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File: 69 KB, 318x412, how to bomb the us govt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10473253 No.10473253 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10473418

Is there a download link?

>> No.10473458

it's 1gb of pure garbo

>> No.10473469

Sam Hyde is an unfunny tryhard. He ended up with a core fanbase of absolute morons.

Good luck with life if you find him funny.

>> No.10473471

Yeah from what I understand its le EPIN random xD humor but for the alt right

>> No.10473476

He used to be funny, but Nick and Charls were the actually funny ones

>> No.10473483

what the hell? has it videos or some stupid shit like that?
4chan celebrities are idiots

>> No.10473511

It's because every page has images

>> No.10473512

Thank you

>> No.10473568

>muh alt right

Why do soyboys come to this website when they would be more at home on another?

>> No.10473715

have the physical copy
reminds me of a fever dream which I really like tbqh

>> No.10473741

Sad story of a man who went 30 years without validation and sold his soul to the first group willing to buy it.

>> No.10473779

Some of it is really bitter and funny. Lotta crap in it too.

Sam sucks, his teenage fans suck too. Charls is my man and Nick's a good guy.

>> No.10473925

Oh come on, some of his stand-up is quality


>> No.10474059

I think he's funny. I also think he became politically active the moment his followers encouraged him to and I think it reflected poorly on his comedy.

>> No.10474091

weak bait

>> No.10474092


>> No.10474649

There was some funny stuff but most of it had already been touched on in their skits or his standup.
Some of the /x/ shit towards the end got 2weird4me and I had to skim it.

I don't like that he's gotten further into blackpill than just absurd comedy. Some good mockery of leftists is always welcome but overt WN shilling just isn't really funny, whether or not you agree with it.

>> No.10474656

I've seen worse YA.

>> No.10474662

Does it have any actually useful information on bomb making?

>> No.10474664 [DELETED] 
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stop making these threads

>> No.10475104


>> No.10475125

Is anyone else disappointed by what has happened to MDE? They've always been redpilled but they used to care more about comedy than preaching. Now half of their content is Sam rambling about blackpill shit. I don't give a fuck what Sam thinks, I just want funny videos. I'm surprised Charls and Nick put up with Sam's bullshit.

>> No.10475133

I haven't been in the MDE loop for a bit now, what has happened in the past few months? I see Sam's twitter got suspended again, does he have a new one? No new MDE vids, no new hydewars vids, absolutely nothing is coming out of them it seems. I really hope sam's shitty game is worth all this bullshit and lost time

>> No.10475144

I think they don't even talk anymore

>> No.10475364

Weak observations poorly performed.

>> No.10475405

After Sam collapses into financial and social ruin we will get good content again, I hope. The desperation, loneliness, and slightly unhinged quality of the early vertical videos when he was living at home with Mom, that informed a lot of the humor.

>> No.10475416

Mistakenly assumed drawings of dicks were inherently funny/10

>> No.10475536

I have a strong bias against Sam Hyde from most of the stuff I've seen from him being really bad. This is honestly no exception. He sounds like a schizophrenic 4chan user trying to do standup. Again, this is probably my bias coming through though.

>> No.10475541

>He sounds like a schizophrenic 4chan user trying to do standup

his popularity should come as no surprise then

>> No.10475579

I just felt that the stand up example felt kinda unorganized. He couldn't stick on his topic too well. He would get onto something, mention something in his example, then try to call out an audience member as "racist" ironically, rant for a bit on the example, and then finally get back to his central point and continue to do that. The other issue I thought was that he tries to preach too much. Another example that I couldn't find very funny that I've seen posted elsewhere is the tap water sketch.
It's just trying too hard to say "HEY, DUDE, DID YOU KNOW THAT TAP CAN BE BAD?" I think it's mostly just my political beliefs being far too separated from theirs though. I think if I aligned with them more, I'd probably find it funnier, I remember liking humor like it when I was younger because "truthbomb bro"

>> No.10475583

2070 paradigm shift is pretty good but i haven't enjoyed anything else sam hyde has ever made

>> No.10475586

He's some kind of off the books contractor for a federal agency, aimed at gauging interest in revolutionary activity among white males age 14-29.
He probably gets some of that sweet Soros cash as well.

>> No.10475597

86 drift machine confirms

>> No.10475703

>from what I understand
There's the problem lol

>> No.10475766

Comedy aimed at the SJW sucks, comedy aimed at the alt-right sucks.

>> No.10475800

and even then the humor is simply that he tricked tedx

>> No.10476662

i think it's funnier if you imagine that it's consistent. the futuristic parts made me laugh a few times and then i started reading burroughs and realized he was writing these perfect stories in this genre i was looking for, so now there's not much point reading this shit even if it is trying to be funny. the more personal rants are the highlights i think, but only when they click. i'm sure half the book would be funnier if i had an experience similar to the one that inspired whichever of the three of the wrote that rant, but too bad i didn't.

>> No.10476668

he doesnt have the brain horsepower to be who he wants to be, shouldve stuck to being funny

>> No.10476687

you sound like a serious fag, way to serious

>> No.10476691

They are separated, but on good terms, I think. Nick owns a second hand store with his waifu and Sam and Charls are in different parts of the country doing different things I think. Charls has Bombstrap, and Sam is doing Hydewars and all kinds of other projects.

>> No.10476847

I'm 2:40 in, when does he start to be funny?

>> No.10476869

It doesn't, really. His stand up is akin to saying 'Hey look at me everyone! I know I'm not funny but that's what is going on, there sure is a lot of post-modern bullshit and I totally hate modern culture too! Fuck everyone, including Jews and other '''''white people'''''"

Yeah. That's the jist of his philosophy.

>> No.10477047

Hit the nail on the head, bud

>> No.10477391


You could have just said you don't like his politics

>> No.10477441

read SIEGE by James Mason if you want a lucid exploration of redpill views akin to Sam Hyde's

Also, watch this. Let the blinding unlight of the black sun snuff out your soul in eternal damnation. Helter Skelter is the prelude to the bodily resurrection of the Fuhrer. ALL HAIL THE BLACK SUN.

>> No.10477465

>and even then the humor is simply that he tricked tedx
But it was just an independently-organized TedX talk, so it was just a matter of the organizers at Drexel doing a shit job, not fooling TedX itself.

Some of the lines were really good though, but that's about as entertaining as I've found Sam Hyde/MDE. I'm not into the Tim and Eric/post-irony/political mix of humour they present.

He flushed a great opportunity down the toilet just to impress some alt-right manchildren, stroke his ego, and try to be a third-rate Kaufman.

>> No.10477466

That sketch is more about how the government doesn't give a shit about the taxpayers, and the taxpayers don't care enough to do anything about it

>> No.10477475

He's a 4chan loon, virtually unknown on any other place than here. He's also a shit comedian and an unhinged weird ugly loser.

>> No.10477518

Don't post so arrogantly again. Sam Hyde is known in places well beyond 4chan, not to say that is in support of him or anything. Sam's still a loser.

>> No.10477561

>tfw Sam Hyde is actually a subversive neo-situationist prankster, well versed in obscure French Feminist theory

>The one I was on, there was a sketch at the beginning of it where these guys are sitting at a wine-tasting party or something like that, and their wives are there, and they make a point of the character—one of the wives is off-putting. She scowls and things like that. One of the guys trips her, and she falls through glass, and it tears up her face, and she's bleeding.

>Now immediately, I'm thinking of Metalocalypse. I'm thinking of phantasmagorical humor, like a person gets their arm ripped off or something, and there's something absurd about that. I didn't think much beyond that about it.

>Then people were like, "This is a misogynist sketch." Then in that sense I'm thinking of the French feminist theory, this whole reading of it from that standpoint: the men do not acknowledge the woman as an agent, as having any subjectivity. She's just an object in their patriarchal economy. In that sense, it's like a feminist critique of where a woman is made to stand in a patriarchal, heteronormative reality. The idea that it just encourages violence against women, maybe I'm just too dumb. I didn't see that or something like that. I don't know.


>> No.10477831

>Sam Hyde is known in places well beyond 4chan

>> No.10478075

Every discussion about MDE, only charls, nick or sam get mentioned. What about the rest of guys? Andrew, or trappped, etc. They are also important parts of the group.

>> No.10478947
File: 424 KB, 750x1153, 3A94D47A-D041-4F70-AB23-EC87FD9BA6B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2017, I am... forgotten

>> No.10478958

Hey this is sam here.' Interested in hiring you to be official MDE Loremaster

Hit me up on Facebook, pretty busy and want to make this official asap

>> No.10478974

Yeah we got that.

>> No.10478982


>> No.10478990

they aren't.

>> No.10478999

post dick Sam

>> No.10479005

certainly all over the internet. you can find articles about him all over, about specific videos or stunts. and then he's even been on TV. He's not super known or anything, but he's not just a 4chan micro-celeb.

>> No.10479011

John Maus is a tryhard too

>> No.10479020

hmmm nah

>> No.10479029

MDE is the recuperation of Brechtian agitprop for NeoReactionary ends. 'Sam Hyde' is actually a KGB operative, dad was an Uzbek in the red army, mom a textile worker from Chelyabinsk(this explains Sam's mongoloid good looks). MDE's scripts are penned by Moscow avant garde theatre veterans and KGB psy war experts, filled to the brim with subliminal messages designed to foster Mental Illness among America's youth.

>> No.10479086

That's the problem.
His comedy is 90% just stating his political opinion.

>> No.10479106


I like some of his comedy. His 2070 Paradigm Shift was fucking hilarious. "Jennifer Anniston" acting lessons where he just shit on Rutgers art majors was hilarious. That time he crashed a weaboo convention was hilarious and ironically autistic. I also loved his "early and often" bullying MDE skit.

His stand up is shitty. Its just realPanda ham fisted, bludgeoning and annoying attempt to hammer you with his edgy political opinions. "DID YOU KNOW GAY PEOPLE HAVE AIDS HAHAHA."

I mean, I understand why he's so polarizing. I don't like Amy Schumer because she's the same way and comedy and politics together can become super obnoxious, like some of Sam's stuff.

If the media establishment was alt right I suppose Sam would be their obnoxious darling a la Schumer. At least Sam is more self aware than her, though.

>> No.10479170

Dude doesn’t even know feminist theory

>> No.10479177

4chan isn't all about being edgy

>> No.10479189

you don't know that

>> No.10479210

Have you seen an interview?

>> No.10479225

yeah so like he said

>> No.10479281

Sam Hyde is next level feminism

>> No.10479317

There is no "feminist theory" or coherent intellectual system behind feminism. It's just resentment and laziness. Fourteen year old bisexual teens on tumblr have an equivalent "feminist theory" knowledge level as most professors of women's studies. Their understanding differs only in the jargon humanities academics have invented to mimic science in a desperate attempt to convince themselves they're smart too. But the "theory" itself is exactly the same on the high school level as it is at the graduate level

>> No.10479323

A decade from now Sam Hyde will reveal everything he has done has been a super subtle satire of misogynists. He's the biggest feminist of the 21st century.

>> No.10479345

The stormclouds of total banalisation and feminisation are approaching, edgyness is a survival strategy.

>> No.10479356

You don't know anything because you have no education on anything

>> No.10479359

t. feminist

>> No.10479386

Did you even read the quotations? That was the most tenuously retarded understanding of “feminist theory” I have ever come across. Just admit that Maus is retarded like you.

>> No.10479391

Not at all, neets have a tendency of making basal claims about subjects beyond the scope of their 4chan education which is why you stick out like a sore thumb.

>> No.10479416

What insights can feminism offer beyond
- men bad
- women good
- gender not real
- rape bad

>> No.10479424

>I don’t read books and browse /pol/: the post

>> No.10479429

An investigation of women as ontological subjects, try The Second Sex

>> No.10479442

Feminism is better understood as a secularised religion based on the residues christian slave morality combined with the interests of the managerial bitch class. Behold dogmas as baffling as that of the trinity: gender is not real and yet someone can be born the wrong gender and also there are 6000 equally valid genders.

>> No.10479453

Covered that already under "gender not real" and "women good"

Next time please read my post before replying it. If you don't know how to read then you shouldn't browse this board

>> No.10479456

>sam hyde

>> No.10479457

Generally the people who espouse that stuff haven’t even read Butler. Really, feminist thought is pretty heterogenous, and blanket claims like the one you’re making are based on stereotypes and willful misinterpretations. I’m of the opinion that you only really need Beauvoir, Butler and (maybe) Paglia, so maybe you should try reading them.

>> No.10479463

You clearly haven’t read any theory

>> No.10479473

I clearly don't need to since I've already mastered the sum total of knowledge it has to offer

>> No.10479480

>the absolute state of MDE fans

>> No.10479483

I'm more of Bill Maher guy, actually

>> No.10479490
File: 397 KB, 552x420, Screen Shot 2017-12-14 at 9.00.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the logical end result of Judith Butler's philosophy (which is pure 60s narcissism). How is this not child indoctrination?

>“There’s this part of parenting that has to be active, it can’t just be like waiting … for your child to come out as counter-culture,” Kym said.
>The next day Elliott asked for magazines to make a collage about things people should know more about, adding glitter and photos of Beyonce and trans actress Laverne Cox next to words like bodies, consent, racism, gender, and decolonization -- which they asked for help writing.

The neoliberal state really loves Butlerian, everything is a social construct ideologies, because they justify state intervention in every aspect of life, from childhood toy choices to forcing you to have sex with trannies. a 50:50 utopia of sexless programmer drones(because muh women in tech)

>> No.10479499

I don’t particularly care for Butler, but I came to that conclusion after reading her. I recommend you do the same

>> No.10479500
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dat nose

>> No.10479533

it's not even 10% that

>> No.10479546

actually maybe 30%

>> No.10479565


Watch his videos. It's not even politics as >>10479533 said. Some of it is, but most of it is just cynical mockery of escapism and the status quo. I like Sam Hyde and MDE in general. They make fun of things that aren't getting made fun of nearly enough

>> No.10479571

>things that aren't getting made fun of nearly enough
such as marginalised and vulnerable people haha am i right you guys?

>> No.10479576


>> No.10479580


No, such as people like you

>> No.10479591


unless you're being sarcastic, because it's hard to tell if that was serious or not

>> No.10479686

I watched him until his videos devolved into him rambling incoherently inside his car.
>mockery of escapism and the status quo
How is this not political opinion? He doesn't mock the status quo at all, he just mocks leftists.
Also the mde intros are full of dogwhistles.

>> No.10479696

Damn son. Saved.

>> No.10479702

art major detected

>> No.10479742

>he just mocks leftists.

>> No.10479754

how would you know that if you yourself were not a dog?

>> No.10480397

Face it, you are a bad person and you should feel bad

>> No.10480398

no, you are a bad person and you should feel bad

>> No.10480433

I myself can't even tell if i'm being 'sarcastic', sarcasm probably doesn't even enter the equation at all. My compulsive postings represent an anguished expression of multiple personality disorders and neuroses. Sometimes I laugh hysterically, most of the time, this activity makes me feel bitter and makes me pissed at myself, the world and (you)

>> No.10480450



>> No.10480569

>He doesn't mock the status quo at all, he just mocks leftists
Same thing.

>> No.10480628

But John Maus is actually good at what he does.

>> No.10481914
File: 1.39 MB, 926x1273, MDE How to Bomb the US Government confederate artillery compliation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Our Generation's Turner Diaries

>> No.10481923

That's a pretty epic book.

>> No.10481938

Sam is gonna have a surprise when he wakes up and finds out MDE is cancelled haha

>> No.10481948

This post reeks so much of america that I wouldn't be scared if it was also in debt because he got sick once.

>> No.10481951

How can retards claim the left is the status quo when capitalism is very clearly becoming more and more invasive and predatory? How dishonest do you even have to be to pretend the left has anything to do with the shit hole we live in today?

>> No.10482062

But the Turner Diaries is shit

>> No.10482265

Imagine having no original ideas or jokes and stealing it all from Tim & Eric and 4chan.

Sam Hyde is a glorified tripfag.

>> No.10482340

The only thing worse than an amerifat feminist is a europoor feminist who eats up amerifat feminism.

>> No.10482373


>> No.10482472

>Tim & Eric
two different shows with different styles of comedy

>> No.10482482

ur right WP is actually burgers trying to do jam

>> No.10482508

>an economic system has a political stance
No you fucking moron. The idea of tge capitalist money machine is apolitical. Communism, fascism, socialism etc. have their politics engrained into their economy because the state owns the money machine. Capitalism thrives off lasseiz faire.

>> No.10482520

>The idea of tge capitalist money machine is apolitical

>> No.10482527

what's the state ideological apparatus? over the last decades, market mechanisms have assumed a central place in all aspects of our lives. The logic of the market is not neutral.Market ideology is inherently political, it is based on a very specific model of humanity and the self and as such, it imposes this particular model on all forms of social organisation. When faced with the massive social changes we have witnessed since the 60s conservatives can only grumble about muh hippies.

>> No.10482722

>Capitalism is apolitical
The system of monetary incentives that drive the accumulation of power in individuals and groups is apolitical you guys, I swear!

>> No.10482758

This Thread:
>Sam Hyde isn't political u guys he just mocks the LEFTISTS who CONTROL EVERYTHING
His book cover:
Watch out for unarmed black men, Zionist lesbians, fat bitches, child molesters

Those are some powerful leftists there.

>> No.10482790

>the state owns the money machine
You got the power game backwards, buckaroo. Most secular governments in modern time are inefficient pieces of dying shit fractured by division of power between legal branches, legislative branches, executive branches, while the international private sector (no, not the Jews, 4chan peabrains, the entire private sector, Jew and gentile both) plants bad actors in the governments and uses them to subordinate state power to big business. This is essentially what Fascism was, and Feudalism before it, but it's international and less ideologically driven by nationalism than before. Capitalism doesn't work for common people or small businesses, it works for big businesses and even if the governments of the world were dissolved and laissez faire capitalism instituted worldwide you would still see a subordination of regional populations to the needs of the owners of vast sums of private property. If there is no regulatory body (a state) there is no balance of power between the public and private sector. The private sector grows out of control and you have Feudalism, the privatization of the military, the creation of an insular class of small nobility to serve as a shield between the "peasants" and the "kings" and the subordination of the needs of the many to the needs of the few.

People think this shit is a joke but I assure you it is not. I foresee a future where Disney has more security guards than the US has marines.

>> No.10482843

unfunny drivel. this dude write a paragraph that is kinda funny till he badly hamfists his "UNIQUE CONSERVATIONISM" into it.
Theres nothing wrong with being conservative. But fuck is Sam bad at making it good or clever.

>> No.10482852

As if you didn't just start using the site after the election pretending it's your little nazi safespace.
Moot made a containment board for a reason.

>> No.10482919

Marginalised and vulnerable people are the people who need to be made fun of most of all

>> No.10482942

>"100% safe book"
we get it, you're not a lib, ya unfunny hack.

>> No.10482982

Reminder that Judith Butler is an American.

>> No.10483063

Sam is an unfunny man who desperately wants to be considered funny.

if you're looking for right wing comedy, look at someone like Anthony Cumia; a man who is actually funny.

>> No.10483099


This guy has balls...

>> No.10483121


This. Even if the people that anon is talking about were "marginalised and vulnerable", they would still need to be made fun of.

>> No.10483138

The people who don't like Sam Hyde or MDE are generally the same people Sam Hyde and MDE make fun of. Example: >>10481951

>> No.10483286

someone post screenshots. dont want to have to download it

>> No.10483498

>if u dont like it get out reeee
>example: scapegoat
>refutations of ideas: 0

>> No.10483503
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ok maybe but why

>> No.10483504
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>> No.10483511
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Wow. So he's an unrepentant bully towards people he doesn't even know based off of nothing but pictures.

An intellectual titan!

>> No.10483526

>Wow. So he's an unrepentant bully towards people he doesn't even know based off of nothing but pictures.
That sums up like 70% of his videos.

>> No.10483539

This reads exactly like DFW. lol

>> No.10483552

Sam, Nick and Charls have very similar personalities so I don't know why that is.

>> No.10483818

lighten up. that's a funny disclaimer.

>> No.10483969

Sam hyde is the furthest thing from a conservative

>> No.10484011

Just looked up his Twitter and he seems pretty dull. Anything from him you'd recommend?

>> No.10484020

>look it up on amazon
>collectible version for $1,000,000 listed

made me lel

>> No.10484078

This Brony dating sim trailer is a harrowing glimpse into the hell that is modernity

>> No.10484172



>> No.10484203

god charls is the hottest twink boy
when will he kiss me and ramble to me about science fiction naked in his shack

>> No.10484271

I am assuming he meant anthony cumia. Listen to any of the good old Opie And Anthony clips or anything from live from the compound.

>> No.10484279

alt right isn't that far from a conservative. no matter how much you pretend.

>> No.10484300
File: 41 KB, 1067x600, nn_gsc_charles_manson_171120_1920x1080.nbcnews-ux-1080-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gone so far down the alt right rabbithole you unironically start worshipping Charles Manson.

>> No.10484358

As a guy who actually has read some of the theory. You’re right, desu. There’s nothing new, it’s just granualar enumeration of the points that bleed down from those axioms. There’s nothing new past that.

>> No.10484370

Not as good as Billy and the Clown. That shit is literature

>> No.10484444

> When faced with the massive social changes we have witnessed since the 60s conservatives can only grumble about muh hippies.

that's because they are so well fed and medicated due to their government that they live long enough to remember when their peers were stoned retards who squandered a wave of prosperity

>> No.10484459

>Capitalism doesn't work for common people or small businesses, it works for big businesses and even if the governments of the world were dissolved and laissez faire capitalism instituted worldwide you would still see a subordination of regional populations to the needs of the owners of vast sums of private property. If there is no regulatory body (a state) there is no balance of power between the public and private sector.

Cool, implement full communism and the "totally not a government" force of the status quo can leave everyone who isn't part of the privileged Information Class free to follow the rigid, inhuman rules that would be necessary to perpetuate it's delicate equilibrium, from test tube to coffin.

>> No.10484488

Contemporary leftism has abandoned class warfare.

>> No.10484531

YouTube comment tier analysis.

I suppose communism isn't that far from progressivism since they're both on the left, right?

>> No.10484538

yep, you're correct.

>> No.10484561

He sees them all as leftists

>> No.10485837


>> No.10486478


Did they really delete Sams Twitter account?

>> No.10486561

It's an art book. The kind of book you skim through and read on the toilet. It's got it's moments but not worth the money Sam Hoidel wants for it like $50

>> No.10486563

Yeah 100% this. MDE at one time was just good social satire about the absurdity of modern life and consumerism, now it's just alt right comedy hour.

>> No.10486575

Bernie for example is hiding his power level. The man praised Venezuela and the Sandinistas and Castro. Progressivism would be explicitly closer to the far left if America wasn't still brainwashed by the church of the free market and red scare propaganda.

The alt right is just the GOP's beliefs stated in plain English with no dogwhistles.

>> No.10486597

modern progressivism ismore focused on normalising child rape than on economic justice.

>> No.10486629


>> No.10486635

This might sound like a mindfuck to you normies, but what if Hitler was actually the Avatar, the reincarnation of God on this earth, or rather the destructive aspect of God. Hitler did not die, the Fuhrer slumbers in the halls of Shambhala deep inside the Hollow Earth, under the Himalayas, waiting for the right moment to arrive.

Hitler is God and Charles Manson is his Prophet. Unfortunately, Manson couldn't complete his task, so it's up to us to bring about Helter Skelter, that is the final War, the cleansing fire that will bring an end to the Kali Yuga. Accelerationist Hitlerism, my man. We gotta make Helter Skelter happen.It sounds insane, but I have seen it, I have seen the Black Sun after hours of meditation I glimpsed it. I was absorbed by the rotating unlight, I have embraced damnation. Only the reborn national socialist movement will be able to trigger the final conflagration: WWIII, Helter Skelter. Then and only then, at the hour of absolute chaos, will we witness the awakening of the Fuhrer, who never died, the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler, the Avatar, who slumbers under the Himalayas at the halls of Shambala. Sieg Heil! I call on you to surrender to the Black Sun, my brothers, so the world may end, and we might know peace. Sieg Heil! I I call on you my brothers, to do whatever needs to be done to bring forth the Final War. Sieg Heil!

>> No.10486652

I just wanna give you a big hug

>> No.10486711

What pill is this

>> No.10486731

The Truth

>> No.10486927

I readily admit my attraction to ''far right'' politics is a product of mental illness and my consistent failure to find a place in society. I grew up in a middle class household, both my parents were quite liberal, they didn't beat me or anything, but I never felt close to them: mild narcissists like most Americans of their generation. When I was 11-13 years old, I was molested by an older cousin, didn't seem that way back then, but the experience might be the source of many of my later sex issues, and my inability to form lasting, healthy relationships. I drive an uber, I sell weed to local teens, I sleep on a waterbed, I frequent hookers, the rest of my time is spent on shitposting and on drugs(weed, alcohol, psychs and coke are special treats). Since I was a little kid, I was struck by the hollowness of the modern world, the howling void that lies beyond fucking everything. I get excited at the prospect of violent death, violence in general, the end of the world and all that, it's the only thing that does it for me any longer.

>> No.10486998

fuckin idiot

why would abuse your god given faculties of reason for this shit?

>> No.10487098
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>she just nods at her low-test betabux date
>he follows, head hung low, like a well-trained lapdog

These are the people who hate Sam Hyde.

>> No.10487193
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>“The end times and the eschatological meaning of politics will not realize themselves on their own. We will wait for the end in vain. The end will never come if we wait for it, and it will never come if we do not. . . . If the Fourth Political Practice is not able to realize the end of times, then it would be invalid. The end of days should come, but it will not come by itself. This is a task, it is not a certainty. It is an active metaphysics. It is a practice.”
>“The meaning of Russia is that through the Russian people will be realized the last thought of God, the thought of the End of the World. . . . Death is the way to immortality. Love will begin when the world ends. We must long for it, like true Christians. . . . We are uprooting the accursed Tree of Knowledge. With it will perish the Universe.”

>> No.10487237

You post this constantly. You're schizophrenic. Get help.

>> No.10487246

Go back to the nuthouse anon, no one wants you on the outside.

>> No.10487262

they're making fun of specifically you actually

>> No.10487265

Stop raping my thread, we're done here.....!

>> No.10487274

>Long rambling schizoid meltdown about international corporations
I can smell the autism coming from this post. You don't know anything about how the world works.

>> No.10487281
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>Nazi safespace
le magaflakes triggered much?

>> No.10487285

What is this autistic shitscreed? No one's "refuting ideas", little guy. We're making fun of you.

>> No.10487290
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This is MDE's magnum opus. Pure kino.


>> No.10487316

because it has the most potential to be funny

>> No.10487324
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>> No.10487328

this busted grandiosity belongs in breathless poetry, not in real life... get sorted p.h.a.m.

>> No.10487329

See a shrink.

>> No.10487335

Capitalism is quite destructive. Just look at the state of the US today for example. Corporate oligarchy and debt slavery despite having the most wealth as a nation in history. It's concentrated in the hands of very few rich assholes while the country is falling apart and stagnating. It reduces an individual to a consumer, someone who only exists to buy and sell goods and be marketed to. I don't see any reason for you to support this system unless you're a millionaire or in a wealthy family, and considering you're on here there's a good chance you aren't one of these things. It's merely American system brainwashing, a sense of superiority feeling like YOU'LL be one of the rich one day because you're so much better, and the delusion of America's 20th century success being built of capitalism (it wasn't, it was high taxes, the new deal, and the post-WWII boom due to America being relatively untouched by the destruction).

>> No.10487358

pathetic brainlet
these rants are hilarious but sam hyde is a notorious projector

>> No.10487360
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>poo poo pee pee buhhhhhhhhhh fsfharowwwhoww buhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh poo poo pee pee baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.10487369

Believe me, I've had my visits to the psych ward, teenage suicide melodramas now forgotten. I cherish my independence, keeping my noggin clean from the filth that is out there. That's why Sam has been like a brother to me, no one compares: it's Manson, the joker and Sam. It's like he is speaking to me personally in every one of his videos. I get the same feeling when reading about Manson or Hitler. The world is a sick place. And I am sick, that's true.

>> No.10487400

>feeling like YOU'LL be one of the rich one day
>tfw grandpa was a sharecropper
>tfw he just saved up, invested, worked hard and has a few million to his name
sounds like you're living beyond your means bud

>> No.10487410

kys cap

>> No.10487585

I actually agree with you, anon. I kinda feel like Sam's behavior, as well as his ideology, is a shitposting response to life. I feel like the guy is so disillusioned with life that he has just made his life one giant shitpost.

Guys like Pessoa, though not as radical, also felt like this to an extent IMO.

>> No.10487620

thats my shirt now faggot. might equals right nice

>> No.10487651
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On the contrary, I look forward to the day when poetry will be made by all.

Someday, I'll take you to Disneyland

>> No.10487715

Sounds like y'all need to read CultState

>> No.10488890

Don't be so sure.. Sam and Charls unfollowed and stopped liking each other's stuff on instagram

Charls might be the toxic person in Sam's "cutting toxic people out of your life" rant on hydewars

i jumped off the boat after they basically went full actually-racist actually-anti-jews white nationalist

>> No.10488930

This is true.
Read a "gender studies" dissertation some time. Absolutely incoherent, just made-up words and circular assumptions.

>> No.10488943

I'll never understand why Beyonce is such a deity for these people
What has she ever done other than promote materialism and hedonism? If they need a vague "grrrl power" celebrity to latch onto she's not even in the upper ranks

>> No.10488964

This. If you don't see the genius in Sam's comedy despite your own political disagreements, you're a useless lobotomite.

>> No.10488987

The alternative is being shot in the back of the head and kicked into a ditch for not relinquishing my property to the authoritarian state while my neighbors debate resorting to cannibalism because of the state-controlled famine. No amount of "b-b-but REAL communism!" will change the track record.
I'll take a few rich faggots over that.
Do commie larpers actually think they'd be spared during an actual recolution because they were on "the right side of history"?

>> No.10489044

>either capitalism or communism
You know there's an entire history of movements and measures you can support within a capitalist economy that will make it not only sustainable and equitable, but prosperous for all as well? This is not communism (in case you were thinking so) either.

>> No.10489369
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To be fair, I'd take old fashioned communism over muh sex positive managerial gynocracy anti racist 8th wave feminism.

>> No.10489400

>What has she ever done other than promote materialism and hedonism?
The leftist worldview is based on the twin pillars of slave morality and hedonism, as such it is completely hollow. Leftists actually suffer from constant existential terror, the fragile shells of their 'personalities' are kept together by guilt, diversity training and platitudes derived from pop culture drivel such as Star Wars and Harry Potter

>> No.10489630

you're almost as big as a tryhard as Hyde.
When you turn 17 you'll learn that being alt-right, conservative, edgy, etc is just a ploy for attention from a society you want to piss off. soon you will regret your actions and learn to actually have empathy and not be a shitposting troll.

>> No.10489663
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empathy is leftoid speak for slave morality. I regard ''trans people'' and ''POC'' as inferior creatures, who having no value of their own, resort to blackmail through their attempts to guilt whitey into giving them shit for free. But I'm not falling for it.

>> No.10489820

nick can pass as a cute chubby and charles is handsome as fuck

sam is the only truly ugly one and its worn on his self esteem over the years :(

>> No.10489827

the 2 or 3 minute satires on his channel are good and the OK computer teamups were great but once he caved to his /pol/eddit audience their humor took a fucking nosedive

>> No.10489831

I haven't cringed that hard in a long time. thanks anon.

>> No.10489837

why are racists always so scared of being called racist? just own it if you care about that so much.

>> No.10489919

The TEDx talk was very funny and I thought the MLP dating sim was semi-legit which freaked me out because of the odd Max Headroom shit it had going for it.

>> No.10489929
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> watch The Needle Drop podcast ft Sam Hyde
> literally first ten minutes is Jamaican accent and saying how cool guns are
> Hyde literally hijacked a Heidecker podcast on Facebook to rant how Heidecker got him blacklisted and fuck Brett Gelman dude lmao

Sam could've been an interesting development in indie / YouTube comedy but instead every opportunity he just tries pushing an agenda and when questioned on it, he says "nah dude I was just joking lmao dude niggers"

>> No.10489939

feminist theory = sit down shut up hmm sweetie women are talkin'

>> No.10489943

This is gross to read.

>> No.10490948


>> No.10490956


>> No.10491116

I'm racist and proud.

>> No.10491125

''racism'' in the year of our Lord 2018 simply means unwilling to debase oneself before the bluehairs

>> No.10491178

exactly this. and their fanbase has some massive cringelords now. i mean they did before, but now it's so pronounced

>> No.10491190

t. neet

>> No.10491294

It's all a circus.

Whatever makes Sam more unhinged and funny works for me.He's already shooting up test, working on 2 videogames + filiming KSTV season 2.

Having Sam Hyde as a temporary role-model would honestly be quite an improvment from muddy nigger beats and le funny youtube memest3r XDD and so on that most young men without a father have.If you spend lots of time on the internet you're more than likely to be crippled by porn addiction and subsequent social anxiety and other pathetic 21st century quasi self-inflicted ailments

>> No.10491398

Sam Hyde is essentially the *raises spork* copypasta. I don't understand how anybody watches or reads his crap

>> No.10491480

What's the most recent academic feminist work you've read?

>> No.10491487

I read this.

>The Technopo(e)litics of Rupi Kaur: (de)Colonial AestheTics and Spatial Narrations in the DigiFemme Age

Abstract: Rupi Kaur, a trending poetess of Instagram, has recently gained critical acclaim online for her newly published poetry collection milk and honey which is a stunning depiction of trauma, survival, love, womanhood, and friendship. Identifying as a first-generation Canadian, Punjabi-Sikh, woman of color, Kaur works visually in her book and on Instagram to portray and subvert how space functions to produce the gendered, diasporic subject as a body that is “unhomed.” Through the complex interplay of illustrated imagery and verse, Kaur contests the violent spatial (and bordering) practices of nationalism by positioning her poems’ personae in new and different ways to occupy, produce, and claim space off and online—performances of celebration, reclamation, resistance, and ultimately, acts of (de)colonial self-love. Kaur’s art and cyberspatial narration adds an important dimension to considering the colonial project of space. Occupying space on Instagram, Kaur supplants the place where women have traditionally been relegated. It is exactly the embodied telling of Kaur’s artwork that she attributes to the importance of its public nature: the Instagram becomes the home—rehomed by her art—whereas the nation becomes the network. Through Kaur’s narratives shared online, Kaur connects to a cyberspatial sisterhood and demonstrates that healing through narrative is necessarily collective.


>> No.10491494

If only there were a way to find out what an academic discipline has to say on a topic. Oh well, better speculate bitterly on 4chan since no experts on any topic ever want to say anything on anything in any format

>> No.10491508


Yeah the people calling for economic protectionism are pretty much the same as the people supporting free trade. Birds of a feather.

>> No.10491570

This person has no concept of "space"

>> No.10491579

>a fucking free blog
Try reading a journal with actual citations/credentials or (god forbid) a book

>> No.10491589

how is feminism not just a politically correct form of religion? It's no longer about women rights, but about worshipping Beyonce and making kids into trannies

>> No.10491905

>I don't know anything about a subject what do
Try reading a journal with actual citations/credentials or (god forbid) a book

>> No.10492020

I was pretty disappointed with how much content from the book was recycled from old videos.
The precision with which (I'm assuming Sam, maybe Charls) imitated Francis Dec's style of schizophrenic rambling is pretty astounding, and probably the surest proof of their mental illness. I've tried writing like that before as a lark, it's hard, you can't just do it.

>> No.10492096

>The idea of tge capitalist money machine is apolitical. Communism, fascism, socialism etc. have their politics engrained into their economy because the state owns the money machine. Capitalism thrives off lasseiz faire.
holy fucking shit check out the absolute boomer on this guy

>> No.10492105

Sam had his moment. There was only so long "look how pissed off these dumb liberal college students get and how dumb they are" could remain funny. We get it. Everyone and their grandma gets it now. And it was that kind of material that pushed him into mainstream recognition.

You can see in some of those early vertical vids how Sam has this despair over vapid consumerism and pop nihilism, dread for their implications for society, and feels like an outsider in his own home. I think he was one of many people who reacted to this kind of feeling by jumping on the alt-right/tradcon bandwagon. It was shortsighted. The Sam who poked fun at cops, hipsters, and marketing execs is sadly not the Sam we know today.

>> No.10492275
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I feel like my opposition to feminism is divinely inspired in some way, there is certainly a feeling of cosmic significance. I was never much of an MRA, but I guess I got VALISED by a divine satellite that made me hate feminism. Somewhere along the way, feminism and queer theory became the keystone ideology of the new world order, that's why they allow for no criticism. I feel like i'm Socrates or Galileo, a renegade Honky taking a stand against the managerial gynocracy (which is of course very real, check out the article from the Atlantic).

>Earlier this year, women became the majority of the workforce for the first time in U.S. history. Most managers are now women too. And for every two men who get a college degree this year, three women will do the same. For years, women’s progress has been cast as a struggle for equality. But what if equality isn’t the end point? What if modern, postindustrial society is simply better suited to women? A report on the unprecedented role reversal now under way— and its vast cultural consequences

Nonetheless, I am persisting in my divinely inspired crusade against the feminist NWO and it's bluehaired enforcers. Seriously, once upon a time I used to think as gays and trannies as people just like you and me, but now I realise they are actually political soldiers of the New World Order.

>> No.10492320

The vertical vids still retain potent cultural pessimism and self loathing over inadequacy, some of which carried over to the book and wp but Sam threw a lot of creditability out the window associating with morons likes thernovic

>> No.10494392

maybe when you've been here for longer than 6 months you'll start to understand that the whole 'the most dangerous website' meme is bs

>> No.10494466
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>> No.10495668

I've become less 'empathetic' as time goes on, the ceaseless shrieking of victim groups such as homosexuals and non whites is insufferable, you know they will never be satisfied, they all have personality disorders that make them relish victimhood for its own sake. Culture will be reduced to pablum, in fact it is already happening.

>> No.10495673

It's funny how MDE used to be all about "free market entertainment" and how they will never run ads or whatever but as soon as they got an opportunity to be on TV they instantly ditched all that.

>> No.10496023


>it's funny how people who want to make art would like more money and exposure for their art

They make fun of advertisements, but I've never heard any of them say they're "free market entertainment" or how they would never run ads. I still have yet to see an ad on their channel, as a matter of fact.

>> No.10496133


>> No.10496712

just got an ad on the first fucking video I clicked.

>> No.10496725

>muh mental illness, muh liberal parents, muh black people, muh molestation, muh drug addiction, muh hollowness, muh violent death

Yeah, you've never expressed victimhood.

>> No.10496752
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That's bullshit but I believe it.

>> No.10496975

What's anti freemarket about having ads?

>> No.10497120

I'm pretty sure the mlp dating sim was actually unironically legitimate. I remember videos of people playing an alpha version of the game. It seemed to deep for a farce.

>> No.10497182


this. Good to hear about the kstv season 2--kstv is some of his best material and you can actually get a taste of his philosophy and what he's like

>> No.10497979

Fictional autobiography by Mr "Sam" Hyde.

>> No.10498482

the tedx talk was probably his magnum opus

>> No.10498566

I know you wrote this two days ago. But It was interesting to watch the Hyde Wars where Charls and Sam are in a car. Charls looks uncomfortable when Sam starts talking about the Jews. He's deft much more moderate than Sam.

>> No.10498876

>the dung-breathed men opening is almost literally the Zuckerberg sketch from World Peace

>> No.10499850
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evryone is racist to a certain degree, which makes the word meaninless. just liek "bigot"

>> No.10499874

this postmodernist over here,
if it's meaningless, being called racist is not only meaningless, but the devaluation of the concept works to your advantage as well. you can continue to derive joy from your racist behavior and no one can say a word about it. who cares?

>> No.10499882

>Reply with a snarky and cheeky question instead of adressing his point.

Bait or not this shit's getting old and you should just refrain from posting , dishonest bitch nigga.

>> No.10499907

This is degenerate.

>> No.10499938
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>triggered limp-wristed bitch trying to turn the table on me using his/her/zhxer pathetic mental gymnastics gibberish to cover up it's own racism.

3/10 for making me reply

>> No.10500101

Some of Sam's standup is pretty funny, but he has so obviously crossed the line from 'its all an ironic joke' to 'this is what I actually believe but I will say pretend its a joke for laughs' - didn't he donate to the Daily Stormer or something?

>> No.10500104

racism = prejudice + power

black people cannot be racist