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/lit/ - Literature

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10472675 No.10472675 [Reply] [Original]

Is he the most /lit/ comedian? I just heard an interview where he says he lives in an empty apartment with just a bed and classic literature and is celibate.


>> No.10472688
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He's a huge Dostoevsky fan. I love him
Stewart Lee is great /lit/core comedian too

>> No.10472715

>He's a huge Dostoevsky fan.
You mean Tolstoy

>> No.10472716

>i like to read sometimes
>*laugher* you're lying! do you play video games? do you play cards?

i hate normies so much

>> No.10472719

Both I'd presume, but I remember him specifically mentioning Fyodor one time

>> No.10472725
File: 85 KB, 595x751, Norm blue steel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dostoevsky was far the inferior to Tolstoy, he was inferior to most of the great Russians.

>> No.10472727

Damn, not even wrong

>> No.10472766


>Norm watching Super Bowl at his mom's house
>starts discussing Russian literature during halftime
truly /ourguy/

>> No.10472773

This is true tee bee eich, even "lesser" authors like Gontcharov wipe the floor with Dosto.

>> No.10472780

where's jocktober when you need it

this fucking hole just repeats the same bland incredulous ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!? over and over again, while this goofy fucking asshole giggles in the background


>> No.10472785

shit opinion, in the tradition of shit critics like nabokov

>> No.10472794
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>buttblasted Dosto virgin

>> No.10472796

Now George, jocks are good people they try very hard

>> No.10472882

>I evacuate and ejaculate in private
I honestly can't tell if Norm is being serious in this interview or not

>> No.10472898

Its pretty much how I live my life so its not that hard to believe for me.

>> No.10472929

do you cum in the town square, doggo?

>> No.10472939

True. Dostoyevsky is for emo teenagers.

>> No.10472956

I like the guy and he's had an awesome life that I'm jealous out, but...

seems like he's existentially kinda weak imo. His arguments are self-defeating, bordering on nihilistic, that 'you've seen one, you've seen them all' and 'it's pathetic that we latch on to others while spiralling towards death'

You can say that if you want, but deep down you're putting yourself through misery in doing this, and the later in life you get, the more you'll regret not having things to hold onto. Even if that is weakness, no one is above it.

Look at Nietzsche and Ayn Rand, after all. Both collapsed into the highest form of emotional and existential irrationality - Nietz with the horse and Rand with the rejection of everyone in her life and undermining her own beliefs

>> No.10472965

Yes just look at -insert completely unrelated authors here because they are the only two philosophers I’ve read-, I mean these two are just a prime example of what I was talking about.

Right guys? Right?? Eheh...heh

>> No.10472968

I already like Norm now I like him even more not even because of the /lit/

>> No.10472985

"yeah, just look at these two authors who espoused the exact same logic that Norm (and I) pointed to as reference"

That's how arguments work, guy, right?? hehe, hehe, hehehehehe

>> No.10473000

not even wrong

>> No.10473004

Larry David.

Every single episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm is like a guy balancing spinning plates and you know they're all going to break but he somehow makes you feel suspense every god-damned time.

>> No.10473006

He's a comedian, he's just saying this shit to get shocks and laughs. In reality he's actually seriously interested in understanding Christianity

>> No.10473014

I love Curb but I'd be surprised if Larry read a book in his life. He's too autistic to sit still for that

>> No.10473069

This is really fucking depressing

Norm doesnt have the right perspective by being such a naive cynic, but at least he is aware of some important things and is actively trying to deal with it on his own. He probably is a few good hard conversations away from finding a lot of meaning in life

These other fucking people. I know this is their job to play this up but they sound like highschoolers

>I like to read sometimes

>they all laugh
>do you play video games?

>> No.10473643

If you think that's depressing, try watching this.


>> No.10473657

i appreciate nabokov as an author but as a critic, he was shameful and honestly ridiculous
what he said about thomas mann, for example, is pure ignorance

>> No.10473765

This guy is so fucking retardedly depressed.

>> No.10473798

Well he has a Bachelor's in history I believe. Some Seinfeld eps have references to Tropic of Cancer, Moby Dick and John Cheever.

>> No.10473815

Sounds like he didn't start with the fucking greeks

>> No.10473818

>Gran Torino fan

>> No.10473833

Who has he actually read? I know he loves Tolstoy and Alice Munro.

>> No.10473838

Dostoevsky was a great mind (one of the greatest, perhaps greater than Tolstoy, if not, at least equal) in a mediocre writer.

Tolstoy was a great mind in a great writer.

>> No.10473856

>one of the greatest
>literally just Nietzsche-lite

>> No.10474009


I think here he is praising Russian literature more than he is criticizing Dostoevsky

>> No.10474026

He's put Dosto down a couple of times. But he has also cited him as a guilty pleasure in a magazine, and has said that he enjoys him, but less so than all the other major russians.

>> No.10474042

Yeah, Norm is a big fan of Nabokov and I think gets a lot of his current literary aesthete persona from him and Toldtoy. He's basically larping as a combination of the two these days.

>> No.10474050

One of the episodes' plots in the last season starts with him trying to return a biography of John Adams (IIRC) to Richard Lewis.

>> No.10474072

He also liked that book "My Search For Warren Harding" and befriended the author. Though Norm would have disdain for that book I think, given his low opinion of comic fiction.

>> No.10474081

jesus what's wrong with him here?

>> No.10474086


>> No.10474099

This video pains me
People like these are why im afraid to speak my thoughts in public, theyll just laugh and say "lmao why do you read and not move things arround in your room? Youre not living life! Youre depressed!

>> No.10474106

>move things arround in your room


>> No.10474152

Yeah, one of the guys mentioned that. Funny how all those things are mwaningful but reading isnt.

>> No.10474230

Is there any place (besides rooting through his twitter) to see all his opinions on literature.

>> No.10474246

And so what if they do? Norm knew this is how they'd react and he just enjoys their shock and outrage

>> No.10474302

Norm had a book club at one point.


There's probably some more in interviews here and there. And you could always just ask him on twitter.

>> No.10474422
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>Translators for Russian books: Richard Pevear & Larissa Volokhonsky

>> No.10474433
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>> No.10474545

Norm hates dosto because he reminds him of his gambling addiction

>> No.10474671

just because he has a shit opinion doesn't make him nonintellectual.

>> No.10474695
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>> No.10474703
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>dude just learn all the languages

>> No.10474816
File: 20 KB, 216x255, 1510967448997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>P&V is shit
>Dude Lattimore is the best translator of Homer lmao

>> No.10474848

reminds me of Plautus, desu

>> No.10474856

Can someone explain who are these other great russian writers? I've read Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov, Bulgakov, and Goncharov. I didnt find that any of them surpassed Dostoyevsky in scope or meaning. Even Tolstoy, with all the beauty of his prose never seems to approximate the raw truths of Dosto. Suggestions welcome, reading the idiot currently.

>> No.10474902

We've been over this, nigger.

Lattimore IS a good translator and his work serves a specific purpose. If you want a more literal translation with the meter preserved, he's your man.

Different translators for different things. Don't be a fag.

>> No.10474922

i cum in doggos


>> No.10474984

The constant comparisons are grating. They did different things well. Tolstoy was a better writer, but Dosto had a Shakespearian insight into human psychology

>> No.10475006

I think people just get annoyed that Dostoevsky gets way more recognition while some are hardly read

>> No.10475295
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>> No.10475869

If Norm is the most /lit/ then Paul F. Thompkins comes at a close second.

>> No.10475871

It's because Dostoevsky had a more authory sounding name.

>> No.10476252

but P&V is literally shit

and latimore is literally the best

go fuck yourself NIGGER! its 2018

>> No.10476546


>> No.10476550

what the hell, really? what does he read?

>> No.10476695

I found John Cheever, Richard Yates, and Henry Miller on the basis of Seinfeld episodes. i think he’s /lit/ but he’s also careful to not look pretentious

>> No.10477220

lol yeah this shit is why radio is dead.

Even if he was fucking with you 100%

you should go with it and see where is give

>> No.10477263

I never pegged me to be articulate or this intellectual. I don't think he's the greatest comedian ever, not even close, but I do like him more now.

>> No.10477314

I fucking hate women. That bitch cant fathom a life outside of her shallow normie existence. I will never stop hating women.

>> No.10477685


>> No.10477692

You spend all your time online, presumably cherry-picking social media data to feed your beliefs and conspiracies-of-choice. How are you not shallow?

>> No.10477758

Don't let bourgeois normalfags tell you to normalize yourself to be like them and become acceptable by the status quo.

>I love the great despisers because they are the great reverers and arrows of longing for the other shore.

The normalfag's kneejerk reaction to any perceived slight against women is part of the same overarching ideology that makes women so disgusting in the first place. It's structurally homologous with it. The two are interrelated.

Where women reflexively become useless lazy entitled bags of shit because that road is always open to them, and people will take the lowest-effort road available to them as a rule, men complete the structure by then telling women that their lazy, soul-atrophying, easy-road choice is actually good and normal, in fact it's not the easy road at all, and then they attack anybody who dares to disagree.

In the long run, you are far more of a feminist for your willingness to stand out in the cold and speak the truth than all the lackeys who think the road to feminism is paved with othering condescension. At least someone who hates you is being honest with you about who they think you really are. Women need fewer sycophants and valiant internet defenders.

>> No.10477762

I know that feel anon.

>> No.10478845

But the guy says the same thing

>> No.10478851

Based Anon, you tell them roasties

>> No.10478868

gud bost

>> No.10478883

I fucking love women, my man. I'm against the concept of equality among the genders, and I'll forever be a bit of a dominating partner, but I fucking love women.

>> No.10478909

This thread has gotten out of hand. I wanna say I love Norm. It's pretty damn funny and has actual literary merit. Not a lot, but relative to celeb vanity novels it does. And it's really good for a debut. His comedy, though, is God tier.

>> No.10478915

I meant to say "read his book" before I described it.

>> No.10479053

>male host explains how sex isnt filthy by comparing it to shitting in public.
oh my