don't see the problem. Complaining that Hitler used nationalism for shitty ends is like Orwell complaining that the Communists used socialism for shitty ends. It's a valid point. She is acting Hitler's nationalism in the same way that Orwell had to attack Stalin's communism.

>> No.10490775
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>it's there fault that I am a reactionary! Can't they see????! I'm not responsible for my own actions!

>> No.10490778

>Rape is also natural
Why does this board attract the literally mentally ill?

>> No.10490781

In order for someone to be reactionary it means they are reacting against something.

>> No.10490782


Literature brings out humanity's true desire.

>> No.10490783

You assume the thing that reactionaries "react" to, are always real. You aren't that naive are you?

>> No.10490791

They are reacting to increased immigration, increased demographic shift and increased progressive dogma in the media and schools. What is not real about that? Do you really believe if they just sat back and did nothing, the progressives would not go full throttle to achieve their goals?

>> No.10490792

She contradicts herself by saying Hitler "inspired" #killallmen strawmen feminists and says Hitler was NazBol.

>> No.10490802

While they are retards buying into conmen and moronic politicians the things they are reacting to are real problems that would be rational to react to.

>> No.10490803

>hard-right literature
I don't think this would qualify as such, as the right-wing of politics has gone all over the place in the past hundred years. It's more like the average Hannity-style national security Republican mindset in an OMG Shakespeare format.

>> No.10490811

>They are reacting to increased immigration, increased demographic shift and increased progressive dogma in the media and schools.
there are reasonable and sensible concerns regarding immigration that normal people worry about, but you are assuming that reactionaries are always logical or reasonable people. They aren't, bud. There is a difference between actual problems and cartoonish nonsense that is explicitly heightened by firebrands in an effort to GET you to be upset.

There is no progressive dogma boogeywoogey organization in media or schools trying to destroy you or you beliefs, that's not sensible or rational to believe. But of course, in your mind, you probably subscribe to these fears. So me disagreeing with you just reinforces how they are, possible that I'm "in on it".

You people can't be reasoned with in open forums because you want to change the rules of the reality we live in. The "other side" to you, is a parody or a frightening nightmare out to do...something...to you. It can't possibly be that there are just other Americans that share different political opinions.

>> No.10490824

>the things they are reacting to are real problems
Yes and no, some are real problems and concerns but it gets wrapped up into larger autism that snowballs into even more complicated boogeymen. Not everything they react to is rational. Stop giving them excuses for being shitty.

>> No.10490830

>I don't think this would qualify as such
Lauren's political leanings align most successfully with more hard-right positions.

>> No.10490836

Yes and no, some are real problems and concerns but it gets wrapped up into larger autism that snowballs into even more complicated boogeymen.
This is literally all I was saying. Yes, I realize they are complete fucktards and conspiracy theorists and such.

>> No.10490840

>There is no progressive dogma boogeywoogey organization in media or schools trying to destroy you or you beliefs

I don't think someone is actively trying to destroy me. But I think most of the media and academia absolutely DOES lean a certain way and is trying to get people to think in a more globalist fashion. This is not unreasonable at all.

Once again I do not consider myself alt-right. But do you seriously believe, that a ton of progressives don't want to decrease the influence of whites on elections? I think many of them absolutely do and this plays into why they love immigration so much.

This is hardly a conspiracy, you openly see progressives talk about the positives of demographic change.

>> No.10490855

Yes of course, but do they deserve equal compensation for their labour, no. The biggest misunderstanding of communism is that the goal is equal pay, it’s not, nobody serious actually thinks everybody deserves the same money for different labour. Marxism simply argues that their shouldn’t be separate classes, a class for Marx is your relationship to the means of production. He’s just arguing that you shouldn’t gain income simply for owning something, be it land, real estate, a business, a pile of gold bars you did nothing to create and so on.

>> No.10490856

>But I think most of the media and academia absolutely DOES lean a certain way and is trying to get people to think in a more globalist fashion.
Complaining about globalism becomes a meme if it doesn't stop at global capitalist markets sometimes exploit third world countries. Beyond that, global market systems have dropped poverty down tremendously in your lifetime. It's mostly an Alex Jones-tier conspiracy to bitch about it. As for "a lot of people lean a certain way", yeah. I would say most of the first world tends to always lean more towards liberalism by design, that's what usually happens when monarchies fall, like during the Enlightenment. I don't know why a political affiliation being popular, is some sort of "evidence" of a plot. The more obvious answer, is that more people subscribe to liberalism and its ideals.
>Once again I do not consider myself alt-right. But do you seriously believe, that a ton of progressives don't want to decrease the influence of whites on elections?
Yes, I seriously don't believe that. Since it sounds actually insane.
>I think many of them absolutely do and this plays into why they love immigration so much.
There are at least a dozen reasons why that doesn't even make any sense as a plot.
>This is hardly a conspiracy, you openly see progressives talk about the positives of demographic change.
What YOU are implying is conspiracy-tier, yes. Advocating for the positives of immigration and demographic shifts is not "a ploy to destroy whites and get them out of elections". I mean, use your fucking brain for a second, the sheer magnitude of such a plan is insane...the logistics alone...

It's insane.

>> No.10490872

ok but why didn't that ever happen in history in any communist state? what's stopping "real communism" from being done?

>> No.10490879

>Advocating for the positives of immigration and demographic shifts is not "a ploy to destroy whites and get them out of elections".

In some ways it absolutely is.

Also there is a difference between globalism and liberalism, liberalism does not mean that people have to accept immigrants regardless of how they feel. If it is your country it is not liberal to force the citizens of the country to make room for them.

>> No.10490889

Complaining about globalism is a meme when the EU is talking about being one country and having their own army? And if globalism really is such a meme why does Brexit drive progressives absolutely nuts? No matter how you try to spin it they simply can't stand when a country does not want to be part of a global organization.

>> No.10490891

>In some ways it absolutely is.
I'm sure you an prove that, then.
>Also there is a difference between globalism and liberalism
I'm almost convinced you don't really know what either word actually means...
>liberalism does not mean that people have to accept immigrants regardless of how they feel
If people come into your country legally, through an immigration policy, then you can't complain. If you don't like that, vote to close your borders. Use your legislative power as citizens to become isolationist. Don't bitch and moan when they get into your country through proper channels.
>make room
I don't play a buzzword game by your rules. Come up with a comprehensive approach to change laws or fuck off.

>> No.10490898

>I didn't understand why other EU nations were pissed as fuck about Brexit and the UK never paying back their agreed share that they owe the EU in the first place
There is literally nothing wrong with wanting your planet to be a part of a global economic community, that's the only thing that makes sense for late-stage capitalism to continue to exist. You've been warped into thinking globalism is a bad word.

>> No.10490911

>No matter how you try to spin it they simply can't stand when a country does not want to be part of a global organization.
Because you exist in a world of global markets now, anon. That's the reality. The reality is that economics are macro, that the entire first world trades with each other and everyone else. I don't like using this term because it's been memed to death, but it's literally regressive.

>> No.10490938

Good post.

>> No.10490967

Huh, she's actually correct here.

>> No.10491115

yeah, I'm sure Hitler really wanted social justice. that's why he perpetrated the Holocaust. makes sense

>> No.10491122

This this this
I had the cringy /pol/ phase, but even though I've moved on, my core values still push me right pretty hard

>> No.10491135

>my core values still push me right pretty hard
Then perhaps you are stubborn?

>> No.10491143

>but even though I've moved on, my core values still push me right pretty hard
A. you're lying and never actually left the /pol/ phase.
B. You memed yourself into believing you left that phase and associate hard right positions as a "norm", which they aren't.
C. You never really abandoned any of your cringier opinions in the first place.

Being hard right is not really a normative position in the West, no matter how you try to spin it.

>> No.10491152

Jesus fuck she's so cringy

>> No.10491161

You're in for culture war propaganda poorly written by a conservative ideologue.