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10483912 No.10483912 [Reply] [Original]

>Open Bible
>Chapter 1
>Talking snake

People DIED over this shit

>> No.10483927

inb4 centuries long violent schism between exegesis and literalism

>> No.10483935
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itssssss sssssymbolic

>> No.10483961

Seriously try to imagine how mind blowing these narrative inventions were before everyone was corrupted. Honestly I can really understand why people killed each other over these stories.

>> No.10483972

You're just gonna crosspost and shitpost all day aren't you faggot?

Take it to /sci/ next or something?

>> No.10483975

>Muh hermeneutics

>> No.10484010


Who is killing people over the story of the garden?

>> No.10484055
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The serpent, the subtlest of all the beasts of the field, had observed with interest the humans’ sexual intercourse in Paradise. He saw that Adam calmly willed his penis to stiffen and then gently inserted it into Eve’s vulva. The act caught his attention in part because he thought that Eve was extraordinarily beautiful and in part because he had already noted a certain resemblance between Adam’s penis and his own body, which he could also harden or soften at will. One day, he approached Eve—Adam was away surveying a different part of the garden—and proposed that he stiffen his body and enter her, as Adam did. Lacking any knowledge of good or evil, Eve gladly consented. The snake made himself hard and penetrated the woman, moving his head this way and that to see what might be of interest. But it was dark inside and, after a while, concluding that Eve was more beautiful without than within, he withdrew. Eve, however, had experienced something intensely pleasurable, and she determined that when Adam returned she would teach him how to imitate what the snake had done.

>> No.10484059

>chapter 1
try again reprob8

>> No.10484339

It was possessed by the devil.

>> No.10484387

The story of what transpired in the Garden of Eden is something I don't really claim to understand. I know what was said in the story, I know what happened, I know what the results of that were, and I know what contemporary Christian thought has to say about it.

But just think for two seconds about what it means for something to be "the knowledge of good and evil." Is it moral knowledge? Is it the knowledge of all things? Is it immediate knowledge? How can Adam and Eve be held responsible for eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil if they didn't know it was wrong (Adam knew he would die, but not that it was morally wrong)? Perhaps they did not sin until after eating it. Whatever the case, it is worth pondering, even if you aren't Christian.

>> No.10484467


The name "tree of the knowledge of good and evil" is misleading because it has nothing to with them gaining the ability to discern morally good and morally evil actions. They obviously already knew that eating from the tree was wrong because they had to be convinced to do it. Instead think of eating from the tree as gaining a certain knowledge of creation that enabled in us the ability to do evil. It's not the literal act of eating from the tree that was bad but the desire in Adam and Eve to become "like God" and define good and evil for themselves.

>> No.10484562

I realize this is the classic argument. Yet when you read the text, Eve does not eat to become like God, but to gain wisdom and because it looked good to eat. Adam eats it because his wife handed it to him . It is God, after the fact, who notes that if they continue to eat from the Tree of Life, they will become like him.

I'm not sure it is obvious they knew it was wrong. They knew they had been told not to do it, but that's not quite the same as knowing it is wrong. Eating from the tree did not enable them to do evil, because they were capable of eating from the tree and disobeying God.

>> No.10484564

Reminder that The Fall must have literally happened according to Christianity. It's precisely the thing that necessitated the Incarnation and the sacrifice on the cross.

>> No.10484590


There I just explained it to you.

>> No.10484607

Genesis is clearly written as fiction.

>> No.10484615

No, not at all.

There was a being who created the universe and fashioned people after him. This is the truth. To deviate far from this is to be like the meddling snake himself!

Knowledge is tough. Some can be correct, some can be wrong. Certainly not all of our understanding today is correct, that would be tremendously foolhardy.

>> No.10484625
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If God's supposed to be omniscient, how come he constantly gets fooled by everyone? Fucking Abraham pulled "pretend my wife is my sister" trick SEVERAL times and God fell for this shit every time.

>> No.10484632

Just because God lets things happen doesn't mean he is not omniscient.

Come now. This is rudimentary stuff, that obviously does not disprove God.

>> No.10484644

Open atheist science textbook

>We are all Africans. Evolution is a fact. But Africans and Europeans are genetically identical and interchangeable. Women are superior to men. Abortion is beautiful. One billion more please! Getting surgery to turn your penis inside out is natural. Homosexuality is wonderful with no downsides. Islam is a religion of peace and Muhammed is a great moral teacher. Christianity is stupid and evil. Jesus was a Communist. Communism has never been tried. Slavery and the Holocaust. White people should all be killed. Holocaust Holocaust Holocaust black lives matter love wins

A Civilization DIED for this shit

>> No.10484649

Abraham fooled versions kings with that trick, not God. Actually read the Bible.

>> No.10484671
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>chapter 1
>Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness


>> No.10484684

The garden story allegorical, only 90iq protestants believe it to be literal.

the fall of man literally happened, but it didn't necessitate a literal talking snake. The fall of man occurred when people of the fertile crescent started organizing into larger scale societies, mastered agriculture and began to build cities, divorcing himself from the garden of nature and supplanting animal morality/law of the jungle with a more complex system of 'good and evil' morals.

Most of the old testament is spent shitting on degenerate city folk, notice how Cain the farmer (knowing that cereal agriculture is what enables cities) murders Abel the shepherd, when God gets pissed off it's usually at sedentary peoples, not nomads, when people are doing evil it's almost always city people, who are farther removed from the land and nature (ie God's creation) than the nomads who God typically favors, because the Hebrew were chiefly nomadic until after the flight from Egypt and conquest of the promised land.

Shit, Moses even guides his people around the desert for all of that time so all of the degenerate city jews would die off and only those who had been born and raised as nomads would see the promised land.

>> No.10484691

You have missed the point of religion and faith entirely. You probably aren't a creationist and fall with the Pope under the category 'don't really believe in God like you should'

>> No.10484700

The angels or himself(the trinity and all that)

>> No.10484702



>> No.10484716

t. 90iq protestant

>> No.10484725

Right, I mean basically I could guess the kind of person you are. You are no one innovative. Anyone who has anything creative or unique to say about reality or existence typically believes in an unadulterated form of God.

You do not. You view God as being some kind of being who meant his creation to believe we were created and then in the end say that we evolved for millions of years based on looking at sediment, without actually observing the phenomena itself.

>> No.10484742

and I could guess that you're the kind of person who thinks that dinosaur fossils are put in the earth by Satan to deceive god fearing folks.

>> No.10484748

There could be a couple of different reasons. The Nephilim.

There could have been dinosaurs, but of course, the flood was, you know, worldwide.

>> No.10484786
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>open a book
>begin reading
>assume genre

>> No.10484792

>Reminder that The Fall must have literally happened according to Christianity.

Yes, no one should contend this. The issue is that people grasp the text surrounding it in different ways and understand the fall needing to happen as their interpretation is precisely right.

>> No.10484845

I want to start with the book of Job
Should I read it in one setting?

>> No.10484852

Isn't it pathetic? In a very sad way.

>> No.10484870

>God couldn’t use evolution as a means of creation

>> No.10484873

Oh, it's another "Why I Left 4chan" thread.

>> No.10484883
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>opens Einstein's theories of Relativity
>parallel infinite trains passing one another
People actually theorize over this

>> No.10484897

Did you just read Ishmael?

>> No.10484898

If you really opened it you'd know that the snake appears in chapter 3.

I encourage you to stop pretending you've read it, and open your mind to the Bible. Maybe read John

>> No.10484956

The bible was fucking filled with "corrupt" narrative elements you tard. Evil talking snakes and flood myths predate ancient Hebrew tribes by huge margins.

>> No.10484986

what's Death Grips got to do with this?

>> No.10485917


>> No.10485947
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I address myself as we all the time when I'm alone! Guess I'm just too lonely?

>> No.10485965

Daily reminder for faggots like you that “the word” which is mentioned multiple times is Christ in spirit form : D

>> No.10487073


This always fucked with me too. This is one of the most confusing things in the Bible.

>> No.10487116

Wait what. I thought it meant that with knowledge comes culpability

>> No.10487129


It's that too. I don't see the contradiction.

>> No.10487173

>They obviously already knew that eating from the tree was wrong
I mean like after learning of good and evil they learned what evil was so that they were culpable of evils that they may do

>> No.10487183

>without than within, he withdrew.
Very beautifully written.

Stop with that blasphemy (or at least heresy) please, it's disrespectful.

>> No.10487226

But how do you know snakes couldn't talk six thousand years ago when Earth was still young?

>> No.10487278

God isn't restrained in a oneness, but is rather a multiplicity in itself, jews refer to him as "the many in one" or something like that.
Source: my dad is a jew.

>> No.10487293

Father, Son, Holy Spirit

>> No.10487303



>> No.10487318
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It really blows my mind how many Christian-like beliefs the Jews hold without really understanding why, yet they refuse to believe the more concrete and fleshed out version of these beliefs

>> No.10487364

Do ""people"" on /lit/ really believe that the shit in the old testament actually happened and the God (as described therein) actually exists?
Loving every laugh

>> No.10487396

Because you're a Christian.

Jews see Christianity like Christians see Islam.

>> No.10487406

>It really blows my mind how many Mormon-like beliefs the Christians hold without really understanding why, yet they refuse to believe the more concrete and fleshed out version of these beliefs
That's what you sound like to jews

>> No.10487420

Read Psalms, Ecclesiastes, Proverbs and Song of Solomon for the poetry.
Read the New Testament if you want an actual narrative instead of the ">muh tribe is better than your tribe" Jewish nonsense of the Old Testament.

The rest of the Bible is worthless and can go into the trash heap of history.

>> No.10487422

God is schizophrenic

>> No.10487433

lmao at this pathetic attempt to distance the OT from the NT, NT was written by Jews for Jews to convert them to the new covenant. You faggots didn’t get christianized until the cousin races: Phoenician Lebs, Syrians, Greeks were converted first.

>> No.10487546

>the trinity existing in a "monotheistic" theology
>christianity is concrete and fleshed out

That's why there has NEVER been only a singular Christian church/organization, lmfao you LARPing fuck.

>> No.10487556

the entire bible except for one or two book was written by jews, anon

>> No.10487563

this is plain wrong and your dad is an ignoramus

>> No.10487568

I'm aware of that. I'm just saying that from a reading standpoint, the poetry books and the NT are the only enjoyable parts of it.
If you skip nonsense like Chronicles or Deuteronomy, you're not missing anything.

>> No.10487571


Them Khazar babies that are squatting in Israel and manipulating the American media aren't Jews. The Jews of the bible are dead.

>> No.10487577

The main issue Peter and Paul had with the new Christians is the matter of circumcision.

>> No.10487595

Chronicles was just a little collection of what already previously occurred.

Deuteronomy was part of the Tanakh.

The Tanakh is pretty dry, but you could have picked dryer than Deuteronomy... Leviticus is fucking insanely dry, why not take out that one?

>> No.10487616

You’ve been reading Pol Pot’s work, not the Bible.

Not sure why you also started your post calling your opponents dumb either. Strikes me as a /pol/ poster who still hasn’t matured enough for a civil debate.

>> No.10487791

Other gods, the Bible is full of polytheistic leftovers.

>> No.10487908

Never heard of it before this post. It just seemed obvious to me, knowing that the first civilizations developed in the general vicinity that the bible was written in. I read most of the oldest parts of the old testament as a mixture of social commentary and the national epic of the Hebrew people.

He's correct that a lot of the old testament is recounting tribal conflict, it was written in a tribal society very, very different from the Jewish society that Christ's followers were writing in.

To call it Jewish nonsense and imply that the NT is not is stupid, but you can't deny that the books were written for incredibly different purposes and audiences, even if they were all Jews.

>> No.10488010

Job's a bore to read until you get to the end, and it's not what I would call satisfying, at least not in the sense that a good meal is satisfying. But, it does impart a deep truth if you believe in a deity of any sort.

>> No.10488083
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>God creates perfect world and places man in it
>God creates woman
>Woman ruins everything one chapter later
Like clockwork

>> No.10488476
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>And bringing forth the people thereof, he sawed them, and drove over them chariots armed with iron: and divided them with knives, and made them pass through brick-kilns: so did he to all the cities of the children of Ammon.

>only defense of this christcucks can offer is "well he must have had a good reason we just don't know about" or "hey, it was a different time" i.e. an appeal to cultural relativism