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1047568 No.1047568 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1047572 [DELETED] 


>> No.1047573

I agree with everything that's in it except antisemitism and violent measures.

>> No.1047577
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>> No.1047579

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
i liked chapter 11 on jewhipsters devouring and rotting the arian race and the christian ideals

>> No.1047582

i liked the new race bodenpolicy
until i saw that elem klimov movie i really thought that slavs are better off gassed and buried because they are red cultural bolsheviks with no balls or spine to withstand their red jewish oppressors

>> No.1047595
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>> No.1047603


I said except antisemitism, I meant racism (or aryan race superiority). I agree with his hate of mass' idiocy, in other words (which inspired everything else).

>> No.1047605


Still me : He had great premisses, they took him the wrong way, imo.

>> No.1047755

The anti-semitism was/is quite necessary, jews truly did ruin germany, it's not just a "scape goat" like the jew leftist media wants to portray it as. There's countless reasons why people hate jews, sacrifice of gentiles, nation wrecking, starting wars, etc.
And i dunno how you think you can change the world without violence.

Christian ideals have pretty much destroyed themselves, christian organizations are one of the larger proponents of mass immigration. They destroyed themselves by spreading their religion to non-whites and trying to be inclusive.

Nothing wrong with "racism" you dumb libs, it takes a certain intelligence and cultural/racial mores to develop civilization.
Mass immigration is destroying our countries and all of western civilization will fall when we become majority non-white.
Racism and discrimination are SANE CONCEPTS, and every sane white man with a brain should understand that we need to keep our nations white, or else!

Jews declared war on germany in 1933, and organized WW2. It was basically inevitable that there would be conflict.

>> No.1047767


You've often been beat up by immigrants haven't you? You're part of the plea that is slowly killing humanity, as are Islamists and ''gangstaz and thugs''.

>> No.1047768

go back to new or whatever

>> No.1047777

Cultural, yes. Racial, no. Stop propagating that shit.

>> No.1047780

>The anti-semitism was/is quite necessary, jews truly did ruin germany, it's not just a "scape goat" like the jew leftist media wants to portray it as. There's countless reasons why people hate jews, sacrifice of gentiles, nation wrecking, starting wars, etc.
starting wars is fine and dandy for national hygiene but that general strike was indeed quite very lame. imagine lenin gassed all the jewish kids in time. he would be still alive by now.

do you folks know about the book by henry ford? it's marvellous.
marx and sartre were also quite notorious antisemites. and the "blood passover", read the "blood passover". it's my favourite book.

>> No.1047784
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I took this book out of the library on a whim one day, and found the whole thing to be pretty hilarious. Still can remember some passage about all Germans being naturally nature-loving because of something or other.

It's not even useful as a means of interpretation really, as even Hitler himself remarked the work to be outdated

>> No.1047786

Typical lib making a mockery of sane rational discussion, it is not "gangstas and thugs" or arabs who are killing humanity, they weren't human to begin with. It is you traitor communists who support non-whites and anti-western ideas.

Get a clue you ignorant fool, race and culture are close to the same thing, and race IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THE WORLD!
Nigger loving vermin.

>> No.1047796

>Christian ideals have pretty much destroyed themselves, christian organizations are one of the larger proponents of mass immigration. They destroyed themselves by spreading their religion to non-whites and trying to be inclusive.
And who was the first to meet Hitler? The pope. The church's a bitch. I love the church. You can strap theology to anything. They're happy to preach with the choir.
To South African priests all the negroes were ham's cursed descendants and Jews were cursed for killing our lord to the theologists of Germany.
It was the center party, the catholics, who voted hitler into power because they were also tired of all that jewish hipster garbage mangling all that's good and holy with all their repulsive materialisms.

>> No.1047797
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> sane rational discussion
> they weren't human to begin with
> mfw I read that

Do you speak French? If so, I'd make a pleasure to destroy every single of your arguments (if you have any that makes sense). I'm not that good in English, so if you don't, I'll still give it a try, but it might go out wrong.

So, what founded argument do you have?

>> No.1047807

it's not an authentic racist because he didn't read the book. you didn't either, antiphant. the dispute will be very boring. go get some lebensraum outside of your basement, you two.

>> No.1047814

>Still can remember some passage about all Germans being naturally nature-loving because of something or other.
which chapter? i didn't like style. he was constantly losing a thread not to regain it again. i just jumped around. why didn't rosenberg or goebbels ghostwrite for that guy? he was primarily a rhetorician.

>> No.1047812

>he's french
>he thinks blacks are human
>he has never left his 100% white walled subburb

Nop i don't speak french.
>So, what founded argument do you have?
I don't know what you mean. It's not an argument, it is self-evident facts.

>> No.1047815


I hope to God you're a troll.

>> No.1047816


I did read it. If you don't wan't to read our eventual ''debate'', than don't.

>> No.1047821

I'm a gay Jew who is currently dating a black guy. Haters gonna hate.

And yes, he is eight inches.

>> No.1047824
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>to God
God's on our side.

>> No.1047827


I, and most of the white population disagree that it is self-evident

So make your case on either: A) Why it IS self-evident, or B) Why they are inferior.

>> No.1047835
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It actually was partially ghost-written by an inmate of his, if I recall correctly. I can't say I really cared enough about what Hitler was saying to really remember any particular chapter in detail. Sorry...

>> No.1047832


>> No.1047829

>implying it isn't.
Good show libtard! I really don't understand how it is possible to be so willfully ignorant. Have you never really dealt with non-whites? Just because they "act" like you when you are in a school/work setting, doesn't make them exactly like you! Try watching negros how they act among themselves.

Look at the tens of thousands of white british girls who are groomed and deluded into sexual slavery, look at the millions of assaulted/robbed/raped/murdered americans by the blacks.

Why is it that liberals think non-whites have some sort of NEED to come to our countries, why do they think that we in turn NEED to welcome them?

>> No.1047839


> >he has never left his 100% white walled subburb

I live in Montreal Nord.




For yet undisclosed reasons on Saturday, August 9 of 2008 the officers of the SPVM (Montréal police department) appear to have shot and killed Honduran immigrant Fredy Alberto Villanueva. This served to set off the tensions that had already been simmering in this multi-ethnic borough, and riots erupted the next evening (2008-08-10), after an otherwise peaceful protest march in the afternoon.

The rioters looted neighborhood stores, several cars and garbage cans were set on fire, one paramedic and two police officers were wounded and one female police officer shot. Firetrucks and firefighters arriving to put out the fires were then targeted by the rioters.

> I don't know what you mean. It's not an argument, it is self-evident facts.

That's what I thought. You don't have any. You base yourself on an irrationnal fear / hate of immigrants. There are indeed some very problematic immigrants, but that's cause of the immigration system. We allow to many of them in at the same time and don't take the time we should to integrate them. Also, white scum exists. Every single American president was killed by a white man.

>> No.1047841

don't feed the troll, guise.

>> No.1047845


Take a black child and give him to an upper middle class white couple to raise, and he'll turn out pretty damn well. I could go on about the various complex factors that influence the development of human societies, but there's a good chance you're just trollan', so eh.

>> No.1047849

>Have you never really dealt with non-whites? Just because they "act" like you when you are in a school/work setting, doesn't make them exactly like you! Try watching negros how they act among themselves.
Perhaps the same could be said of ALL skin colors...

>> No.1047854

do feed him untill a better racist comes around.

What's the most current entry level white supremacism? i'd take Gobineau and Hitler, as classics, but they're not up to daye.

Who was that evolutionary biologist to claim Jews were all genetically prediposed to be parasites? I wish I knew his name. Ariel Toaf was the guy behind the Blood Passover

>> No.1047858
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Time for a time-honoured classic.

>> No.1047862

i don't believe any of you ever read anything. i'm out. enjoy your nerdy sausagefest.

>> No.1047870

I'd like to see these alleged facts.

>> No.1047864

>Take a black child and give him to an upper middle class white couple to raise, and he'll turn out pretty damn well.
The facts prove you wrong, IQ is genetic. Look at obongo, he was raised by his white grandparents, and he still hates whites and is a communist.

The white acts white because we are white, the non-whites act white because they want to "fit in" to some extent, however when they turn into the majority in areas, they no longer have to fit in, and then it's the WHITES who have to act non-white.

Not to mention the insidious jew brainwashing of our youth, teaching white women it's "cool" to fuck niggers, and our boys that it's "cool" to listen to rap and act like a nigger monkey.

>> No.1047866


And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.1047875

every third congressman was, in the youth, in KKK. This is why your niggers aren't winners and the mexicans either.
the holy crusade on nazi punks has absolutely nothing to do with either racism or anti-racism. the frankfurt school are dolts. if you fight language your enemies will just find better words.
the world of today is not exactly the cosmopolitan heavens envisioned by Landauer and other silly Jews. So far the aryanists prevail.

>> No.1047873


Non-obvious troll is becoming obvious.

>> No.1047882

So, i don't understand, you live in a city that has largely been ruined by niggers coming from the carribean for "diversity" reasons, and yet you think race doesn't matter?

Blacks do the same thing EVERY WHERE!! yet somehow it's not race?
Not to mention all the muslims and pakis and indians and assorted vermin destroying our cities, and the gooks filling all our schools and race mixing.

>> No.1047887

>non-obvious troll
at what age have you been lobomised?

>> No.1047889


Hopefully a later age than you. Ouch.

>> No.1047892

i wish there was a grammar mossad

>> No.1047896


White people like you (racists) welcome blacks the same way EVERYWHERE so they react the same way (ghettos, crime, gangs, etc.) EVERYWHERE. I have a lot of black friends, I've been to parties where I was the only white guy (with some latinos and arabs). I acted ''white'' and still was very well welcomed. I dress as a white guy, am somewhat well read, listen to classical music, yet am integrated in the black community. It's your fault if they don't like you, not theirs (as long as you avoid the criminal one's, of course, these belong in jail, but same applies for the white scum).

>> No.1047903


I thought you were out of this thread.

>> No.1047908

Try google you fuckwad, there have been countless transracial adoption studies, and all say the same thing, IQ and intelligence is INHERITED

Segregation was not "racism" or "discrimination", the KKK was not some "evil racist organization" like the media tries to portray them as. They were merely proud whites who protected and supported the dixie peoples.

>> No.1047920

>White people like you (racists) welcome blacks the same way EVERYWHERE so they react the same way (ghettos, crime, gangs, etc.) EVERYWHERE.
And what about blacks in china? There are no white people there to be racist against them, why are they still acting like monkeys?

>It's your fault if they don't like you,
Why would i want niggers to like me? I am not a race traitor like yourself, you are a delusional fool, you think niggers and mexicans BELONG in our country?

>s long as you avoid the criminal one's, of course, these belong in jail, but same applies for the white scum).
The difference is the VAST MAJORITY of black males are criminals! While for whites it might be perhaps 2% of white males.

Oh but i forgot, it's racism which makes a black rape and murder! And if a white was racist against them, it totally justifies anything a black does! You libs are traitors.

>> No.1047930

i never thought you thought.
well? who are you argueing with?
the supposed Evil character of racism was a cold war nescessity. The Soviets kept telling us how we're lynching the negroes. We stopped.

>> No.1047940

The Soviet Union stopped racism in the United States by "telling us how we're lynching the negroes"? That's really the historical account you're going to go with?

>> No.1047950

Well soviet infiltration of the democrats had a very significant effect.
It was the jews/communists who supported and passed the lunatic civil rights and immigration reform during the 60's.

Only now are we even considering fixing the problems that created.

>> No.1047961


I'd go further than that. I believe humanity is one single race (proven by science btw, just saying) and that the concept of countries and culture should, with time, be abolished. I'm not good enough in English to elaborate. If someone is perfectly billingual and wants to translate, I'll elaborate. Anyways, from then on, mexicans and blacks are welcome in our countries if we need them. Otherwise it'd be our responsiblity to help their country rise to the level of ours so they don't need to come to ours. We're not giving birth to a lot of white children, so until that tendency reverses itself, we do need them and they do are welcome.

> And what about blacks in china? There are no white people there to be racist against them, why are they still acting like monkeys?

Have you only ever been to China? I'm pretty sure you haven't, cause it's very, very rare to find a black guy living there.

> The difference is the VAST MAJORITY of black males are criminals! While for whites it might be perhaps 2% of white males.

That's cause of the system. Not because of individuals. Blacks came here by slavery so we didn't have any control on their integration (it never was part of the plan). When free'd, they were left to themselves and racism was still a very comon thing until the late 90's. So they regrouped in ghettos, became criminals, etc. It was somewhat justified at that time.

> Oh but i forgot, it's racism which makes a black rape and murder! And if a white was racist against them, it totally justifies anything a black does! You libs are traitors.

If it was justified at that time, it is no more nowadays. Blacks can be totally integrated if they want to. If they don't want to, they have two options 1) Go back from where they came. 2) Commit crime and end up in jail.

I don't support blacks over whites. I support equality.

>> No.1047978
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you don't know lenin's "on the plight of the negro". you're an ignoramus worse than i thought.
>The Soviet Union stopped racism in the United States by "telling us how we're lynching the negroes"? That's really the historical account you're going to go with?
yes. get pretty much any cold war era pre-1964 Security Council meeting, get any Radio Moscow transcript from any time until the fall of the USSR. When was the civil rights act signed, you silly twit? and why? out of the kennedy clan's goodwill you say? because that christian negro was so touching and convincing? maybe the secret lies in the tits of angela davis? Why do you think we left the filthy commies bleed in 41 and 42?

Stalin's USSR was the China of the 30s. They had the most promising growth. Hence fascism. Or so the Dimitrov thesis says and it makes sense to me. But why would I take sides?

>> No.1047991

the trolls becoming a better racist minute by minute. outrageous trolling + wiipedia = enlightment of all close-outs of the world.

>> No.1047999

>Only now are we even considering fixing the problems that created.
what problems? i have no white trash and no niggers on my poach. the worst thing that can happen is a brown trash. i think we just need another mccarthy. outright racism has bad publicity. repressive tolerance ftw!

>> No.1048005

>I believe humanity is one single race (proven by science btw, just saying)
It's proved nothing of the sort, in fact exactly the opposite.

>and that the concept of countries and culture should, with time, be abolished.
They never will.

>nyways, from then on, mexicans and blacks are welcome in our countries if we need them.
We have never "needed" mexicans and blacks, it is the large businesses and liberals who want them, as they vote predominantly for socialist policies, and will decrease your wages and bargaining power.

>Otherwise it'd be our responsiblity to help their country rise to the level of ours so they don't need to come to ours.
Yes that is what the whole White Burden thing was all about, and that's what the whites were largely doing(or at least trying) in africa and the third world. Whites are a very altruistic race, which will be our downfall.

>cause it's very, very rare to find a black guy living there.
And yet even then there are occurrences of mass rioting of blacks over negros who die due to being criminal vermin.

>Blacks came here by slavery
Except that the blacks in montreal have only been there 30 years perhaps, and they have zero slave ancestry.
What you liberals like to ignore is that, if the whites hadn't bought the slaves from african warlords, they would STILL have been slaves, and they likely would have died!

> It was somewhat justified at that time.
No, it wasn't "justified" because of racism. And crime by blacks only became a common occurance during the 60's and the forced integration/civil rights movement. Which was unsurprisingly pushed by the jews.

>I support equality.
No, what you support is totalitarianism to enforce equal outcomes.

>> No.1048007
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>i think we just need another mccarthy
I agree. She was hot

>> No.1048014

Problems with affirmative action and disparate impact and all these sorts of totalitarian laws pushed in the name of "helping" blacks overcome racism.
And mass immigration and permitting illegal immigration.

A lot of states and people are thinking about secession. Like before the civil war, the federal government is becoming intolerable.

A mccathy would be impossible, jewish ownership of the media has expanded, blackmail against senators and congressmen too prolific by the jewish lobby.

>> No.1048027
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yet not hot enough to boil the degenerate bolshevik meat from it's bones.
>I support equality.
pah! meaningless idealism.

>and that the concept of countries and culture should, with time, be abolished.
i believe I should get, with time, ONE MILLION DOLLARS.
what are you doing to these noble ends short of hunting all the trolls on the internets, anon?

>> No.1048036

>i think we just need another mccarthy

We already have one: his name's Glenn Beck.

>> No.1048049

>affirmative action
we're "not racist" now and that served as proof. it's not there any longer. no ussr, no affirmative action. it was our substitute socialism affecting a miniscule mass of our plebs.
>permitting illegal immigration.
it's an oxymoron.
>A lot of states and people are thinking about secession. Like before the civil war, the federal government is becoming intolerable.
be more conrete
>A mccathy would be impossible, jewish ownership of the media has expanded, blackmail against senators and congressmen too prolific by the jewish lobby.
there are two kinds of Jews: good Jews and bad Jews. Karl Marx is a Bad Jew. Zionists are Good Jews.
What an anachronistic racist your are. Off to Persia with you, traitor.

>> No.1048052

We can't choose how we look when we're born. Maybe our parents can now, what with genetic manipulation, but that's not cheap at all either.

>> No.1048070


> It's proved nothing of the sort, in fact exactly the opposite.
Go back to school.

> They never will.
I know, it's an ideal.

> We have never "needed" mexicans and blacks, it is the large businesses and liberals who want them, as they vote predominantly for socialist policies, and will decrease your wages and bargaining power.
So you've never worked in a corn field (or any kind of field, for what matters). Whites have deserted the rural parts of the globe. Mexicans make our agriculture work and get decently paid for that. We do need them.

> Yes that is what the whole White Burden thing was all about, and that's what the whites were largely doing(or at least trying) in africa and the third world. Whites are a very altruistic race, which will be our downfall.
That's a part of your retarded opinion. Not a single fact can confirm that the whites are in a downfall. Except maybe the lack of newborns, but we're the ones to blame for that. We went to far in capitalism and now only live for ourselves. Kids have become an entrave to our happiness, etc. so we're slowly disappearing. But then again, we're the ones to blame.

> And yet even then there are occurrences of mass rioting of blacks over negros who die due to being criminal vermin.
Never heard of that. Source?

> Except that the blacks in montreal have only been there 30 years perhaps, and they have zero slave ancestry.
No they haven't. They've been here for 60 years or so and mostly came from the U.S - the slave descendents. Blacks are not so much of a plea here btw. The only one who are are those who relate to the American Gangsters - tendancy that began with segregationism.

Not that much. Certainly not in all black countries. Humanization (Occidentalization?) of the world is in process, don't worry. What I'd wish to do, is to perfect that Occidental system, since it's spreading over all around the world.

>> No.1048072



>No, it wasn't "justified" because of racism. And crime by blacks only became a common occurance during the 60's and the forced integration/civil rights movement. Which was unsurprisingly pushed by the jews.
What the fuck am I reading?

> No, what you support is totalitarianism to enforce equal outcomes.
Somewhat. I believe people like you should be sent in jails because you support yourself, your race or what ever, but not society. You're a spine the world has to take off if we want to achieve equality. It's a form of totalitarianism, indeed, but it's still supporting equality.

Without these concepts - equality and justice - nothing could stop someone well buit for breaking your jaw and raping your wife just because he'd want to. They're the two foundamental concepts of a decent society.

>> No.1048074
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Discuss THAT, suckers.

>> No.1048115

>your race or what ever, but not society.
what society? the society of the most venerable citizens of X?
i like vanilla racists for not being mainstream. other than that, black plague on all of you, faggots.
>Without these concepts - equality and justice - nothing could stop someone well buit for breaking your jaw and raping your wife just because he'd want to.
no jaws were broken in your country and no women were forced into sex by circumstance, anon? all subscribe to those meaningless terms. even hitler did. all german citizens were "equal" and the world war was but just retribution to Jewish treason in world war I.

>They're the two foundamental concepts of a decent society.
moar like "hypocrite", anon

>> No.1048141

Here's a good example of what happens when you leftists and lunatics get your way.

Toronto is rapidly going the way of detriot, it is impossible to open a news paper today without yet another horrific crime commited by these non-whites.

>Mexicans make our agriculture work
No, we don't NEED mexicans to work in our fields, whites would work there if they paid reasonable wages.

>Without these concepts - equality and justice - nothing could stop someone well buit for breaking your jaw and raping your wife just because he'd want to. They're the two foundamental concepts of a decent society.
I can't over emphasize how WRONG you are.
You are a delusional communist.

>> No.1048154


Society of humans.

Equality between germans is not equality. Wars are not for the purpose of equality, it seems to me like a very simple assumption. One cannot be truly happy if someone else isn't, otherwise he's lying to himself or will be unhappy soon enough because of the unhappies.

Not hypocrite, idealist. I'm not one of those who thinks communsim (the real one, the one that never have been yet) can't exist because it never had or stuff like that, neither would I have been one of the ones who would have condamned Galileo.

>> No.1048155

>You are a delusional communist.
so is hitler than. he does appeal to fundamental concepts.

>> No.1048183


If we brought up Mexicans, it's because not a single whitte wanted to work there anymore. Learn your facts.

> Toronto is rapidly going the way of detriot, it is impossible to open a news paper today without yet another horrific crime commited by these non-whites.

When did I imply that ''non-whites'' were all respectable citizens? The answer is not to live in an all-white society, the answer is to adequatly integrate our immgrants, which is not the case actually.

> You are a delusional communist.
Somewhat. Not a communist, a humanist. Paradoxally, people like you make me hate humanity.

>> No.1048209

>it's because not a single whitte wanted to work there anymore
Yes and no whites want to work there because the pay is shit and the quality of work is shit.
In a free market you have to pay what your workers demand, that's just how it works, it hurts all of us to import 300 thousand mexicans to take seasonable labor.

>the answer is to adequatly integrate our immgrants
Non-whites cannot integrate into a white society, it is utterly impossible.

>people like you make me hate humanity.
And people like you remind me of how fucking stupid liberals are everywhere.
You think you know better then everyone else and want to set up a totalitarian society to enforce your ideals, and of course no where along the line do you think, hmm maybe totalitarianism isn't going to be a beneficial force?

>I'm not one of those who thinks communsim (the real one, the one that never have been yet) can't exist because it never had or stuff like that
Yep communism might work, if only if only if only!! You libs are crazy.

>> No.1048233

are you a troll or a genuine kid?
no society can exist without those two concepts made up and defined by completely by yourself in your basement? we might have the next hitler here. or the next trotsky.

>> No.1048265

>Non-whites cannot integrate into a white society, it is utterly impossible.
read your hitler, blasphemer!

>> No.1048371


Rural exode began way before immigration.

> Non-whites cannot integrate into a white society, it is utterly impossible.
I know many who have.

> You think you know better then everyone else and want to set up a totalitarian society to enforce your ideals, and of course no where along the line do you think, hmm maybe totalitarianism isn't going to be a beneficial force?
We already live in a form of totalitarianism. Everyone for himself, too bad for you if you were born in a slug. I dream of the opposite. Everyone for everyone.

> Yep communism might work, if only if only if only!! You libs are crazy.
Well we're not the ones who block those ''if only''. You capitalists ego-monsters are.


>no society can exist without those two concepts made up and defined by completely by yourself in your basement?
Well some can. We have examples of that in Iraq, in China, etc. I, in my basement, judged that those were not the kind of society that were good for the humankind.

> We might have the next hitler here. or the next trotsky.
I'm ok with this (Trotsky). I'll call you the next Henry Ford, but I guess you're ok with that also.