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/lit/ - Literature

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10475250 No.10475250 [Reply] [Original]

How does this picture make you feel, /lit/?

>> No.10475260

I don’t care

>> No.10475272

Is All the Light we Cannot See any good? Just curious seeing as it did win the Pulitzer

>> No.10475299

Rupi Kaur is hilariously divisive. Women universally adore her and credit her with singlehandedly resurrecting poetry to cultural relevance, while men are split between entertaining her and vigorously rejecting her outright.
Love her or hate her, I can’t argue with the culture surrounding the phenomenon. She pulled poetry down from the metaphorical ivory tower and reshaped it for the post-19th century era. As time goes on people like us are more and more likely to be seen as socially oblivious dinosaurs who worship the ashes of dead Europeans.

>> No.10475308
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>Ready Player One almost sold out

>> No.10475314


No, poetry has been shit since the modernists got their hands on it. She just mixed shit with period blood.

>> No.10475316

I'd take her as more credible if anyone ever actually read her.
Has a writer solely liked by women ever managed to survive in the canon?

>> No.10475318

proud of her

>> No.10475324


No, and the only woman on the canon is Jane Austen. All the rest are trash.

>> No.10475335

I like the Brontes and Sylvia Plath

>> No.10475344

Poetry peaked with Pound.

I've begun a rather small literary movement in my city, but enough that it is spreading beyond my literary group. It may not reach far but reaching a few poets that I don't exactly know makes me wonder if it could go somewhere

>> No.10475348
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This is what Charlotte Bronte actually looked like by the way

>> No.10475356


>> No.10475357

Yeah she was scary woman and I like it

>> No.10475360

Me too.

Post some more attractive authors

>> No.10475363

its reading shit like this that makes you realize /lit/'s posturing is just retard chest thumping. yall dont give a shit about reading and yall never will, its just one way to feel superior over others that doesnt involve money or physical strength.

>> No.10475373
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>> No.10475376


>> No.10475389


Barnes and Noble will be dead soon

>> No.10475400
File: 14 KB, 236x348, 7350e4e37f8cc64f6b316d2c52c3915f--luis-feminine-mystique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no stone-faced statuesque jew gf

>> No.10475402

The world is changing, so is the canon. Rupi and others like her are representative of women knocking down the door to the previously male-dominated world, and the canon itself will change because, in the past, men exclusively decided the canon.

>> No.10475444

Ah yes poetry, the famously historically male only vocation

>> No.10475450

Women’s poetry, while prominent, has always been a second class form compared to male poetry. At least in term of the canon.

>> No.10475463

Did you know that ANYbody can just plunk down a manuscript about ANYthing and get a book printed?

Gutenberg was a mistake.

>> No.10475475

Did you know that ANYONE can write a story and distribute copies of it? And that, due to the limitations of the medium, change and adaptation to the story will be impossible? Written language was a mistake. Oral tradition is the patrician way.

>> No.10475477

Like I'll see those books in Goodwill by next year.

>> No.10475485

Says more of to quality than the representation

>> No.10475488

did you know that literally anyone can utter a word language was a mistake

>> No.10475496

Wait what, even niggers? Who allowed this

>> No.10475508

Language simplified the complexities of human thought, limiting the endless abstractions of emotion and perception to crude movements of the tongue and lips. The only acceptable mode of communication is group meditation leading to astral projection and intradimensional cognitive melding.

>> No.10475516

My mom really liked it

>> No.10475522

It's the 21st century anything that's worth anything must be able to be consumed by the lowest common denominator.

>> No.10475524


>> No.10475546

It's alright and entertaining as a light read, but nothing special

>> No.10475615

Did you know that until Common Core, telepathic thought-language was being taught in public grade schools?

>> No.10475626

I don't care and it gives me a headache

>> No.10475629

Unrelated note: I was at B&N looking for Pinecone and my local doesn't have any Pinecone.

>> No.10475631
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>> No.10475637
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>> No.10475639


Chill out. I love reading. But I have high standards for the greats. Not to say there aren't talented female writers, but they're not in the upper echelon with the greats. Sorry.

>> No.10475644

You were lucky

>> No.10475646
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>> No.10475651
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How do you start a local literary movement?

>> No.10475654

It makes me glad that normies are reading paperback poetry again.
Haven't personally read her poetry but it's cool.
Ready player one makes my blood boil though.

>> No.10475658

Do something with your work that interests more than the odd man out.

From friend to friend, to store to store

>> No.10475659

I hate this attitude the most. If you think your experience is so personal and inaccessible how do you even suppose that others don't know what you feel?
Blatent contradiction

>> No.10475664

fuckin tumblrtier poetry that teenage girls like to eat up and show to their friends on instagram/snapchat

>> No.10475669

Only an ugly rat faced brown girl could be this mad at the very idea of beauty

>> No.10475671

this cant be real

>> No.10475674


>> No.10475677

Cutting means your feelings are totally legitimate. Go tell all the girls

>> No.10475681


>> No.10475686
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Post rare Lispectors

>> No.10475762


>> No.10475774

Hey i have one of those. Bought all the light at an airport 2 or 3 years ago

>> No.10475777

Thats because they dont have money or physical strength

>> No.10475780

Hold on to your canon anon it will soon be gone. The new socially enlightened are systematically removing them from the curriculum. Teachers are starting to stop teaching Shakespeare and if a writer had a "problematic" personal life or ever wrote a book where minorities are presented in less than favorable light then they too are getting the axe.

>> No.10475789

dream have*

>> No.10475797

laffed, thanks, anon.

>> No.10475812
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>> No.10475902

This literally happened at my school lmao

>> No.10475916

Many dogmatists have tried to rewrite the canon in the past. They'll fail in the long run, their own twisted morality will quickly cannibalize itself until they have no supporters left. In the meantime we clutch the great works preciously like the monks of Celtic Ireland as they watched the Barbarian ravaged ruins of Rome

>> No.10476207
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So women should welcome acid attacks or at least things like FaceApp? I'm confused.

>> No.10476310

Correction, MakeApp

>> No.10476396

Nothing that i haven't felt before.

>> No.10476404

When I look at the green sign I start to crave Lifesavers.

>> No.10476501
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>> No.10476504

Poetry isn't fiction lol

>> No.10476505


>> No.10476510


>> No.10476516


>> No.10476518

Can somebody explain Ready Player One? I thought that was the name of Star Wars movie.

>> No.10476523

It's a video game.

>> No.10476544

Ready Player One consists of a manchild from Generation X gushing over the '80s childhood in which his only meaningful experiences apparently reside via a torrent of pop culture references, leavened with Current Year attenuated-critical-theory tokenism and crudely nigger-rigged into the semblance of a story using a combination shallow post-millennial science fiction tropes and video game fantasies.

>> No.10476559


woah this some casual shit

>> No.10476647


Lmao this is the first time I heard this phrase, its beautiful

>> No.10476654

No writer who finds great success while alive will be remembered far beyond death

>> No.10476660

>Rupi Kaur says she draws inspiration from other people's stories and experiences, as well as her own.Notable writers that she admires areKahlil Gibran,Alice Walker, andSharon Olds. She is also influenced by Sikh scriptures in her writing and her life.She has said that empowerment is her favorite thing to write about because "it's like becoming my own best friend and giving myself the advice I need".

I bet she hasn't even read the canon

>> No.10476745

That's statistically total horseshit

>> No.10476767

sounds really gay, thanks for explaining though.

>> No.10477707

>At least in term of the canon.
Yes, the men have 'the canon', the women have 'the well'

>> No.10477723

why should one care about immortality, though?

>> No.10477766

>competition in a free market makes the best rise to the top, guise! I sure like capitalism!

>> No.10477806

>in the communist paradise utopia the gestapo will force my grandma to read Dante instead of letting her watch the real housewives of orlando

>> No.10477812

All white women universally love her. I've met a solid amount of nonwhite women who hate her just as much as posters on this board if not more.

>> No.10477818

>Just curious seeing as it did win the Pulitzer

It's completely average "literary fiction" just like any new Pulitzer prize winning book.

>> No.10477862

why couldnt you focus the fucking image

>> No.10477873

>cultural relevance
>writes one obvious statement per page
Inb4 its "poetic"

>> No.10477877

>implying that wouldn't be a straightforwardly positive outcome

>> No.10477898

wheres the bible?

>> No.10477901

>I've met a solid amount of nonwhite women
you've gotta go back

>> No.10477909

shaking with rage