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/lit/ - Literature

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10486400 No.10486400 [Reply] [Original]

Should authors "dress the part"?

>> No.10486404

When's the audition?

>> No.10486418
File: 16 KB, 300x300, Irish Novelist Sam Coll age 28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why of course, I never leave home without my writer scarf myself

>> No.10486439
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>> No.10486441

How did they afford John C Reilly

>> No.10486488

>His wardrobe isn't versatile enough to cover preppy/frat, hypebeast, aspiring artist and various levels of formality
It's like being monolingual

>> No.10486497

Is there just one butthurt Irish poster on this board spamming these obscure individuals?

Also no, writers should not attempt to be anything other than what they are.

>> No.10486498

>Is there just one butthurt Irish poster on this board spamming these obscure individuals?

No there's at least two of us

>> No.10486875

I am an aspiring author, what should I wear /lit/?

>> No.10486882
File: 48 KB, 500x750, tumblr_inline_p18v67ou4k1qfex1b_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Consider the following

>> No.10486893

Black jeans, plain colored shirts, a dark military jacket and waterproof boots

>> No.10486947

Look at the break on those trousers!

>> No.10486958

Jesus Christ that's disturbing

>> No.10486968

Ah yes, the Zizek look

>> No.10487097

>Black jeans

>> No.10487107

If you're a giant faggot who writes because you think its fashionable, yes. You mouth breathers should spend less time emulating your flawed conception of a writer and instead actually write.

>> No.10487112

A noose.

>> No.10487143

>He blurted, very effeminately

>> No.10487196

>dont call me effeminate! he ejaculated, sternly

>> No.10487204

that would unironically be an edgy fashion statement, thanks

>> No.10487209

You'd look more like you stumbled out of comic con

>> No.10487214


>> No.10487287

You're welcome.

>> No.10487361

t. homosexual

>> No.10487386

more faggoty shit than this I could scarcely imagine

>> No.10487388

no, anybody who says otherwise is the same type of dipshit that fills their bookshelves with meme books that they've never read and every time they discuss literature they have to bring up 1984 because they read the first chapter and half the wikipedia page in high school, their entire philosophy is developed through twitter and netflix and they are only concerned with appearances and "looking the part"
writers shouldn't be concerned with "looking the part" they should be concerned with "actually being a fucking writer" and just dress like a normal fucking person

>> No.10487408

Phew, lot of projection here.
Whats the last book you read little buddy?

>> No.10487414

yeah "every time somebody says something i dont agree with they actually do agree with me and are just repressed" fuck off lame nigger

>> No.10487417

Afraid to answer.
Must be something embarrassing

>> No.10487425

T shirt, jeans and boots
I am not a numale

>> No.10487429

>I am not a numale


>> No.10487492

>more faggoty shit than this I could scarcely imagine
youve got a straight scarce shitty imagination desu

>> No.10487505

jeans were a mistake, not a single pair should exist on earth

>> No.10487528

Tough, its standard trousers of today and you'll look like a pseud faggot if you don't wear them

>> No.10487572

How did they afford Beckett?

>> No.10487589



>> No.10487860

>Tough, its standard trousers of today and you'll look like a pseud faggot if you don't wear them
>some jean wearing faggot actually believes this, and is nervously darting their eyes back and forth this very moment strongly hoping its true

>> No.10488013

this gives you +50 iq

>> No.10488027

My Pa wears jeans all his friends wear jeans, his father before him wore jeans.
You're about a century too late for this to be a legit argument.
Unless you work white collar its either jeans or nigger shit like trackpants or joggers. Anything else is hipster pseud

>> No.10488847

I strictly wear corduroys, chinos, khakis, and dickies

>> No.10488860

>still being a chino wanker in 2018

>> No.10488949

>>still being a chino wanker in 2018
>still not comprehending timeless fashion not going out of style

>> No.10488966

what actually is twill, twill pants, I think thats the only pants I have and wear: like mix between dress, causal, durable work, or something... comfy...slacks?

>> No.10489683

I bet you look like an autistic Doctor Who LARPer

>> No.10489700

black levis 505 are /ourjeans/

>> No.10489701

"Autistic" is redundant.

>> No.10489709

I didn't want him to think he was one of those Chad Doctor Who LARPers

>> No.10489717

Being a Chad Docteur Qui cosplayer makes you just a regular autist.

>> No.10489790

sup yoda

>> No.10489792

It was that Redwall book with Asmodeus

>> No.10489806

Do 'chads' really like doctor what's-it

>> No.10489822

I have no idea what a chad is IRL because I only use 4chan creole on 4chan. I only met one Doctor Who fan IRL and she was mildly autistic and too much into Chinese Cartoons. I imagine who and /a/ go pretty much hand in hand, but no sane man would admit to watching that shit if his reputation is at stake.

>> No.10489935
File: 126 KB, 313x251, dude philosophy lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favourite new reaction pic

>> No.10489941

Artsy-Van-Gogh core?

>> No.10489946

>age 28

By the time he’s 40, every Irishman has the face he deserves. Then there’s this poor bastard. 28 ffs

>> No.10490021
File: 29 KB, 366x599, yukio_mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being fa/lit/ master race
You're never gonna make it

>> No.10490034

hahaha holy shit what the fuck, you have to be a drooling cretin to believe this is a reasonable purchase

>> No.10490037

No, and if you think so your writing is probably terrible

>> No.10490371

please do not insult my nigga Vincent

>> No.10490432


Fucking call a tailor to take 2 inches of those pants

>> No.10490456


>> No.10490486

looks like hes wearing newspaper bedding bet hes holding a nice warm rabbit turd in that pocket

>> No.10490492


>> No.10490525


>> No.10490557

the only problem with modern jeans is that thinner, more elastic material has gotten more popular in there production. I went to the store to replace my jeans recently and every pair felt paper thin and had 5% elastane The idea of jeans being tough and durable is long gone. You need to go to more niche shops that sell "raw-denim" and the like to get the desired thickness and durability now.

I might be missing something though and maybe blue-collar shops still sell higher quality, non-fashion, denim.

>> No.10490679


>> No.10490690

Vincent still got gunners

>> No.10490711

The trick is to buy 1 pair of Carhartt jeans and wear them literally every day for months.

>> No.10490733

>literally every day for months.
*teleports behind you* *whispers in your ear* "try years...heh, everythings personal kid"

>> No.10490750


>> No.10490765

Reminds me of the trench coat mafia look.

>> No.10490779

Steal-toed, SS boots are the opposite of nu-male.

>> No.10490787

I've yet to have any pair jeans last more than about 18 months doing this. Maybe they last longer if you're just wearing them casually but I wouldn't know.

>> No.10490807

Oh, wearing the boots of the guys that got handily defeated by Polish and Belarussian peasants wielding sticks and throwing dried shit? Yeah, I'm sure people are shaking in fear

>> No.10490818

Wearing boots when you have no reason to is always metrosexual lumberjack core

>> No.10490870

There's always a reason to wear boots. But you can only wear Red Wings or Meindls depending on what you're trying to do. If you wear Timberland or Dr. Martens you should be roped immediately. If you're in the military you're also allowed Rockys, Danners, and Nikes but you should be warned that the issued boots (Belleville I think) are objectively the best for ruck marches.

>> No.10491401

wtc that whole fit

>> No.10491421
File: 6 KB, 220x229, 1483789484216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its a Fashion Victim Tries to Impress His Internet Friends chapter

>> No.10491537

I've tried various approaches, and the brooding writer look is terrible for anything except maybe a PR event. My best work comes to me in the morning, eating breakfast at fast food places, able to eavesdrop unnoticed for occasional outside inspiration. If I look too writerly, there's tension and self awareness in the people around me. I've only noticed this by accident over years of doing it. So I go for a look along the lines of "overnight stocker on his day off jotting in a cheap spiral notebook" which if you have a hard time clearly picturing, then maybe you see why that's so effective for my ambition to go unnoticed. I'd like to take it a step further and get rid of my glasses (an inescapably intellectual prop) but I am completely blind without them.

>> No.10491544

how would a science fiction author dress?

>> No.10491628

Post more lit fashion

>> No.10491639


Huh, never knew that the opposite of a numale was an edgy faggot.

>> No.10491658
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Like this

>> No.10491673

Cargo shorts and an oversized t-shirt with a pop culture reference

>> No.10491765

a cape, ski goggles, and tighty whities

>> No.10492030

>writers should pretend they are stuck in the 1910s.