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/lit/ - Literature

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10474164 No.10474164 [Reply] [Original]

ITT looking back on the year /lit/ was memed into taking on the JQ and became stronger than ever. What does the meme of the year mean to you?

>> No.10474183
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>> No.10474192

Unfunny trash, please resolve to kys

>> No.10474203

I guess that's one way to describe forcing a meme.

>> No.10474218

just transition already so people can tell you're a lonely attention whore who doesn't read. and stop telling people you like scat porn and tennis you autistic fuck.

>> No.10474252
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>forced meme pushed by one guy
Keep trying bud. Your bait's getting better but needs some work.

>> No.10474276

Is culture of critique worth the read? I'm open minded on the anti-semitism thing.

>> No.10474282

Forced meme of the year for sure.
This is the real memeking >>10469950

>> No.10474288

Foundation of Exploration > Culture of Critique

>> No.10474305

>not "yes / YES / The tiger is out"

>> No.10474360

Of course it is, that's why it was added and why jews bum rush threads to try and stop you as seen itt.

>> No.10474727

This is the meme.

>> No.10474743

I wanna fug that alien

>> No.10474753

Let me recount a terrifying tale... Once upon a time, there was a little boy who stumbled upon /lit/... He wanted to try it right away... He was having so much fun that he didn't notice the sun had set...

While checking a new thread he suddenly noticed a lot of (you)s! He hadn't posted here before! When he read through, the thread was full of insults directed at him! It was as if /lit/ were cursed and trying to drag him into oblivion!

SHRIEEEEK! The boy's father had been on /lit/ before him and written nice comments about a brilliant work hated by Jewish trolls!

>> No.10474758

This is just pathetic

>> No.10474774

Are you a mentally ill jew?

>> No.10475550

Meme of the year for sure.

>> No.10476755

Anyone read all 4?

>> No.10476765

It's a lame forced meme. Sorry sweetie but we don't like Trump on /lit/. I'd sooner read The Goon's shitty book than Old MacDonald's.

>> No.10476771

No one cares about the opinions of non whites.

>> No.10476779

nobody is white on an anonymous image board

>> No.10476793

Everybody is white, for white is the default.

>> No.10476798

Well I'm white so what's the problem?

>> No.10476814


No one gives a shit about the "jewish question" (I feel like by saying it i'm giving it legitimacy it doesn't deserve) except "woke" dudes with little formal education in the humanities and a hard on for bio-essentialism.

>> No.10476816
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>> No.10476856

White people care and should care. But mudbloods like yourself have about as much of a reason to care as you do to be on a white literature board in the first place.

>> No.10476946

I'm a 'white cishet male'. So are most people ITT denying your "JQ".

>white literature board
>muh white men are the center of the universe

>> No.10476960

They're jews, and you're the dumbass who still doesn't realize the jokes on you.

>> No.10476967

You fucking retard.
>They're jews
Who? The faceless mass of users that make up this boards normative, semitically neutral, stance?
...Or is it Soros cronies?!?

>> No.10476976

Also, if you want to not look like the fucking retard you are, try using less contractions.

>> No.10476978

I think it's getting worse

>> No.10476980

You are one of those stupid people who has no idea what is going on around him. Reddit's the other way, chap.

>> No.10476994


Both are the two forced memes of the year

>> No.10476995

Social and political undercurrents and the spread of information about jews dictates it will continue to.

>> No.10476997

While you failed to address anything I said, I'm glad you learned to not use as many conjunctions.
I've been here a long time. You are the invaders of /lit/ with your extremely conspiratorial view of history and culture.

>> No.10477003

What kind of a fucking moron are you

>> No.10477065

hop on over to weddit until you realize what an idiot you are for defending people who view you as their enemy. go now pls.

>> No.10477090

Hey just thought I'd be another voice saying your antisemitism is retarded. Jews own banks, law firms, and entertainment, but none of these are the actual causes of ills in your life. You don't make enough money for the former two to be of any significance and the latter has likely been a positive spark in your life that has likely shaped your very worldview by reinforcing romantic themes about how lone men can change the world (because there really isn't any strong organization to the alt right).

>> No.10477147

>for defending people who view you as their enemy
Who am i defending? The jews? lol no. I'm simply telling you that your theoretical basis for looking at social reality is completely wrong in almost every sense.

>reinforcing romantic themes about how lone men can change the world
As a post-leftist kind of person (i guess), I still have this 'romantic view' approach to life. In political action I just put my contribution to scale against the imagined contributions of the rest of the movement. In good faith, likesay.
It makes one feel as though one were part of a non-hierarchical, dynamic movement of individuals, rather than a bureaucratically coordinated, inefficient system.

>> No.10477191

>Stupid fucking kids making their minor political steps forward out of leftism then announcing them like they're giant leaps while pretending they have the wherewithal to understand the JQ

>> No.10477330


>> No.10477354
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>> No.10477359

Young men thinking they're going to get anywhere by being reactioinary fuckwits

>> No.10477486

Post left, to me, means being sensitive to individuals' desire for power and freedom, while also being mindful of structural intersectionalities. With these things in mind we could work towards creating a system that allows for maximum power and freedom of the individual and minimum structural constraints on unlucky individuals born poor, female, or colored. So no, I'm not trying to understand the Jewish Question. I'm the Jewish Answer.

>> No.10478818

Sure thing, shlomo.

>> No.10478824

>reddit spacing
>reddit insults
you have 2 go back

>> No.10478833

The Culture of Critique simply examines patterns in Jewish behavior from the perspective of evolutionary psychology and social identity theory, what’s so controversial about this? MacDonald has applied the same methods in his study of Han Chinese diaspora in Southeast Asia, but this study hasn’t caused any controversy whatsoever.

>> No.10478841

You can't talk about jews bruh

>> No.10479378
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>evolutionary psychology

>> No.10480209

Not an argument

>> No.10480867

The modern world is non ideal but this /pol/ and anti semitism thing is getting out of hand.

>> No.10480896
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>ignore them
Gets worse
Gets worse
>join the joke
Gets worse
>get surreal
Gets worse
>ha ha ha its all pretty funny right ha ha right guys? Internet sure is wacky! I'm sure it won't turn out to be a big problem for the next generation or anything... Back to skyrim!

>> No.10480901

I don't know what this post is saying.

>> No.10480910

Ignoring and posting in threads with actual book discussion wold help, but that’s just too much work isn’t it?

>> No.10480934

The simple backlash that posting Culture of Critique gets has convinced me to check it out.

Because I doubt 90% of /lit/ has read it and thus has only reactionary, taught reaction and opinion to it, so it must be that someone doesn't want people reading it.

>> No.10480941

Except he's made you want to read it. You wouldn't have heard of it otherwise. Your logic is shot.

>> No.10480947

I didn't get urge to read it because it was posted. Only the reaction that was always similar cry made me curious. Because really, who believes all the people whining about someone posting it have read it?

>> No.10480952

The reaction is a result of it being posted, therefore your urge to read it is because it was posted.
Almost nobody is claiming to have read it, it's just a forced meme. You don't have to watch The Simpsons to want Milhouse posters to fuck off, but you wouldn't understand that reference, would you?

>> No.10480955

So if this is literally all it is why the outrage? Like I said, I have still not read it so I don't know how much of this summary is honest.

>> No.10480959

>look ma ah'm replyin' to meself agen

>> No.10480960


>> No.10480961

>being too dumb to use 4chan-X.
I guess that comes with being a newfag like you.

>> No.10480962

That's a no, you don't understand then. Thanks.

>> No.10480968
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>> No.10480978
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>being this new

>> No.10480984

>with the power of autism I will surely prevail

>> No.10480985


>> No.10481024

But you can't delete that post, I can delete 1 of them :v)

>> No.10481025

You come here to work?
Work harder!

>> No.10481066

The backlash doesn't have much to do with the book. The /pol/tard spamming it probably hasn't read it either.

>> No.10481206 [DELETED] 

Jewish behavior is what's getting out of hand.

>> No.10481210
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>> No.10481220

See, the people who flip out about this book are jews and LOTResque freaks who live in a fantasy world completely disconnected from reality.

>> No.10481292

He’s said he chose Jews because there was lots of source material. Haven’t read it but I’m well aware that anything not portraying Jews as a total positive is considered anti-Semitic. Shit is suspicious at a minimum.

>> No.10481490

The big 4 is a shitty forced meme. It will always be called the meme trilogy. Infinite jest needs to be dropped.

>> No.10481579
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>with little formal education in the humanities

either you're a Jew yourself or haven't spent time in any prestigious humanities departments

>> No.10481584

Both are shitty forced spam.
That one was actually funny.

>> No.10481603

You clearly don't ignore them though as you're feeding them right now.

>> No.10481649

"forced meme" is ironically, and yet unironically, the biggest forced meme of the year so far