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/lit/ - Literature

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1047376 No.1047376 [Reply] [Original]

Describe your main character and his developement.

>> No.1047385

A boy with downs
development is very very slow

>> No.1047407
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>Former bureaucrat with ties to the ousted political elite. Participated in all kinds of horrible activities under the old regime, but had some level of conscience
>Unwillingly pressured into a revolutionary group to prevent the re-emergence of the old regime
>Has a crisis of confidence and supports the elite’s re-emergence to power
>is murdered by his own former friends for saving them

The Character is an alienated pushover trying desperately to survive by appeasing others. He is an anti-hero in many ways for not opposing the atrocities of the regime, but is probably the only genuinely “good man” in the entire play. Manipulated by both friend and foe, he eventually dies a death of convenience for losing his worth to all parties involved. A strange justice, he dies justly for his flaws by an even greater evil which rises to oppress everything.

Man, I need to work more on this.

>> No.1047410

Me but prettier.

>> No.1047441

Hes a super saiyen namek hybrid who reached ssj4 at 7 years old and uses Trunks's sword in his honor.

>> No.1047469
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>> No.1047478
File: 164 KB, 800x1100, george_harrison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A woman (23) running a small organics farm with her younger brother (18).

She attempted to start a commune with one of her friends from high school, but was forced out for reasons I haven't come up with yet. She still has a great deal of restlessness, and feelings of regret and rejection for losing her friends and their shared dream. Over the course of the story, she is compelled to act by an outbreak of a disease that threatens the livelihood of the farm and surrounding community, and begins to work past the regrets and insecurities of her past.

Meh. At least I'm writing.

>> No.1047479

I lol'd

>> No.1047488

An unstable teenager with magical abilities who becomes callous and destructive.

>> No.1047505

A small man living in an imaginary world who gets to carry a ring to a mountain of fire so he saves his world from eveil. But as he's doing so, he fails for the temptation of the ring and is transported to a world with speaking rabbits, forks and logical problems. As he's spending his time doing anything in that world, he asks himself, hey, why not hide in a closet? So he hides in a closet and appears in another magical word with a belvedere and stuff. So he visits a guy named Danilo, who presents him a girl named Stepanida (who's married). The small man and Stepanida often have sex while Stepanida's husband is in Moscow until the small man gets married. He truly loves his wife but can't resist to Stepanida's charm so he kills himself.

>> No.1047520

Myself and my mundane life, made interesting.

>> No.1047524

You shall be cast into the fires of Mount Doom.

>> No.1047528


What's the fourth book you refered yourself to?

>> No.1047530

A monk who tries to reform a system that does not want to be reformed.

>> No.1047552


It's not a book, it's a short novel I read yesterday (The Devil - Tolstoy). I chose it because the main protagonist kills himself at the end.

>> No.1047618

An angsty adolescent who doesn't know what to do with his life. He chooses to give away his freedom by enlisting in the military and obeying orders.

>> No.1047760

A teenager with some DEEP issues who overcomes them and becomes Badass Normal in a world full of mysterious stuff.

>> No.1047772

My main character is Paul Atreides. He rides sandworms and fucks fremen chicks.

>> No.1047901
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very original

>> No.1048691

Awfully Dutch there.

Essentially, a prototypical child of the turning of the millennium. I modelled him more off of a /b/tard than anything else. Eventually, a sad little husk of a manboy just keeps on truckin', not everything has to be grandiose.

>> No.1048789

an awkward teenager falls in love with a girl

>> No.1048791


>> No.1048806

theodore was born on d-day, and takes this very seriously; he served in the vietnam war, took a nearly mortal wound, and was discharged on honors, but flew back over to continue as a war reporter.

>> No.1048824

Wangster with black brother goes around a patch work world which is established in 1900s but has a mix of Victorian and modern day culture and out of sequence technologies to try to reclaim their father's lost fortune meets up with the embodiment of luck in the world; an immortal knight and other people to fight a crazy communist revolutionary army and BBEG who's from a different universe.

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