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10476078 No.10476078 [Reply] [Original]

I need help with my bildungsroman portal fantasy:

It was an otherwise unremarkable day when two hundred dead horses washed up on the shore. Alongside them, half buried in the sand, was a single man. The horses had drowned and they could not be saved. But the man, he could be—in every way a man can be saved. Dad told me that story. It happened before we were born. I went down and visited the water once. Just to see it. I was drawn to it, I guess. The sand was still speckled with horse bones not yet stolen away by the tide. I had hoped to be saved, too. And maybe—I was.

Mother had taken another spill and she needed stitches. I don’t see her anymore. I see her face, and I see her leave the house once a week to cash her checks. But when I look into her eyes it’s like forecasting the weather on the moon. As distant as it is absent.

I knew something was wrong when I began to notice things out of place. Sheets hung from the ceiling fan, books inserted into the toaster, and Orion’s stuffed dinosaur deposited unceremoniously in the oven. Even my school lunch once contained a shoe in place of a sandwich. I knew it was her. When you died, Rose, some of her must’ve died too. I don’t know if it was father abandoning us, but if your death caused her to bend, then it was him leaving soon after that made her break.

After mother received five and a half stitches across her brow the nurse ushered us into a tiny doctor’s office. Time seemed to crawl as we sat beneath the quiet hum of fluorescent lights. Mother and I didn’t speak.

The man that entered wasn’t the operating doctor. He was a specialist. He smelled like the rest of the hospital—sterile, like disinfectant.

He smiled at me. A toothy smile that felt less than genuine. His teeth were large and white. They were as fake as his smile. As fake as his hairpiece. As fake as his tan. He was a symptom of a world around me that continued to feel less and less authentic. A place that once felt tangible, and real, and now felt so far away.

As he sat he laid a folder on the desk in front of him, sending out a clap as the paper displaced the air beneath it.

“You must be August,” he said. “I’m Dr. Summer.”

He smiled again.

I didn’t meet his gaze, instead, I turned to my mother. I studied my mother’s stitches. I knew things would only grow worse. I was worried what he might say about her.

“How old are you August?” asked Dr. Summer.

I turned to him. “I’m 14, I said.” I didn’t look it, not yet. I wasn’t remarkably tall. I wasn’t really remarkably anything. I had black rings beneath my eyes, a result of a long struggle with sleep that perfectly complemented a mess of unkempt black hair that fell over my forehead.

>> No.10476276

Feels a little rambly.

>> No.10476871

>I was drawn to it,
>I guess.
Gay, scratch the guessing.
>And maybe--I was.
>the weather on the moon.
TEHRE IS NO WEATHER ON THE MOON I don't acctually care about science, fuck that shit, go with it if you like it.
>A place that once felt tangible, and real, and now felt so far away.
Your feeling is nice, but you can definitely improve your description here. "felt so far away". intangible, nebulous, lost, counterfeit, faux, fraudulent, many words exist that are better and more concrete. You can use your words to contrast a REAL feeling, with that of the inauthentic world.

>that perfectly complemented a mess of unkempt black hair
This gives a nice picture of your girl, but there are prettier words you can use to describe this budding loli.
>I didn’t look it, not yet. I wasn’t remarkably tall.
She was immature, her soft face lacked the sharp features of a grown woman.
'I wasn't remarkably tall' is very vague. An unrealized idea. You can contrast your description of her with a vague one of the world if you want. The realness of her beauty compared to the doctor.

If you can continue to describe feelings of alienation from this world, you may tap into something felt by more people than just the youth. You write young, are you a woman?

>> No.10476886

>The horses had drowned and they could not be saved. But the man, he could be—in every way a man can be saved. Dad told me that story.

Also, this part is very nice, I like the sentiment very much, it is hopeful and optimistic with it's fatherly authority. You can write more beautifully though, continue working, the feelings are good, it's the writing that needs some improvement.

>> No.10477144
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>It was an otherwise unremarkable day when two hundred dead horses washed up on the shore.
Sorry, couldn't read past this point. You come upon a beach filled with dead horses, and the first thing you do is count them, and find that there are exactly 200 of them?

>> No.10477379

Seems reddit / hackish, like out of Ready Player One or some shit. Normies dig that kind of trash though.

>> No.10477395

u ever play count the potato on neopets
maybe they are the high scorer

>> No.10477464

>u ever play count the potato on neopets

Obviously yes

>> No.10477499

Eyyy, I havn't read, but you ought to change if this is the feeling. Keep the feeing though, save man!

>> No.10477566

>It was an otherwise unremarkable day when two hundred dead horses washed up on the shore.
I hate quirky openings like this. They always feel like they're trying too hard to be memorable. Even the ones that show up in "great opening lines" lists make me cringe.

Don't start with a name. Don't start with a description. Don't start with dialogue. Don't start with something attention-grabbing and quirky. Start with a natural introduction to the situation. If the situation is interesting, so too will be the start.

You start with a disconnected quirky story that is not relevant to anything following it (as far as I can tell) because everything that follows is dead boring and rambling and so you feel the need to distract us with this early mystery. I could be wrong - maybe the big secret is just beyond where you ran out of character limit - but I doubt it.

>writing in first person
Don't. Don't do this.

>> No.10477577

I was with you until the dont write in first person meme