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/lit/ - Literature

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10469465 No.10469465 [Reply] [Original]

anyone how any experience or knowledge with a creative writing degree?

is it worth?

>> No.10469730

creative writing courses teach creative writing. you will be expected to already have a good standard of english.

>anyone how
>is it worth?
if this is your standard of english you will not get anything valuable from it and your lecturer will want to kill you.

>> No.10469743

no my ability in grammar is college level i'm just on my phone and cba, i have nothing to prove so stop shitposting faggot

>> No.10469751

>i have nothing to prove so stop shitposting faggot
that's not really the way to ask for help

>> No.10469763

reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, it's okay, just because you're subaverage doesn't mean you won't find your place in the world

>> No.10469764
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I've been told that creative writing courses in the USA would teach you to write fast food literature in the cheapest most effective way possible so as to become a professional hack. And that, essentially, people with talent would not need courses on writing so long as they practice on their own.

Is it true?

>> No.10469775

recently worked on a pizza line with a guy who had a major in creative writing
class of '98

>> No.10469816

i'm not in the USA. in the UK there are several universities with very well regarded creative writing courses. UEA for example. of course there are many talented writers who have never actually studied writing, just as e.g. there are many talented musicians who have never studied music, artists who have never studied art and so on. on the other hand studying with a skilled mentor can nurture talent and direct it in an appropriate manner. and, since many lecturers on creative writing courses are themselves published authors, they can offer insights into the industry, and facilitate networking, that would be difficult to get otherwise. for example children's author jacqueline wilson is the chancellor of roehampton university

you're an idiot

>> No.10469842

You will get quality feedback from professors and your peers about your work. You will easily make educated friends and share ideas or scenes, you will motivate each-other.

Does that sound worth it? Because that's the only advantage you get over.

Creativity cannot be taught, you can only sharpen your skills to express your creativity.

There's truth to this, professors have to start on the idea that the majority of the class have no idea how to create a story or characters in their head, so they will offer "tools" to try to turn this into an almost scientific method to pumping out a novel. A good teacher will always remind you that you don't have to use these tools, and that you should try out everything to find out what works for you.

There's two types of writers, those who follow a strict outline and a discovery style... if you need an outline before you start writing, you will get a lot more out of creative writing courses than someone who is strongly on the discovery writer spectrum.

For reference, a discovery writer is someone who writes without knowing where things will end up.

All in all, I wouldn't recommend taking a creative course in anything unless you have the money upfront, don't go into debt for this; it's really not worth it because you can excel, assuming you had a chance, alone at home.

This guy is dumb as fuck, disregard anything you read from him.

>> No.10469848

fuck off retard

>> No.10469864

>This guy is dumb as fuck,
i'm a professional writer and if you really think there are "two types of writers" with the characteristics you stated, you're a moron

no u

>> No.10469871

I am an English Lit major and I always thought a Creative Writing major would depend too much on your professors and peers to be worth it, and you can always just seek feedback and practice without a degree.

>> No.10469879

>is it worth?
Are you willing to devote your life/career to creative writing?

>> No.10469900

You're a professional shitposter. When discussing creative writers, these are the two points on the spectrum. You're just trying to waste my time with a pointless debate because you feel inept for spewing retardation in this thread, and I insulted you. Just walk away and refresh; you don't have to commit to this because I won't.