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File: 87 KB, 502x720, 683c2a5dcdb9ad6fefc8e7605cf5fa66--famous-serial-killers-famous-murders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10486021 No.10486021 [Reply] [Original]

>known murders/rapists


>> No.10486026

Industrial Society and Its Future

>> No.10486045


>> No.10486236

The Bible

>> No.10486242

hes not that "bad", but casanovas memoirs are lit af

>> No.10486588

This. Most enjoyable read of my life

>> No.10486591
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>> No.10486598

mY DI-ar--yy desu...

>> No.10486600
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>> No.10486609

All he did was spread venereal diseases all around Europe.

>> No.10486647

What? How is he a bad guy?

>> No.10486650

He murdered people

>> No.10486651
File: 37 KB, 222x346, Journey_to_the_End_of_the_Night_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

During the occupation, even the SS officers avoided Celine because they thought he suffered from an unhealthy obsession with Jews.

>> No.10486657
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Everyone murdered people over bullshit back then, it was part of being a man. Check out the Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini if you want a window into the mind of the ultimate alpha chad renaissance man.

>> No.10486676
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>> No.10486695

He wrote that long before ww2 though.

>> No.10486706

His stream of consciousness antisemitic tracts were too much even for the Nazis

>> No.10486716

Carl panzram's book.

>> No.10486719

Mein Kampf
Crime and Punishment
120 Days of Sodom
A Question of Doubt: the John Wayne Gacy Story
The Street by Sataro Fukiage
Satanic Bible by Anton LeVey

I think that's the basics.

>> No.10486776


>> No.10486803

How is Dostoyevsky of all people a bad guy?

>> No.10486812

Didn't he suffer from seizures and psychopathy during his life?

>> No.10486813

One doesn't "suffer" from psychopathy, nor does one "develop" it in old age.

>> No.10486818

Classical sculptor, avenged brother's death, fucked dudes and chicks in the ass. Hero.

>> No.10486849
File: 77 KB, 850x400, quote-i-was-literally-singing-to-myself-on-my-way-home-after-the-killing-the-tension-the-desire-david-berkowitz-72-98-71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Son of Sam wrote a book about prison and how he became a christian, called "Son of Hope".

>> No.10486858
File: 75 KB, 1024x690, David-Berkowitz-in-prison-today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is him now btw

>> No.10486869

He was a misanthrope, drunkard, addicted to gambling; abandoned his first wife on her deathbed to chase some young tail who rejected him. Hated Turgueniev just for liking europe. Was all around an envious coward. But he also knew mercy and shame. Really, his books are just him fighting his demons

>> No.10486874

I know, hopefully we will get decent translations of them after his wife dies.

>> No.10486876


>> No.10486878

>Bad in quotes
Oh the edge

>> No.10486884
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>> No.10486952

huh, neat

>> No.10486965

>back then
Anon, you seem confused.

>> No.10487797

She's 105 years-old? Goddamn.

>> No.10487810

That nigga pumped my gas on the way over here

>> No.10487824

>Everyone murdered people over bullshit back then, it was part of being a man.
the 80s weren't that wild

>> No.10487936

he was a grown man having a tantrum. That work is unreadable. If you found it interesting read the good versions of it "Walden" or "The Burnout Society"

>> No.10488090

top kek

>> No.10488119
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>> No.10488216
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Has this been mentioned yet?


>> No.10488218

>Didn't he suffer from seizures
wow what a sick fuck

>> No.10488284

>Mason met impregnable distress in unveiling Manson as an instructive visionary to fellow National Socialists: "These people are really mindless. I ran into that to an extreme degree when I associated myself with Charles Manson. 'Oh my god, look at the man's hair, look at his clothes! He's immoral! We can't have that; we represent law and order- middle class Amerika.' I've repeatedly stated that Charlie is the greatest National Socialist alive today. 'Well is he a member of any of our groups?' That's like saying if Jesus Christ were to return to Earth with his beard, robe, and sandals, one of these stupid Christian assholes telling him there's a dress code before admittance to the church!"

>> No.10488305
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>> No.10488307


>> No.10488309

>He was a misanthrope, drunkard, addicted to gambling; abandoned his first wife on her deathbed to chase some young tail who rejected him. Hated Turgueniev just for liking europe. Was all around an envious coward. But he also knew mercy and shame. Really, his books are just him fighting his demons
literally none of that is bad

>> No.10488310

>Crime and Punishment
kill yourself

>> No.10488330

all right-of-center "people" are evil

>> No.10488342

All men are sinners in the eyes of God.

Women are cool though.

>> No.10488344

he was very aware of his super neurotic condition, just read notes from the underground, he constantly beats himself for his envy, if you want to put it that way

>> No.10488356
File: 399 KB, 1024x902, mansonray24x-1024x902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if leftoid globalists win this war, they will reduce humanity to a single brown mass devoid of all identity, a mass of polyamorous wheelchair bound blobs with pink hair. Hence, we need to study Charles Manson thought, study Dugin's 4pt, Miguel Serrano and SIEGE. You don't want to be ground into bluehaired paste, don't you?

>> No.10488369

>Ideologically the Aryan is the cuckold, the indispensable pigeon in all Jewbie endeavours. No matter how unlikely the scientifico-socialistico-progressivistic the Jewish conconction, the Aryan takes the bait! His head has been worked on, in advance; he's lost to us... It's too late to try to stop him!... he is the avowed, unbridled, exuberant parrot of all of the Semitic fantasies... He is ready to die for them... The Aryan has been admirably prepared, we must note, by his entire heritage... completely hardened by all of the dirty, mean uses of his peasant past... He makes an outstanding cuckold; both mistrusting and gullible, a "passive aggressive" par excellence, an extraordinary dupe...
Wow, was Celine a visionary...?

>> No.10488384

Marx didn't get out of the library often enough to be bad, other than the maid thing

>> No.10488389

None of that has any basis in reality though, it's just crazy ranting.

>> No.10488397
File: 483 KB, 504x669, Panzram no.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carl Panzram's autobiography. The guy was practically a super villain.

>> No.10488415

Official spokesman of the #MedRight

>> No.10488430

How does that fluoride water taste?

>> No.10488433 [DELETED] 

>None of that has any basis in reality though
What did you find irrational, specifically? Do you doubt that managerial liberalism is transforming Western peoples into pudgy feminized quadroons, and if so, why?

>> No.10488465
File: 42 KB, 400x564, aa284ef8ceb7fe0859b2f306b7ae966e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprised nobody has posted yet.

>> No.10488723

nice, but no pirated copies online :'c

>> No.10488760

I got a used copy in good condition off Amazon,
It wasn't very expensive. I really liked the introduction by Harold Schecter and Panzram's life story and writings themselves are incredible, he was like a serial killer Ernest Hemingway. Have you read it yourself?

>> No.10489394


>> No.10489406

wew lad take your cliched little caddywagon back to that place everyone's always telling people to go back to

>> No.10489415

Well it WAS an accident...

>> No.10489434
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On the contrary, it's the only thing that makes sense. You gotta get off the soyboy train and hop on the urban berserker train. Get esoteric, you know what I mean?


>> No.10489452

Yeah, other than shooting his wife in the head Burroughs was a peach.

>> No.10489457

Beyond Good and Evil

>> No.10489460

>no Infinite Jest
What has this board become

>> No.10489617

anything by a communist

>> No.10489758

slightly less tedious

>> No.10489774

>Anton LeVey
guy just wanted chicks give him a break

>> No.10489890
File: 85 KB, 900x750, 1501571853554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mein Kampf.
We are not talking about tragedy characters here anon.

>> No.10489979
File: 67 KB, 640x644, 1514540874404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too late anon. The only people with the power to change this fate ate either actively edging it forward or too committed to their reactionary response to the /pol/tards and their ilk to see how bad it really is.

It's just too late.

>> No.10490182

Ian Brady was a child murderer and rapist. He spends the first half defining his own ideology which is basically an overdose of Stirner and Nietzsche where he justifies killing kids as ubermensch behavior that everyone else is to indoctrinated and weak to do. The second half consists of his own analyses of other serial killers. What's absent is most interesting. He almost entirely refrains from discussing his own crimes in any depth.

As an added bonus, Peter Sotos, the first person in the US to get charged with possession of child pornography, writes a lengthy afterword that's essentially 150 pages of verbose shit-talking on Brady.

>> No.10491136

>it's too late

that is good imo. It's no longer a question of reversing, or even stopping the decline, it's a question of accelerationism. We gotta celebrate all acts of violence regardless of were they come from, we gotta keep the chaos building, we gotta exacerbate the contradictions at every possible chance. The system can only take so much.

>> No.10491233

I'm actually thinking of buying this, is it worth it? I've read mixed reviews. What about it did you enjoy most?

>> No.10491307

Are the words "sociopath"/"psychopath" just synonyms for evil now? Do you people even know what they refer to?

>> No.10491316

this, such terminology is ableist against people with ASPD

>> No.10491598

What else did he do besides that

>> No.10491861

It's hard to find anything "enjoyable" about it, maybe short of the fact that they included a letter from Brady complaining about the afterword and wanting it removed from "his" book. Basically if you want to read what a narcissistic bullshitter cooks up after decades in prison (or enjoy Sotos's endless descent into his own neuroses) then it's worth reading. I wouldn't read it if you want a more typical autobiographical/true crime type thing, though.

>> No.10491874


>> No.10491882

Have sex with kids

>> No.10491892


Too much edge

>> No.10491913
File: 101 KB, 842x1324, thetechsoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's shit, read Ellul instead.

>> No.10492258

I don't know if there are more than two of us trying to lead shitposters to Ellul but godspeed.

>> No.10492317

quick rundown?

>> No.10492387

According to his daughter he was a scamming, abusive piece of shit.

>> No.10492450
File: 34 KB, 328x499, serveimage?url=https%3A%2F%2Fimages-na.ssl-images-amazon.com%2Fimages%2FI%2F41wC4uYWR7L._SX326_BO1%2C204%2C203%2C200_.jpg&sp=b776c6a5c758f44558e249d19bb8be45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iceberg Slim, baby.

not surprising given that he was a carny. I think he was born into that culture, too. One of his carny jobs was playing the pipe-organ and he put out a record of his playing off the strength of his fame as public satanist #1. pretty sure it's in the /mu/ archive.

>> No.10492659

I upvote this

>> No.10492713

>120 Days of Sodom
anyone whos read this tell me what they enjoyed about it? how it was?

>> No.10492793

>It's hard to find anything "enjoyable" about it
ok but are there any interesting facets that stuck out to you? I have morbid interests so I'm not really looking to enjoy, more get a sense of his outlook on life and serial killers in general

>> No.10493060

my diary desu

>> No.10493085
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how about a psychotic sociopath

>> No.10493102
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>> No.10493103


>> No.10493118

Mein Kam... oh you said bad people

>> No.10493138

Wow, took you long enough

>> No.10493174

Oooo you're lucky. I had my "What? How is he a bad guy?" all ready typed.

>> No.10493251


>> No.10493263

The more I read about Manson, the less I think about him as a psychopath and the more I think of him as this great spiritual teacher who was made into a political prisoner because he was a threat to the establishment. Sounds familiar?

>> No.10493275


>> No.10493283


also check out Jacques Ellul's "The Technological Society"

>> No.10493298


>> No.10493375

Celine was so based

>> No.10494654


>> No.10494845
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>> No.10495247

>I have morbid interests so I'm not really looking to enjoy, more get a sense of his outlook on life and serial killers in general
Sounds like it's what you're looking for in that case. The first section is specifically all about his personal philosophy, and even though the second part is him "reviewing" other serial killers, you can tell which ones he connects to or even admires (he basically fanboys over Carl Panzram, for example).

>> No.10495269

based louie

>> No.10495500

nice, will be ordering it then. thank you

>> No.10495601

He was unironically much smarter than you. It's a shame you weren't able to understand it being such a base pleb and all

>> No.10496881

Top kek

>> No.10496950

That book by Susan Atkins was okay

>> No.10496991

Pimp by iceberg slim