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10468799 No.10468799 [Reply] [Original]

What book would you give to a normal girl?

>> No.10468815


>> No.10468822

Never let me go

>> No.10468916

Tarnsman of Gor

>> No.10468935

I would first have to know how normal she is. I have a book in mind but I won't mention it.

>> No.10468956

A normal girl? Madeline, probably.

>> No.10468960

Mein Kampf

>> No.10468961

Her fucking hobbies are going out with friends, listening to the most mainstream pop music in the world and watching shitty movies.

>> No.10468969

Don't get her a book then retard

>> No.10468970

Harry Potter

>> No.10468984

Do girls know they exist, lads?

>> No.10468992
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I would give her this book.
Have I done well?

>> No.10469083

Person by Sam Pink

>> No.10469411
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With this book i had a grasp about what is to be a women, I think she would learn some things about life.

>> No.10469511

"The Most Beautiful Woman in Town" by Bukowski

>> No.10469535

Goodreads best books of 2017

>> No.10469544

"Normal" is a concept, it does not exist in reality. Nothing or no one is normal, it's always a deviation from the normal.

>> No.10469550

shut the fuck up you faggot

>> No.10470068

I actually gave a fairly normal girl The Blue Flower and she loved it.

>> No.10470440

get her a diary and jizzy somewhere in it

>> No.10470442

Only legit answer

>> No.10470451

the fault in our stars

>> No.10470458
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>> No.10471032

Ana Frank

>> No.10471042

my girl gave ulysses to me years ago after picking it up because her favorite singer wrote a song about it.

>> No.10471059

The catcher in the rye

>> No.10471060

give her the storied life of a.j. fikry

>> No.10471069

On Women by Arthur S.

>> No.10471409

Your favorite book that is most closely related to her personal interests.

>> No.10471553

Is all the soy you eat daily making you angry?

>> No.10471644

iff this girl is vastly different from you op youre going to wasting your time and her time as well. Find some book worm girl at the library or book store, ask her for a coffee. Be realistic dude, that kind of girl who doesnt think beyond what she should wear or how her hair looks will never make you happy.

>> No.10471670

Notes from Underground

>> No.10471731

one of those "daily journal/doodle" books
irl female friends fucking love those for some reason

>> No.10471748

The Crying of Lot 49 or Candide

>> No.10471758

50 Shades of Grey

Also, The Sun and Her Flowers

>> No.10471763

She likes murder mysteries. Would The Karamazov Bros. be too much?

>> No.10471789

Shit, I dunno... Johnny Tremain?
Shit--wait! Don't go!

>> No.10471794

The Life and Times of Johnny Gat

>> No.10471894

William Blake - Songs of Innocence and Experience

>> No.10471905

Justine by De Sade

>> No.10471931

My Diary Desu

>> No.10471941

this is a decent answer.

>> No.10473277

>tfw no 10/10 brunette gf larping as a Roman aristocrat
"Normal girl".

>> No.10473791

This is the best answer.

>> No.10473795

Maps of Meaning by Jordan Peterson